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Section 10.2
Mendelian Genetics
Explain the significance of Mendel’s experiments to the study of genetics.
Summarize the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment.
Predict the possible offspring from a cross using a Punnett Square
Main Idea
• Mendel explained how a dominant allele can mask the presence of a recessive allele.
How genetics began
• Gregor Mendel
◦ an Austrian monk and plant breeder
◦ in 1866 published his findings on
 the method and mathematics of inheritance
 in green peas
 = passing of traits to the next generation
he chose pea plants because they are
 easy to grow
 true-breeders
□ consistently produce one trait
Pea plants
◦ usually reproduce by self-fertilization
 occurs when
□ ♂ gamete
• from the stamen of the flower
□ fertilizes the ♀ gamete
• from the pistil of a flower on the same plant
they can also be cross-pollinated
 quite easily by hand
 gametes from different plant combine
Pea plants can also be cross-pollinated
◦ gametes from different plants combine
Mendel cross-pollinated the plants
◦ by transferring the ♂ gamete of one plant
 to the pistil of another plant
Mendel kept meticulous records
◦ analyzed the results
◦ formed hypotheses
 how traits were inherited
this was the beginning of genetics
 Mendel is considered the father of genetics
The Inheritance of Traits
• Genetics
◦ = the science of heredity
◦ Mendel cross-pollinated
 a true-breeding plant with yellow seeds
 a true-breeding plant with green seeds
to prevent self-pollination
 he removed the ♂ reproductive organs from the flower
he called this first cross
 the parent generation
□ aka P generation
He called the offspring fm his P gen
◦ the first filial-generation
 aka F1 generation
all of the F1 seeds were yellow
 the green seed trait seemed to have disappeared
when he crossed plants fm the F1 gen
 the green seed trait reappeared
 he called this the second filial-generation
□ aka F2 generation
Mendel collected all of the seeds from the F2 generation
◦ he collected 8023 seeds
 6022 were yellow
 2001 were green
 almost a perfect 3:1 ratio
Mendel studied 7 different traits
◦ seed shape
◦ seed color
◦ flower color
◦ seed pod shape
seed pod color
stem length
Genes in pairs
◦ Mendel concluded that there are 2 forms seed color
 each is controlled by a factor
 today the factor is called an allele
 = an alternative form of a single gene
□ passed from gen to gen
 gene for yellow seeds
 gene for green seeds
 are diff forms of a single gene
◦ concluded 3:1 ratio could be explained
 if the alleles were paired in the plants
◦ the trait that appeared in the F1 gen
 was dominant
it masked the other F1 trait
□ which was recessive
in pea plants
 the yellow seed trait is dominant form
 the green seed trait is recessive form
◦ Mendel concluded that in the F1 gen
 the yellow seed allele
□ represented by the letter ‘Y’
masked the green seed allele
□ the recessive allele
□ represented by the letter ‘y’
upper case indicates the dominant allele
so a yellow seeded plant could have
 ‘YY’ or ‘Yy’
If a pea plant has 2 of the same alleles
◦ its called homozygous for that trait
◦ ex: ‘YY’ – homozygous dominant
 ‘yy’ – homozygous recessive
a green seeded plant would have
 ‘yy’
If a pea plant has both forms of the allele
its called heterozygous for that trait
 ex: ‘Yy’ -- heterozygous
Genotype and phenotype
◦ genotype
 = the genetic makeup of an organism
 = the outward appearance of the trait
ex: if a pea plant has yellow seeds its
 phenotype is yellow seeds
 genotype could be either ‘YY’ or ‘Yy’
ex: a pea plant with green seeds its
 phenotype is green seeds
 genotype can only be ‘yy’
Law of segregation
◦ states that two alleles for each trait
 separate or segregate during meiosis
during fertilization
 two alleles for this trait
□ reunite in the zygote
the resulting pea plant is the F1 gen
 all of these plants are heterozygous
□ i.e. ‘Yy’ with yellow seeds
□ heterozygous organisms are called
~ hybrids
Monohybrid cross
◦ = a cross that involves hybrids for a single trait
◦ dominant allele is always written first
 followed by the recessive allele
Law of independent assortment
◦ = states that a random distribution of alleles occurs during gamete formation
Mendel suggested
◦ that the alleles for tallness and shortness in the F1 plants
 segregated from each other during the formation of the sex cells
□ gametes
When each F1 plant produces gametes
◦ the two alleles segregate from each other
 so that each gamete carries only a single copy of each gene
each F1 plant produces two types of gametes
 those with the allele for tallness
 those with the allele for shortness
Dihybrid cross
◦ once Mendel determined patterns for a single trait
 he started looking at what would happen if two traits were inherited
another trait he looked at was seed shape
 round seeds – represented by ‘R’
□ this allele was dominant
 wrinkled seeds – represented by ‘r’
He performed a cross using traits for
◦ seed color
◦ seed shape
He crossed a
◦ homozygous yellow, round seed plant
◦ homozygous green, wrinkled seed plant
◦ the P genotypes would be ‘YYRR’ and ‘yyrr’
◦ the F1 gen’s genotype would be
 ‘YyRr’
 yellow, round seed
Dihybrid cross
◦ = the simultaneous inheritance of two or more traits in the same plant
◦ in the pea plant
 round seeds (R) is dominant to
□ wrinkled seeds (r)
yellow seeds (Y) is dominant to
□ green seeds (y)
Mendel crossed
 a homozygous round yellow seed plant
□ genotype –RRYY
 a homozygous wrinkled green seed plant
□ genotype –rryy
F1 generation
 all plants would be RrYy
 gametes can be
□ RY Ry rY ry
In this dihybrid cross
◦ the phenotypes that will be seen are
 9 will have round yellow seeds
 3 will have round green seeds
 3 will have wrinkled yellow seeds
 1 will have wrinkled green seeds
Law of independent assortment
◦ = a random distribution of alleles occurs during gamete formation
◦ genes on separate chromosomes
 sort independently during meiosis
each allele combination is equally likely to occur
Punnett square
◦ tool used to predict the possible offspring of a cross
 between two known genotypes
monohybrid cross
 place the gametes
□ across the tope
□ down the left side
bring the alleles
□ down from above
□ across from the left
upper case letter represents the dominant allele for tall
lowercase letter represents the recessive allele for short
in this example,
 T = tall
t = short
gametes produced by each F1 parent are shown
 along the top
 down left side
bringing the genes
 down & across
possible F2 gene combinations
 appear in the four boxes
phenotypic ratio of 3 : 1
 3 tall to 1 short
the genotypic ratio is
 1 TT : 2 Tt : 1 tt
the chance for each square is 25%
 1 in 4
• Probability
◦ = the chance that something will occur
 in a prescribed number of trials
 ex: flipping a coin
□ probability of getting heads is 1 out of 2
~ or ½
◦ in a Punnett square
 the data may not match the predicted ratios
□ but it will be close
the greater the number of trials
□ the closer the data will approach the probability
In our pea plant dihybrid cross
◦ the expected phenotypic ratios are
 9/16 – both dominant traits (R_Y_)
 3/16 – one dominant & one rec trait (R_yy)
 3/16 – opposite traits (rrY_)
 1/16 – both recessive traits (rryy)
phenotypic ratio is
 9 : 3 : 3 : 1