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Research Methods
applied research—studies conducted to solve practical problems
basic research—studies of interest to psychology but not applicable to solving immediate, realworld issues
hindsight bias—the ability to easily explain why something happens
scientific research—to predict in advance why something happens
laboratory experiments—conducted in the lab
field experiments—conducted in the real world
independent variable—what the experiment manipulates; commonly the experimental and control
dependent variable—what is being measured; should be measurable with numbers
confounding variables—variables that are unintended and throw off the experimental results
operational definition of variables—when an independent variable is defined according to the
events used to produce it (e.g. what constitutes “low anxiety” or “high anxiety”); a measured
operational definition applies to dependent variables that are defined in operational terms
research (or experimental) hypothesis—a detailed explanation of a predicted relationship between
certain conditions or variables; this hypothesis is not subject to change
null hypothesis—a detailed statement indicating there is no relationship between certain conditions
or variables
Validity and Reliability
replication—sufficient detail in the procedure section to duplicate the experiment with the same
materials and instructions
reliability—the ability to produce consistent and stable scores or results
validity—the ability of a measuring instrument or experiment to measure what is intended
internal validity—controls prior influence, maturation processes and the order effect, but not the
subjects’ history with the task
threats to internal validity include:
– unplanned events
– differences between subjects
– statistical regression
– testing problems
– changes in a measuring instrument
– natural changes in subjects over time
– experimenter bias and misuse of statistical tests
external validity—controls the subjects’ history with the task but not the other aspects
threats to external validity include:
– poor selection of subjects
– limited characteristics of the subjects
– limited operational definitions
– multiple treatment interference
– subject awareness of the study
– too limited a setting for the experiment
– a limited time frame in obtaining results
Quantitative Research Methods
these methods are used by psychologists to test hypotheses under rigorous, controlled conditions
experiments take place in the laboratory or in the field
the aim is to establish a cause-and-effect relationship through descriptive and inferential statistics
statistics allow the researcher to determine the level of significance (at least at the .05 level)
triangulation—a multi-method approach to the study of human behavior.
– data—collected over time, in different locations, from different persons or groups
– investigator—data collected from different investigators
– theories from different perspectives—for example, how the cause of obsessivecompulsive disorder based on the behavioral, psychodynamic or biological perspectives
– methodological—data collected from within-subject designs and between-subject designs
on different occasions
the use of evidence from different sources, of different methods of collecting data and of different
investigators, where feasible, are all triangulation techniques which enhance credibility (Robson
population—the total number of people or things from which to draw a sample
sample—a small group of people or things selected to represent the target population
random selection of participants and random assignment to groups—helps to increase the validity
of the results
random sampling—selecting a sample from the population purely at random
representative sampling—occurs when the population is divided into subpopulations and then a
random sample is taken from each subpopulation
stratified sampling—a sample that matches the overall characteristics of the population from
which it is drawn
systematic sampling—a sample that is pulled from the population using a system or some criteria,
such as every 10th person
independent subjects design—a design in which groups of subjects experience different
experimental conditions; comparing a control group versus an experimental group is a common
independent samples design; measures two distinct groups
matched pairs design—a design where subjects are matched on one variable, and then one subject
is given one condition of the independent variable and the other subject is given the other
condition (usually experimental and control conditions)
repeated measures design (within-subjects design)—a design in which one group is measured
before and then after administration of a variable; typically this involves a pretest and a posttest
single participant/subject design—a design in which one subject’s performance over time or
across experimental conditions is tracked and recorded; this is not the same as a case study
Experimental Method
experimental group—a group that receives the experimental condition; the group that is affected
by the independent variable
control group—a group that does not receive the experimental condition; the group is not affected
by the independent variable
placebo group—a group that is a control group but receives a placebo to minimize subject bias (a
single blind experiment)
single-blind techniques—an experimental design in which subjects do not know which group they
are in, typically an experimental or control group; this reduces subject bias
double-blind techniques—an experimental design in which both the subjects and the experimenter
do not know which group is which; this reduces both subject and experimenter bias
research bias and expectancy (researcher and participant effects)—bias that occurs
