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Joint School District No. 2
World Languages Curriculum
Spanish Curriculum
Idaho World Language Content Standard I: Acquisition and Use of Language
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
III. Enduring Understanding:
IV. Enduring Understanding:
Foreign Language learning extends beyond the classroom to real-life
The use of foreign language for personal enjoyment, travel, work and
enrichment encourages life-long language learning.
Languages are distinguished by their grammar and structure.
Foreign language skills enhance and can contribute to future job
First Year
Discriminate between each phonetic
sound in the Spanish alphabet.
Ask questions using interrogatives. (
Demonstrate comprehension of forms
of address. (
Use correct forms of “tu” and “usted”.
Discriminate between masculine and
feminine articles and adjectives.
Demonstrate comprehension of single
words and idiomatic expressions.
Demonstrating understanding of
grammatical concepts (gender,
number, negatives, tenses, etc.).
Ask and answer questions using
present tense of regular and irregular
verbs. (
Listen and comprehend speakers from
their own age group, the teacher, and
other realia. (
Demonstrate comprehension of basic
commands. (
Practice everyday situations in Spanish
using idiomatic expressions, present
regular and irregular verbs and
grammatical constructions. (
Second Year
Present, past and future verb tenses
in aural input. (
Recognize verbal commands.
Listen to and follow general
classroom instruction in the target
language. (
Comprehend vocabulary related to the
study of art, music, literature and
history and its cultural impact. (
Reinforce and build on vocabulary
and grammar concepts in context
and isolation introduced in first
year. (
Comprehension of videos, cassettes,
dialogues, teacher dictation from
authentic literature or realia.
Build on first year skills of using
telephones, ordering in restaurants,
making reservations, asking for
directions, asking for assistance,
shopping, getting around in the city.
Respond to questions and situations
in target language. (
Orally and silently read unit-related
passages, realia, short stories, plays
and dialogues. (
Build on first-year skills – simple
narratives, retell stories and present
information. (
Acquire vocabulary for: vacations,
geography, accidents, recipes,
prepositions, family, pastimes,
Comprehend extended passages and
peer conversations by students taking
notes, answering questions, or a
discussion. (
Gather key information from longer
passages. (
Interpret the intent or meaning of a
spoken passage (tone, idioms, nuance,
sarcasm, irony). (
Demonstrate comprehension of
Spanish at a level which would be
understood in everyday social
situations, including emergency
situations, job situations, telephone
conversations, restaurants, educations
situations (study abroad, tutoring).
*Taking part in and sustaining a
normal conversation. (
*Demonstrate oral competency in a
wide variety of social situations,
business situations, educational
situations (study abroad, tutoring or
translation), emergency situations and
competency in basic survival skills.
*Use alternatives to express meaning
(e.g. circumlocution, synonyms, and
antonyms.). (
*Demonstrate increased fluency
through presentation of dialogues,
plays, poetry, panels, and songs in a
variety of social, literary and
Agreeing and disagreeing; initiating
conversations; expressing feelings;
asking questions; telling time; ordering
food; extending, accepting, declining
invitations. (
house and shopping. (
Composing dialogues of social
situations in which they may find
themselves. (
Read increasingly complex articles
in newspapers and magazines,
maps, letters, recipes, menus, ads
and instructions. (
Use correct forms of “tu” and
Read contemporary and authentic
literature (i.e., teen magazines,
novels, poetry, short stories, plays,
and children’s fairy tales). (,
(, (
Ask and answer oral questions.
Ask and answer questions using
present tense of regular and irregular
verbs. (, (
Dialogues using vocabulary related to
specific topics. (
Recognition and use of cognates.
Associate the written text with spoken
forms. (
Read simple/basic sentences,
dialogues, songs, paragraphs and
cultural capsules. (, (
Reading basic realia, such as
advertisements, menus, tickets and
street signs. (
Ask and answer questions using
present tense of regular and irregular
verbs. (
Dialogues using vocabulary related to
specific topics. (
Practice everyday situations in Spanish
using idiomatic expressions, present
tense regular and irregular verbs,
present progressive verbs, and
grammatical constructions. (
Composing dialogues of social
situations in which they may find
themselves. (
Orally and silently read unit-related
passages, realia, short stories, plays,
dialogues. (
Writing questions, commands, short
dialogues which include present,
past, present perfect of regular and
irregular verbs, reflexive verbs,
object pronouns, stem-changers,
adverbs and adjectives. (
Writing about personal and social
situations telephone conversations,
greeting cards, thank-you notes,
letters to Hispanic friends, e-mail,
pen pals, menus, post card and
advertisements. (2.1.4..2)
Reinforce and build on first-year
skills and expand on vocabulary
related to familiar concepts in short
writings. (
contemporary topics, arenas and
audiences. (
Discuss poetry, short stories, novels,
plays, taking roles in presenting plays
in the target language. (
Reading Spanish for personal
enjoyment, employment, enrichment,
study and travel. (
Identify the key elements or main idea
of authentic information texts. (
Summarize content of passages
(poetry, song lyrics, folktales, fiction,
novels and other text.) (
Read and comprehend extended
narratives i.e. short novels/stories.
Use advanced grammatical structures,
including compound past, future and
conditional tenses. (
Demonstrate proficiency in choices of
plays and skits, dialogues, essays,
critiques, songs, children’s stories,
fables, short stories, etc., incorporating
all verb tenses and grammatical
structures studied. (, (
Recognize and incorporate all verb and
grammatical forms in writing. (
Rewrite sentences substituting subject
pronouns and direct object pronouns.
Joint School District No. 2
World Languages Curriculum
Spanish Curriculum
Idaho World Languages Content Standard II: Critical Thinking
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
First Year
The study of foreign languages reinforces and integrates content
from other disciplines.
