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Education 301
Lesson Plan Template
Student Teacher
Craig Owens
Grade Level and/or Subject 10th Angiosperm & Gymnosperm
Instructional Model
Cooperative Lesson
Thursday 8:00-8:45 am
Tennessee Curriculum Standard(s)
CLE 3216.7.1 Describe different plant types
plants based on their anatomy and
Instructional Objectives
Psychomotor, Affective or Cognitive
Domain (level of objectives in each
 Understanding- Students will be
able to describe the differences
between different plant types
through anatomy and physiology
 Analyzing- Students will be able to
compare the anatomy and
physiology of the different plant
Essential Question(s)
What might be the benefits of the
evolutionary adaptations of gymnosperms
and angiosperms?
 Mechanism- Students will be able
to organize plants based on their
anatomy and physiology.
 Organization- Students will be
able to organize with other
members of a group
 Internalizing Values- Students will
be able to listen to other members
of their group.
Powerpoint/board, handout gymnosperm
and angiosperm diagram
Pre-Instructional Assessment
Do the students understand the difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms?
Bell Ringer
There are two types of seed plants: Angiosperms and Gymnosperms. Using prior
knowledge list all you know about these two types of seed plants, and why you think
there are two distinct groups.
Activate Background Knowledge (review)
Go over what the makeup of a seed is.
A seed is a ripened ovule. The seed is made up of an embryo sporophyte, stored food,
and tough water-proof seed coat.
Relate to Real Life
Angiosperms and Gymnosperms are used for food sources and in everyday products we
Jobs/Professions/Uses: Botanist, Agriculturist, Horticulturist, Arborist, Landscape
Design, Manufacturing, Logger, and Source of Wood pulp we use. Rosin is used in
baseball bats, ballet slippers, and bows for stringed instruments.
Involve all Students
Have the students each name one job or product that might possible use Angiosperms or
Label the Learning – How will you state the objectives?
Today, we are going to learn the difference between Angiosperms and Gymnosperms.
There will be a group project at the end of class.
Instruction (you may need additional pages)
Seeds- A seed is a ripened ovule.
A seed becomes a ripened ovule by having pollen grains which contain male
gametophytes transported to the eggs of the female through wind, animals, or insects.
Gametophytes- are haploid cells of seed plants. They are called haploids because they
contain half of the chromosomes needed to form a new plant.
Seeds consist of: An embryo sporophyte, A supply of stored food, and A tough, waterproof seed coat.
Seed plants are divided into two separate groups: Angiosperms & Gymnosperm
 Angiosperms- Ovules are enclosed so pollen does not interact directly with them.
 Gymnosperms- Pollen interacts directly with ovules
 Gymnosperm literally means “naked seed”.
 Oldest Seed plants
 Do not have an outer covering or shell around seeds.
 Do not produce flowers (except one particular division)
 Heterosporous- Two different kinds of spores
 Produce cones
 Do not bear fruits
 Propagate through wind pollination, animals, and insects.
Gymnosperms are called heterosporous because they produced two different kinds of
spores. These spores are called Microspores and Megaspores.
Microspores- a male gametophyte develops within the microspore which is called
Megaspores- a female gametophyte that is housed inside the “ovule”
The Four Divisions of Gymnosperms
 Division Coniferophyta
 Division Cycadophyta
 Division Ginkgophyta
 Division Gnetophyta
Division Coniferophyta
Coniferophyta are called “Conifers”. Conifers are trees and shrubs that produce seeds
in cones. Today conifers make up around 1/3 of all of Earth’s forests. A few members of
the Coniferophyta are pines, yews, spruces, junipers, and cedars.
The tallest living plants known to man are Conifers. They are the Giant Redwoods of
the pacific coast. They can reach heights over 350 feet and their trunks can be 36 feet in
diameter with a circumference of 100 feet.
Conifers are also the oldest known living organisms. The bristlecone pines are
estimated to be 4,900 years old.
Conifers leaves are “Needle Shaped”. These needles occur in bundles and in some
species can live two to four years. The needles in conifers are constantly replaced year
around and stay green year around. Giving rise to the name “Evergreens”.
An image of a Douglas-fir cone. Most conifers have this same basic format but with
physiological and morphological differences in the shape and size of their seeds and
Conifers are entirely dependent upon the wind in order to propagate. Because of this
conifer species must be close together in order to insure continuation of their species. As
an adaptation Conifers produce high wasteful amounts of pollen to insure seeds are
Division Cycadophyta
Cycads are palm like gymnosperms. Like all gymnosperms they produced seeds in
cones. Most of the worlds living species of cycads are tropical with one native species
living in Florida. Cycads are typically poisonous to humans and animals if consumed.
Cycads are not dependent upon wind in order to propagate their species. Cycads rely
on beetles to transport pollen from plant to plant. It is largely believed that Cycads are
the first plants to be pollinated by insects.
Cycads are also a slow growing plant and usually have the characteristic of the leaves
being on the top of the trunk. The seeds of cycads are contained on the surface scales of
their cones.
Cycads are extremely resilient having known to survive in some of the harsh semi
desert climates, sand, and rock.
Below we have an image of a typical Cycad
Division of Ginkgophyta aka “Ginkgoes”
There is only one surviving species of Ginkgo on the planet. Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgoes are either male or female. The ginkgoes are not evergreens and as such their
leaves turn yellow during the autumn months.
The Ginkgoes were largely thought to be extinct in the wild and were only seen
maintained as temple trees in China and Japan. Recently there was a Ginkgo tree
discovered in a remote part of China.
