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Module 2. Morphology of reproductive organs of plants. The basics of taxonomy, phytoecology and geobotany of plants
Text test questions
1. A student had analyzed an inflorescence and found out that the flowers on the developed
main axis were set one by one, and due to the various length of pedicels they were located
almost in the same plane, so they formed:
A. * Corymb
B. Volute
C. Glomus
D. Anthodium
E. Umbel
2. All fruits are divided into Fleshy and Dry. They can have one seed or several seeds in. What
type of fruit is formed in Tomato, Grape?
A. * Berry (bacca)
B. Nutlet
C. Drupe
D. Follicle
E. Cypsela
3. Appoint the part of flowers that was studying "The top of a stalk of a flower, bearing the
perianth, stamens and pistil"?
A. Gynoecium
B. * Receptacle
C. Calyx
D. Androecium
E. Corolla
4. Appopint the types of simple monopodial inflorescences describe "The flowers are arranged
into a plate composed of many separate unstalked flowers, the single flowers are called
florets and are packed close together"?
A. Raceme
B. Corymb
C. Umbel
D. * Capitulum
E. Spadix
5. Bilabiate type of corolla is formed in plants of ...
A. Sunflower Family
B. Cabbage Family
C. Rose Family
D. Legume Family
E. * Mint Family
6. Carpel in flower is a part of ...
A. * Gynoecium
B. Receptacle
C. Calyx
D. Androecium
E. Corolla
7. Catkin is a type of inflorescence containing the drooping main axis bearing the clusters of
unisexual flowers. Choose among the medicinal plants the one which has catkin:
A. * birch-tree
B. poppy
C. plantain
D. onion
E. sunflower
8. Choose among the medicinal plants the dioecious plant:
A. maize
B. cherry
C. oak
D. birch
E. * poplar
9. Choose the dioecious medicinal plant:
A. cucumber
B. cherry
C. oak
D. birch
E. * willow
10. Choose the type of fruit according to description "Dry cenocarpous dehiscent fruit. It is long
and thin, splits down the two long sides, and has a papery membrane between the two
A. * Silique
B. Legume
C. Nutlet
D. Drupe
E. Follicle
11. Corolla of the Origanum and Sage flower is zygomorphic, sympetalous and consists of a tube
and two limbs. Such corolla is called:
A. Ungulate
B. Tubular
C. Unilabiate
D. * Bilabiate
E. Fennel-like
12. Cypsela (achene) is a single-seeded dry indehiscent fruit that develops from a one part
inferior ovary. They are sometimes included with Achenes. This is the fruit of ...
A. Cherry
B. Quercus
C. Wheat
D. * Dandelion
E. Poppy
13. Define the type of fruit according to description: "A single fleshy cenocarpous fruit without a
stone covering around seeds, usually containing many seeds"...
A. Berry
B. Nutlet
C. Drupe
D. * Follicle
E. Cypsela
14. Define the types of simple monopodial inflorescences describe "All the flower stalks are
rising from the same point of the same length, the flower head is rounded"?
A. Raceme
B. Corymb
C. * Umbel
D. Capitulum
E. Spadix
15. Determine the right type of fruit according to description "It is a dry cenocarpous dehiscent
fruit. It is long and thin, splits down the two long sides, and has a papery membrane between
the two halves"...
A. * Silique
B. Legume
C. Nutlet
D. Drupe
E. Follicle
16. Dill and carrot is characterized by such type of inflorescence ...
A. Compound raceme
B. Compound corymb
C. * Compound umbel
D. Capitulum
E. Head
17. During the field practice a student found a plant with disk-shaped structure of its rachis,
sessile flowers and husk. This inflorescence is called:
A. * Anthodium (capitulum)
B. Glomus
C. Spike
D. Raceme
E. Spadix
18. Entomophilies flowers are showy and attract and use insects, bats, birds or other animals to
transfer pollen from one flower to the next. Flowers attract pollinators by scent and color.
Choose the entomophilies medicinal plants:
A. maize
B. * cherry
C. oak
D. birch
E. poplar
19. Examination of an inflorescens of sweet flag (Acorus calamus) revealed that it was encircled
with a covering leaf (spathe) and small sessile flowers grew compactly on the thickened
pulpy axis. Such inflorescence is called:
A. * Ear (spadix)
B. Umbel
C. Corymb
D. Spike
E. Glomus
20. Find the dry indehiscent fruit:
A. Silique
B. Follicle
C. Legume
D. * Nut
E. Capsule
21. Floral formula is a way to represent the structure of a flower using specific letters, numbers,
and symbols. Sepal whorl is designated by letters...
A. * Ca
B. Co
C. A
D. G
E. P
22. Flower is single when one big flower attached per stem. Single flower has such medicinal
A. * poppy
B. plantain
C. onion
D. dandelion
E. sunflower
23. Flowers of entomophilies plants attract pollinators by scent and color. Choose among the
medicinal plants the entomophilies:
A. maize
B. * apple-tree
C. oak
D. birch
E. poplar
24. Fruits are divided into Fleshy and Dry Fruits. They can have one seed or several seeds in.
What type of fruit is formed in Barley and Rice?
A. Drup
B. Nutlet
C. * Caryopsis
D. Legume
E. Berry
25. Fruits are divided into Fleshy and Dry. They can have one seed or several seeds in. What
types of fruits formed in Barley and Wheat?
A. Drupe
B. Nutlet
C. * Caryopsis
D. Legume
E. Berry
26. How many pistils are there in such floral formula Ca5Co5A10G1?
A. * 1
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
E. 10
27. How many sepals are there in such floral formula Ca5Co5A10G1?
A. 1
B. 4
C. * 5
D. 8
E. 10
28. How many stamens are there in such floral formula Ca4Co4A6G1?
A. 1
B. 4
C. * 6
D. 8
E. 10
29. How many stamens are there in such floral formula Ca5Co5A10G1?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
E. * 10
30. Identify the fleshy berry-like fruit of Cucumber with a leathery skin, formed from an inferior
ovary ...
A. Hesperidium
B. Pome
C. * Pepo
D. Drupe
E. Cypsela
31. It part of flowers includes one or more pistils...
A. * Gynoecium
B. Androecium
C. Calyx
D. Perianth
E. Receptacle
32. It was determine that in seeds without endosperm and perysperm all nutrients is accumulated
in ...
A. * Cotyledon of embryo
B. Endosperm
C. Sepal
D. Stamen
E. Petal
33. It was examination the androecium of Cabbage flower, which consists of four long and two
short stamens – it is
A. Two-strong
B. Four-strong
C. Two-brothers
D. Mono-brothers
E. Many-brothers
34. Legume is a dry dehiscent pod that splits on two sides. This is the fruit of ....
A. Cherry
B. * Pea
C. Wheat
D. Dandelion
E. Poppy
35. Lily of the valley, and Digitalis form common type of inflorescence ...
A. * Raceme
B. Corymb
C. Compound umbel
D. Verticillaster
E. Cyme
36. Loculicidal capsule is the fruit of ...
A. Cherry
B. Pea
C. Wheat
D. Dandelion
E. * Violet
37. Morphological analisis of an inflorescence revealed that its flowers were attached to the same
axis at differe4nt levels but due to different length of peduncle they grew in the same plane.
Such inflorescence is called:
A. Umbel
B. Spike
C. * Corymb
D. Glomus
E. Anthodium
38. Nutlet is the fruit of the...
A. Daisy Family (Asteraceae)
B. Grass Family (Poaceae)
C. * Mint Family (Lamiaceae)
D. Lily Family (Liliaceae)
E. Pea Family (Leguminosae)
39. One of the fleshy fruits is characterized by essential oil exocarp, spongy mesocarp and
overgrown endocarp consisting of juice sacs. This is ...
A. Drupe
B. Cinarodium
C. * Hesperidium
D. Bacca
E. Pepo
40. Panicle is an inflorescence that consist of simple:
A. umbels
B. corymbs
C. spikes
D. * racemes
E. capitulums
41. Papilionaceous (pea) type of corolla is formed in plants of ...
A. Sunflower Family
B. Cabbage Family
C. Rose Family
D. * Legume Family
E. Mint Family
42. Perfect, bisexual, or hermaphrodite flowers have...
A. maize
B. * cherry
C. oak
D. birch
E. poplar
43. Petal in flower is the part of ...
A. Gynoecium
B. Receptacle
C. Calyx
D. Androecium
E. * Corolla
44. Pseudocarp is a false fruit, because it does not contain the seeds. The seeds are achenes, on
the outside of a fleshy fruit. This is a
A. Cherry
B. Pea
C. Wheat
D. Dandelion
E. * Strawberry
45. Recognize a plant with zygomorphic flowers ...
A. Tulip
B. * Violet
C. Cherry
D. Rose
E. Lily of valley
46. Recognize the type of fruit according to description: "A fleshy fruit with a thin skin, not
formed from only the ovary but from another part of the plant"...
A. * Pome
B. Nutlet
C. Drupe
D. Follicle
E. Cypsela
47. Recognize the type of simple monopodial inflorescences is described "The flowers are
arranged into a plate composed of many separate unstalked flowers, the single flowers are
called florets and are packed close together (in sunflower) "?
A. Raceme
B. Corymb
C. Umbel
D. *Capitulum
E. Spadix
48. Reproductive organs of plant are not:
A. Flower, seed
B. Seed, fruit
C. Inflorescence, fruit
D. Fruit, flower
E. * Root, stem
49. Rice and oat are chracterized with such types of inflorescence ...
A. * Compound raceme
B. Compound corymb
C. Compound umbel
D. Capitulum
E. Spadix
50. Silique is a dry dehiscent fruit. It is long and thin, splits down the two long sides, and has a
papery membrane (the septum) between the two halves. This is the fruit of...
A. Cherry
B. Pea
C. * Cabbage
D. Dandelion
E. Poppy
51. Some of the examined fleshy fruits is characterized by essential-oil exocarp, spongioid
mesocarp and overgrown endocarp that consists of juice saccules. What fruit was under
A. Capsule
B. Drupe
C. * Hesperidium
D. Pepo
E. Bacca
52. Specific type of multiple fruit derived from many flowers that they growing and fused
together is formed in ...
A. Bean
B. * Fig
C. Apple
D. Strawberry
E. Cucumber
53. The reproductive organ of plant is not:
A. Flower
B. Seed
C. Inflorescence
D. Fruit
E. * Leaf
54. The androecium of dandelion consists of 5 stamens and they grow together
A. Two-strong
B. Four-strong
C. Two-btothers
D. * Mono-brothers
E. Many-brothers
55. The Birch-tree has compound inflorescences with drooping main axis bearing dichasia
composed of unisexual cells. Therefore, this inflorescence is called:
A. Spike
B. * Ament
C. Spadix
D. Raceme
E. Glomus
56. The famous medicinal plant – onion – has such type of inflorescences:
A. * umbels
B. corymb
C. spike
D. raceme
E. capitulum
57. The fleshy fruit is characterized by essential oil exocarp, spongy mesocarp and overgrown
endocarp consisting of juice sacs. What fruit was examined?
A. Drupe
B. Cinarodium
C. * Hesperidium
D. Bacca
E. Pepo
58. The function of this part of flower is to protect the reproductive organs, and attract polinators
to the flower...
A. Pedicel
B. * Perianth
C. Stamen
D. Pistil
E. Calyx
59. The gynoecium of poppy flower consists of many free carpels, that grow together – it is...
A. apocarpous
B. monocarpous
C. * cenocarpous
D. two-strong
E. four-strong
60. The inner, usually colored all petals of a flower combined together are designated in floral
formula by letters...
A. Ca
B. * Co
C. A
D. G
E. P
61. The pistil (gynoecium) in the flower of spring adonis consists of many free carpels, that is ...
A. * apocarpous
B. monocarpous
C. cenocarpous
D. two-strong
E. four-strong
62. The reproductive organ of Angiosperms containing seeds is ...
A. Flower
B. Stem
C. Inflorescence
D. * Fruit
E. Root
63. ?The reproductive organ of plant is not:
A. Flower
B. * Stem
C. Inflorescence
D. Fruit
E. Seed
64. The sticky tip of the pistil is...
A. Ovules
B. Pollen
C. * Stigma
D. Anther
E. Calyx
65. The triploid reserve food tissue in seed derived after double fertilization is ...
A. * Embryo
B. Endosperm
C. Sepal
D. Stamen
E. Petal
66. This part of the flower structure has common origin with stem...
A. * Pedicel
B. Perianth
C. Stamen
D. Pistil
E. Calyx
67. This plant organ is the product of sexual reproduction. It contains the endosperm and embryo
A. Flower
B. Stem
C. Inflorescence
D. * Seed
E. Root
68. This type of fleshy fruit has an essential oil exocarp, spongy mesocarp and overgrown
endocarp consisting of juice sacs. There are many seeds. This is ...
A. * Hesperidium*
B. Pome
C. Pepo
D. Drupe
E. Cypsela
69. Tubular (disk-floret) type of corolla is formed in plants of ...
A. * Sunflower Family
B. Cabbage Family
C. Rose Family
D. Legume Family
E. Mint Family
70. Which part of flowers is described "It includes the outer, usually green sepals combined
A. Peduncle
B. Receptacle
C. * Calyx
D. Androecium
E. Corolla
71. Which type of monopodial inflorescence is described "The flowers are arranged into a plate
composed of many separate unstalked flowers, the single flowers are called florets and are
packed close together"?
A. Raceme
B. Corymb
C. Umbel
D. * Capitulum
E. Spadix
72. Which type of simple monopodial inflorescences is described "Flowers have stalks of equal
length, the stem tip continues to grow and produce more flowers with the bottom flowers
open first and blooming progresses up the stem"?
A. * Raceme
B. Corymb
C. Umbel
D. Capitulum
E. Spadix
73. Zygomorphic flowers are formed in ...
A. * Bean, mint
B. Cherry, apple
C. Tulip
D. Rose
E. Lily of valley
74. A leaf of a plant has stipules which accrete round a stem in a tube. Presence of such modified
stipules is a diagnostic sign of the following family:
A. Berberidaceae
B. Lauraceae
C. * Polygonaceae
D. Papaveraceae
E. Ranunculaceae
75. A medicinal herbaceous plant under examination has bright orange sap containing alkaloids
in all organs. Leaves are pinnate-dissected, green above and blue-green beneath. Flowers are
yellow. These signs are typical for…
A. * Chelidonium majus
B. Polygonum aviculare
C. Polygonum bistorta
D. Fagopyrum sagittatum
E. Laurus nobilis
76. A medicinal plant under examination has one pistil which is formed by a big number of fused
carpels, and a fruitcase that opens with small orifices. This is:
A. Chelidonium majus
B. Adonis vernalis
C. * Papaver somniferum
D. Fagopyrum sagittatum
E. Laurus nobilis
77. Actinomorphic flowers with a double perianth (there are 2 sepals ans 4 petals) and a fruit
capsule are formed in species of ...
A. The Buckwheat Family
B. * The Poppy Family
C. The Buttercup Family
D. The Laurel Family
E. The Barberry Family
78. An annual creeping plant has small elliptic leaves and shallow flowers, collected in the axils
of leaves. Perianth is pinky-green. These signs are typical for the following medicinal plant...
A. Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus)
B. * Bird knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
C. Common bistort (Polygonum bistorta)
D. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum)
E. Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis)
79. An inflorescence of Chelidonium majus includes flowers with stalks rising from the same
point on the same length like an umbrella. This inflorescence is called:
A. Raceme
B. Spike
C. Spadix
D. * Umbel
E. Capitulum
80. As usual the spines (thorns) of Barberry shrub are modified ...
A. * leaves
B. stipules
C. petioles
D. stems
E. rachis
81. Choose a medicinal plant whose opium sap is used in pharmacy as analgesic, to treat cough,
A. * Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
B. Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus)
C. Bird knotgrass (Polygonum aviculre)
D. May-apple (Podophyllum peltatum)
E. Chinese magnolia-vine (Schizandra chinensis)
82. Choose a medicinal plant woody climbing stem whose fruit and seeds are used in medical
practice as tonic drug production:
A. Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
B. Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus)
C. Bird knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
D. May-apple (Podophyllum peltatum)
E. * Chinese magnolia-vine (Schizandra chinensis)
83. During identification of a small herbaceous plants belonging to the Buttercup family it was
established that: flowers are single, they have 5 violet-green sepals and about 20 brightyellow petals. This is…
A. * Adonis vernalis
B. Helleborus purpurascens
C. Ranunculus acris
D. Delphinium elatum
E. Aconitum napellus
84. During the summer training-field practice a student found a poisonous plant of Buttercup
Family (Ranunculaceae) which inflorescence has long unbranched axis bearing many flowers
with stalks of equal length. This inflorescence is called:
A. * Raceme
B. Corymb
C. Panicle
D. Anthodium
E. Spike
85. Edible medicinal plant Fagopyrum sagittatum belongs to Family:
A. Lauraceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Ranunculaceae
D. * Polygonaceae
E. Berberidaceae
86. Examination of a medicinal herb revealed that its leaves were divided down to the base of the
leaf blade with segments radiating from a common point in a fan manner. These leaves of
Monk’s hood are:
A. * Twice-palmateissected
B. Pinnate-compound
C. Palmatetripartite
D. Pinnatepartite
E. Palmated-compound
87. Examiner was found the perennial grassy plant belonging to Polygonaceae Family, which has
thickened, horizontal serpentine-like rhizome and spiky inflorescences with small pink
flowers. This plant is ...
A. * Polygonum bistorta
B. Polygonum persicaria
C. Polygonum hydropiper
D. Polygonum aviculare
E. Rumex acetosa
88. Fruit of medicinal plants belonging to Buckwheat Family is single small one-seeded
pseudomonocarpous one with woody pericarp. The seed cuticle remains unfused with the
pericarp. It is...
A. * Nutlet
B. Drupe
C. Berry
D. Hesperidium
E. Capsule
89. Identify a poisonous medicinal plant containing alkaloids:
A. * Delphinium dictiocarpum
B. Polygonum aviculare
C. Rheum palmatum
D. Laurus nobilis
E. Schizandra chinensis
90. Identify among the following medicinal plants ones belonging to Barberry Family ...
A. * Berberis vulgaris, Podophyllum peltatum
B. Delphinium dictiocarpum, Nigella damascena
C. Papaver somniferum, Greater celandine
D. Polygonum aviculare, Polygonum bistorta
E. Laurus nobilis, Rumex acetosa
91. Identify the annual grassy plant, growing to about 50 cm tall. Leaves are pinnate-dissected.
Blue flowers are solitary with 5 petaloid sepals. Fruits –capsules with black seed":
A. Chinese magnolia-vine
B. Spotted knot-weed
C. * Love-in-a-mist
D. Horse Sorrel
E. Opium poppy
92. Identify the poisonous medicinal plants consisting cardiac glycosides according to
description – "The perennial grassy plant, growing to about 30 cm tall, which leaves are
feathry. Flowers is solitary, actinomorphic, yellow":
A. Greater celandine
B. * Spring adonis
C. Love-in-a-mist
D. Horse Sorrel
E. Monk's-hood
93. Inflorescence of Barberry has long axis and many flowers with stalks of equal length. This
inflorescence is called:
A. * Raceme
B. Spike
C. Spadix
D. Umbel
E. Capitulum
94. It was defined annual medicinal plant with white latex. It has a fruit capsule, which revealed
small holes. This plant is called:
A. Adonis vernalis
B. Delphinium dictiocarpum
C. Chelidonium majus
D. Berberis vulgaris
E. * Papaver somniferum
95. It was defined the annual medicinal plant with white latex. It has a fruit capsule, which
revealed with small holes. This plant is called:
A. * Papaver somniferum
B. Chelidonium majus
C. Adonis vernalis
D. Nigella damascena
E. Fagopyrum sagittatum
96. Life-form of plants like shrub is characterized by several woody stems that grow from the
base, less than about 10 m tall. Chose the thorny shrub among represented medicinal plants...
