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Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Course Number
CLS 415
Course Title
Final exam 1429
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Which one of the following statements concerning hepatitis A and hepatitis B
viruses is true?
a. both viruses have single stranded RNA chromosomes.
b. both viruses commonly produce carrier states and chronic disease .
c. many infections with either virus are asymptomatic.
d. both viruses are associated with hepatocelluar carcinoma.
2. From the following circulating B virus markers , which one is found in all patient
who are chronic carriers ?
a. HBs Ag
b. HBc Ag
c. HBe Ag
d. Anti- HBs
3. Which of the following laboratory tests can be used to make a specific diagnosis
of current hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection?
a. Elevated levels of serum aminotransferase enzymes.
b. high titer of IgG anti –HAV in serum.
c. high titer of IgM anti-HAV in serum.
d. detection of HBsAg in serum.
4. Which of the following statements apply to rotaviruses ?
a. they are a major cause of diarrhea illness in human infants in Summer
b. they are DNA viruses containing 11 segments of single stranded DNA
c. they are RNA viruses containing 11 segments of double stranded RNA
d. they are a major cause of lower respiratory tract infection in infants
5. Most scientists believe that parainfuenza viruses are less likely to exhibit
antigenic shift than orthomyxoviruses because parainfluenza viruses
a. Have no hemagglutinin
b. Have no neuraminidase
c. Replicate in the cytoplasm
d. Have a non-segmented RNA-genome
6. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of influenza virus infection
a. Genetic recombination between animal and human virus is the major reason
for epidemic of influenza
b. Antibodies to the viral neuraminidase are associate with some degree of
protection from influenza
c. Rimantadin can be used to prevent influenza infection during an outbreak
d. Secondary staphylococcal and other bacterial pneumonias are seen more
frequently after influenza A than influenza B
7. Which of the following best describes antigenic drift in influenza viruses ?
a. It appear to be associated with minor antigenic changes in the viral
hemagglutinin & neuraminidase
b. It appear to be associated with minor antigenic changes in viral capsid
c. It is responsible for world wide pandemics of influenza
d. It is results from recombination of human and avian influenza atrains
Leading cause of hospitalized lower respiratory infections in the first year of life :
a. respiratory syncytial virus ( RSV )
b. adenovirus
c. influenza A virus
d. rhinoviruses
9. What is one explanation for the localization of rhinoviruses to the nasopharynx :
a. the virus is slow growing and the immune response is rapid
b. the virus prefers to grow at 33 C
c. the virus actually does infect other parts of the body , but only causes
disease associated with infection of the nasopharynx
d. the viral receptor is limited to the nasopharynx
10. The status of HIV infection may be monitored by :
a. serum anti – HIV antibody titers
b. CD4 lymphocyte count
c. presence of P24 antigen
d. HIV skin testing
11. Which statement about live viral vaccines is FALSE?
a. Live viral vaccines can replicate in the host.
b. Live viral vaccines are attenuated strains of viruses.
c. Live viral vaccines are completely safe.
d. Live viral vaccines can produce local immunity.
12. Which of the following is true about the Sabin and Salk poliovirus vaccines:
a. Sabin vaccines are less dangerous because they are heat inactivated .
b. Salk vaccine strains of polivirus are selected for their attenuation and lack
of neurovirulence.
c. the Salk vaccine can induce IgA in the gut and can be spread to
nonvaccinated individuals.
d. none of the above are true.
13. In one of the following disease , the viruses can be detected in stools by using
immune electron microscopy or enzyme immunoassay , which disease :
a. acute hepatitis B
b. hepatitis D
c. acute viral gastroenterititis
d. chronic hepatitis B
14. Which of the following statement concerning herpes simplex virus type 2 is
a. the virus is an important cause of genital ulceration
b. the infection can be transmitted to the neonate at birth
c. it can cause latency in sacral ganglia
d. it can cause latency in trigeminal ganglia
15. All of these are DNA icosahedral viruses except :
a. Cytomegalovirus.
b. JC virus.
c. Influenza virus .
d. HHV-8.
16. All of the following are correct concerning the immunoblotting techniques except
a. They recognize the components of the antibody response .
b. RIBA for detection of hepatitis B virus is an example .
c. RIBA for detection of hepatitis C virus is an example .
d. Westernblot for detection of HIV virus is an example .
17. In viral replication early proteins are all of these except :
a. Regulatory proteins .
b. Viral antigens on the host membrane .
c. Viral polymerase .
d. Structural proteins .
18. All of the following viruses are associated with latent infections Except one:a. Adenovirus
b. Small pox virus
c. Herpes simplex virus
d. varicella zoster virus
19. Epstein-Barr virus can cause the following except:
a. Burtitt`s lymphoma
b. T-cell lymphoma
c. B-cell lymphoma
d. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
20. All are correct concerning ADENO viruses except:
a. It has tendency to become latent in lymphoid tissues
b. It is a DNA virus, icosahedral and enveloped
c. Some serotypes can cause haemorrhagic cystitis and gastroenteritis
d. Human adenoviruses can be isolated on tissue culture .
21. As regards hepatitis B virus only one of the following is correct:
a. the spherical HBs Ag particles are the complete infectious virus particles.
b. the nucleic acid is ss DNA molecule.
c. anti-HBs is the neutralizing antibody which denotes recovery.
d. chronic hepatitis is considered when HBs Ag persist for more than a
22. The following statements are not correct about HCV except:
a. it is non enveloped RNA virus.
b. chronicity usually occurs in only 30% of cases.
c. antibodies to HCV can differentiate between active infection and past
resolved infection.
d. RNA detection is the method to confirm active infection
23. Regarding laboratory tests for rubella , choose the correct statement
a. Rubella immunity may be determined by detection of IgM
b. HAI is commonly used for the diagnosis of acute infection .
c. IgM antibody is usually used for diagnosis of congenital rubella
d. Rubella virus cannot be cultured
The following statements are true or false?
1.The following viruses replicate in the nucleus
a. Herpseviruses
b. Poxviruses
c. Picornaviruses
d. Orthomyxoviruses
e. Paramyxoviruses
2. The following statements are true or false
a. Virus infected cells may be transformed.
b. Viruses may have a lipid envelope
c. Viruses may produce cytopathic changes in cell culture
d. Some DNA viruses are single stranded
e. Viruses may enter the host with with their polymerases
3. The following methods may be used for serological ( Ab ) diagnosis
a-Complement-fixation tests
b-Polymerase chain reaction
c- Monospot test
e-Western blot
4. A chronic carrier state may occur in the following:
a-HCV virus Infection
b-Hepatitis A
c-Hepatitis B
d-Smallpox Infection