Ginkgo females when they produced seeds have an extremely strong foul odor. This
foul odor comes from an oily coat that covers the seeds that give it the smell of rancid
Ginkgo males however are often planted in cities due to an unnaturally high resistance
to air pollution. The males do not produce seeds and as such do not produce the
obnoxious odor. Below is an image of Ginkgo males in a city.
Division Gnetophyta
These gymnosperms are unique because they are flowering gymnosperms which is
only seen among angiosperms. Gnetophyta are also unique because they have pollenproducing structures that are similar to the stamen in angiosperms.
Because of these unique structures and characteristics it is believed that Gnetophyta is
the link between Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.
Gnetophyta are divided further into three separate groups. They are Gnetum, Ephedra,
and Welwitschia.
Gnetum exist as about 30 confirmed species. They are exclusively found in the
tropics and grow as trees are vines. The Gnetum have a common characteristic of large
leathery leaves.
Ephedra exist as about 35 confirmed species. They are mostly shrub-like in nature
with small scale like leaves jointed stems. Ephedra mostly grows in arid or desert like
Welwitschia grows in the Southwestern area of Africa. They have two long strap-like
leaves that grow over many years. The ends fray but the meristem center add new
materials and repair it.
Angiosperms- Ovules are enclosed so pollen does not interact directly with them
Angiosperm literally means “Vessel seed”. Angiosperms all belong to the division
known as Anthophyta. They are also known as “Flowering Plants” because they produce
flowers. Angiosperms’ ovules are produced inside a carpel.
Flowering plants are the most abundant and most dominant vegetation on the earth
presently. More than 90% of all vegetation on the earth is Angiosperms. There are large
numbers present in the tropic and subtropics.
Angiosperms are the source of virtually all of our vegetable food sources. They are used
in fabrics, paper, cooking oils, hardwoods for construction, spices, preserve meat, flavor
food. They are used in the production of beverages such as juices. Orange juice, grape
juice, cranberry juice, pineapple juice, and mango juice to name just a few.
Angiosperms are extremely diverse ranging from herbs, shrubs, vines, and to trees.
Angiosperms also have a wide range of sizes. The duckweed is .1 inches tall while the
gum trees of Australia are 300 ft tall.
Angiosperms are Heterosporous producing both Microspores and Megaspores. Both of
these spores are produced in the flower of the angiosperm.
Flower- the flower is a modified stem and consists of four set parts: Sepals, petal,
stamens, and carpels.
Outermost and lowest group of parts of the flower
Usually green and leaf-like
Protect spore-producing parts of flower
Collectively together all the sepals together are called the “Calyx”
 Usually brightly colored showy in nature
 Attracts pollinators
 All petals together are called the “corolla”
 Consist of a stalk called a “filament”
 Topped by an “anther” that produces microspores (pollen)
 All stamens together are the “androecium”
 Innermost part of flower
 Usually vase-shaped
 Carpel has three parts
o Stigma- sticky traps pollen
o Style- connects the stigma and ovary
o Ovary- contains ovules
 Every Ovule contains a megaspore
 Every megaspore contains a female gametophyte
 Every female gametophyte produces an egg
 All carpels together are called the “gynoecium”
Angiosperms rely on insects as pollinators and have become extremely successful
because of it.
Did the students gain an intimate knowledge of the differences between Angiosperms and
Can the students take the information presented to them and using context clues gather
whether the plant in front of them is an angiosperm or gymnosperm? Can the students
further divide the plant into divisions of angiosperms and gymnosperms based upon the
Guided Practice
Graffiti Model
Students will be broken up into the five groups. They will be given a large sheet of paper
and a marker. Each group will be assigned either one of the four divisions of
Gymnosperms or the one division of Angiosperms.
Group 1: Division Coniferophyta
As a group list the defining characteristics of Gymnosperms.
As a group list the characteristics of the Division Coniferophyta. You should include
examples of different conifers along with interesting facts and information on conifers.
Group 2: Division Cycadophyta
As a group list the defining characteristics of Gymnosperms.
As a group list the defining characteristics of the Division Cycadophyta. You should
include examples of different cycads along with interesting facts and information on the
Group 3: Division Ginkgophyta
As a group list the defining characteristics of Gymnosperms.
As a group list the defining characteristics of the Division Ginkgophyta. You should
include an example of a Ginkgo and list the defining characteristics of the male and
Group 4: Division Gnetophyta
As a group list the defining characteristics of Gymnosperms.
As a group list the defining characteristics of the Division Gnetophyta. You should
include an example of Gnetophyta and further give examples and characteristics of the
three sub-groups.
Group 5: Division Anthophyta
As a group list the defining characteristics of Angiosperms.
As a group list the defining characteristics of the Division Anthophyta. You should
include examples and interesting facts about Anthophyta. Along with this list the uses of
The students will have 4 minutes to complete their prompt. At the end of four minutes
the students will exchange their prompts with another group. The students will be asked
to add any and all bits of information missing from their new prompts. All five groups
will have all five prompts.
The students will then receive their original prompt back once all five groups have seen
all five prompts. They will then have 3 minutes to review any new information. They
then will present their information to the class.
After all the groups have gone there will be a class discussion with the teacher as the
facilitator. The teacher will use this time to assess how well the students have assimilated
the knowledge and if further instruction needs to be given.
Individual grades will be given based on contribution to the group and participation in
presenting their individual prompts to the class.
Independent Practice
The students will only be given independent practice if during the discussion the
teacher has assessed the students have not assimilated the knowledge clearly or properly.
Students will be asked to compare and contrast the structures, functions, and
characteristics of angiosperms and gymnosperms.