A. Opium poppy
B. Spotted knot-weed
C. Spring adonis
D. Bird knotgrass
E. * Barberry
97. Long capsule is a dry fruit typical for the following representative...
A. * Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus)
B. Horse Sorrel (Rumex confertus)
C. Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis)
D. Barberry (Berberis vulgaris)
E. Chinese magnolia-vine (Schizandra chinensis)
98. Magnioliophyta and Pynophyta are the term which have certain completions and
characterized the taxon....
A. Class
B. * Division
C. Family
D. Kingdom
E. Genus
99. Medicinal plant has simple leaves without stipules and bisexual, actinomorphic flowers with
a double perianth. There are 2 sepals and 4 petals. Fruit is capsule. These signs are typical for
the following family:
A. * Papaveraceae
B. Polygonaceae
C. Lauraceae
D. Berberidaceae
E. Schiza?ndraceae
100. Medicinal plant has small actinomorphic flowers with a simple perianth which consists of
5-6 leaflets. Fruit is a small nut. These signs are typical for the following family:
A. Papaveraceae
B. * Polygonaceae
C. Lauraceae
D. Berberidaceae
E. Schiza?ndraceae
101. Monk's-hood (Aconi?tum nape?llus) is a poisonous medicinal plant belonging to Family:
A. * Ranunculaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Lauraceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. Berberidaceae
102. One of the medicinal plants under examination has a flower to 10 cm across with 2 sepals
and 4 pale-pink or pale-violet petals which have a dark spot at base. This plant is called:
A. Adonis vernalis
B. * Papaver somniferum
C. Chelidonium majus
D. Polygonum aviculare
E. Berberis vulgaris
103. Only herbaceous growth form of plants and the diffuse root system are characterized of
class ...
A. Magnoliopsida
B. * Liliopsida
C. Pinopsida
D. Bryopsida
E. Polypodiopsida
104. Parallel and arc-parallel types of leaves venation (arrangement of the veins) and simple
perianth with 3,6 leaflet are specific signs of class:
A. * Monocotyledonous
B. Dicotyledonous
C. Gymnosperm
D. Bryopsida
E. Liliopsida
105. Perennial grassy plant Chelido?nium ma?jus belongs to Family:
A. Lauraceae
B. * Papaveraceae
C. Ranunculaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. Berberidaceae
106. Pinnate types of leaves venation and double perianth are characterized the class ...
A. Polypodiopsida
B. * Magnoliopsida
C. Pinopsida
D. Bryopsida
E. Liliopsida
107. Podophyllum peltatum is a poisonous medicinal plant belonging to Family:
A. Ranunculaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Lauraceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. * Berberidaceae
108. Polygonaceae and Papaveraceae are the term which have certain completions and
characterized the taxon...
A. Class
B. Division
C. * Family
D. Kingdom
E. Genus
109. Presence of cambium in root and stem and opened vascular bundles are specific signs of
class ...
A. Bryopsida
B. Liliopsida
C. Pinopsida
D. * Magnoliopsida
E. Polypodiopsida
110. Recognize medicinal plants according to description "Perennial grassy plant, growing to
about 100 cm tall, with serpentine sick rhizome. Leaves are lanceolate, flowers are small,
pink, collected in spike-alike inflorescence":
A. Bay laurel
B. Opium poppy
C. * Common bistort
D. Water pepper
E. Net-fruited larkspur
111. Recognize the annual grassy plant growing to about 150 cm tall with oval toothed leaves.
Flower includes 2 sepals and 4 pale violet petals. So, it is...
A. Greater celandine
B. * Opium poppy
C. Love-in-a-mist
D. Water pepper
E. Net-fruited larkspur
112. Recognize the medicinal plant according to description "Perennial poisonous grassy plant
which underground organs are tuberous roots. Leaves are simple, deeply divided, which 5-7
lobes. Flowers are zygomorphic, blue-violet, collected in raceme":
A. Greater celandine
B. Spring adonis
C. Love-in-a-mist
D. Horse Sorrel
E. * Monk's-hood
113. Recognize the medicinal plant whose herb is used in medicine to treat haemorrhage ...
A. Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
B. * Water pepper (Polygonum hydropiper)
C. Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum v. tanguticum)
D. May-apple (Podophyllum peltatum)
E. Chinese magnolia-vine (Schizandra chinensis)
114. Recognize the medicinal plant whose rhizomes are used in medical practice to treat lock
A. Opium poppy (Papaver somni?ferum)
B. Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus)
C. * Rhubarb (Rh?um palmatum v. tanguticum)
D. May-apple (Podophyllum peltatum)
E. Chinese magnolia-vine (Schizandra chinensis)
115. Researcher was examined the herbarium specimens of plants discovered species of
Barberry family (Berberidaceae). It is …
A. * Podophyllum peltatum
B. Adonis vernalis
C. Chelidonium majus
D. Aconitum napellus
E. Fagopy?rum sagitta?tum
116. Researcher was found the medicinal plants which has a solitary actinomorphic yellow
flowers to about 6 cm across, with bright-yellow petals, whose fruits are apocarpous nutlets.
This plant is called:
A. * Adonis vernalis
B. Papaver somniferum
C. Chelidonium majus
D. Polygonum aviculare
E. Schizandra chinensis
117. Researcher was studied the cultivated annual plants from the Polygonaceae Family. This
plant has red ribbed stems, cordate-sagitate leaves and triangular fruit (nutlet). This plant has
edible seeds:
A. * Buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum)
B. Bird knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
C. Common bistort (Polygonum bistorta)
D. Water pepper (Polygonum hydropiper)
E. Horse Sorrel (Rumex confertus)
118. Rumex confertus is a perennial medicinal plant belonging to Family:
A. Ranunculaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Lauraceae
D. * Polygonaceae
E. Berberidaceae
119. Scientist was found the perennial grassy plant from Polygonaceae family, which has
thickened horizontal rhizome and spiky rose inflorescences ...
A. * Polygonum bistorta
B. Polygonum persicaria
C. Polygonum hydropiper
D. Polygonum aviculare
E. Rumex acetosa
120. Specify the annual plant with branching stem to about 90 cm tall. Leaves are narrowlanceolate and have pepper savoir. Flowers are small, pink-green, collected in raceme A. Greater celandine
B. Opium poppy
C. Pieplant (Rhubarb)
D. * Water pepper
E. Net-fruited larkspur
121. Specify the medicinal plants according to description: "Annual grassy plant, growing to
about 150 cm tall. Leaves are oval, with toothed margin. Petals are pale violet, each with
dark spot at base. Fruit is spherical capsule":
A. Greater celandine
B. * Opium poppy
C. Love-in-a-mist
D. Water pepper
E. Barberry
122. Student of pharmacy specialty has to specify a poisonous medicinal plant ...
A. Polygonum aviculare
B. Polygonum bistorta
C. Fagopyrum sagittatum
D. Laurus nobilis
E. * Adonis vernalis
123. Student was studied an edible annual plants from the Polygonaceae Family. This plant
has red stems, cordate-sagitate leaves and triangular fruit (nutlet). This plant is...
A. * Fagopyrum sagittatum
B. Polygonum aviculare
C. Polygonum bistorta
D. Polygonum hydropiper
E. Rumex confertus
124. The Buckwheat Family includes such medicinal plant:
A. Chinese magnolia-vine
B. Barberry
C. Love-in-a-mist
D. Horse Sorrel
E. * Greater celandine
125. The Buttercup Family includes such medicinal plant:
A. Opium poppy
B. Spotted knot-weed
C. * Spring adonis
D. Bird knotgrass
E. Chinese magnolia-vine
126. The flowers, whose petals often vary in number, have numerous stamens and several to
many pistils with superior ovaries are formed in species of ...
A. The Laurel Family
B. The Poppy Family
C. * The Buttercup Family
D. The Buckwheat Family
E. The Barberry Family
127. The gynoecium of Adonis vernalis flower consists of many free carpels, so this is ...
A. * Apocarpous, complex
B. Monocarpous, simple
C. Cenocarpous, simple
D. Cenocarpous, parakarpos
E. Cenokarpous, lizikarpos
128. The herb of this medicinal plant is used in medicine for treating haemorrhage and as a
A. Greater celandine
B. Opium poppy
C. Love-in-a-mist
D. * Spotted knot-weed
E. Net-fruited larkspur
129. The inflorescence of Delphinium dictiocarpum has long axis and many flowers with
stalks of equal length. This inflorescence is called:
A. * Raceme
B. Spike
C. Spadix
D. Umbel
E. Capitulum
130. The leaf of medicinal plant has membranous stipules, they fused in funnel (accrete round
the stem in a tube) and cover the base of internode. It is a diagnostic feature of the Family ...
A. Berberidaceae
B. Lauraceae
C. * Polygonaceae
D. Papaveraceae
E. Ranunculaceae
131. The leaves of the investigated plants have funnel membranous stipules – they are
covering the base of internodes. The presence of such modified stipules is diagnostic feature
of the Family…
A. * Buckwheat
B. Poppy
C. Rose
D. Laurel
E. Barberry
132. The Poppy Family includes such herbal medicinal plant:
A. * Greater celandine
B. Barberry
C. Love-in-a-mist
D. Horse Sorrel
E. Chinese magnolia-vine
133. This perennial grassy plant to 40 cm tall has palmately-lobed leaves; stems produce 1–2
flowers in the axial between the apical leaves. The flowers are white 6–9 petals, and mature
into a yellow fleshy fruit. This is...
A. Chinese magnolia-vine
B. Love-in-a-mist
C. Horse Sorrel
D. Opium poppy
E. * May-apple
134. Trees have woody, usually one main stem and the hight more than 10m tall. Chose the
evergreen tree among represented medicinal plants...
A. Opium poppy
B. Spotted knot-weed
C. Spring adonis
D. * Bay laurel
E. Barberry
135. Very poisonous are such active ingredients of medicinal plants:
A. Essential oil
B. Flavonoids
C. Bitters
D. * Cardiac glycosides
E. Tannins
136. Very poisonous are such active ingredients of medicinal plants:
A. * Alkaloids
B. Flavonoids
C. Bitters
D. Fatty oil
E. Vitamins
137. Which Family is characterized by such signs: "Leaves are simple, with the stipules which
accrete round a stem in a tube. Its cells produce large crystals of waste products - druses
crystal. A perianth consists of 5-6 leaflets"?
A. * The Buckwheat Family
B. The Poppy Family
C. The Buttercup Family
D. The Laurel Family
E. The Barberry Family
138. Which of given medicinal plants are belonging to Ranunculaceae Family
A. Berberis vulgaris, Podophyllum peltatum
B. * Delphinium dictiocarpum, Nigella damascena
C. Papaver somniferum, Greater celandine
D. Polygonum aviculare, Polygonum bistorta
E. Laurus nobilis, Rumex acetosa
139. Which of the following medicinal plants are belonging to Polygonaceae Family
A. Aconitum napellus, Adonis vernalis
B. Delphinium dictiocarpum, Nigella damascena
C. Papaver somniferum, Greater celandine
D. * Polygonum aviculare, Polygonum bistorta
E. Laurus nobilis, Rumex acetosa
140. Which of the following medicinal plants is poisonous?
A. * Aconitum napellus
B. Nigella damascena
C. Polygonum bistorta
D. Rheum palmatum
E. Laurus nobilis
141. Which of the following plants has "capsule" fruit?
A. Adonis vernalis
B. * Papaver somniferum
C. Polygonum aviculare
D. Laurus nobilis
E. Berberis vulgaris
142. Which type of fruit characteristics the Bird knotgrass and Buckwheat?
A. Capsule
B. Folicle
C. Berry
D. * Nut
E. Drupe
143. Which type of fruit characterized of Net-fruited larkspur and Monk's-hood?
A. Capsule
B. * Follicle
C. Berry
D. Nut
E. Drupe
144. Which type of fruit is formed in Bay laurel and Barberry?
A. Capsule
B. Folicle
C. * Drupe
D. Nut
E. Legume
145. You need to specify a poisonous medicinal plant belonging to Barberry Family ...
A. Horse Sorrel
B. Bay laurel
C. * May-apple
D. Chinese magnolia-vine
E. Greater celandine
146. A herb under analysis relates to the Malvaceae family and is used as an expectorant and
coating agent. The stem is erect, with simple palmate three to five lobed leaves, large pink
flowers growing in short panicles. The herb has schizocarpic fruit – a capsule. Identify the
A. Sinapis alba
B. * Althaea officinalis
C. Urtica dioica
D. Cucurbita pepo
E. Populus nigra
147. A medicinal plant under examination has yellow, actinomorphic, flowers collected in
raceme. There are 4 sepals and 4 petals. This is:
A. * White mustard (Sinapis alba)
B. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
C. Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis–ideae)
D. Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
E. Wild rosemary (Ledum palustre)
148. All the members of this Family are woody plants (trees and bushes) which male and
female flowers separate on same plant ...
A. Ericaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Ranunculaceae
D. * Betulaceae
E. Brassicaceae
149. Among the medicinal plants it have been proposed to select the sample, which belongs to
the Cabbage family...
A. * Erysimum canescens
B. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
C. Urtica dioica
D. Polygonum aviculare
E. Primula officinalis
150. Betula verrucosa has compound inflorescences with drooping main axis bearing dichasia
composed of unisexual cells. Therefore, this inflorescence is called:
A. * Ament (catkin)
B. Spike
C. Spadix
D. Raceme
E. Glomus
151. Cardiac glycosides are dominate compound such medicinal plant...
A. Cucurbita pepo
B. Sinapis alba
C. Hypericum perforatum
D. * Erysimum canescens
E. Viola tricolor
152. Choose the floral formula of Cabbage FAMILY...:
A. Ca2 Co2+2 A3G2
B. Ca2 Co2+2 G2
C. Ca5 Co5 A10 G1
D. Ca2+2 Co2+2 A2+4 G(2)
E. * Ca2+2 Co2+2 A2+4 G(2)
153. Choose the medicinal plant whose herb is used in pharmacy – to strenghten heartbeat, as
A. * Treacle mustard (Erysimum canescens)
B. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
C. Wild rosemary (Ledum palustre)
D. Wild cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccus)
E. Perforate St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
154. Dark blue rounded berry formed in:
A. White mustard (Sinapis alba)
B. Shepherd's-purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
C. Treacle mustard (Erysimum canescens)
D. * Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
E. Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis–ideae)
155. During determination of fruit type Hypericum perforatum fruit it was found that: the fruit
is coenocarpous, dry, opens with valves and contains a big number of seeds. Therefore the
fruit of Hypericum perforatum is:
A. * Follicle (capsule)
B. Aggregate achene
C. Coenobium
D. Multifollicle
E. Follicle
156. During investigation of five herbarium specimens of medicinal plants has been
determined that one of them belongs to the family Brassicaceae. It is ...
A. * Erysimum canescens
B. Rosa canina
C. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
D. Urtica dioica
E. Polygonatum aviculare
157. During morphological determination of Viola tricolor fruit type of medicinal plant it was
found that: the fruit is coenocarpous, dry, opens with valves and contains a big number of
seeds. Therefore, this fruit is...
A. * Capsule
B. Aggregate achene
C. Cenobium
D. Legume
E. Silique
158. Examine the deciduous tree growing to about 40 m tall with dark-grey bark. Leaves are
simple, alternate. Blade is heart-shaped. Flowers are yellow-white, strongly scented. Flowers
are collected in clusters and have tongue-shaped bract. Perianth is 5-partite. Uses: flowers for
treating fevers and flu, also improves insomnia"
A. Bearberry
B. Oak-tree
C. Persian walnut
D. * Lime tree
E. Wild Pansy
159. Examine the medicinal plants according to description: Deciduous dioecious tree growing
to about 40 m tall, with green-grey bark. Leaves are alternate, simple, long-stalked,
triangular, to 8 cm long. Perianth is reduced. Fruit – little capsule...
A. Persian walnut
B. Oak-tree
C. * Black poplar
D. Hop-plant
E. Wild Pansy
160. Grassy plants, which ?owers have four sepals, usually four nectar glands, and six
stamens, two of which are shorter than the other four, all members produce siliques or silicles
– these are signs of species of ...
A. The Heather Family
B. The Poppy Family
C. * The Cabbage Family
D. The Willow Family
E. The Birch Family
161. Identify the annual grassy plant with trailing, prickly-hairy stems to 10 m long. Leaves
are alternate, simple, with 5 lobes. Male and female flowers separate on same plant. Flowers
are yellow, actinomorphic, to 10 cm across, bell-shaped. There are 5 sepals and 5 petals.
Large fruit a berry-like:
A. Marsh Mallow
B. * Pumpkin
C. Wild Pansy
D. Common Nettle
E. Black alder
162. Inflorescence "drooping catkins" formed in:
A. * Persian walnut (Juglans regia)
B. White mustard (Sinapis alba)
C. Treacle mustard (Erysimum canescens)
D. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
E. Bilberry (Vaccіnium myrtillus)
163. Investigate the medicinal plant according to description: "Climbing herbaceous perennial
to about 6 m long. Leaves stalked. opposite, mostly 3-7-lobed, with heart-saped base. Plant
dioecios. Male flowers collect in a panicle. Perianth is greenish. Fruit a nut. Uses: Female
clusters as mild sedative":
A. Bra?ssica olera?cea
B. Ery?simum cane?scens
C. Cucu?rbita pe?po
D. Sa?lix acutifo?lia
E. * Humulus lupulus
164. Investigate the annual grassy plant to 40 cm tall, with upright branching stems. Basal
leaves are in a rosette, stalked, mostly pinnately lobed. Stem leaves encircling stem at base.
Flowers are white, with 4 petals and sepals, collected in raceme. Fruit a heart-shaped
silicules. Active ingredients: flavone-glycosides, vitamin K. Uses: herb – to treat excess
bleeding, as diuretic":
A. Cucurbita pepo
B. Erysimum canescens
C. * Capsella bursa-pastoris
D. Salix acutifolia
E. Quercus robur
165. It was investigated fruit with one seed. It is dry indehiscent, subtended by lid that formed
with extended axis. This is:
A. * brown acorn (glans)
B. capsule
C. nut
D. achene
E. caryopsis
166. Members of this Family are bushes and hemi-bushes. There are mycorrhizas (symbiosis
with mushrooms) on roots. Leaves are simple, entire, without stipules...
A. * Ericaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Salicaceae
D. Betulaceae
E. Brassicaceae
167. Morphological comparison of the plants of Brassicaceae (Cabbage) family showed that
by most of the small flowers are collected in a inflorescence ...
A. * raceme, panicle
B. head, umbel
C. head, spike
D. spike, spadix
E. compound spike
168. Perennial grassy plant Hype?ricum perfora?tum belong to Family:
A. The Mallow Family
B. The Heather Family
C. The Cucumber Family
D. The Lime Family
E. * The St. John's wort Family
169. Perennial grassy plant Pri?mula ve?ris belong to Family:
A. The Willow Family
B. The Heather Family
C. * The Primrose Family
D. The Lime Family
E. The Mallow Family
170. Prevailing plants of a foliage forest are monoecious high trees coated with thick darkgrey rind with deep cracks. Their leaves are short-petiolare, pinnate-lobate. Their fruit is
acorn. Therefore, the dominating species is:
A. * Quercus robur
B. Tilia cordata
C. Betula verrucosa
D. Vaccinium vitis–ideae
E. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
171. Recognize medicinal plant according to description: "Evergreen shrub to 100 cm tall,
belong to Ericaceae Family. Leaves are thick, entire, linnear, with downrolled margin and
brown hairs below. Flowers are actinomorphic, white, collected in corymb. Fruit a long
capsule. Uses: shoots (poisonous!) as hypotension and for treating cough":
A. Salix acutifolia
B. Erysimum canescens
C. Cucurbita pepo
D. * Ledum palustre
E. Sinapis alba
172. Recognize the deciduous tree growing to about 20 m tall with sticky branches. Leaves are
simple, entire, alternate round with hollow in top. Male and female flowers separate on same
tree. Male flowers are in drooping catkins, female in short catkins. Fruit – brown nutlet.
Active ingredients: tannins "
A. Bearberry
B. * Black alder
C. Wild Pansy
D. Common Nettle
E. Persian walnut
173. Recognize the medicinal plant whose multiply fruits are used in medical practice as
antiseptic, antibacterial and reduced bleeding...
A. White birch (silver birch) (Betula verrucоsa)
B. * Black alder (Alnus glutinosa)
C. Persian walnut (Juglans regia)
D. White mustard (Sinapis alba)
E. Shepherd's-purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
174. Researcher was examined the herbarium specimens of plants discovered species of Violet
Family. It is …
A. * Field Pansy
B. Pumpkin
C. Cowslip
D. Marsh Mallow
E. Common Nettle
175. Siliqules or silicles (pods) are dry fruits typical for the following representative...
A. * The Cabbage Family, Mustard Family (Brassicaceae)
B. The Cucumber Family (Cucurbitaceae)
C. The Primrose Family (Primulaceae)
D. The Mallow Family (Malvaceae)
E. The Nettle Family (Urticaceae)
176. Specify a poisonous medicinal plant ...
A. * Wild rosemary (Ledum palustre)
B. Perforate St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
C. Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor)
D. Field Pansy (Viola arvensis)
E. Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo)
177. Specify the medicinal plant according to description: "Perennial dioecious grassy plant,
with upright stem and stinging hairs. Leaves are opposite, entire, stalked, heart-shaped at the
base, pointed and toothed. Perianth is small and greenish":
A. * Common Nettle
B. Pumpkin
C. Wild Pansy
D. Bearberry
E. Cowslip
178. Specify the medicinal plant which female clusters used as mild sedative...
A. * Hop-plant (Humulus lupulus)
B. Lime tree (Tilia cordata)
C. Holly willow (Salix acutifolia)
D. Black poplar (Populus nigra)
E. Cacao-tree (Theobroma cacao)
179. Specify the perennial grassy plant, with upright stem growing to about 160 cm tall, softly
hairy. Leaves are alternate, grey-green, covered in silky hairs. Lower leaves are 3-5-lobed,
upper leaves oval, toothed. Flowers are actinomorphic, pale pink. Active ingredients:
A. Bearberry
B. Pumpkin
C. Cowslip
D. Common Nettle
E. * Marsh Mallow
180. Student have to choose the representative of the Cabbage Family (Brassicaceae) on the
sample of herbarium:
A. Black poplar
B. Common Nettle
C. Cowberry
D. * Shepherd's-purse
E. Marsh Mallow
181. Student have to choose the representative of the Hemp Family (Cannabaceae) on the
sample of herbarium:
A. Lime tree
B. Common Nettle
C. Cowberry
D. * Hop-plant
E. Black poplar
182. Student have to choose the representative of the Willow Family (Salicaceae) on the
sample of herbarium:
A. Black poplar
B. Common Nettle
C. Cowberry
D. Shepherd's-purse
E. * Black poplar
183. Student of pharmacy specialty has to specify a poisonous medicinal plant ...
A. * Treacle mustard (Ery?simum cane?scens)
B. Cabbage (Bra?ssica olera?cea)
C. Bilberry (Vacci?nium myrtillus)
D. Cowberry (Vaccinium vi???tis–ideae)
E. Bearberry (Arctosta?phylos u?va-u?rsi)
184. The bark of this dioecious medicinal plant include such active ingredients:
phenologlycosid salicin, tannins and uses as antiseptic, for treating fevers and inflammation,
A. Lime tree
B. Cowberry
C. Pumpkin
D. Persian walnut
E. * Holly willow
185. The bark this woody medicinal plant use in medicine as antiseptic and reduced bleeding
(haemorrhage). Choose it plant:
A. Black poplar
B. Perforate St. John's wort
C. Black alder
D. * Oak-tree
E. Lime tree
186. The Beech Family includes such medicinal plant:
A. Pumpkin
B. * Oak-tree
C. Persian walnut
D. Bilberry
E. Wild Pansy
187. The birch-tree (Betula verrucosa) has compound inflorescences with drooping main axis
bearing dichasia composed of unisexual cells. Therefore, this inflorescence is called:
A. * Ament (catkin)
B. Spike
C. Spadix
D. Raceme
E. Glomus
188. The birch-tree (Betula verrucosa) has large single one-seeded fruit with woody pericarp.
The seed cuticle remains unfused with the pericarp. This fruit is ...
A. * nut
B. drupe
C. berry
D. caryopsis
E. capsule
189. The Cucumber Family includes such medicinal plant:
A. Marsh Mallow
B. * Pumpkin
C. Wild Pansy
D. Bilberry
E. Black alder
190. The deciduous tree Black poplar (Po?pulus ni?gra) belong to ...
A. * A. The Willow Family
B. B. The Heather Family
C. C. The Primrose Family
D. D. The Lime Family
E. E. The Mallow Family
191. The Heather Family includes such medicinal plant:
A. Marsh Mallow
B. Oak-tree
C. Persian walnut
D. * Bilberry
E. Black alder
192. The herb of this perennial medicinal plant belong to Dilleniidae's subclass use in
medicine for treating depression, intestinal and stomach inflammation ...
A. Bilberry
B. * Perforate St. John's wort
C. Pumpkin
D. White mustard
E. Marsh Mallow
193. The inflorescence of Wild rosemary (Ledum palustre) has major axis much shorter, the
nodes are close together, pedicels subequal. This inflorescence is …
A. * Umbel
B. Head
C. Spike
D. Raceme
E. Spadix
194. The leaves it medicinal plants belong to Ericaceae family are thick, alternate, entire,
obovate, with downrolled, toothed margin. Leaves are dark green above, pale green below.
Active ingredients: arbutin, tannins...
A. * Vaccinium vitis–ideae
B. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
C. Ledum palustre
D. Vaccinium myrtillus
E. Vaccinium oxycoccus
195. The Mallow Family includes such medicinal plant:
A. Field Pansy (Viola arvensis)
B. Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo)
C. Cowslip (Primula veris)
D. * Marsh Mallow (Althaea officinalis)
E. Common Nettle (Urtica dioica)
196. The oval brown fruit "knobble" of nuts to 1,5 cm length and used for treating gastric
inflammation …
A. * alder fruits
B. spruce cones
C. cypress cones
D. juniper cone-berries
E. pine cones
197. The seeds of the annual medicinal plant include such active ingredients: fatty oil,
glycosides and use in medicine to treat respiratory inflammation, for colds. Choose it plant:
A. Hop-plant
B. * White mustard
C. Shepherd's-purse
D. Pumpkin
E. Common Nettle
198. Very poisonous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plants from
Dilleniidae's subclass:
A. * Erysimum canescens
B. Sinapis alba
C. Vaccinium myrtillus
D. Hypericum perforatum
E. Viola tricolor
199. What types of fruits characteristics of the Vaccinium myrtillus and Arctostaphylos uvaursi?
A. Capsule
B. Caryopsis
C. Siliques
D. Nut
E. * Berry
200. Which medicinal plant of the Ericaceae family has following characteristic features of
leaves: they are alternate, with short petioles, elliptic-ovate, green on upper side, lighter on
the lower side, with dark point-like glandules below?
A. * Vaccinium vitis-idaea
B. Arctostaphilos uva-ursi
C. Vaccinium oxycoccus
D. Vaccinium myrtillus
E. Ledum palustre
201. Which medicinal species (evergreen shrubs) belonging to Heather family has leaves with
the following morphological characteristics: short petiole, oblong-linear shape, with
downrolled margins and red-brown hairs below...
A. * Wild rosemary (Ledum palustre)
B. Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
C. Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis–ideae)
D. Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccus)
E. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
202. Which of the following plants has "capsule" fruit?
A. Persian walnut (Juglans regia)
B. Treacle mustard (Erysimum canescens)
C. Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis–ideae)
D. Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
E. * Perforate St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
F. Roots
203. Woody plant of a deciduous forest is monoecious high tree coated with thick dark-grey
bark. Their leaves are short-petiolar, simple, pinnate-lobed. Their fruits are acorns (glans).
Therefore, this species is:
A. * Quercus robur
B. Alnus incana
C. Tilia cordata
D. Betula verrucosa
E. Vacci?nium myrtillus
204. In thoracic roots assembly pieces found bright yellow color of sweet taste. When defined
set, it is fundamentally
A. * Sweet root (Glycyrhiza gladra)
B. Marshmallow (Altaea officinalis)
C. Common Plantain (Plantago major)
D. Common Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
E. Gaden burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis)
205. ? The studying of five herbarium samples of medicinal plants has been determined that
one of them belongs to the family Fabaceae, namely ...
A. * Melilotus officinalis
B. Atropa belladonna
C. Hyoscyamus niger
D. Datura stramonium
E. Solanum dulcamara
206. A sour cherry and onion has shortened principal axis of inflorescence, pedicles have
nearly equal length and emerge like from the same point. It is typical for the following type
of inflorescence:
A. * Umbel
B. Anthodium (capitupum)
C. Corymb
D. Truss
E. Ear(spadix)
207. Among the investigated herbarium specimens of medicinal plants to the Rosaceae family
A. * Crataegus sanguinea
B. Melilotus officinalis
C. Conium maculatum
D. Capsella bursa-pastoris
E. Polygonum persicaria
208. Among the woody plants of Legume family was found the early-flowering tree that has
pinnate-compound leaves, stipules is modificated in the spines, inflorescence is drooping
raceme. This is ...
A. * Robinia pseudoacacia
B. Armeniaca vulgaris
C. Aesculus hippocastanum
D. Aronia melanocarpa
E. Quercus robur
209. Choose a formula of legume family:
A. * Ca (5) Co 5,4 A9 G1
B. * Ca (5) Co 5,4 A G(2-5)
C. * Ca (5) Co 5,4 A? G?
D. ^ Ca (5) Co 5 A5G1
E. * ^ Ca (5) Co 1+2+(2) A (9)+1 G1
210. Choose the plants from Legume’s family:
A. * Melilotus officinalis
B. Rosa canina
C. Sorbus aucuparia
D. Crataegus sanguinea
E. Rosa majalis
211. Choose the plants from Rose family:
A. Erysimum canescens
B. Sinapis alba
C. * Fragaria of vesca
D. Hypericum perforatum
E. Viola trcolor
212. Choose the plants from Rose's family:
A. * Rubus idaeus
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Melilotus officinalis
D. Cassia angustifolia
E. Ononis arvensis
213. Examination of five herbarium specimens of medicinal plants showed that one of them
belonged to the legume family, namely:
A. Hyoscyamus niger
B. Solanum dulcamara
C. Datura stramonium
D. Atropa belladonna
E. * Glycyrhiza glabra
214. Fruit tree Fam. Rosaceae has cropped prickly shoots, fruit apple characteristic shape, with
stony cells in the pulp. This ...
A. * Common Pear
B. Apple Forest
C. Cherry Garden
D. Apricot
E. Blackthorn
215. Herbs of this plants used as expectorants, anticoagulans, sedativum, analgeticum means.
Name this plant?
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Aronia melanocarpa
D. * Melilotus officinalis
E. Glycyrrizza glabra
216. In one of the investigated plants flower is zyhomorfic, papilionaceous wreath type. This
plant has a name:
A. * Yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis)
B. Peppermint (Meetha piperita)
C. Common valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
D. Common Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
E. Dog rose (Rosa canina)
217. Industrial sources of rutin and quercetin is the flower of the family of legume plants
A. Sophora japonica
B. Robinia pseudoakacia
C. Caragana arborescens
D. * Astragalus dasyantus
E. Robinia pseudoacacia
218. Is a perennial glassy plant or low shrub with a thick rhizome and root. Leaves are tree
compound. Flowers are rose, located single in bosoms leaves. What the plant describe?
A. Senna
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Glycyrrhiza glabra
D. * Ononis arvensis
E. Melilotus officinalis
219. Is a perennial glassy plant or low shrub with a thick rhizome and root. Leaves are tree
compound. Flowers are rose, located single in bosoms leaves. What the plant describe?
A. Senna
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Glycyrrhiza glabra
D. * Ononis arvensis
E. Melilotus officinalis
220. Leaves and fruit of this plant used as a laxative meant. Name this plant?
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. * Cassia angustifolia
C. Aronia melanocarpa
D. Melilotus officinlis
E. Glycyrrizza glabra
221. Morphological analysis of an inflorescence of Crataegus sanguinea revealed that its
flowers were attached to the same axis at different levels but due to different length of
peduncle they grew in the same plane. Such inflorescence is called:
A. * Corymb
B. Umbel
C. Spike
D. Glomus (head)
E. Anthodium (capitupum)
222. Of the investigated herbarium specimens of medicinal plants to the family Rosaceae
A. * Crataegus sanguinea
B. Melilotus officinalis
C. Conium maculatum
D. Capsella bursa-pastoris
E. Polygonum persicaria
223. One from the following plants has pome fruit …
A. Prunus padus
B. Amygdalus communis
C. Prunus domestica
D. * Sorbus aucuparia
E. Rosa majalis
224. Recognize medicinal plans according to description: it is a grassy perennial with
pinnately compound leaves, covered by grandular hairs. Has the well developed rhizome and
roots. Flowers are violet, collected in raceme. Root and rhizome uses as expectorans,
spasmolyticum means.
A. European bird cherry
B. Garden burnet
C. * Sweet root
D. Senna
E. Cinnamon rose
225. Recognize medicinal plans according to description: it is a perennial glassy plant or low
shrub with a thick rhizome and root. Leaves are tree compound. Flowers are rose, located
single in bosoms leaves. Root uses as diuretic, cholagogum, desinticiues means.
A. European bird cherry
B. Garden burnet
C. Sweet root
D. Senna
E. * Spiny restharrow
226. Recognize medicinal plans according to description: it is a small bush with pinnately
compound leaves and yellow flowers. Leaves and fruit of this plant uses as a laxative meant:
A. European bird cherry
B. Garden burnet
C. Sweet root
D. * Senna
E. Cinnamon rose
227. Recognize medicinal plans according to description: this plant is high evergreen tree.
Characteristic are two types of leaves: 1 – older lanceolate or falcate, 2 – young egg-shaped,
uses leaf – gesinficiens, expectorans, antiphlogisticum means.
A. * Eucalіptus
B. Snowdon rose
C. Flax
D. Leather bergenia
E. Currant black
228. Recognize medicinal plans according to description: this plant is the grassy perennial
plant brought to the “Red book of Ukraine”. The underground organs of plant called a “gold
root” and used as tonic mean.
A. Eucalіptus
B. * Snowdon rose
C. Flax
D. Leather bergenia
E. Currant black
229. Root and rhizome of this plant used as expectorans, spasmolyticum mean. Name this
A. Phaseolus vulgaris
B. Melilotus officinalis
C. * Glycyrrhisa glabra
D. Ononis arvensis
E. Astragalus dasyanthus
230. Root of this plants used as are diuretic, cholagogum, desinticiues means. Name this
A. Rubus idaeus
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Melilotus officinalis
D. Cassia angustifolia
E. * Ononis arvensis
231. Student have to choose the representative of the Legume Family on the sample of
A. Eucalіptus
B. Snowdon rose
C. * Liqurice or sweet root
D. Leather bergenia
E. Currant black
232. The fruit of this medicinal plant include rich on the vitamin of Р, any flavonoids and uses
as hypotension, antisclerotic, vitamin, styptic, spasmolytic, bile-expelling diuretic means.
Name this plant?
A. * Aronia melanocarpa
B. Melilotus officinalis
C. Glycyrrhisa glabra
D. Ononis arvensis
E. Phaseolus vulgaris
233. The fruit of this perennial medical plants uses as antiscorbuticum, antiphlodisticum,
diaphoreticum means. Name this plant?
A. Dog rose
B. Redhaw Hawthorn
C. Strawberry
D. * Raspberry
E. Black chokeberry
234. The hips of this medicinal plant include such active ingredients: vitamins C, D and E,
essential fatty acids and antioxidant flavonoids and uses as antiscorbuticum, tonicum,
cholagogum means. Name this plant?
A. * Dog rose
B. Redhaw Hawthorn
C. Strawberries
D. Raspberry
E. Black chokeberry
235. The leaves, flowers and fruit of this shrubs show cardioactive, desensitizing activity,
spasmolytic and sedative effect. Name this plant?
A. Dog rose
B. * Redhaw Hawthorn
C. Strawberries
D. Raspberry
E. Black chokeberry
236. The Linen family includes such medicinal plant:
A. Eucalіptus
B. Snowdon rose
C. * Flax
D. Leather bergenia
E. Currant black
237. The medicinal plants Astragalus dasianthos and Trifolium pratense (red clover) have
unstalked flowers which are arranged on a round thick axis. This is ...
A. * Head
B. Corymb
C. Raceme
D. Panicle (raceme compound)
E. Spike
238. The members of this Family are grassy plants, rarer bushes, lianas or trees. There are
bacteriorrhizas on roots. Leaves are compound, with stipules...
A. Ericaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Salicaceae
D. * Fabaceae
E. Brassicaceae
239. The members of this Family are grassy plants, rarer bushes, lianas or trees. There are
bacteriorrhizas on roots. Leaves are compound, with stipules
A. Ericaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Salicaceae
D. * Fabaceae
E. Brassicaceae
240. The structure of the flower Melilotus officinalis 10 stamens: one free, and 9 are fused into
receiver. This type of androecium is called:
A. * Two-brothers
B. One-brothers
C. Many-brothers
D. Two-strong
E. Four-strong
241. The taproot system of this family with bacteriorhiza. Name this family?
A. The Rose
B. The Poppy
C. The Buttercup
D. * The Legume
E. TheBuckwheat
242. This is a perennial herb with slender stems growing 10 - 30 inches tall and arising from a
basal rosette of pinnately divided leaves. The toothed leaflets are oval and gray-green. The
light green to yellowish-green flowers (May-July) grow in clusters; the female flowers on the
upper part have protruding red stigmas that give the herb a red glow. The male flowers on the
lower part have drooping yellow stamens. Fruit is a nut. What the plant describe?
A. * Sanguisorba of officinalis
B. Potentilla erecta
C. Padus avium
D. Sorbus aucuparia
E. Aronia melanocarpa
243. This is a perennial herb with slender stems growing 10 - 30 inches tall and arising from a
basal rosette of pinnately divided leaves. The toothed leaflets are oval and gray-green. The
light green to yellowish-green flowers (May-July) grow in clusters; the female flowers on the
upper part have protruding red stigmas that give the herb a red glow. The male flowers on the
lower part have drooping yellow stamens. Fruit is a nut. What the plant describe?
A. * Sanguisorba of officinalis
B. Potentilla erecta
C. Padus avium
D. Sorbus aucuparia
E. Aronia melanocarpa
244. This plant a species of deciduous shrubs native to forests of Europe and Siberia. It grows
to 2 m. and yields edible hip fruits rich in vitamin C, which are used in medicine and to
produce syrup.
A. European bird cherry
B. Garden burnet
C. Tormentil cinquefoil
D. Senna
E. * Cinnamon rose
245. This plant growth of East Africa and in the countries of coast of the Red sea. Leaves and
fruit of plant uses as a laxative meant. Name this medical plant?
A. Gleditsia triacanthos
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Melilotus officinalis
D. * Casia angustifolia
E. Ononis arvensis
246. We collected compound leaves of the plant, the flowers of zygomorfic such as the fruit of
the bean.Most likely it belongs to the family ...
A. * Fabaceae
B. Scrophulariaceae
C. Ranunculaceae
D. Lamiaceae
E. Asteraceae
247. What plant has simple leaves?
A. * Aronia melanocarpa
B. Melilotus officinalis
C. Glycyrrhisa glabra
D. Ononis arvensis
E. Phaseolus vulgaris
248. What plant hasn’t compound leaves?
A. Phaseolus vulgaris
B. Melilotus officinalis
C. Glycyrrhisa glabra
D. Ononis arvensis
E. * Aronia melanocarpa
249. What types of fruit characteristic of the Black chokeberry ( Aronia melanocarpa)?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. * Pome
D. Nut
E. Drupe
250. What types of fruit characteristic of the European bird cherry (Padus avium)?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. Pome
D. Nut
E. * Drupe
251. What types of fruit characteristic of the Garden burnet (Sanguisorba of officinalis)?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. Pome
D. * Nut
E. Drupe
252. What types of fruit characteristic of the Rowans or mountain-ashes (Sorbus aucuparia)?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. * Pome
D. Nut
E. Drupe
253. What types of fruit characteristic of the Termopsis lanceolate (Thermopsis lanceolata)?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. Pome
D. * Legume
E. Drupe
254. When tested five herbarium specimens of medicinal plants has been identified as one of
one belongs to the legume family, namely:
A. * Glycyrhiza glabra
B. Atropa belladonna
C. Hyoscyamus niger
D. Datura stramonium
E. Solanum dulcamara
255. Which of the following investigated plants from Rose family have fruit an apple?
A. * European rowan-tree (Sorbus domestica)
B. Plum-tree (Prunus domestica)
C. Almond (Amygdalus communis)
D. Cinnamon rose (Rosa majalis)
E. Bird cherry (Padus avium)
256. You need to specify a monocasrpous one-seeded fruit with hard scleroid endocarp and
soft mesocarp. This fruit of cherry is:
A. Bacca
B. Legume
C. * Monodrupe
D. Silique
E. Capsule
257. A medicinal plant under examination has actinomorphic, bright yellow flowers, collected
in compound umbels to 12 cm across. Bracts and bracteoles in umbels are absent. This is:
A. * Dill (Ane?thum grave?olens)
B. Caraway (Ca?rum ca?rvi)
C. Ginseng (Pa?nax gi?nseng)
D. Common Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
E. Horse Chestnut (Ae?sculus hippocasta?num)
258. A plant under examination has a storage root; its stems are ribbed, hollow; leaves are
many times pinnate-dissected, leafstalk has a boot; inflorescence is the compound umbel;
fruit is the cremocarp with essential oil channels in the pericarp. Such characteristic are
typical for the plants of the following family:
A. Scrophulariaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. * Apiaceae
D. Brassicaceae
E. Solanaceae
259. Among the medicinal plants it have been proposed to select the sample, which belongs to
the Carrot Family...
A. * Garden Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
B. Ivy (Hedera helix)
C. Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
D. Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticsus)
E. Common Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
260. Choose the part of Ivy (Hedera helix) that used in medicine to treat coughs and
A. Leaves
B. Flowers
C. Seeds
D. * Roots and rhizomes
E. Bark
261. Deciduous shrub or tree grows to 5 m tall. Leaves are simple with 3-5 lobes, opposite,
with toothed margin. Flowers are white, 5-partite, collected in flat clusters. There are two
types of flowers: big sterile outside and small fertile in the centre of cluster. Fruit – an oval
red drupe. This is...
A. Sambucus nigra
B. Cotinus coggygria
C. Rhamnus cathartica
D. Frangula alnus
E. * Viburnum opulus
262. During investigation of five herbarium specimens of medicinal plants has been
determined that one of them belongs to the family Araliaceae. It is ...
A. Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)
B. * Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
C. Common Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
D. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
E. Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
263. Essential oils are dominating compound of fruits of such medicinal plant...
A. * Foeniculum vulgare
B. Viburnum opulus
C. Panax ginseng
D. Rhamnus cathartica
E. Frangula alnus
264. Fruit "yellow-orange pseudo-monocarp drupe" is formed in:
A. Garden Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
B. Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)
C. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
D. * Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
E. Fig (Ficus carica)
265. Hippophae rhamnoides belongs to...
A. The Carrot Family (Apiaceae)
B. The Ivy Family (Araliaceae)
C. The Valerian Family (Valerianaceae)
D. The Horse Chestnut Family (Hippocastanaceae)
E. * The Sea Buckthorn Family (Eleagnaceae)
266. Identify the deciduous tree to 10 m tall with short trunk. Leaves are leathery, palmate,
with deeply 5-7 lobes. Plant is dioecious. Flowers are small, growing inside pear-shaped
fleshy receptacle. Fruit – a fleshy, brownish-violet fig.
A. Olive
B. * Fig
C. Ginseng
D. Lemon
E. Sea Buckthorn
267. Identify the medicinal plant according to description: "Perennial erect grassy plant to 180
cm tall with opposite leaves. Basal leaves are large and pinnate, stem leaves smaller. Flowers
are pink, collect in umbel-like clusters. Fruit is compressed cypsella, to 7 mm long. In
medicine uses as sedative, to treat insomnia":
A. Caraway
B. * Common Valerian
C. Siberian Ginseng
D. Common Buckthorn
E. Wild Parsnip
268. Identify the medicinal plant from the Carrot Family according to description: "Annual
hairy plant, growing to about 50 cm tall. Lower leaves are long-stalked and rounded, upper
leaves are lobed and unstalked. Flowers are white. Bracts in umbels usually absent. Fruits are
pear-shaped. Uses as expectorant, to treat digestive problems":
A. * Pimpinella anisum
B. Carum carvi
C. Coriandrum sativum
D. Levisticum officinale
E. Foeniculum vulgare
269. Identify the medicinal plant represented on figure...
A. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
B. Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
C. Fig (Ficus carica)
D. * Alder Buckthorn (Frangula alnus)
E. European Elder (Sambucus nigra)
270. Identify the woody medicinal plant according to description: "Thorny shrub to 3 m tall.
Leaves are simple, palmate-separated, long-stalked. Flowers are yellow or pale violet,
collected in umbels. Fruit is black drupe. Active ingredients: Lignans":
A. Coriander
B. Common Valerian
C. * Siberian Ginseng
D. Common Buckthorn
E. Ivy
271. Inflorescence "large panicle" is formed in:
A. Carrot (Daucus sativa)
B. Dill (Anethum graveolens)
C. Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
D. * Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
E. Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
272. Inflorescence "compound umbel" is formed in:
A. Ivy (Hedera helix)
B. * Dill (Anethum graveolens)
C. Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
D. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
E. Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
273. Investigate the deciduous shrub or tree to 6 m tall, called "paradise-tree". Leaves are
simple, long-stalked, oval, with entire margins and violet vein below. Flowers are greenishwhite, collected in big oval clusters. Fruit – a dry cypsela. Uses: leaves as antiseptic and
A. Rhamnus cathartica
B. * Cotinus coggygria
C. Aesculus hippocastanum
D. Frangula alnus
E. Sambucus nigra
274. Investigate the medicinal plant according to description: "Annual hairless plant to 100 cm
tall with thread-like 3-4-pinnate leaves. Flowers are bright yellow, collected in compound
umbels to 12 cm across. Bracts and bracteoles in umbels are absent. Fruits are oval, flattened,
to 5 mm long. In medicine uses fruits":
A. Wild Parsnip
B. Lovage
C. Coriander
D. * Dill
E. Aniseed
275. Investigate the perennial grassy plant lived to 100 years. Stem is erect, unbranching.
Leaves are large, palmate compound, leaflets elliptical. Flowers are pale green,
actinomorphic, 5-partite, collected in umbel. Fruit is red drupe, to 7 mm long. Uses: roots –
as general tonic ...
A. Lovage
B. Garden Angelica
C. * Ginseng
D. Wild Parsnip
E. Sea Buckthorn
276. It was determined that in the herbarium specimens of the Rhamnaceae Family the plant
without thorns, the leaves are alternate, pinnate venation with 6-8 pairs of lines veins. This
A. * Frangula alnus
B. Rhamnus cathartica
C. Aesculus hippocastanum
D. Aronia melanocarpa
E. Sambucus nigra
277. It was determined that perennial hairless grassy plant growing to 150 cm tall with
aromatic smell. Leaves are feathery cut, to 3-4-pinnate, with sheathing bases. Flowers are
pale yellow, collected in compound umbels to 15 cm across. Bracts and bracteoles are
A. Pimpinella anisum
B. Carum carvi
C. Coriandrum sativum
D. Levisticum officinale
E. * Foeniculum vulgare
278. It was determined the stems of medicinal plant that are hollow ribbed, inflorescence –
compound umbel, fruit is cremocarp, has the essential oils. These signs are typical for Family
A. * Apiaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Ericaceae
D. Brassisaceae
E. Rosaceae
279. Leathery, palmate leaves with 5-7 lobes are formed in ...
A. Anethum graveolens
B. Carum carvi
C. Valeriana offiinalis
D. Sambucus nigra
E. * Ficus carica
280. Morphological comparison of the plants of Apiaceae Family showed that by most of the
small flowers are collected in a inflorescence...
A. raceme, panicle
B. * compound umbel
C. head, spike
D. spike, spadix
E. compound spike
281. Name the deciduous thorny shrub growing to 6 m tall. Leaves are alternate, simple, long
and narrow, with entire margins. Plant is dioecious. Perianth is reduced, yellow-brown. Male
and female flowers are little (to 4 mm across), collected in little clusters. Fruit is orange
drupe. Uses: fruits as vitamin supplement for colds...
A. Carrot
B. Ivy
C. Common snowball
D. Common Buckthorn
E. * Sea Buckthorn
282. Name the medicinal biennial grassy plant, growing to about 120 cm tall, which
underground organ is long beet-shaped root, smelling of carrots. Stem is erect, branching in
upper half. Leaves are pinnate, with 4-7 pairs of irregularly toothed lobes. Flowers are
yellow, small. Bracts and bracteoles in umbels are absent. This is...
A. * Wild Parsnip
B. Lovage
C. Coriander
D. Dill
E. Aniseed
283. Name the medicinal woody evergreen plant, climbing by short additive roots. Leaves are
alternate, leathery, dark green with palmate veins. Leaves on vegetative stem are 2-5-lobed,
leaves on flowering stem are entire. Flowers are small, green, and collect in clusters. Fruits
are round, blue-black berry. This is...
A. Caraway
B. * Ivy
C. Siberian Ginseng
D. Common Buckthorn
E. Sea Buckthorn
284. Name the part of European Elder (Sambucus nigra) that used in medicine for treating
fevers, cold, cough...
A. Herb
B. * Flowers
C. Seeds
D. Roots
E. Bark
285. Panax ginseng has shortened main axis of inflorescence, pedicles have nearly equal
length and emerge like from the same point. It is typical for the following type of
A. Anthodium
B. Corymb
C. Spike
D. * Umbel
E. Ear
286. Recognize medicinal plant from the Carrot Family according to description: "Perennial
hairless grassy plant to 180 cm tall with aromatic smell. Leaves are large, to 70 cm long, 2-3pinnate, with irregularly toothed lobes. Flowers are pale yellow, collected in compound
umbels. Bracts and bracteoles are present. In medicine uses roots ":
A. Caraway
B. * Lovage
C. Coriander
D. Fennel
E. Aniseed
287. Recognize the medicinal plant from the Carrot Family according to description: "Biennial
or perennial plant, growing to about 80 cm tall. Leaves are feathery, to 2-3-pinnate, with
narrow segments. Lower leaves are stalked, upper unstalked. Flowers are white or pinkish.
Bracts and bracteoles are absent. In medicine it uses fruits":
A. Pimpine?lla ani?sum
B. * Carum carvi
C. Coriandrum sativum
D. Levisticum officinale
E. Foeniculum vulgare
288. Rhizomes and roots f Common Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) are uses as...
A. general tonic
B. anticoagulant, for treating varicose veins
C. mild laxative
D. * sedative, to treat insomnia
E. as antispasmodic, for treating kidney and heart problems
289. Rhizomes and roots of Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is uses as...
A. * general tonic
B. anticoagulant, for treating varicose veins
C. mild laxative
D. sedative, to treat insomnia
E. as spasmolitic, for treating kidney and heart problems
290. Roots of Panax ginseng is uses in medicine as...
A. * general tonic
B. anticoagulant, for treating varicose veins
C. mild laxative
D. sedative, to treat insomnia
E. as spasmolitic, for treating kidney and heart problems
291. Select the deciduous thorny shrub or tree to 4 m tall. Leaves are elliptical and opposite.
Plant is dioecious. Flowers are yellow-green, 4-partite, collected in small groups in the leaf
axils. Fruit – a round black berry. Uses: fruits as mild laxative. "
A. Viburnum opulus
B. Cotinus coggygria
C. * Rhamnus cathartica
D. Aesculus hippocastanum
E. Sambucus nigra
292. Select the evergreen thorny tree to 15 m tall. Stems with spines in the leaf axils. Leaves
are elliptical, leathery, and alternate. Flowers are white, actinomorphic, collected in small
groups in leaf axils. Fruit – a berry-like, yellow, with sour flesh. Uses: fruits as antiseptic, for
treat flu...
A. Olive
B. Fig
C. Ginseng
D. * Lemon
E. Sea Buckthorn
293. Select the evergreen tree which trunk is twisted and short. Stems are sometimes thorny.
Leaves are opposite, simple, elliptical, with entire margins. Flowers are small, 4-lobed,
yellow-white, collected in leaf axils. Fruit – a drupe to 4 cm long (at first green, later black).
Uses: fruits as source of fatty oil...
A. * Olive
B. Fig
C. Ginseng
D. Lemon
E. Sea Buckthorn
294. Select the type of fruit, including the following characteristics: fruit merycarp has 5
longitudinal main reberets between which may contain secondary ribs. The pericarp contains
many essential oils in channels:
A. * Cremocarp
B. Drupe
C. Nut
D. Legume (bean)
E. Silique (pod)
295. Some herbs should be collected with great caution, since some of them are poisonous,
such plants include representative of the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae):
A. * Cicuta virosa
B. Viburnum opulus
C. Valeriana officinalis
D. Panax ginseng
E. Valeriana officinalis
296. Specify the medicinal plant – deciduous tree growing to about 30 m tall, with brown-grey
and scaly bark. Leaves are opposite, long-stalked, palmate-compound, with 5-7 obovate
leaflets. Flowers are pale yellow or pink, collect in large panicles to 30 cm long. Fruit is
round green capsule with large brown seeds. This is...
A. * Horse Chestnut
B. Smoke-tree
C. Siberian Ginseng
D. Common Buckthorn
E. Sea Buckthorn
297. Specify the medicinal plant which roots use in medicine as diuretic, for treating kidney
A. Dill (Anethum graveolens)
B. * Lovage (Levisticum officinale)
C. Caraway (Carum carvi)
D. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
E. Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
298. Student has to choose the representative of the Hippocastanaceae Family on the sample of
A. Siberian Ginseng
B. Common Valerian
C. * Horse Chestnut
D. Sea Buckthorn
E. Olive
299. Student must choose the representative of the Carrot Family (Apiaceae) on the sample of
A. Olea europaea
B. Panax ginseng
C. Rhamnus cathartica
D. Viburnum opulus
E. * Coriandrum sativum
300. Student must recognize the medicinal plant Fig (Ficus carica) according to such type of
A. palmate-compound
B. simple and narrow
C. * simple and deeply lobed
D. pinnate, with 4-7 lobes
E. thread-like pinnate
301. Student of pharmacy specialty has to specify a poisonous medicinal plant...
A. * Hemlock (Сonium maculatum)
B. Dill (Anethum graveolens)
C. Garden Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
D. Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)
E. Common Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
302. The bark of this woody medicinal plant uses in for treating haemorrhage. Choose it plant:
A. Foeniculum vulgare
B. * Viburnum opulus
C. Panax ginseng
D. Rhamnus cathartica
E. Frangula alnus
303. The bark this shrub or tree to without thorn to 3 m tall with elliptical, alternate leaves
content antraquinons, bitters and uses as mild laxative:
A. Sambucus nigra
B. Cotinus coggygria
C. * Frangula alnus
D. Siberian Ginseng
E. Rhamnus cathartica
304. The Carrot Family includes such medicinal plant:
A. Viburnum opulus
B. Panax ginseng
C. * Levisticum officinale
D. Aesculus hippocastanum
E. Valeriana officinalis
305. The deciduous thorny shrub Hippophae rhamnoides belongs to Family...
A. Araliaceae
B. Moraceae
C. Rutaceae
D. Anacardiaceae
E. * Eleagnaceae
306. The deciduous tree to 10 m tall with short trunk Ficus carica belongs to Family....
A. Araliaceae
B. * Moraceae
C. Rutaceae
D. Anacardiaceae
E. Eleagnaceae
307. The definable poisonous plant of Apiaceae Family has red-violet spots on the stem and
has an unpleasant smell like mice. This is ...