Similarities and differences exist in the vocabulary, phonetics and
structures of world languages.
Second Year
Analysis of Language Elements and
Analysis of Language Elements and
Analysis of Language Elements and
Recognize intonation patterns
(questions, commands and
statements). (
Organize components of sentence
structure, verb usage, formation of
questions, negative expressions.
Use commands, subject pronouns,
direct object pronouns, definite and
indefinite articles and contractions
Conjugating regular and irregular
verbs, stem-changers, adjectives-noun
agreement, word order, possessive
adjectives, question formation,
negative expressions. (
Identify present tense regular and
irregular verbs and cognates. (,
Use present, imperfect, preterite and
tenses of regular and irregular
verbs, reflexive verbs, object
pronouns, stem-changers, adverbs
and adjectives in context. (
Read literacy forms including poetry,
short stories, novels, and legends,
utilizing both traditional and internet
sources. (
Conjugating regular and irregular
verbs, present progressive verbs, stemchangers, adjectives-noun agreement,
word order, possessive adjectives,
question formation, negative
expressions. (
Modification and Manipulation of
Language Elements and Products:
Practice everyday situations in Spanish
using idiomatic expressions, present
regular and irregular verbs and
grammatical constructions. (
Organize components of sentence
structure, verb usage, formation of
questions, negative expressions.
(, (
Use commands, subject pronouns,
definite and indefinite articles.
Conjugating regular and irregular
verbs, stem-changers, adjectives-noun
agreement, word order, possessive
adjectives, question formation,
Expressing regret; preferences;
expressing doubt; consoling and
sympathizing with someone;
reprimanding; relating a series of
events; talk about the past, using
idiomatic expressions correctly.
Orally and silently read unit-related
passages, realia, short stories, plays,
dialogues. (
Recognize similarities and
differences between Spanish and
English language grammar and
usage. (
Reinforce and build on first-year
skills reading literature and realia
which includes present, past,
progressive, tenses and related
grammatical constructions. (
Comprehension of videos, cassettes,
dialogues, teacher dictation from
authentic literature or realia.
Modification and Manipulation of
Language Elements and Products:
Use present, imperfect, preterite and
tenses of regular and irregular
verbs, reflexive verbs, object
pronouns, stem-changers, adverbs
and adjectives in context. (
Recognize appropriate verb endings in
all tenses and voices learned i.e. create
verb charts. (
Compare idiomatic and figurative
expressions by using refrains, sayings,
songs, etc. (
Predict meanings of word based on
origin and usage in sentence using
contextual cues. (
Modification and Manipulation of
Language Elements and Products:
Read literacy forms including poetry,
short stories, novels, and legends,
utilizing both traditional and internet
sources. (
Expressing opinions and responding to
others appropriately. (
negative expressions. (,
Identify present tense regular and
irregular verbs and cognates. (,
Expressing regret; preferences;
expressing doubt; consoling and
sympathizing with someone;
reprimanding; relating a series of
events; talk about the past, using
idiomatic expressions correctly.
Demonstrate listening
comprehension for proper forms of
address, levels of politeness and use
of vocabulary appropriate to the
situation. (
Recognize similarities and
differences between Spanish and
English language grammar and
usage. (
Joint School District No. 2
World Languages Curriculum
Spanish Curriculum
Idaho World Languages Content Standard III: History, Geography, and Culture
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding;
Enduring Understanding;
Enduring Understanding;
Different cultures have different social etiquettes.
Culture influences the art, literature and music of a society.
Countries with a common language share cultural, historical and
geographical connections.
The study of cultures promotes an awareness of diverse beliefs and
languages in a global context.
Geography directly influences the culture and history of a people.
Cultural traditions influence family structure, rites of passage, dining
etiquette, clothing styles and living accommodations.
Language and culture are interdependent.
First Year
Recognize major historical and cultural
figures and events including:
Quinceanera, Dia de los muertos and
Cinco de mayo/Mexican Independence
Day. (
Identify historical connections between
English and Spanish (i.e. cognates,
language origins). (
Second Year
Analyze the impact of selected
historical figures and events on the
target culture, i.e. Lady of Guadalupe
Investigate ancient indigenous cultures,
i.e. Aztecs, Mayans and Incans. (
Reading authentic literature, brief
histories of artists/famous persons, i.e.
Simon Bolivar, Velazquez, Picasso,
Dali, Botero, Rivera and Kahlo.
Investigate regions of Spain; history,
geography, and political contributions to
culture. (
Examine geopolitical regions selected
from target culture, i.e. Mexico.
Expose students to Basque communities
and history comparing with local Basque
culture and history. (
Demonstrate geographical awareness of
Spanish-speaking worlds including
capitals/countries and nationalities.
Understand the different seasons and
varying climates in relation to the
Compare differences in currencies
between Hispanic countries and the US.
Compare and contrast cultural aspects of
Spanish-speaking countries including
greetings, Mercado, family structure,
and meal times (, (,
Understand the correct usage of “tu” and
“usted”. (
Gain an understanding of similarities
and differences (uniforms, hours and
classes) between Hispanic and American
educational systems
Investigate the historical context of
selected examples of art, music, literature
and film from target culture, i.e. artists
(El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Dali and
Picasso). (
Identify unique cultural aspects of
regions in target culture, i.e. food
(such as Paella), holidays (such as
Reyes Magos and Semana
Investigate regions of Spain; history,
geography, and political contributions to
culture. (
Expose students to Basque communities
and history comparing with local Basque
culture and history. (
Write short reports about an artist or
author or cultural theme. (
Study contemporary Hispanic authors
and topics relevant to current world
situations. (
Discuss stories, articles, dialogs, news
reports and other authentic realia of
Hispanic countries. (, (
React to current events in target
language. (, (;