demand characteristics—a cuing in process which insidiously instructs subjects in an experiment
about what is expected (e.g. compassionate behavior, aggressive behavior, etc); if deception is
used as to the purpose of the experiment, such subject bias arising out of demand should not occur
participant and researcher expectancies—based on the idea that what the researcher expects will
alter the subject’s performance; this is known as the Pygmalion effect; this was shown by
Rosenthal’s study that experimenter expectancies can alter the performance of children in a
classroom (our 40 Studies article “What You Expect Is What You Get”; this highlights the need to
control experimenter bias
Correlational Method
correlational studies express a relationship between two variables
the correlation can be positive (direct relationship) or negative (inverse relationship)
the numerical value indicating the strength of a correlation is called a correlation coefficient
statistically the highest positive correlation is +1.0 and the highest negative correlation is -1.0
correlations may be graphed on a scatter plot
large-scale and small-scale surveys—the scale of the survey is dependent on the number of
surveys collected, either a lot (large scale) or a few from a select group (small scale)
use of Likert scale—a rating scale developed by R. Likert where respondents are asked to indicate
where they fall along some dimension
– this is then converted into a numerical score (e.g. strongly agree-1, agree-2, neither agree
nor disagree-3, disagree-4, strongly disagree-5)
advantages include:
– flexibility in asking questions
– less time to collect data
– large amounts of data can be collected at once
disadvantages include:
– question-bias
– self-report bias
– erroneous memories of the subjects
– social desirability bias
Naturalistic Observation
participant observation—the observer is part of the group being observed
non-participant observation—the observer remains detached from the group; sometimes called a
complete observer
methods of recording data, including time, event and point sampling:
– duration recording—the observer specifies the length of time a particular behavior will
last (e.g. talking to other student; being out of one’s set)
– frequency-county method—counting the number of time (frequency) the behavior occurs
– interval recording—a single subject is observed for a set amount of time and the
subject’s behavior is recorded
– continuous observation—after observing the subject, the observer gives a narrative
account of the observed behavior; it is up to the observer to determine which
behaviors are important to report
time sampling—the observer randomly selects time period to observe the subject; this is
used in conjunction with duration recording, the frequency-count method, interval
recording and continuous observation
advantages of observations include:
– lessening self-report bias and social desirability
– information is not limited to what the subject can recall
disadvantages include:
– difficulty in measuring complex behavior
– expense
Case Studies
one individual—the analysis of one person’s mental activity or behaviors
small and large groups—the analysis of a group’s mental activity or behaviors (e.g. the Kitty
Genovese case)
collecting data
– self-reports—surveys, interviews or methods in which the individual recalls and lists
information relevant to the studied behavior
– observed data—any of various methods of observation used to collect relevant data on
individuals or groups
– other techniques—from clinical notes
advantages of case studies include:
– collecting data on rare or unique cases
– the possibility for intensive, in-depth study
disadvantages include:
– observer bias
– the subject is aware they are being observed and may change their behaviors
structured—an interview employing structured questions followed by a set of choices the
respondent must choose from (e.g. likely, somewhat likely, etc.)
semi-structured—an interview employing questions but no set of choices is available, allowing the
respondent more latitude to give an individual response
unstructured—an interview in which the interviewer has great latitude in asking broad questions
in whatever order would be appropriate
one-to-one interviews—interviews in which one interviewer asks questions of one respondent
conversational interviews—interviews in which a conversation occurs between the interviewer
and respondent in which information freely flows beyond a question-answer approach
small group interviews (focus groups)—groups of people who are asked their opinions on issues or
e-mail or telephone interviews—can be structured or semi-structured; more a difference of means
than type of interview
methods of transcribing recorded interviews, including traditional and post-modern—through
stenography or voice recognition software
verbal protocols—records of what people say when they are asked to think aloud as they perform
a task; the speech is recorded and later transcribed so the mental processes can be analyzed; used
in task analysis
Content Analysis
content analysis—a systematic analysis of various forms of communication to derive common
themes and data that help explain social life
can be applied to:
– literature
– television, video and film
– advertising
– internet and e-mail
the method is not scientific (employs a non-random sample and non-generalizable conclusions)
Descriptive Statistics
levels of measurement
– nominal scale—a unit of measurement using named categories such as eye color, gender,
voting status, etc.; no order and no indication of how groups differ are apparent; this is
the least refined of the four measurement scales
– ordinal scale—a unit of measurement in which values to a variable can be rank ordered
from highest to lowest, such as class rank, percentile ranks, ordering ideas from best to
worst, etc.