A. * Conium maculatum
B. Anisum vulgare
C. Apium graveolens
D. Anethum graveolens
E. Foeniculum vulgare
308. The evergreen thorny tree Citrus limon is belong to Family....
A. Araliaceae
B. Moraceae
C. * Rutaceae
D. Anacardiaceae
E. Eleagnaceae
309. The fleshy fruit of Lemon has an essential oil exocarp, spongy mesocarp and overgrown
endocarp consisting of juice sacs. There are many seeds. This is ...
A. * Hesperidium
B. Pome
C. Pepo
D. Drupe
E. Cypsela
310. The Honeysuckle Family includes such medicinal plant:
A. * Viburnum opulus
B. Panax ginseng
C. Levisticum officinale
D. Coriandrum sativum
E. Valeriana officinalis
311. The Ivy Family (Araliaceae) includes such medicinal plant:
A. Viburnum opulus
B. * Panax ginseng
C. Levisticum officinale
D. Aesculus hippocastanum
E. Valeriana officinalis
312. The lemon’s fruit is characterized by glandular exocarp, spongy mesocarp and sore
endocarp consisting of juice sacs. This fruit is called:
A. * Hesperidiem
B. Legume
C. Silique
D. Drupe
E. Berry
313. The round fruits this annual hairless plant, growing to about 50 cm tall, flowers are white
or pinkish, collect in umbels, uses for treat rheumatism, loss of appetite. This is...
A. Eleutherococcus senticosus
B. Panax ginseng
C. * Coriandrum sativum
D. Levisticum officinale
E. Valeriana officinalis
314. The yellow-orange, oblong, pseudomonocarp drupes, rich vitamins and fatty oil,
collected from female specimens of spiny shrub is such medicinal plant…
A. * Hippophae rhamnoides
B. Rhamnus cathartica
C. Amygdalus communis
D. Sambucus nigra
E. Prunus spinosa
315. Type of fruit "black berry" is formed in such woody medicinal plant:
A. Garden Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
B. Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)
C. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
D. * European Elder (Sambucus nigra)
E. Fig (Ficus carica)
316. Type of Inflorescence "compound umbel" is formed in:
A. Ivy (Hedera helix)
B. * Caraway (Carum carvi)
C. Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
D. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
E. Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
317. Very poisonous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant from the
Carrot Family (Apiaceae):
A. Caraway
B. Lovage
C. Coriander
D. Fennel
E. * Water Hemlock
318. We can recognize the medicinal plant Dill (Anethum graveolens) according to such type
of leaves...
A. palmate-compound
B. simple and narrow
C. simple deeply lobed
D. pinnate, with 4-7 lobes
E. * thread-like pinnate
319. We can recognize the medicinal plant Horse Chestnut according to such type of leaves...
A. * palmate-compound
B. simple and narrow
C. simple deeply lobed
D. pinnate, with 4-7 lobes
E. thread-like pinnate
320. What type of fruit characteristics of the Lemon?
A. Capsule
B. * Hesperidium
C. Siliques
D. Nut
E. Drupe
321. Which of the following plants has fleshy "drupe" fruit?
A. Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)
B. Garden Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
C. Common Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
D. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
E. * Olive (Olea europaea)
322. Which type of fleshy fruit of plant belongaing to Rosidae subclass is characterized as
indehiscent coenocarpiem with several seeds composed of:
A. * hesperidium
B. silique
C. aggregation of drupes
D. berry
E. drupe
323. Which type of fruit characterizes the Carrot and Aneseed?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. * Cremocarp
D. Nut
E. Drupe
324. Which type of fruit characterizes the Dill and Fennel?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. * Cremocarp
D. Nut
E. Drupe
325. Yellow-white small flowers of the deciduous shrub with pinnate-compound leaves
content essential oil, flavonoids, and uses in medicine for treating fevers, cold, cough. This
A. * Sambucus nigra
B. Cotinus coggygria
C. Rhamnus cathartica
D. Siberian Ginseng
E. Viburnum opulus
326. Active ingredients of this medicinal plants are deadly poisonous for human body...
A. Mentha piperita
B. Centaurium erythraea
C. Salvia officinalis
D. * Atropa belladonna
E. Plantago major
327. An essential oil plant under examination has a square stem, flowers with bilabiate corolla,
coenobium fruit. These characteristics are typical for the following family:
A. * Lamiaceae
B. Scrophulariaceae
C. Polygonaceae
D. Papaveraceae
E. Solanaceae
328. Bacca (berry) fruit is typical for the following plant of Nightshade (Solanaceae) family...
A. * Atropa belladonna
B. Datura innoxia
C. Datura stramonium
D. Hyosciamus niger
E. Nicotiana tabacum
329. Biannual hairless grassy plant Centau?rium erythrae?a belongs to....
A. Carrot Family
B. Figwort Family
C. Periwinkle Family
D. * Gentian Family
E. Nightshade Family
330. Choose the medicinal plant belonging to Nightshade Family...
A. Common Centaury
B. Greater Plantain
C. * Henbane
D. Java tea
E. Common Lavender
331. Choose the representative of the Mint Family on the sample of herbarium:
A. Datura stramonium
B. Digitalis purpurea
C. * Salvia officinalis
D. Atropa belladonna
E. Plantago major
332. Choose the type of leaves that are formed in Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)...
A. Narrowly linear, entire
B. Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire
C. * Ovate, with deeply toothed margin
D. Pinnate-dissected
E. Deeply 3-5-lobed
333. Crop production includes cultivation of medicinal essential oil plants that don’t grow in
Ukraine widely, namely Mentha piperita, Ortosiphon stamineus, and also:
A. * Salvia officinalis
B. Leonurus cardiaca
C. Origanum vulgare
D. Leonurus quinquelobatus
E. Thymus serpyllum
334. Dangerous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant...
A. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)
B. * Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)
C. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea)
D. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
E. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
335. Datura stramonium and Hyoscyamus niger have dry fruits with many seeds. What types
of fruit characteristics these plants?
A. * Capsule
B. Berry
C. Siliques
D. Drupe
E. Nutlets
336. During microscopic the studying of plant epidermis of Mint Family leaves it was found
that both side of stomata the cells are located perpendicular to the slit. This stomata apparatus
A. * Diacytos
B. Paracytos
C. Anizocytos
D. Anomocytos
E. Tetracytos
337. Essential oils are dominating compound of aerial part of such medicinal plant...
A. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)
B. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)
C. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea)
D. * Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
E. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)
338. Folk medicine uses the flower of white dead-nettle (Lamium album) as diuretic and other.
This plant belongs to the Family...
A. * Mint (Lamiaceae)
B. Fig-wort (Scrophulariaceae)
C. Nightshade (Solanaceae)
D. Sunflower (Asteraceae)
E. Legume (Fabaceae)
339. Fruit "black berry" characteristics so medicinal plant from Solanaceae Family:
A. * Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
B. Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
C. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)
D. Indian Thorn-apple (Datura innoxia)
E. Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
340. Identify the medicinal plant according to description: "Perennial grassy plant with much
branched stem. Stem is square, leaves are opposite, ovate. Flowers are pink, collected in
corymb-like panicles. Corolla is 2-lipped. Fruits are nutlets. Herb contents essential oil and
uses for treating, digestive problems and female sexual disorders":
A. * Wild Majoram
B. Greater Plantain
C. Common Centaury
D. Motherwort
E. Deadly Nightshade
341. Identify the perennial grassy plant to 40 cm tall with upright unbranched stem. Leaves are
oval, with strong arc-shaped veins, collected in basal rosette. Flowers are little, yellow-green,
collected in spike. Fruit is capsule. Uses: leaves – as expectorant, for treating coughs,
bronchitis, and gastritis. This is...
A. Digitalis purpurea
B. Atropa belladonna
C. Hyoscyamus niger
D. Datura stramonium
E. * Plantago major
342. Identify the perennial grassy plant, growing to about 80 cm tall with violet-tinged stems
and aromatic smell. Leaves are opposite, narrowly ovate, stalked, with toothed margin.
Flowers are pinkish-violet, collected in whorls of 4–8, and arranged in terminal interrupted
spikes. This plant growth in Ukraine only in culture. Uses: for treating nausea, stomach,
intestinal and liver disorders. This is...
A. Common Lavander (Lavandula angustifolia)
B. Wild Majoram (Origanum vulgare)
C. * Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
D. Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
E. Yellow Foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora)
343. Identify the representative of the Figwort Family on the sample of herbarium:
A. Solanum tuberosum
B. * Digitalis purpurea
C. Salvia officinalis
D. Atropa belladonna
E. Coriandrum sativum
344. Identify the type of leaves that are formed in Lavandula angustifolia...
A. * Narrowly linear, entire
B. Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire
C. Ovate, with deeply toothed margin
D. Pinnate-dissected
E. Deeply 3-5-lobed
345. Investigate the perennial evergreen hemi-shrub growing to about 30 cm. Long vegetative
stems rooting at nodes. Flowering stems are upright. Leaves are opposite, ovate. Flowers are
actinomorphic, blue-violet, growing from leaf axils. Fruits - 2 follicles. It contents alkaloids
and uses for treating circulatory disorders, as hypotension. This is...
A. Plantago major
B. Datura stramonium
C. Solanum tuberosum
D. * Vinca minor
E. Centaurium erythraea
346. Investigate the perennial grassy plant to 100 cm tall with ribbed branching stem, covered
sticky hairs. Leaves are pinnate-dissected and alternate, to 20 cm long. Flowers are
actinomorphic, white or violet, disposition in sympodial inflorescences. Corolla is wheelshaped, with 5 lobes. Fruit is green berry. Uses: tubers – as source of starch. This plant is...
A. Plantago major
B. Datura stramonium
C. * Solanum tuberosum
D. Vinca minor
E. Hyoscyamus niger
347. Investigated perennial grassy plant grows to 150 cm in height. Roots are the source of a
red dye known as rose madder. Leaves are to 10 cm long, arranged in whorls of 4-7 star-like
around the stem. The flowers are small (to 5 mm across), with 5 pale yellow petals, collected
in hemi-umbels. Fruit is a black berry. Uses: roots and rhizomes for treating kidney stones, as
anti-spasmodic. This is...
A. Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)
B. Strophanthus (Strophanthus hispidus)
C. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)
D. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)
E. * Common Madder (Rubia tinctorum)
348. It was defined essential oils plant stem that is square in cross section, flowers with twolipped corolla, fruit is nutlet. These signs are typical for the family:
A. * Lamiaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Polygonaceae
D. Solanaceae
E. Scrophulariaceae
349. It was described medical plant "Perennial herbaceous plant with ascending square stem
and opposite located integral leaves. Flowers are zyhomorphic, bisexual. Corolla is generally
2-lipped: with 2-lobed upper lip and 3-lobed lower lip. The superior ovary develops into fruit
4-nutlet. This plant belongs to the family …
A. * Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Poaceae
D. Brassicaceae
E. Rosaceae
350. It was determined that biennial herb to 150 cm tall has upright stem and lanceolate,
wrinkled leaves. Lower leaves are stalked, forming a rosette, upper leaves unstalked. Flowers
are zygomorphic, with 2-lobed margins, pink-purple, with dark spots inside, collected in
raceme. Fruit is capsule. Active ingredients: cardiac glycosides.
A. * Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
B. Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
C. Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
D. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)
E. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)
351. It was examination the androecium of flower, which consists of two long and two short
stamens. This androecium is:
A. * Two-strong
B. Four-strong
C. Two-brothers
D. Four-brothers
E. Mono-brothers
352. Leaves of this herbaceous medicinal plant containing tannins are uses as...
A. general tonic
B. anticoagulant, for treating varicose veins
C. * expectorant, for treating coughs, bronchitis, and gastritis
D. sedative, to treat insomnia
E. spasmolitic, for treating kidney and heart problems
353. Lower shoot’s leaves of Leonurus cardiaca indented to the middle of leaf plates in 3 - or 5
shares, meaning they are...
A. * ternate- or palmate-lobed
B. ternate- or palmate-dissected
C. ternate or palmate-compound
D. simple entire
E. pinnate-compound
354. Medicinal plant Thorn-apple has oval thorny fruits, splitting into 4 valves – so, this is...
A. Red drupe
B. Black berry
C. Siliques
D. * Capsule
E. Nutlets
355. Medicinal plants of the genus Digitalis contain cardiac glycosides and serve raw
materials for the manufacture of drugs used as cardiotonic. They belong to the family:
A. * Scrophullariaceae
B. Lamiaceae
C. Apiaceae
D. Solanaceae
E. Polygonaceae
356. Name the annual hairless grassy plant, growing to 100 cm tall. Leaves are simple, deeply
toothed and alternate, with long stalks. Flowers are actinomorphic, white, disposition
solitary. Corolla is funnel-shaped, deeply 5-lobed. Fruit is oval thorny capsule. Active
ingredients: alkaloids (deadly poisonous!). This is...
A. Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
B. Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
C. * Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)
D. Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)
E. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)
357. Name the medicinal deciduous hemi-shrub with aromatic smell. Leaves are opposite,
stalked, narrowly elliptic and wrinkled. Flowers are blue-violet, collected in whorls of 4-8
and arranged in spikes. Corolla is distinctly 2-lipped. Fruits are nutlets. Leaves content
essential oil, tannins, bitters. This is...
A. Lemon Balm
B. Wild Thyme
C. * Sage
D. Lesser Periwinkle
E. Deadly Nightshade
358. Name the medicinal perennial grassy plant, growing to about 2 m tall. Leaves are
opposite, hairy. Lower leaves are deeply 3-5-lobed, upper leaves smaller, lobed or entire.
Flowers are pinkish-violet, collected in the whorls in leaf axils. Uses: herb – as regulator the
heartbeat and blood pressure (as hypotension). This is...
A. * Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)
B. Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
C. Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
D. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)
E. Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
359. Name the type of leaves that are formed in Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)...
A. Narrowly linear, entire
B. * Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire
C. Ovate, with deeply toothed margin
D. Pinnate-dissected
E. Deeply 3-5-lobed
360. On the sample of herbarium student have to choose the representative of the Gentian
A. * Common Centaury
B. Greater Plantain
C. Deadly Nightshade
D. Java tea
E. Common Lavender
361. Perennial grassy plant Rubia tinctorum belongs to....
A. Mint Family
B. Figwort Family
C. Periwinkl Family
D. Plantain Family
E. * Madder Family
362. Recognize the medicinal plant according to description: "Perennial hemi-shrub growing
to about 30 cm tall with aromatic smell. Leaves are opposite, to 1 cm long, olate and hairy.
Flowers are pink, collected in head-like raceme. Fruits are nutlets. Herb uses as expectorant,
for treating coughs and bronchitis ":
A. * Thymus vulgaris
B. Datura stramonium
C. Solanum tuberosum
D. Vinca minor
E. Leonurus cardiaca
363. Recognizes the type of leaves that are formed in Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)...
A. Narrowly linear, entire
B. Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire
C. Ovate, with deeply toothed margin
D. Pinnate-dissected
E. * Deeply 3-5-lobed
364. Select the biennial grassy plant with unpleasant smell. Leaves are ovate, and alternate,
deeply toothed. Flowers are yellow-brown, with purple veins, disposition in sympodial
inflorescences. Corolla is funnel-shaped, deeply lobed. Fruit is jug-shaped capsule with
cover. Leaves use for treating asthma as anti-spasmodic:
A. Plantago major
B. Datura stramonium
C. Solanum tuberosum
D. Vinca minor
E. * Hyoscyamus niger
365. Select the perennial grassy plant, growing to 150 cm tall, with upright stem. Leaves are
short-stalked, elliptic, entire, and alternate, to 15 cm long. Flowers are actinomorphic,
brownish-violet, disposition solitary in leaf axils. Corolla is bell-shaped. Fruit is black berry.
Active ingredients: alkaloids (deadly poisonous!).
A. Digitalis purpurea
B. * Atropa belladonna
C. Datura stramonium
D. Vinca minor
E. Plantago major
366. Select the plants whose flowering shoot apex use in medical practice as sedative…
A. * Leonurus cardiaca
B. Glycyrrhiza glabra
C. Digitalis purpurea
D. Ledum palustre
E. Fagopyrum sagittatum
367. Some herbs should be collected with great caution, since some of them are poisonous,
such plants include representative of the Lamiidae subclass...
A. Common Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
B. Sage (Salvia officinalis)
C. * Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
D. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
E. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
368. Specify the medicinal plant – perennial grassy plant with aromatic lemon smell. Leaves
are opposite, oval, stalked, with toothed margin. Flowers are yellowish-white, collected in
whorls of 3-6, and arranged in interrupted spikes. Corolla is weakly 2-lipped. This is...
A. Wild Thyme
B. Greater Plantain
C. * Lemon Balm
D. Motherwort
E. Purple Foxglove
369. Specify the representative of the Madder Family...
A. Greater Plantain
B. Lemon Balm
C. Purple Foxglove
D. Thorn-apple
E. * Arabian coffee
370. Specify the type of leaves that are formed in Potato (Solanum tuberosum)...
A. Narrowly linear, entire
B. Lanceolate, wrinkled, entire
C. Ovate, with deeply toothed margin
D. * Pinnate-dissected
E. Deeply 3-5-lobed
371. Student has to choose the representative of the Nightshade Family on the sample of
A. Lavandula angustifolia
B. Digitalis purpurea
C. Salvia officinalis
D. * Atropa belladonna
E. Coriandrum sativum
372. Such signs as angular stems that are square in cross section, opposite simple leaves,
diacytos type of stomata and zygomorphic flowers are diagnostic for plants from ....
A. * Mint Family
B. Figwort Family
C. Periwinkl Family
D. Carrot Family
E. Madder Family
373. Such signs as anizocytos type of stomata, and flowers that have 5 fused petals, with the 5
stamen ?laments fused to the corolla so that they appear to be arising from it, and fruits a
berry or a capsule are diagnostic for plants from...
A. Mint Family
B. Figwort Family
C. Periwinkl Family
D. Carrot Family
E. * Nightshade Family
374. Such signs as simple, entire leaves, zygomorphic flowers, collected in racemes or spikes
and fruit a capsule or a berries are diagnostic for plants belonging to...
A. * Mint Family
B. Figwort Family
C. Periwinkl Family
D. Plantain Family
E. Madder Family
375. Such signs of plants as alternate simple leaves, anizocytos type of stomata in epidermis
and large crystals of waste products of calcium oxalate – druses, 5 fused petals in flower,
fruits a berry or a capsule permits to identify the Family...
A. The Mint Family (Lamiaceae)
B. The Figwort Family (Scrophulariaceae)
C. * The Nightshade Family (Solanaceae)
D. The Periwinkle Family (Apocynaceae)
E. The Plantain Family (Plantaginaceae)
The annual hairless grassy plant Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium) belong to....
A. Carrot Family
B. Figwort Family
C. Periwinkle Family
D. Plantain Family
E. * Nightshade Family
377. The flower's corolla of Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is zygomorfic, petals growed
together, consists of tubes and two free parts - the upper lip formed two petals and the lower
– three petals. This corolla is...
A. * Bilabiate
B. Ligulata
C. Tubular
D. Rosacous
E. Monolabiate
378. The leaves of Lamiaceae species are attached to two neighboring nodes and located
opposite, so it is...
