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:االسم بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم الجامعة اإلسالمية – غزة :الرقم الجامعي قسم اإلدارة-كلية التجارة ماجد الفرا.د Business Administration (1) Mid term exam 2006\2007 ======================================================== 1- The key difference between economic systems is the way in which they allocate the a. factors of production. b. transportation of goods within their borders. c. governmental rules and regulations. d. payment of workers. e. forests and lakes. 2- Which of the following is NOT a factor of production? a. labor b. capital c. entrepreneurs d. government e. physical resources 3- Capital can be raised by a. selling stock. b. investment from owners. c. selling products. d. all of the above. e. a and b. 4- Which of the following is NOT a physical resource? a. natural resources b. computers and printers c. production facilities d. market forecasts e. raw materials 5- The _________ consists of everything outside of an organization’s boundaries that might affect it. a. vertical integration b.external environment 1 c. enterprise resource d. gross domestic product e. national debt 6- Which of the following will influence a neighborhood grocery store? a. an increase in unemployment in the area b. pricing policies of competitors c. other marketing policies of competitors d. all of the above e. none of the above 7- The main measure of growth in the business cycle is a. the prices of products. b. the average number of hours worked by employees. c. the amount of government regulation. d. aggregate output. e. unemployment. 8- A locally owned and operated restaurant is typically a(n) a. monopoly. b. oligopoly. c. competitor. d. small business. e. corporation. 9- The U.S. Department of Commerce considers a business "small" if it has fewer than how many employees? a. 10,500 employees b. 500,000 employees c. 5,000 employees d. 50,000 employees e. 500 employees 10- A _________________ is independently owned and managed and does not dominate its market. a. corporation b. sole proprietorship c. small business d. partnership e. cooperative 11- What is the primary force behind globalization? a. Firms expand into foreign markets to remain competitive. b. Governments and businesses are more aware of the benefits of globalization. 2 c. New technologies have made international travel, communication, and commerce much faster and less expensive. d. e. All of the above. Both b and c. 12- Which of the following is NOT a major world economic marketplace? a. North America b. Western Europe c. Pacific Asia d. Latin America e. None of the above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Second question: True or false: 1. The external environment has a limited impact on the success or failure of most organizations. n 2. Aggregate output is the total quantity of goods and services produced by an economic system during a given period. y 3. Limited liability is a major advantage of sole proprietorships. n 4. Communism and capitalism are the two basic forms of planned economies. n 5. When the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied, a surplus exists. N 6. The assumption of risk is a key element of entrepreneurship. y 7. The most striking advantage of general partnerships is their ability to grow with the addition of new talent and money. Y 8. According to the World Bank standards, Palestine is a low-income area. n 9. A comparative advantage exists when a country can produce something more cheaply and/or of higher quality than any other country. n 10. If productivity increases, prices to consumers will tend to increase as well. N 11. A negative balance of trade results when a country imports more than it exports. Y 12. Inflation occurs when there are widespread price decreases throughout an economic system. N 13. Increasing globalization will create much larger markets for products, but will tend to decrease competition. n 14. History has shown that major innovations are more than likely to come from large corporations. N 15. Most experts recommend starting a business from scratch rather than buying an existing business. n 16. Loans are the most important source of money for a new business. N 17. Venture capital firms provide capital to small business in return for partial ownership. y 18. In a franchise, the franchisee is the seller or parent company. n 3 19. A trade deficit occurs when a nation imports more than it exports .y 20. In a licensing arrangement, firms choose foreign organizations to manufacture their products in another country in return for a fee plus percentage of sales. y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Third question: 1. Explain what is meant by the term profits. 2. What is privatization? 3. How is GDP per capita calculated? 4. Mention the three major forces driving the economy during the next decade. 5- What are four reasons for small business failure? 4 6. Explain the concept of double taxation as it relates to a corporation. 7. What is the difference between a merger and an acquisition? 8. Define the term protectionism. 5