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Ch. 1 Key Issues #3 & #4
“Why are Different Places Similar?”
“Why Are Some Human Actions Not Sustainable?”
1. All of the following are true of regions EXCEPT:
a. They are used by geographers to impose order to the chaotic real world
b. They are characterized by similarities that set them apart from other areas
c. They can exist on different scales
d. They are always subjective distinctions made between areas
e. There are three different types of regions
2. All of the following characteristics are used to define regions EXCEPT:
a. geographic proximity
b. population data
c. dominant crop
d. common history
e. common trading partners
3. Which of the following is not an example of a functional region?
a. the circulation area of a newspaper
b. the area of dominance of a television station
c. the market area of a supermarket
d. the area dominated by a particular crop
e. the area served by a sports franchise
4. A regional identity which is identified by the local residents of the area, and not by how it is perceived by
outsiders is a:
a. Cultural Region
b. Vernacular region
c. Formal Region
d. Functional region
e. Perceptual region
5. A region defined as a continuous metropolitan area into a continuous network of urban development is called:
a. realm
b. multi-metropolis
c. megalopolis
d. sphere of urban development
e. vernacular region
6. Globalization means that the scale of the world is:
a. Increasing
b. Not affected
c. Shrinking
d. Status quo
e. irrelevant
7. Which of the following best accounts for the universal appeal of blue jeans?
a. diffusion of popular culture
b. adoption of unique folk culture
c. impact of high income of clothing habits
d. lack of barriers in communist countries
e. need for durable clothing
8. Globalization of the economy has
a. eliminated the economic differences between places
b. increased economic differences between places
c. decreased investment in less developed countries
d. drained resources from more developed countries
e. decreased regional specialization of production
9. The primary agents of globalization are ____________________________ because they invest and operate in
many different countries.
a. the United Nations
b. wealthy stock brokerages
c. transnational corporations
d. the wealthiest countries in the world
e. terrorists
10. Elements of the globalization of culture include all of the following but,
a. uniform consumption preferences
b. enhanced communications
c. unequal access to material possessions
d. maintaining local traditions
e. uniformity of cultural beliefs and forms
11. The global movement of money and economic assets has been made easier primarily by
a. establishment of new stock exchanges in London, New York, and Tokyo
b. modern communication and transportation systems
c. relocation of production from core to peripheral regions
d. uneven development
e. a proliferation of currencies
12. The concept of sustainability applies to which of the following themes of geography?
a. Location
b. Scale
c. Distribution
d. Spatial Interaction
e. Human and Environment Interaction
13. All of the following are appropriate ways to promote sustainable behavior EXCEPT:
a. reduce, reuse, recycle
b. walk, carpool, and use public transportation as often as possible
c. utilize alternative energy sources
d. buy locally sourced products
e. buy gas-guzzling vehicles
14. The relationship between a culture group and the natural environment it occupies is termed:
a. cultural ecology
b. cultural convergence
c. cultural diffusion
d. culture hearth
e. cultural landscape
15. The belief that human history and social development is solely caused by physical environmental
conditions is called:
a. Cultural ecology
b. Cultural convergence
c. Environmental determinism
d. Possibilism
e. Globalization
16. Cultural convergence is the:
a. merging of the original culture hearths
b. sharing of technologies, organizational structures and culture traits among separated societies
c. process of acculturation
d. abandonment of older culture hearths for modern centers
e. the gradual elimination of all minor cultures by one dominant culture