A. * opposite
B. alternate
C. whorled
D. rosette
E. twice alternate
379. The medicinal plant from Mint (Lamiaceae) family includes combination of external
secretion (essential oils glands) round form, which have short legs and 8-12 radially arranged
secretory cells. So, this is...
A. * Epidermal essential oil glands
B. Essential oil channels
C. Shizogenous cavities
D. Lizogenesis cavities
E. Nectaries
380. The medicinal plant has the square stem, opposite leaves and bilabiate corolla and a fruit
cenobium (or a four-nutlet). That will allow to carry this plant to family...
A. * Lamiaceae
B. Rosaceae
C. Polygonaceae
D. Papaveraceae
E. Solаnaceae
381. The perennial grassy plant Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) belongs to....
A. * Mint Family
B. Figwort Family
C. Periwinkle Family
D. Plantain Family
E. Nightshade Family
382. The perennial grassy plant Potato belongs to....
A. Mint Family
B. Figwort Family
C. Periwinkle Family
D. Plantain Family
E. * Nightshade Family
383. The perennial grassy plant Yellow Foxglove (Digitalis drandiflora) belongs to...
A. Mint Family
B. * Figwort Family
C. Periwinkle Family
D. Plantain Family
E. Nightshade Family
384. The roasted seeds of this woody medicinal plant uses as general tonic, stimulant. This is...
A. Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
B. Java devil pepper (Rauwolfia serpentina)
C. Stropha?nthus (Strophanthus hispidus)
D. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)
E. * Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)
385. The specific characters of Thymus serpyllum are: the presence of apical head-like
inflorescences, dark gland-point on the lower side of the leaves and…
A. * creeping stem
B. stem with spines
C. shoots with thorns
D. twining shoots
E. mustache
386. This evergreen tree grows to 10 m tall, and have a branching stems; the leaves are
opposite, elliptic-ovate, to 12 cm long, glossy dark green. The flowers are white, and grow in
axillary clusters. Fruit is a drupe (commonly called a "berry"), to 1,5 cm in diameter,
maturing bright red and typically contain two seeds. Uses: seeds as general tonic. This plant
A. Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)
B. Strophanthus (Strophanthus hispidus)
C. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)
D. * Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)
E. Common Madder (Rubia tinctorum)
387. This medicinal plant has round fleshy fruit – berry. So, this is...
A. Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
B. Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)
C. * Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
D. Stropha?nthus (Strophanthus hispidus)
E. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea)
388. This perennial evergreen hemi-shrub grows to about 60 cm tall and has aromatic smell.
Leaves are opposite, narrowly linear, green-grey, covered hairs, with entire margin. Flowers
are blue-violet, collected in whorls and arranged in terminal interrupted spikes. It uses
flowers and herb for treating migraines and nervous disorders, as sedative. This plant is...
A. * Common Lavander (Lavandula angustifolia)
B. Wild Majoram (Origanum vulgare)
C. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
D. Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
E. Yellow Foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora)
389. This perennial grassy plant to 50 cm tall has upright unbranched stem. Leaves are
narrowly-lanceolate, hairy, collected in basal rosette. Flowers are little, pinkish-yellow,
collected in little heads. Fruit is 2-seeded capsule. Active ingredients: mucilage, tannins.
Uses: leaves – as expectorant, for treating coughs, as mild laxative.
A. Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)
B. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea)
C. * Ribwort Plantain (Plantago psyllium)
D. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)
E. Common Madder (Rubia tinctorum)
390. Type of fruit "green berry" is formed in such woody medicinal plant:
A. * Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
B. Java devil pepper (Rauwolfia serpentina)
C. Stropha?nthus (Strophanthus hispidus)
D. Greater Plantain (Plantago major)
E. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)
Very poisonous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant:
A. Leonurus cardiaca
B. Melissa officinalis
C. Salvia officinalis
D. Plantago major
E. * Hyoscyamus niger
Very poisonous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant:
A. Mentha piperita
B. Centaurium erythraea
C. Salvia officinalis
D. * Datura stramonium
E. Plantago major
Very poisonous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant...
A. Arabian coffee (Coffea arabica)
B. * Thorn-apple (Datura stramonium)
C. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana luea)
D. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
E. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
What type of fruit characteristics of the Common Lavender and Wild Majoram?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. Siliques
D. * Nutlets
E. Drupe
What type of fruits characteristics of the Sola?num tubero?sum and Atropa belladonna?
A. Capsule
B. * Berry
C. Siliques
D. Nutlets
E. Drupe
What types of leaves have Common Lavender and Wild Majoram?
A. Simple, alternate
B. Compound, alternate
C. Compound, whorled
D. * Simple, opposite
E. Compound, opposite
What types of leaves have Deadly Nightshade and Henbane?
A. Compound, opposite
B. Compound, alternate
C. Compound, whorled
D. Simple, opposite
E. * Simple, alternate
What types of leaves have Peppermint and Lemon Balm?
A. Compound, opposite
B. Compound, alternate
C. Compound, whorled
D. * Simple, opposite
E. Simple, alternate
399. The presence of ether-oil glands, fruit achene, inflorescence capitulum - is characteristic
diagnostic features of the family:
A. * Asteraceae
B. Scrophylariaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Lamiaceae
E. Rosaceae
400. In a medicinal plant of the Asteraceae in the baskets are only tubular flowers?
A. * Trifid Bur-marigold (Bidens tripartita)
B. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
C. Purple comeflowers (Echinacea purpurea)
D. Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
E. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
401. In a family in one inflorescence flower can be placed with various forms of corolla: ray,
disc …
A. * Asteraceae
B. Lamiaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Fabaceae
E. Magnoliaceae
402. A basic spare carbohydrate which is put aside in the different organs of representatives of
Sunflowers family is:
A. Krokhmal
B. * Inulin
C. Sakharoza
D. Fructose
E. Riboza
403. A herbaceous plant under examination has segmented lacticifers with anastomoses filled
with white latex. This is typical for…
A. Chelidonium majus
B. * Taraxacum officinale
C. Anethum graveolens
D. Urtica dioica
E. Thymus serpillum
404. A herbaceous plant under examination has segmented lacticifers with anastomoses filled
with white latex. This is typical for…
A. Chelidonium majus
B. * Taraxacum officinale
C. Anethum graveolens
D. Urtica dioica
E. Thymus serpillum
405. An annual plant of the Asteraceae family has tripartite leaves, apical anthodia with
tubular flowers, flat achenocarps that are tenent due to 2-3 bristy serratues. This plant is…
A. Chamomilla recutita
B. Centaurea cyanus
C. Artemisia vulgaris
D. Echinacea perpurea
E. * Bidend tripartita
406. Asteraceae family is the most among all of a numerous family of Magnoliophyta. Certain
types of this family, which are used as medicinal, listed in the "Red Book of Ukraine” and
need protection. Specify this type of …
A. * Arnica montana
B. Centaurea cyanus
C. Taraxacum officinale
D. Helianthus annuus
E. Artemisia vulgaris
407. At microscopy of underground organ of a plant from the Asteraceae family are detected
laticifers with white latex. So, investigated plant is ...
A. * Taraxacum officinale
B. Helianthus annuus
C. Artemisia absinthium
D. Bidens tripartitа
E. Achillea millefolium
408. At the purveyance of medical digister of calendula (Calendula) and Wild Sunflower
(Inula helenium) collect their inflorescence of such as:
A. * Capitulums
B. Spikes
C. Corymbs
D. Umbrellas
E. Spadix
409. Choose plant from Sunflower's family:
A. * Artemisia absinthium
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Melilotus officinalis
D. Cassia angustifolia
E. Ononis arvensis
410. Choose plant from Sunflower's family:
A. Erysimum canescens
B. Sinapis alba
C. Fragaria of vesca
D. Hypericum perforatum
E. * Tussilago farfara
411. Essential oil glandules consisting of 8 secretory cells arranged in two rows and four tiers
can be be found in most plants of the following family:
A. * Asteraceae
B. Lamiaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Scrophulariaceae
E. Apiaceae
412. Essential oil glandules that consist of 8 secretory cells plased in 2 lines and 4 tiers are
typical for most plants of the following family :
A. Apiaceae
B. Scrophulariaceae
C. * Asteraceae
D. Rosaceae
E. Lamiaceae
413. Flowers from which plant family have five petals that are to form ray or disc flowers?
A. Brassicaceae
B. Rosaceae
C. * Asteraceae
D. Ericaceae
E. Fabaceae
414. Flowers head used as anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, vulnerary, antimicrobial, mild
sedative, carminative, antiseptic, anticatarrhal. Name this plant:
A. Helianthus annuus
B. * Chamomilla recutita
C. Artemisia absinthium
D. Taraxacum officinale
E. Inula helenium
415. Flowers in the Sunflower Family have a compact inflorescence consisting of numerous
tiny flowers called
A. * florets
B. glumes
C. head
D. pappus
E. None of the above
416. In alcohol-preserved material of Inula helenium sphaerocrystalline masses were detected.
This indicates the presence of:
A. * Mucus
B. Starch
C. Protein
D. Inulin
E. Fat oil
417. In the annual plant family Asteraceae marigold leaves, baskets of elite tubular flowers,
stone-fruit flat, thanks to tenacious 2-3 bristly teeth. It is ….
A. * Chamomilia recutita
B. Centaurea cyanus
C. Echinacea purpurea
D. Bidens tripartita
E. Artemisia vulgaris
418. In the practice of storing raw representatives plants of Asteraceae family the notion of
"Flower" have to mind as individual flowers and inflorescences. However, the term "flower"
correct botanical for ...
A. * Centaurea cyanus
B. Gnaphalium uliginosum
C. Arnica Montana
D. Echinacea purpurea
E. Bidens tripartita
419. In the study of inflorescence of Asteraceae several types of flowers revealed, but without
A. Tuular
B. * Two-lipped
C. Ray
D. Disc
E. Sterile
420. It is an annual plant with simple lanceolate leaves, blue flowers. A flower uses as diuretic
and cholagogum means. What the plant describe?
A. * Centaurea cyanus
B. Echinacea purpurea
C. Taraxacum officinale
D. Calendula
E. Tussilago farfara
421. It is herbaceous perennial plant. The leaves are oblanceolate, oblong formed rosette.
Florets are yellow or orange-yellow. Fruit is cypsela. What the plant describe?
A. Centaurea cyanus
B. Echinacea purpurea
C. * Taraxacum officinale
D. Calendula
E. Tussilago farfara
422. It is known that rhizome and roots of Inula helenuim have cavities without distinct inner
boundaries filled with essential oils. They are called…
A. * Lysigenous receptacles
B. Segmented lacticifers
C. Schizogenous receptacles
D. Nonsegmented lacticifers
E. Resin ducts
423. It is set at research of standards of herbarium of medical plants, that one of them belongs
to the family of Asteraceae, namely:
A. * Arctium lappa
B. Atropa belladonna
C. Cassia acutifolia
D. Urtica dioica
E. Rubus idaeus
424. It was examining a herbaceous plant that have laticifer with anastomosis that filled with
white latex. It is typical for ...
A. * Taraxacum officinale
B. Urtica dioica
C. Chelidonium majus
D. Anethum graveolens
E. Thymus vulgaris
425. Members of the Asteraceae (sunflower family) have such type of inflorescence:
A. corymbl
B. * capitulum
C. raceme
D. spike
E. umbel
426. On the practice field, the student found plants from Asteraceae family with capitate
discoid axis, sessile flowers and leaf wrapper, inflorescence is:
A. * Capitulum
B. Spadix
C. Umbel
D. Corymb
E. Compound corymb
427. One of the herbarium specimens os medicinal plants relates to the Asteraceae family.
This plant is…
A. Cassia acutifolia
B. Rubus idaeus
C. Atropa belladonna
D. Urtica dioica
E. * Arctica lappa
428. Recognize medicinal plans according to description: it is a perennial herbaceous
flowering plant, has compound leaves and yellow. Yellow heads flower form compound
corymbs. Name this plant:
A. Helianthus annuus
B. Chamomilla recutita
C. Artemisia absinthium
D. Taraxacum officinale
E. * Tanacetum vulgare
429. Recognize medicinal plans according to description: it is grassy perennial plant (name –
immortelle). Stem is straight. Leaves next lancet-linear, felt-covered with. Lower leaves are
oblong. Flowers are shallow, tubular, orange or yellow in the numerous spherical small
baskets collected in compound corymbs. Name this plant:
A. * Helianthus annuus
B. Chamomilla recutita
C. Artemisia absinthium
D. Taraxacum officinale
E. Inula helenium
430. Recognize medicinal plans according to description: It is a perennial herbaceous plant.
The basal leaves appear after the flowers and are roughly heart shaped, irregularly toothed to
lobed. Flowers are yellow. Blooms first appear in early spring. Name this plant:
A. Artemisia absinthium
B. Achillea millefolium
C. Chamomilla recutita
D. Echinacea purpurea
E. * Tussilago farfara
431. Recognize medicinal plans according to description: It is a herbaceous perennial plant.
The stems are straight, branched, and silvery-green. The leaves are spirally arranged,
greenish-grey above and white below, covered with silky silvery-white hairs. Flowers are
yellow, forms compound raceme. Fruit is a small achene. Name this plant:
A. Helianthus annuus
B. Chamomilla recutita
C. * Artemisia absinthium
D. Taraxacum officinale
E. Tanacetum vulgare
432. Roots, herbs and inflorescence this plant used as popular immunostimulator. Name this
A. Bidens tripartitа
B. Helianthus annuus
C. * Echinacea purpurea
D. Taraxacum officinale
E. Inula helenium
433. rows and four tiers can be be found in most plants of the following family:
A. Scrophulariaceae
B. Rosaceae
C. * Asteraceae
D. Apiaceae
E. Lamiaceae
434. Seeds of this plant used for treatment of liver diseases (cirrhosis, jaundice and hepatitis)
and gallbladder disease.
A. * Silybum marianum
B. Chamomilia recutita
C. Centaurea cyanus
D. Bidens tripartita
E. Artemisia vulgaris
435. The plant has been used to relieve coughs and other respiratory problems. Name this
A. Taraxacum officinale
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Aronia melanocarpa
D. * Tussilago farfara
E. Calendula
436. The Sunflower family has the following member…
A. Hуpericum perforatum
B. Potentilla erecta
C. Petroselinum crispum
D. * Tussilago farfara
E. Datura stramonium
437. The type of Asteraceae family medical plants inflorescence is capitulum all yellow
flowers, ray, bisexual…
A. * Taraxacum officinale
B. Bidens tripartita
C. Tussilago farfara
D. Tanacetum vulgare
E. Arnica montana
438. This family is the largest plant family on earth, includes a great diversity of species,
including annuals, perennials, vines, shrubs and trees. Plants with capitulum:
A. Ericaceae
B. * Asteraceae
C. Salicaceae
D. Fabaceae
E. Brassicaceae
439. To which plant family do yarrow, purple coneflower and dandelion belong?
A. Fabaceae
B. Lamiaceae
C. Rosaceae
D. Solanaceae
E. * Asteraceae
440. Undegroon organs of this plant contains 40 % inulin. Root and rhizome uses as
stimulating expectorant, diaphoretic, digestive tonic, relaxant, warming, bacteriostatic,
stoachic means. Name this plant:
A. Bidens tripartitа
B. Helianthus annuus
C. Artemisia absinthium
D. Taraxacum officinale
E. * Inula helenium
441. What inflorescence is specific for calendula - representative of Asteraceae family ...
A. * Capitulum
B. Umbel
C. Corymb
D. Spike
E. Raceme
442. What plant includes in inflorescence ray and disc flowers?
A. Lamiaceae
B. Apiaceae
C. Caprifoliaceae
D. Fabaceae
E. * Asteraceae
443. What sings is not characterize Sunflower family?
A. Leaves are simple
B. Leaves are compound
C. Plants has disc and ray flowers
D. bushes, lianas, trees, shrubs.
E. * fruits are capsule
444. What type of fruit characteristic of the Yarrow – Achillea millefolium?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. Pome
D. * Achene
E. Drupe
445. What types of fruit characteristic of the Bachelor's button (Centaurea cyanus)?
A. Capsule
B. Berry
C. Pome
D. * Achene
E. Drupe
446. Which of the following is a member of the Sunflower family?
A. Rhodiola rosea
B. Daucus carota
C. Carum carvi
D. Viburnum opulus
E. * Tanacetum vulgare
447. Which of the following is not a member of the Sunflower family?
A. Taraxacum officinale
B. Echinacea purpurea
C. * Carum carvi
D. Tanacetum vulgare
E. Tussilago farfara
448. Which of the following plant families has members that produce inulin?
A. Ranunculaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. * Asteraceae
E. Rosaceae
449. Which of the following statements about plants in the Asteraceae is true?
A. All members have a legume fruit
B. * All members have a dry indehiscent fruits
C. All members have several pistils
D. All members have a head inflorescens
E. None of the above
450. Which of the following statements about plants in the Asteraceae is true?
A. All members have a legume fruit.
B. * All members have a dry indehiscent fruits.
C. All members have several pistils.
D. All members have a head inflorescens
E. None of the above.
451. Researcher was examined the herbarium specimen of flowering plant that has two leaves
and a raceme on the stem apex. The flowers are white, bell-shaped, 5-10 mm diameter, and
sweetly scented. This was...
A. Onions (Allium cepa)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
D. * Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. Maize (Zea mays)
452. A higher nonvascular plant has distinct alternation of dominant sexual (gametophyte) and
reduced asexual (sporophyte) generation. This indicates that the plant belongs to the
following division:
A. * Equisetophyta
B. Bryophyta
C. Pteridophyta
D. Lycopsida
E. Gymnospermae
453. A medicinal plant under examination has simple bulb, with hollow leaves and strong
aromatic smell. Leaves are alternate, tubular, entire and parallel-veined. This is:
A. * Onions (Allium cepa)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
D. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. Maize (Zea mays)
454. A plant under examination has a rhizome, big pinnate-dissected leaves with sori and
sporangia on their lower surface. According to this data the plant should be related to one of
the following divisions:
A. * Polypodiophyta
B. Lycopodiophyta
C. Pinophyta
D. Eguisetophyta
E. Magnoliophyta
455. A plant under examination has a rhizome, big pinnate-dissected leaves with sori and
sporangia on their undersurface. According to this data the plant should be related to one of
the following divisions:
A. * Polypodiophyta
B. Lycopodiophyta
C. Pinophyta
D. Eguisetophyta
E. Bryophyrta
456. A plant under examination has a rhizome, big pinnate-dissected leaves with sori and
sporangia on their under-surface. According to this data the plant should be related to one of
the following divisions:
A. * Polypodiophyta
B. Lycopodiophyta
C. Pinophyta
D. Eguisetophyta
E. Magnoliophyta
457. Among investigation medicinal plant fruit "red berry" and inflorescences "raceme" has...
A. Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
D. * Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
458. Choose a herbal plant in which bitter juice of thick leaves is used as anti-septic,
antibacterial, reparative.