– interval scale—a unit of measurement similar to ordinal scales but in which the
difference between each unit is equal or constant; the difference between 5 and 6 is the
same as between 17 and 18
– ratio scale—a unit of measurement based on ordinal and interval scales but comparisons
can be made using ratios; saying a number to two or three times greater than another
number; this is the most refined of the four measurement scales
measures of central tendency
– mean—the average score from a group of scores
– mode—the most frequent scores that occurs in a group of scores
– median—the middle scores in a group of scores that separates the top half from the
bottom half from rank-ordered scores
measures of dispersion
– range—the difference between the highest and lowest score
– standard deviation—a numerical index that tells, on average, how far the scores fall from
the mean; the larger the standard deviation, the greater the spread of scores
– variance—the second moment around the mean; the expected value of the square of the
deviations of a random variable from its mean value
– quartile and semi-interquartile range—divides ranked data into four parts or quartiles
normal distribution of data
– standard scores—scores converted from raw score distributions; the two most common
are z-scores and T-scores
– frequency—the number of raw scores that fall within a class of scores
– skewed distribution—a distribution of scores that is not a normal distribution buy extends
more to one side or the other
 if the scores are skewed to the left (negatively skewed) the mean and median are
to the left of the mode
 if the scores are skewed to the right (positively skewed) the mean and median are
to the right of the mode
Inferential Statistics
probability—an estimation of how many times a certain event is likely to happen
levels of confidence—the level of certainty that an inferential statistic is not due to chance
in experimental research .05 is the accepted minimum level of confidence
in other words, there is less than a 5% chance that are results are in error
the appropriate choice of statistical tests and limitations upon their use
most of these tests are used to measure the relationship between two sets of scores:
Pearson product-moment (Pearson r) correlation coefficient shows the linear relationship
between two variables
independent samples t-test is used for independent groups to determine if the mean on
one group is different from the mean of the other group to support a predicted direction in
an hypothesis
dependent samples t-test is used for matched groups when a pretest and posttest have
been administered
non-parametric tests—tests in which the results do not fall into a normal distribution
Mann-Whitney U test—a test for use with two independent samples; the basis of this test
is that if all the data from the two samples are ranked, the high and low ranks should be
evenly distributed if the samples are equal
chi-squared test—a statistical procedure for use with nominal (frequency counts) and
ordinal (percentages) data
Graphical Techniques
bar chart—a graph using bars to denote numerical counts
histogram—a bar chart that indicates the frequency of scores
line graph—a graph using lines to connect dots that denote numerical counts
frequency polygon—a line graph that indicates the frequency of scores
Ethical Considerations
there are four basic ethical considerations you need to address in any sort of research study:
informed consent--subjects should be told briefly what will be involved in the psychological
you do not necessarily need to explain your hypothesis but should explain what sort of
tasks will be required of the subject during experimentation
justification for any discomfort or deception--you need to justify why you would cause a subject
any physical or mental discomfort, or deceive them in some way
some experiments by their very nature may cause some mental frustration that would be
encountered day-to-date (e.g. challenging math or verbal problems, or making choices
between possible selections)
some topics by their very nature may cause distress (e.g. cognitive dissonance or social
you must justify why the experimental design you have developed warrants these minor
Could this topic be tested any other way? Be sure to ensure accurate participation of your
subjects. Provide them with the appropriate environment in which to complete their task.
Be sure to conduct yourself professionally; the more professional and serious you are, the
better your results will be
right of withdrawal--at all times, subjects have a right to withdraw from the experiment
findings are confidential--while you can ask demographic information such as age, grade level,
sex, or GPA, you cannot record their names in connection with their results
you cannot refer to subjects by name in your report
you should make sure all data collected is done so anonymously and assure your subjects
that the results will only be used for this experiment and then discarded
participants are debriefed--all subjects should be debriefed at the conclusion of your experiment
you should explain to them at the time they participate, if possible, what you are testing
and how their results will be compared to others
you should briefly explain what theories support the behavior that they displayed in the
if debriefed at the conclusion of the experiment, you can share with them the results and
any conclusions you've made based on all the data you've collected
Additional considerations for Psychology 1B experiments:
you should always acknowledge the works and publications of others
make sure you completely reference these sources both in your Introduction and in your
References sections
be honest in reporting your results
it is not important whether you prove your hypothesis but how well you conduct your
do not dry lab results (make up results without running an experiment) or skew your
results to support your hypothesis
monitor that these ethical standards are being displayed by others in your group and in
the class
the psychological research community is constantly vigilant in making sure these ethical
guidelines are adhered to
in animal research, you must always justify any discomfort that the animal will encounter
AP Check
AP students in psychology should be able to do the following:
 Differentiate types of research (e.g. experiments, correlational studies, survey research, naturalistic
observations and case studies) with regard to purpose, strengths and weaknesses.
 Describe how research design drives the reasonable conclusions that can be drawn (e.g.
experiments are useful for determining cause and effect; the use of experimental controls reduces
alternative explanations).
 Identify independent, dependent, confounding and control variables in experimental design.
 Distinguish between random assignment of participants to conditions in experiments and random
selection of participants, primarily in Correlational studies and surveys.
 Predict the validity of behavioral explanations based on the quality of research design (e.g.
confounding variables limit confidence in research conclusions).
 Distinguish the purposes of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
 Apply basic descriptive statistical concepts, including interpreting and constructing graphs and
calculating simple descriptive statistics (e.g. measures of central tendency, standard deviation).
 Discuss the value of reliance on operational definitions and measurement in behavioral research.
 Identify how ethical issues inform and constrain research practices.
 Describe how ethical and legal guidelines (e.g. those provided by the American Psychological
Association, federal regulations, local institutional review boards) protect research participants and
promote sound ethical practice.