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AP U.S. History
Chapter 9 Study Guide
Mr. Oglesby
Vocabulary Words
George Washington
Civic virtue
Shays’s Rebellion
The Virginia Plan
Popular sovereignty
John Marshall
Northwest Ordinance
The Great Compromise
Separation of Powers
Bill of Rights
John Jay
Alexander Hamilton
Articles of Confederation
The New Jersey Plan
Checks and Balances
Patrick Henry
1. How did American’s begin to rethink their views regarding the separation
between church and state?
2. How was America’s economy affected by the war?
3. How did a lack of a strong governmental structure further aggravate America’s
economy after the war?
4. How was the future of slavery affected by the American Revolution?
5. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail to deal adequately with the problems
facing the new nation?
6. What social tensions existed in America that created a demand for a stronger
central government?
7. What political ideas, theories, and concepts did the United States Constitution
borrow from state constitutions?
8. Who were the advocates and opponents of the U.S. Constitution?
9. What was the major source of contention during the ratification process of the
U.S. Constitution?
10. Was the Constitution written as an extension of principles advocated before and
during the Revolutionary War or was the Constitution written as an antirepublican instrument that favors elite in American society?
11. Which of the social changes brought about by the Revolution was the most
significant? Why?
12. Was the United States in a crisis under the Articles of Confederation, or was the
“crisis” exaggerated by the Federalists to justify their movement?
13. Why was the United States so uniformly held in contempt by European
governments after the Revolution?
14. What would have happened to the Constitutional Convention if Thomas Jefferson,
John Adams, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henry all
15. Should the Founding Fathers’ general elitism and indifference to the rights of
people, women, African Americans, and Indians be held against them? Why or
why not?
16. What was really at stake in the debate between the Federalists and AntiFederalists?