A. Onions (Allium cepa)
B. * Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
D. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. Maize (Zea mays)
459. Choose among medicinal plants of Monocot class the annual grassy plant...
A. Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Onions (Allium cepa)
D. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. * Maize (Zea mays)
460. Examination of an inflorescence of sweet flag (Acorus calamus) revealed that it was
encircled with a covering leaf (spathe) and small sessile flowers grew compactly on the
thickened pulpy axis. Such inflorescence is called:
A. * Ear (spadix)
B. Umbel
C. Corymb
D. Spike
E. Glomus
461. Higher plants are mainly terrestrial organisms represented various life forms (grasses,
shrubs, trees, etc.). Which of division of higher plants includes only shrubs and trees?
A. * Pynophyta
B. Magnoliophyta
C. Bryophyta
D. Lycopodiophyta
E. Polypodiophyta
462. Huperzia selago (Northern firmoss) belongs to division:
463. In Early spring it has appeared the pale-brown fertile stems of medicinal plant that bears
the spore cones and reduced scale-like leaves arranged in whorl. These features are inherent
to spore-bearing shoots of...
A. * Horse-tails
B. Ferns
C. Clubmosses
D. Mosses
E. Conifers
464. It is given spore-bearing vascular plant, growing mainly prostrate along the ground with
stems up to 1 m long; the stems are much branched, and densely clothed with small spirallyarranged leaves. The spore cones are yellow-green, 2-3 cm long " describes ...
A. Norway Spruce
B. Male Fern
C. * Stag's-horn Clubmoss
D. Field Horsetail
E. Common Hair Moss
465. It was examined the flowers of maize (Zea mays) inflorescences collected in spadix (ear).
It was established that flowers are...
A. * Female
B. Male
C. Bisexual
D. Asexual
E. Without corolla
466. Leaves of this tree which is regarded as a living fossil. it uses for treating circulation of
blood problems, especially in brain, for strengthens blood vessels.
A. * Ginkgo
B. Male Fern
C. Common Juniper
D. Field Horsetail
E. Common Hair Moss
467. On the sample of herbarium student has to choose the representative of the Poaceae
A. Common Centaury
B. Greater Plantain
C. Deadly Nightshade
D. * Common Oat
E. Common Lavender
468. One of the important diagnostic features to identify species of pine-tree is such number of
needle-like leaves at each node…
A. * 2
B. 5
C. 3
D. 8
E. many
469. Onions (Allium cepa) and Garlic (Allium sativum) have dry fruits with many seeds. What
types of fruits characteristic these plants?
A. * Capsules
B. Berries
C. Siliques
D. Drupes
E. Nutlets
470. Plants have no true conducting tissues, have filloids and rhizoids. Gamertophyte is
dominance generation in the life cycle – it plant refers to the department:
A. * Bryophyta
B. Lycopodiophyta
C. Equisetophyta
D. Polipodiophyta
E. Pinophyta
471. Poisonous compounds (cardiac glycosides) accumulates such medicinal plant...
A. Mentha piperita
B. * Convallaria majalis
C. Zea mays
D. Allium cepa
E. Acorus calamus
472. Poisonous for human body are active ingredients of this medicinal plant from Monocot
A. Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Onions (Allium cepa)
D. * Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
473. Recognize medicinal plants according to description "Perennial grassy plant, growing to
about 80 cm tall and have bulb, with hollow leaves and strong aromatic smell. Leaves are
alternate and parallel-veined. Flowers are white, arranged in umbel. The fruit is a capsule.
Uses: bulb and leaves":
A. Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. * Onions (Allium cepa)
D. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. Rice (Oryza sativa)
474. Recognize medicinal plants according to description: "Annual grassy plant, growing to
about 120 cm tall have with hollow stems called culms. Leaves are alternate and parallelveined. Flowers arranged in spikelets, each spikelet having one or more florets. The fruit is a
caryopsis. Active ingredients: starch, protein"...
A. Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Onions (Allium cepa)
D. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. * Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
475. Recognize the medicinal plant whose rhizomes are used in medical practice as an antihelmintic to expel tapeworms...
A. Stag's-horn Clubmoss
B. * Male Fern
C. Common Juniper
D. Field Horsetail
E. Common Hair Moss
476. Recognize the medicinal plants according to description "It is evergreen dioecious tree,
growing to 20 meters tall, with a trunk up to 2 metres diameter. The leaves are dark green, to
2 mm broad, arranged spirally on the stem. The leaves are highly poisonous":
A. Northern firmoss
B. Male Fern
C. * Common yew
D. Field Horsetail
E. Stag's-horn Clubmoss
477. Such signs as " The half-evergreen leaves this perennial plant have an upright habit and
reach a maximum length of 1.5 m, with a single crown on each rootstock.. On the lower
surface of the mature blade there are sori. The rhizomes used as an anti-helmintic" are
description of plant:
A. Norway spruce
B. * Male Fern
C. Stag's-horn Clubmoss
D. Field Horsetail
E. Northern firmoss
478. Such signs as "The evergreen and resinous trees (rarely shrubs) growing to 3–80 m tall.
They are the dominant trees in the vast coniferous forests of the Northern Hemisphere. Pines
are mostly monoecious, having the male and female cones on the same tree" are description
of plant:
A. Northern firmoss
B. Male Fern
C. Stag's-horn Clubmoss
D. Field Horsetail
E. * Pine-tree
479. Such signs as parallel and arc-parallel type of leaves venation (arrangement of the veins)
and simple perianth with 3,6 leaflets are description of class:
A. Bryopsida
B. Magnoliopsida
C. Gymnosperm
D. Bryopsida
E. * Liliopsida
480. The comparative morphological analysis of plants evident that it is perennial grassy plant,
growing to about 70 cm tall and have compound bulb with strong aromatic smell. Leaves are
alternate and parallel-veined. Flowers are white, arranged in umbel. The fruit is a capsule.
So, this is...
A. Common oat (Avena sativa)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
D. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. * Garlic (Allium sativum)
481. The comparative morphological analysis of plants from Poaceae Family (Rice, Oats)
evident that they have such type of compound inflorescence...
A. Compound umbel
B. * Compound corymb
C. Compound spike
D. Compound raceme
E. Verticillaster
482. The comparison of representatives from different families showed that their inflorescence
is umbel with covered leaf, corolla is simple, fruit is capsule, and underground organ is bulb.
So, this plant belongs to family...
A. * Alliaceae
B. Rosaceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Brassicaceae
E. Solanaceae
483. The evergreen and resinous tree pinus silvestris belongs to division:
A. bryophyta
B. equisetophyta
C. lycopodiophyta
D. polypodiophyta
E. * pinophyta
484. The experimental plant has a rhizome, spring’s stems are without chlorophyll, brown,
spore-bearing, summer’s shoots are green, sterile. This is...
A. * Equisetum arvense
B. Polythrichum commune
C. Dryopteris filix mas
D. Lycopodium clavatum
E. Ephedra distachia
485. The flowers characteristically arranged in spikelets, each spikelet having one or more
florets (the spikelets are further grouped into panicles or spikes) in the species of Family ...
A. The Laurel Family
B. The Rose Family
C. The Buttercup Family
D. The Buckwheat Family
E. * The Grass Family
486. The Grass Family (Poaceae) includes such medicinal plant:
A. * Maize
B. Opium poppy
C. Lily-of-the-Valley
D. Pepermint
E. Krantz aloe
487. The grassy plant Polytrichum commune (Common Hair Moss) belongs to division:
A. * Bryophyta
B. Equisetophyta
C. Lycopodiophyta
D. Polypodiophyta
E. Pinophyta
488. The higher nonvascular plant has pronounced alternation of two generations - the
dominant sexual (gametophyte) and reduced asexual (sporophyte). This indicates that the
plant belongs to the division:
A. * Moss (Bryophyta)
B. Clubmoss (Lycopodiophyta)
C. Horsetail (Equisetophyta)
D. Fern (Polypodiophyta)
E. Gymnosperm (Pinophyta)
489. The investigated medicinal plant is a shrub to 50 cm high. The stems and branches, which
are often whorled and ribbed; they are photosynthetic when they are young. It is used to
relieve acute muscular and rheumatic, as a stimulant. So, this is...
A. Equisetum arvense
B. Dryopteris filix-mas
C. Pinus silvestris
D. Polytrichum commune
E. * Ephedra distachya
490. The investigated plant has hollow stem called culm, which are plugged at intervals called
nodes, the leaf blades are hardened with silica phytoliths. Flowers are arranged in spikelets,
fruits are caryopsis. So, this plant belongs to family...
A. Alliaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Rosaceae
D. * Poaceae
E. Asteraceae
491. The juice of thick leaves this medicinal plant from Monocot class, that has origin from
Africa, uses as anti-septic, antibacterial, reparative. Choose this plant:
A. Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
B. * Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
D. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. Maize (Zea mays)
492. The Liliopsida class includes such Family of plants...
A. * The Onion Family
B. The Poppy Family
C. The Buttercup Family
D. The Buckwheat Family
E. The Rose Family
493. The Lycopodiophyta division includes such medicinal plant...
A. * Stag's-horn Clubmoss
B. Male Fern
C. Common Juniper
D. Field Horsetail
E. Norway Spruce
494. The members of this Family are herbaceous perennial flowering plants. They have Bulb
(is the underground stem with fleshy leaves which store food). The inflorescence is simple
umbel. The most important species are onion and garlic...
A. * Alliaceae
B. Papaveraceae
C. Rosaceae
D. Asteraceae
E. Poaceae
495. The Monocot class includes such Family of plants...
A. * The Grass Family
B. The Poppy Family
C. The Mint Family
D. The Buckwheat Family
E. The Rose Family
496. The morphological analyzes of medicinal plant let to see that its fruit is a caryopsis and
flowers are characteristically arranged in spikelets, each spikelet having one or more florets.
So, this plant belongs to family...
A. Alliaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Rosaceae
D. * Poaceae
E. Asteraceae
497. The pediatricians advised as a powder for baby to use spores such medicinal plant...
A. * Lycopodium clavatum
B. Equisetum arvense
C. Pinus sylvestris
D. Ledum palustre
E. Calendula officinalis
498. The perennial grassy plant Dryopteris filix-mas (Male Fern) belong to division:
A. Bryophyta
B. Equisetophyta
C. Lycopodiophyta
D. * Polypodiophyta
E. Pinophyta
499. The Pinophyta division includes such medicinal plant...
A. Stag's-horn Clubmoss
B. Male Fern
C. * Common Juniper
D. Field Horsetail
E. Common Hair Moss
500. The Plant kingdom includes diverse groups of eukaryotic organisms, a common feature
which is the ability to photosynthesize; their life cycle observed saprophyte and
gametophytes generations. Gametophyte is dominates in division...
A. * Bryophyta
B. Magnoliophyta
C. Pynophyta
D. Lycopodiophyta
E. Polypodiophyta
501. The plants from Poaceae Family (Oats, Wheat) have a simple dry indehiscent fruit, like
an achene, but with the seedcoat fused with the fruit coat...
A. Capsule
B. * Caryopsis
C. Siliques
D. Berry
E. Drupe
502. The Polypodiophyta division includes such medicinal plant...
A. Stag's-horn Clubmoss
B. * Male Fern
C. Common Juniper
D. Field Horsetail
E. Common Hair Moss
503. The rhizomes this medicinal grassy plant use as an anti-helmintic to expel tapeworms. It
is sometimes referred to in ancient literature as Worm Fern. It is also grown as an ornamental
fern in gardens. Choose this plant:
A. Equisetum arvense
B. * Dryopteris filix-mas
C. Pi?nus silve?stris
D. Polytrichum commune
E. Ephedra distachya
504. This medicinal and food monoecious plant belong to Monocot class and has origin from
American continent. It is annual grassy plant, growing to about 250 cm. Leaves are alternate
and parallel-veined. What is the plant?
A. Couch Grass (Elytrigia repens)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
D. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. * Maize (Zea mays)
505. This perennial plant with a rhizomatous stem. These have green sterile and brown fertile
stems. It is rich in the minerals silicon (10%), potassium, and calcium, which gives it diuretic
properties. This is...
A. Norway Spruce
B. Male Fern
C. Stag's-horn Clubmoss
D. * Field Horsetail
E. Northern firmoss
506. What class of plants has such signs "Vascular bundles in the stem are closed, disposition
in irregular order. Perianth is simple with 3 or 6 leaflets"?
A. Pinopsida
B. Magnoliopsida
C. * Liliopsida
D. Bryopsida
E. Ginkgopsida
507. What type of fruits characteristics the Rice (Oryza sativa)?
A. Capsule
B. * Caryopsis
C. Siliques
D. Berry
E. Drupe
508. What type of shoot modifications characteristics such perennial grassy plants as Onions
and Garlic?
A. Tuber
B. * Bulb
C. Rhizome
D. Tendrils
E. Spines
509. What types of leaves have Maize (Zea mays) and Common oat (Avena sativa)?
A. Compound, opposite
B. Compound, alternate
C. Compound, whorled
D. * Simple, alternate
E. Simple, opposite
510. What type of shoot modifications characteristics such perennial plant as Acorus calamus?
A. Tuber
B. Bulb
C. * Rhizome
D. Tendrils
E. Spines
511. Which Family characteristics such signs: "Only grassy plants. Have hollow stems called
culms, which are plugged at intervals called nodes. Leaves are alternate, and parallel-veined.
Flowers are characteristically arranged in spikelet"?
A. * The Rosaceae Family
B. The Lamiaceae Family
C. The Asteraceae Family
D. The Poaceae Family
E. The Alliaceae Family
512. You have to define the medicinal plant from Poaceae family:
A. Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
B. Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens)
C. * Rice (Oryza sativa)
D. Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
E. Garlic (Allium sativum)
513. The spore-pollen analysis of Higher spore plant’s indicated tetrahedral shape of spores
and with netted surface – they belong to…
A. * Lycopodiophyta
B. Equisetiphyta
C. Bryophyta
D. Polypodiophyta
E. Pinophyta
Test question to figures
What medicinal plant is given in Fig. 72?
Erysimum canescens
Sinapis alba
Hypericum perforatum
Viola tricolor
* Fragaria vesca
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 72:
Erysimum canescens
Sinapis alba
Hypericum perforatum
Viola tricolor
* Fragaria vesca
The medical plant represented in fig. 72 belongs to such botanical family:
* Rosaceae
What medicinal plant is given in fig. 73?
Erysimum canescens
Sinapis alba
Fragaria vesca
Hypericum perforatum
* Padus avium
The medical plant represented in fig. 73 belongs to such botanical family:
* Rosaceae
Which part of this medical plant used in medicine (Fig. 74)?
* Root
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 74:
Fragaria of vesca
Cassia angustifolia
Aronia melanocarpa
Melilotus officinalis
* Glycyrrizza glabra
Recognise the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 74:
Fragaria of vesca
Cassia angustifolia
Aronia melanocarpa
Melilotus officinalis
* Glycyrrizza glabra
On the Fig. 75 you can see the high tree, which used in medicine as expectorans
means. Name this plant?
Fragaria of vesca
Cassia angustifolia
Aronia melanocarpa
Melilotus officinalis
* Eucaliptus globulus
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 75:
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Aronia melanocarpa
D. Melilotus officinalis
E. * Eucaliptus globulus
Which part of this medical plant used in medicine (Fig. 74)?
A. Root
B. Stem
C. Herb
D. Flowers
E. * Leaves
The medical plant represented in fig. 76 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Brassicaceae
E. * Rosaceae
Recognise the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 76:
A. Phaseolus vulgaris
B. Glycyrrhisa glabra
C. Ononis arvensis
D. Astragalus dasyanthus
E. * Sangusorba officinanis
On Fig. 77 is given the plant of such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. * Rosaceae
Recognise the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 77:
A. Phaseolus vulgaris
B. Sangusorba officinanis
C. Glycyrrhisa glabra
D. Potentilla esecta
E. * Astragalus dasyanthus
Identify the diagnostic features of plants in the Fig. 78:
A. Simple leaves
B. Annual plant
C. Poisonous plant
D. Covered by grandular hairs
E. * Fruit is pome
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 78:
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Aronia melanocarpa
D. Eucaliptus globulus
E. * Sorbus aucuparia
What type of fruits can you see on the Fig. 78 among the diagnostic features of this
medical plant:
A. Capsule
B. Cypsella
C. Legume
D. Berry
E. * Pome
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 79:
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Sorbus aucuparia
D. Eucaliptus globulus
E. * Aronia melanocarpa
Which part of this medical plant used in medicine (Fig. 79)?
A. Root
B. Stem
C. Flowers
D. Leaves
E. * Fruit
What type of fruits can you see on the Fig. 79 among the diagnostic features of this
medical plant:
A. Capsule
B. Cypsella
C. Legume
D. Berry
E. * Pome
The taproot system of this plant with bacteriorhiza. Name this plan what you can see
on the Fig 80?
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Aronia melanocarpa
D. Glycyrrhiza glabra
E. * Melilotus officinalis
Herbs of this plants used as expectorants, anticoagulans, analgeticum means. Name
this plant on the Fig. 80?
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Aronia melanocarpa
D. Glycyrrhiza glabra
E. * Melilotus officinalis
Which part of this medical plant used in medicine (Fig. 80)?
A. Root
B. Stem
C. Flowers
D. Leaves
E. * Herb
Root of this plant used as diuretic, cholagogum. Name this plant on the Fig. 81?
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Aronia melanocarpa
D. * Ononis arvensis
E. Eucaliptus globulus
Which part of this medical plant used in medicine (Fig. 81)?
A. Stem
B. Herb
C. Flowers
D. Leaves
E. * Root
Leaves and fruit of this plant used as laxative means. Name this plant on the Fig. 82?
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. Aronia melanocarpa
C. Melilotus officinalis
D. Glycyrrhiza glabra
E. * Cassia angustifolia
Recognise the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 82:
A. Phaseolus vulgaris
B. Sangusorba officinanis
C. Glycyrrhisa glabra
D. Potentilla esecta
E. * Cassia angustifolia
What type of fruits can you see on the Fig. 82 among the diagnostic features of this
medical plant:
A. Capsule
B. Cypsella
C. Pome
D. Berry
E. * Legume
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig.83:
A. Fragaria of vesca
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Sorbus aucuparia
D. Eucaliptus globulus
E. * Termopsis lanceolata
Which part of this medical plant used in medicine (Fig. 83)?
A. Root
B. Stem
C. Flowers
D. Leaves
E. * Herb
Recognise the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 84:
A. Аdonis vernalis
B. Helleborus purpurascens
C. Phaseolus vulgaris
D. Delphinium elatum
E. * Aconitum napellus
Identify the diagnostic features of plants on the Fig. 84:
A. Compound leaves
B. Fruit is pome
C. Annual plant
D. Covered by grandular hairs
E. * Zygomorphic flower
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 85:
A. Аdonis vernalis
B. Helleborus purpurascens
C. Phaseolus vulgaris
D. Delphinium elatum
E. * Chelidonium majus
What medicinal plant is given in Fig. 85?
