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Physics Regents Review Sheet
General Information
_____ all of the units used in the topic(s) that I am studying.
_____ how to interpret numbers written in scientific notation.
_____ how to solve any algebra problems given.
1-D Motion
_____ the difference between scalar and vector quantities and can name a few examples
_____ how to calculate distance
_____ how to calculate displacement
_____ when to use positive and negative signs for displacement
_____ how to calculate speed
_____ how to calculate velocity (including positive/negative signs)
_____ how to calculate acceleration
_____ what it means when acceleration is negative
_____ how and when to use the 5 formulas (v = d/t, a = vf-vi/t, vf=vi+at, vf2=vi2+2ad,
_____ how to interpret distance, velocity, and acceleration graphs
_____ when to find the slope of a graph
_____ when to calculate the area under the curve of a graph
_____ the acceleration due to gravity on Earth
_____ when to make 9.8 negative
_____ when initial/final velocity is 0
_____ what horizontal acceleration is
_____ how to make horizontal and vertical columns of information
_____ how to calculate horizontal and vertical velocity when fired at an angle
_____ the shape of a projectile fired at an angle or horizontally
_____ the difference between mass and weight
_____ when mass changes and when weight changes
_____ how to calculate weight
_____ Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
_____ what inertia is and what affects it
_____ Newton’s 2nd Law
_____ how to find the net force
_____ how and when to use F = ma
_____ when the net force is 0
_____ the net force on an object when it is moving at a constant velocity
_____ Newton’s 3rd Law
_____ what the normal force is and how to calculate it
_____ what friction is
_____ what the coefficient of friction is
_____ the direction of friction
_____ what happens if I’m standing on a scale in an elevator and it moves up/down
Circular Motion
_____ the direction of centripetal acceleration and centripetal force
_____ how to calculate the centripetal acceleration
_____ how to calculate the centripetal force
_____ how centripetal force and acceleration are related to radius
_____ the direction of tangential velocity
_____ how to calculate the distance around a circle
_____ how to calculate the velocity around a circle
_____ why an object travels in a circular path
_____ what holds a car in a circular turn
_____ what holds a ball on a string in a circular path
_____ what holds the Earth in its path around the Sun
_____ Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
_____ what G represents
_____ how weight (force due to gravity) is related to distance of separation
_____ Kepler’s Laws
_____ what momentum is
_____ when an object has momentum
_____ how momentum is affected by an increase in velocity or mass
_____ how to calculate momentum
_____ what impulse is
_____ how to calculate impulse
_____ that impulse is the same as a change in momentum
_____ Law of Conservation of Momentum
_____ when to use conservation of momentum
_____ the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions
_____ how to calculate the work done on an object
_____ the force used to lift an object upward
_____ what you give an object when do work in lifting it up
_____ what you give an object when you push an object along a table
_____ what power is
_____ how to calculate power
_____ the relationship between power and time
_____ the different types of energy
_____ what potential energy is
_____ how to calculate potential energy
_____ the relationship between work and potential energy
_____ what kinetic energy is
_____ how to calculate kinetic energy
_____ the relationship between kinetic energy and velocity
_____ the relationship between work and kinetic energy
_____ the Law of Conservation of Energy
_____ when to use Conservation of Energy
_____ what a pendulum is
_____ how to calculate the period of a pendulum
_____ how Conservation of Energy relates to the pendulum
_____ Hooke’s Law
_____ what is the spring constant
_____ how to calculate elastic potential energy
_____ how a spring relates to energy and work
_____ what three major particles atoms are made up of
_____ how atoms become charged (positive or negative)
_____ what an elementary charge is and where to find its value
_____ how charged particles interact with one another
_____ which particle is the ONLY one that’s allowed to transfer between atoms
_____ which device detects a charge
_____ what induction and conduction are
_____ total charge before equals the total charge after
_____ how many charges are in an object with 9.6x10-19 C
_____ what Coulomb’s Law is and how to use it
_____ electric fields are always directed from _________ to ___________
_____ where electric field is the strongest
_____ what flux is
_____ how to calculate electric field strength
_____ what current is and what particles are traveling
_____ how to calculate current
_____ what units current, resistance, and voltage are measured in
_____ what affects the resistance of a resistor and how to calculate it
_____ what are the many different names of voltage
_____ how to calculate voltage
_____ Ohm’s Law and how to use it
_____ what the difference between series and parallel circuits is
_____ all of the formulas associated with the two types of circuits
_____ what an ammeter is and how it is connected
_____ what a voltmeter is and how it is connected
_____ how to calculate electric power
_____ how to calculate electrical energy
_____ how the poles react towards one another (attract vs. repel)
_____ why something is considered “magnetic”
_____ the direction of the magnetic field (from _____ pole to _____ pole)
_____ where the magnetic field is the strongest
_____ what a compass is and how does it work
_____ what a wave is
_____ the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves
_____ an example of a longitudinal and transverse wave
_____ what a pulse is
_____ what a periodic wave is
_____ what the amplitude of a wave is and how it affects sound/light
_____ what “in phase” and “out of phase 180 degrees” means
_____ what wavelength is
_____ how to calculate how many waves are in a picture
_____ what frequency and period are and how to calculate them
_____ how to calculate the speed of a wave
_____ what the Doppler Effect is
_____ what constructive and destructive interference is
_____ what a standing wave is
_____ what a node and an anti-node are
_____ what resonance is
_____ what diffraction is
_____ what polarization is
_____ what is the difference between regular and diffuse reflection
_____ the relationship between the angle of incidence and angle of reflection
_____ what refraction is
_____ the angle is always measured from the ________
_____ what is the index of refraction and how to calculate it (if not given in the ref. table)
_____ what is Snell’s Law and how to use it
_____ what is the critical angle
_____ when light hits a window, light is _________ and __________
_____ what total internal reflection is
Modern Physics
_____ the reason why we believe light acts as a wave
_____ the reason we believe light acts as a particle
_____ where to find the electromagnetic spectrum and how to read the chart
_____ Thomson’s Plum Pudding model of the atom
_____ Rutherford’s model of the atom
_____ Bohr’s model of the atom
_____ where to find the energy level diagrams
_____ what unit of energy is used on the energy level diagrams
_____ which way we are moving on the diagrams if we absorb/lose energy
_____ how to calculate the amount of energy lost when falling from n=5 to n=2
_____ whether or not an electron can absorb 10 eV of energy when starting from n=1
_____ mass cannot be created nor destroyed, but it can be converted into _________
_____ what E = mc2 stands for and how to use it
_____ the forces in nature and can list them from strongest to weakest
_____ where to find the “Classification of Matter” table and how to read it
_____ what a baryon is made up of
_____ what a meson is made up of
_____ what the possible total charge on a baryon/meson is allowed to be
_____ how to configure a baryon or meson using the quark table
_____ what a lepton is and two different examples
_____ what an anti-particle is