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The Beginning of the Cold War
Directions: Use pages 400-405 in your U.S. History book to complete the following handout.
Background of the Cold War
Main Idea:
Important Details:
Soviet Aggression Against its Citizens
In what ways were the Soviet Union and the United States different?
Soviets Control Eastern Europe
What countries in Eastern Europe remained in Soviet control after WWII? What were they known
Wartime Alliance Unravels
Cold War –
Questions? Important Key Terms to remember?
Responding to the Soviet Challenge
Main Idea:
Important Details:
Responding to the Soviet Challenge
What did Winston Churchill mean when he said, “an iron curtain has descended across the
Truman Faces Soviet Aggression in Eastern Europe
What problems were the governments of Greece and Turkey facing after WWII?
The Truman Doctrine Opposes Soviet Aggression
Truman Doctrine –
Questions? Important Key Terms to remember?
The United States Contains Soviet Expansion
Main Idea:
Important Details:
Containment –
Kennan Urges a Policy of Containment
According to American diplomat George F. Kennan, what would Stalin and the Soviet Union not risk
in attempting to expand Communism?
What type of commitment would the policy of Containment require?
United States Responds with Marshall Plan
What was the Marshall Plan?
How did the Marshall Plan provide both economic and political benefits to the United States?
Questions? Important Key Terms to remember?
Soviet Aggression Drives Cold War
Main Idea:
Important Details:
United States and Britain Respond with Berlin Airlift
What did the Soviet Union do to West Berlin in June of 1948?
How did the U.S. and Great Britain respond to the Berlin blockade? What was it known as?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
What was the purpose of NATO?
How did the Soviet Union respond to the formation of NATO?
Questions? Important Key Terms to remember?