A. Tussilago farfara
B. Inula helenium
C. Tanacetum vulgare
D. Silybum marianum
E. * Chelidonium majus
The medical plant represented in fig. 85 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. * Papaveraceae
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 86:
A. Аdonis vernalis
B. Phaseolus vulgaris
C. Delphinium elatum
D. Chelidonium majus
E. * Glaucium flavum
This medical plant is very poisonous. What parts of the given in Fig. 86 medicinal
plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Roots
B. Stems
C. Leaves
D. Flowers
E. * Herb
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 87:
A. Аdonis vernalis
B. Glaucium flavum
C. Phaseolus vulgaris
D. Chelidonium majus
E. * Berberis vulgaris
What parts of the given in fig. 87 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Herb
B. Stems
C. Flowers
D. Seeds
E. * Leaves
Recognise the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 88:
A. Аdonis vernalis
B. Helleborus purpurascens
C. Phaseolus vulgaris
D. Delphinium elatum
E. * Saponaria officinalis
What parts of the given in fig. 89 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Roots
B. Stems
C. Leaves
D. Seeds
E. * Herb
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 89:
A. Polygonum bistorta
B. Polygonum persicaria
C. Polygonum hydropiper
D. Rumex acetosa
E. * Polygonum aviculare
What medicinal plant is given in fig. 89?
A. Polygonum bistorta
B. Polygonum persicaria
C. Polygonum hydropiper
D. Rumex acetosa
E. * Polygonum aviculare
The medisinal plant represented in fig. 90 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Brassicaceae
E. * Polygonaceae
What medicinal plant can you see on the fig. 90?
A. Polygonum persicaria
B. Polygonum hydropiper
C. Polygonum aviculare
D. Rumex acetosa
E. * Polygonum bistorta
What parts of the given in fig. 90 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Roots
B. Stems
C. Leaves
D. Flowers
E. * Rhizome
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 91:
A. Papaver somniferum
B. Chelidonium majus
C. Zea mays
D. Mentha piperita
E. * Cotinus coggigria
What medicinal plant is given in fig. 91?
A. Papaver somniferum
B. Chelidonium majus
C. Zea mays
D. Mentha piperita
E. * Cotinus coggigria
What medicinal plant can you see on the Fig. 92?
A. Papaver somniferum
B. Chelidonium majus
C. Zea mays
D. Mentha piperita
E. * Olea europaea
What parts of the given in fig. 92 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Roots
B. Stems
C. Leaves
D. Flowers
E. * Fruit
What type of fruits can you see on the Fig. 92 among the diagnostic features of this
medical plant?
A. Capsule
B. Drupe
C. Pome
D. Legume
E. * Berry
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 93:
A. Chelidonium majus
B. Zea mays
C. Mentha piperita
D. Olea europaea
E. * Ficus carica
What parts of the given in Fig. 93 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Roots
B. Stems
C. Leaves
D. Flowers
E. * Fruit
Identify the diagnostic features of plants in the Fig. 93:
A. Compound leaves
B. Fruit is pome
C. Annual plant
D. Zygomorphic flower
E. * Small tree
What parts of the given in fig. 94 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Roots
B. Stems
C. Leaves
D. Flowers
E. * Fruits
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 94:
A. Frangula alnus
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Sambucus nigra
D. Panax ginseng
E. * Rhamnus cathartica
The medicinal plant represented in Fig. 94 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. * Rhamnaceae
What medicinal plant can you see on the Fig. 95?
A. Rhamnus cathartica
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Sambucus nigra
D. Panax ginseng
E. * Frangula alnus
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 95:
A. Rhamnus cathartica
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Sambucus nigra
D. Panax ginseng
E. * Frangula alnus
What parts of the given in fig.96 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Roots
B. Stems
C. Leaves
D. Flowers
E. * Fruit
What medicinal plant can you see on the fig. 96?
A. Frangula alnus
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Sambucus nigra
D. Panax ginseng
E. * Viburnum opulus
Identify the diagnostic features of plants in the Fig. 97:
A. Fruit is pome
B. Annual plant
C. Zygomorphic flower
D. Inflorescence is raceme
E. * Compound leaves
What medicinal plant is given in Fig. 97?
A. Frangula alnus
B. Viburnum opulus
C. Eucalyptus globulus
D. Panax ginseng
E. * Sambucus nigra
Identify the diagnostic features of plants in the Fig. 97:
A. Simple leaves
B. Fruit is pome
C. Annual plant
D. Zygomorphic flower
E. * Inflorescence is compound corymbl
What medicinal plant can you see on the Fig. 98?
A. Frangula alnus
B. Rhamnus cathartica
C. Eucalyptus globulus
D. Sambucus nigra
E. * Panax ginseng
What parts of the given in Fig. 98 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Stems
B. Leaves
C. Flowers
D. Fruit
E. * Roots
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in Fig. 75:
A. Frangula alnus
B. Rhamnus cathartica
C. Sambucus nigra
D. Panax ginseng
E. * Eucalyptus globulus
The medicinal plant represented in Fig. 94 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Rhamnaceae
E. * Araliaceae
Identify the diagnostic features of plants in the Fig. 100:
A. Compound leaves
B. Fruit is pome
C. Zygomorphic flower
D. Small tree
E. * Annual plant
Identify the diagnostic features of plants in the Fig. 100:
A. Compound leaves
B. Fruit is pome
C. Zygomorphic flower
D. Small tree
E. * Inflorescence is compound corymbl
The medicinal plant represented in Fig. 100 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. * Apiaceae
Choose the family of medicinal plant with the type of androecium indicated by «A»
on the fig. 14:
A. Asteraceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Brassicaceae
D. Poaceae
E. * Lamiaceae
Choose the family of medicinal plant with the type of androecium indicated by «B»
on the fig. 14:
A. Asteraceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Lamiaceae
D. Poaceae
E. * Brassicaceae
Among shown in Fig. 15 schemes of inflorescence structure by number 1 is given…
A. head
B. spike
C. panicle
D. spadix
E. * raceme
Among shown on the Fig. 15 schemes of inflorescence structure by number 2 is
A. raceme
B. head
C. panicle
D. spadix
E. * spike
Among the types of inflorescence on the fig. 15 by number 3 is given….
A. raceme
B. head
C. spike
D. panicle
E. * spadix (ear)
What type of inflorescence is indicated by number 1 on the Fig. 15?
A. head
B. spike
C. corymb
D. spadix (ear)
E. * raceme
What type of inflorescence is indicated by number 2 on the Fig. 15?
A. raceme
B. head
C. corymb
D. spadix (ear)
E. * spike
What type of inflorescence is indicated by number 3 on the Fig. 15?
A. raceme
B. head
C. spike
D. corymb
E. * spadix (ear)
What type of inflorescence can you see on the fig. 16?
A. raceme
B. head
C. spike
D. spadix (ear)
E. * corymb
Recognize the type of inflorescence on the fig. 16:
A. raceme
B. head
C. spike
D. spadix (ear)
E. * corymb
Identify the type of dry fruit on the fig. 17:
A. Berry
B. Drupe
C. Legume
D. Nut
E. * Capsule
Recognize the type of dry fruit on the fig. 17:
A. Berry
B. Achene
C. Legume
D. Nut
E. * Capsule
Choose the medicinal plant with fruit which is given on the fig. 18:
A. Horse chestnut
B. Potato
C. Hen-bane
D. Dog rose
E. * Wild strawberry
Recognize the type of fruit, which is formed in depicted on the Fig. 19 medicinal
A. Berry
B. Legume
C. Capsule
D. Nut
E. * Achene
Identify the type of fruit and inflorescence, which are formed in medicinal plant
depicted on the Fig. 19:
A. Berry, corymb
B. Legume, raceme
C. Capsule, spike
D. Nut, umbel
E. * Achene, capitulum
On the Fig. 20 are given the diagnostic features of Asteraceae family where number 3
is indicated the different types of…
A. Fruits
B. Leaves
C. Stems
D. Roots
E. * Flowers
On the Fig. 20 are given the diagnostic features of such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Brassicaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. * Asteraceae
Recognize the diagnostic features of some botanical family on the fig. 20:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Brassicaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. * Asteraceae
What type of fruits can you see under the number 7 on the fig. 20 among the
diagnostic features of Asteraceae family?
A. Capsule
B. Nut
C. Legume
D. Berry
E. * Cypsela
Identify the herbal medicinal plant represented on the fig. 21:
A. Tussilago farfara
B. Tanacetum vulgare
C. Bidens tripartita
D. Silybum marianum
E. * Inula helenium
What parts of the given in fig. 21 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Stems
B. Leaves
C. Flowers
D. Seeds
E. * Roots
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented on the fig. 22:
A. Tussilago farfara
B. Inula helenium
C. Bidens tripartita
D. Silybum marianum
E. * Tanacetum vulgare
What medicinal plant is given on the fig. 22?
A. Tussilago farfara
B. Inula helenium
C. Bidens tripartita
D. Silybum marianum
E. * Tanacetum vulgare
The medicinal plant represented in fig. 22 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Brassicaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. * Asteraceae
What medicinal plant can you see on the fig. 23?
A. Inula helenium
B. Tanacetum vulgare
C. Bidens tripartita
D. Silybum marianum
E. * Tussilago farfara
The medicinal plant represented on the fig. 23 uses in pharmacy as…
A. Laxative
B. General tonic
C. Cardiotonic
D. Antispasmodic
E. * Expectorant
What medicinal plant can you see on the fig. 24?
A. Tanacetum vulgare
B. Mentha piperita
C. Silybum marianum
D. Inula helenium
E. * Echinacea purpurea
100. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 24 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Brassicaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. * Asteraceae
101. Identify the herbal medicinal plant represented on the fig. 25:
A. Inula helenium
B. Centaurea cyanus
C. Arctium lappa
D. Tanacetum vulgare
E. * Achillea millefolium
102. Recognize the herbal medicinal plant represented on the fig. 26:
A. Achillea millefolium
B. Inula helenium
C. Centaurea cyanus
D. Tanacetum vulgare
E. * Arctium lappa
103. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 26 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Mint family
B. Legume family
C. Rose family
D. Cabbage family
E. * Sunflower family
104. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 27 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Mint family
B. Sunflower family
C. Legume family
D. Cabbage family
E. * Grass family
105. Recognize the herbal medicinal plant represented on the fig. 27:
A. Achillea millefolium
B. Inula helenium
C. Centaurea cyanus
D. Arctium lappa
E. * Elytrigia repens
106. Identify the type of inflorescence, which is formed in depicted on the Fig. 27
medicinal plant:
A. compound raceme
B. head
C. compound corymb
D. compound umbel
E. * compound spike
107. Identify the growth form of plant which is formed in depicted on the Fig. 27
medicinal plant:
A. Annual grassy plant
B. Hemi-shrub
C. Shrub
D. Tree
E. * Perennial grassy plant
108. There is given the poisonous medicinal plant on the fig. 28. This is…
A. Acorus calamus
B. Centaurea cyanus
C. Arctium lappa
D. Elytrigia repens
E. * Colchicum authumnale
109. There is given the perennial medicinal plant on the fig. 29. This is…
A. Colchicum authumnale
B. Centaurea cyanus
C. Arctium lappa
D. Elytrigia repens
E. * Acorus calamus
110. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 29 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Brassicaceae
E. * Araceae
111. What parts of the given on the fig. 29 medicinal plant are used in pharmacy?
A. Fruits
B. Leaves
C. Flowers
D. Seeds
E. * Rhizomes
112. On the Fig. 30 are given the diagnostic features of family…
A. Asteraceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Brassicaceae
D. Araceae
E. * Lamiaceae
113. The diagnostic features represented on the fig. 30 belong to such botanical family:
A. Sunflower family
B. Legume family
C. Rose family
D. Cabbage family
E. * Mint family
114. Recognize the perennial medicinal plant represented on the fig. 31:
A. Leonurus cardiaca
B. Scutellaria baicalensis
C. Digitalis purpurea
D. Salvia officinalis
E. * Mentha piperita
115. Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 31:
A. Leonurus cardiaca
B. Scutellaria baicalensis
C. Digitalis purpurea
D. Salvia officinalis
E. * Mentha piperita
116. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 31 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Asteraceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Brassicaceae
D. Araceae
E. * Lamiaceae
117. What medicinal plant is given in fig. 32?
A. Mentha piperita
B. Leonurus cardiaca
C. Elytrigia repens
D. Salvia officinalis
E. * Lavandula angustifolia
118. Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 32:
A. Leonurus cardiaca
B. Lavandula angustifolia
C. Digitalis purpurea
D. Salvia officinalis
E. * Mentha piperita
119. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 33 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Asteraceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Brassicaceae
D. Araceae
E. * Lamiaceae
120. Recognize the perennial medicinal plant represented on the fig. 33:
A. Leonurus cardiaca
B. Scutellaria baicalensis
C. Digitalis purpurea
D. Salvia officinalis
E. * Melissa officinalis
121. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 33 includes such active ingredients:
A. Alkaloids
B. Cardioglycosides
C. Antracochinons
D. Mucilages
E. * Essential oils
122. Recognize the perennial medicinal plant represented on the fig. 34:
A. Melissa officinalis
B. Leonurus cardiaca
C. Scutellaria baicalensis
D. Digitalis purpurea
E. * Salvia officinalis
123. Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 34:
A. Mentha piperita
B. Leonurus cardiaca
C. Lavandula angustifolia
D. Digitalis purpurea
E. * Salvia officinalis
124. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 35 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Brassicaceae
E. * Plantaginaceae
125. Recognize the perennial medicinal plant represented on the fig. 35:
A. Melissa officinalis
B. Leonurus cardiaca
C. Atropa belladonna
D. Salvia officinalis
E. * Plantago major
126. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 36 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Plantaginaceae
E. * Rubiaceae
127. Recognize the perennial medicinal plant represented on the fig. 36:
A. Melissa officinalis
B. Leonurus cardiaca
C. Plantago major
D. Atropa belladonna
E. * Rubia tinctorum
128. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 37 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Rubiaceae
D. Plantaginaceae
E. * Gentianaceae
129. Recognize the perennial medicinal plant represented on the fig. 37:
A. Leonurus cardiaca
B. Plantago major
C. Atropa belladonna
D. Rubia tinctorum
E. * Gentiana lutea
130. The herb of poisonous plant depicted on the Fig. 38 is used as analgesic and
antispasmodic. So, this is...
A. Digitalis purourea
B. Gentiana lutea
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Salvia officinalis
E. * Hyoscyamus niger
131. Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 38:
A. Digitalis purourea
B. Gentiana lutea
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Salvia officinalis
E. * Hyoscyamus niger
132. The medicinal plant represented on the fig. 38 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Gentianaceae
D. Plantaginaceae
E. * Solanaceae
133. Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented on the fig. 39:
A. Gentiana lutea
B. Hyoscyamus niger
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Salvia officinalis
E. * Datura stramonium
134. The medicinal plant represented on the fig. 39 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Gentianaceae
D. Plantaginaceae
E. * Solanaceae
135. On the Fig. 40 are given the diagnostic features of the family…
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Fabaceae
D. Araceae
E. * Brassicaceae
136. The diagnostic features represented on the fig. 40 are characterized such botanical
A. Mint family
B. Sunflower family
C. Legume family
D. Rose family
E. * Cabbage family
137. The medicinal plant represented on the fig. 41 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Gentianaceae
D. Betulaceae
E. * Fagaceae
138. The bark of depicted on the Fig. 41 plant is used in pharmacy. So, this is….
A. Betula verrucosa
B. Alnus incana
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Juglans regia
E. * Quercus robur
139. The medicinal plant represented in fig. 41 includes such active ingridients:
A. Alkaloids
B. Essential oils
C. Cardioglycosides
D. Antracochinons
E. * Tannins
140. The deciduous tree represented on the fig. 42 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Fagaceae
B. Juglandaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Gentianaceae
E. * Betulaceae
141. Recognize the perennial medicinal plant represented on the fig. 42:
A. Quercus robur
B. Alnus incana
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Juglans regia
E. * Betula verrucosa
142. Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 43:
A. Quercus robur
B. Betula verrucosa
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Juglans regia
E. * Alnus incana
143. Recognize the woody medicinal plant represented on the fig. 43:
A. Quercus robur
B. Betula verrucosa
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Juglans regia
E. * Alnus incana
144. The deciduous tree represented on the fig. 43 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Fagaceae
B. Juglandaceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Gentianaceae
E. * Betulaceae
145. The fruits of medicinal plant represented on the fig. 43 include such active
A. Alkaloids
B. Essential oils
C. Cardioglycosides
D. Antracochinons
E. * Tannins
146. The herb and fruits of hemi-shrub depicted on the Fig. 44 are used in pharmacy. So,
this plant is...
A. Vaccinium vitis idaea
B. Alnus incana
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Ledum palustre
E. * Vaccinium myrtillus
147. Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 44:
A. Vaccinium vitis idaea
B. Alnus incana
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Ledum palustre
E. * Vaccinium myrtillus
148. The medicinal plant represented on the fig. 44 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Salicaceae
B. Brassicaceae
C. Betulaceae
D. Fagaceae
E. * Ericaceae
Recognize the medicinal plant represented on the fig. 45:
A. Vaccinium myrtillus
B. Betula verrucosa
C. Alnus incana
D. Humulus lupulus
E. * Ledum palustre
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 45:
A. Vaccinium myrtillus
B. Vaccinium vitis-idaea
C. Arctostaphylos uvae-ursi
D. Humulus lupulus
E. * Ledum palustre
The medicinal plant represented in fig. 46 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Salicaceae
B. Brassicaceae
C. Betulaceae
D. Fagaceae
E. * Ericaceae
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 46:
A. Vaccinium myrtillus
B. Arctostaphylos uvae-ursi
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Ledum palustre
E. * Vaccinium vitis-idaea
The medicinal plant represented in fig. 47 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Salicaceae
B. Brassicaceae
C. Betulaceae
D. Fagaceae
E. * Cannabaceae
Identify the perennial medicinal plant represented on the fig. 47:
A. Vaccinium myrtillus
B. Vaccinium vitis-idaea
C. Arctostaphylos uvae-ursi
D. Ledum palustre
E. * Humulus lupulus
The medicinal plant represented on the fig. 48 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Ericaceae
B. Brassicaceae
C. Betulaceae
D. Fagaceae
E. * Primulaceae
What medicinal plant is given in fig. 48?
A. Capsella bursa-pastoris
B. Alnus incana
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Ledum palustre
E. * Primula veris
The herb of medicinal plant depicted on the Fig. 49 is used in pharmacy as
cardiotonic. So, this plant is...
A. Primula veris
B. Capsella bursa-pastoris
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Ledum palustre
E. * Erisimum canescens
The medicinal plant represented on the fig. 49 belongs to such botanical family:
A. Ericaceae
B. Salicaceae
C. Betulaceae
D. Fagaceae
E. * Brassicaceae
What medicinal plant is given in fig. 50?
A. Primula veris
B. Alnus incana
C. Humulus lupulus
D. Ledum palustre
E. * Capsella bursa-pastoris
Choose the correct Latin name the medicinal plant represented in fig. 73:
A. Erysimum canescens
B. Sinapis alba
C. Fragaria vesca
D. Hypericum perforatum
E. * Padus avium