* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
.t a ,'tt a't UNIVERSITY OF CA.LICUT "nl (Abstract) M.Sc Phvsics - Revised scheme and syllabus '*'ith effect from 2008 admission Imoiemented - Orders issued. \ GENERAL AND ACADE*IIC BR4.NCH I _ No. GAI/J2/26Lol07 Reeid: ' L-:. 'J' SECTTON ie..i, Calicu;- University. P.O. , 27.C6"2AO8. 1. Item No.2 of the Minutes of the rnt--r'r-ingof the Board of Studies in Fhysir:s (PGi held on 16.05.?AO7. 2. Letter from the Chairman, Board cf Studies in Physics (PG) dated 20.06.2008. ORDER ;is per ret'erence read-as. 1*t paper above, the Board of S'uudies in Ph.rrsics iP{i) decided to revise the syllabus for M.Sc Physics with effect from 2AOB admissiot onwards. The Vice-Chanceilor, jn rtiell' ci ex',;q,'l-rc.i. Academic Council, approved the h{;.nutrs r>I arid sribiect to ratificariciil trr,, Il:',: t.rle rrreeting of the Bcarci of Studies. Sanction has thereiore bcefl accord'-:d for impiemeiriation of the i'cvilr:cl scircirie and syllabus of the I\4.Sc Ph-vsics ccurse 'urrith effect frrtm 2Ol)B actmi:rir::r crtilard,-r. iir rlei's are issued accoraing;-\,. 'lire revised scheme and syllabus are i-,ppendecl. sc/DEPUTY REGTSTRAR |G&A-I) For EIEGISTIL{R. ,1\. . The t-rincipals of all aftiiiated ccileges t,itt;'ing ii,{.Sc Physics colrJ Ct)i:.,1' 19; t. Se. C.E./EX Sn/DR, PG/Tabulation :Iectir-,n /Exarn Enqrriry./Aii Irrf.-rrmatioi; Centres/G&A I'A)'F' Sections/G8''ul\ Ii,III Branches. \/ ForwardedlBy Order @rdh SECTION OFFICER V D:'rL,4ANAF\G.A- i\J\U Ori2-261 0-07 Joc I l, \,- : 't UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT FOR REGULATIONS, SCHEMN AND SYLLABUS M'Sc' PHYSICS (EFFECTM FROM 2008 ADMISSIONS) in Physics (Main) in the B'Sc' Degree Mathematics as a ion of any other University with 5070 marks er PtfY 306 (Advanced Elecuonics I) or PHY 307 eirwork.Thisshallbeattestedby.theteacher-in-charge *ot[ had been canied out at the external some other cenue)' i"stittio"' ii tt't .r 'a!. I 1'2' 13. Evaluation of the projeo report as well as a viva voce shall be conducted by the team examiners at the time of the Practicat e*amination at the ,H":Hil:lrilliX'":n There These Test to the extent oi of two external rnar aho carry "rJ;i,h;lv; $;Eri;n":*o ii.-r.', i; ;;;# ."errr.i.y / attendance, modvarion and ", an .r ^- all -,r theory or papers to the extent of 20 o/omarks per paper per semester. on the following scheme : Vivavoce/Seminar : 6 marks Smarks : S,marks 4 marks Assignments : Attendance ToaI 20 marks per paper per s€mester ^,.^r..^-:- :, , ilt$,flX;,T#,,iff:".,"J:Hi53:;,',ll;ht,i.i::"":iffi,:i:T3:lfffifi:1,heir d r)cS. xmrc .rr^_ perusa, and ,hen kep, in (The praoice of s to be presented eir verification. the marks is as f practical paper: rk lrrvr _--e.,srr --- dudlysls Viva Voee Regularity and j amendanc" 3 marks 3 marks 4marks Fv+---^r-h-External : Totarr-^^ r20 marks (At the end of rrnd ,""## for I & IIIrd II combined ). (p[fy 305 and.pHy 306) rnternals : Total 15 marks for each paper Semester : t IVth Semester: &408. T{.q"e of 406 , 407 and408 and 409 407 shall be as follows Extemal : 60 mark distributed as follows project Report p..i.rt Total for tiJn".nd external project IT.'L:T:i:11'rHTr'Xt : : viva ; . *.n marks shall be ronuarded to tr,. clffilllr."rr,,,n*ions i3 THr, ru marfts each berore the srart or the end_ 3 17' The University shall do nolhnrr"uon oi inte.nal assessmenr, when there is inflation of marks in internal evaluation' If the difference in the percentage of lhe external marks and the percentage of the internal marks of any student is more than 20olo, the internal marks shall be brought down to limit the difference to 20o/o. Normalization once effected shall be irrevocable, except in the case of a student who appeals to the grievance redressal committee. 1B.The minimum marks rgqrrlled for a pass is 40Yo for the external examination for each paper including pracdcal and Viva Voce. There shall be no separate minimum for the internal marks. The grading of the students will be as follows: Total marks 50o/o lo 59o/o 600/o lo 79%o . B0o/o and II above 19. Candidates who fail in a paper/papers can class I class I class with Distinction reappearfor the subsequent regular examination of the subsequent batch. 'r6 4 SCIfiME OF PAPERS I SEMESTER Paper No. Title of Paper Max.Marks (External) PHY 101 PTTY 102 Mathematical Physics I Electrodynamics Max. Marks Total finternal) 80 20 100 80 20 100 and Plasma Phvsics PITY 103 Classical Mechanics 80 20 100 PTTY 104 Elecronics 80 20 100 PHY 105 PHY 106 Practical I Practical II Viva Voce 15 15 15 15 PTIY 107 50 50 Total II SEMESTER Paper No. 480 Max.Marks Tide of Paper (External) PHY 201 Mathematical Physics PTIY 202 Max. Marks Total finternd) 80 20 100 80 20 100 80 20 100 80 20 100 15 135 15 135 50 II Numerical Techniques and Computer hosrammins PHY 203 PHY 204 PHY 205 Statistical Mechanics Quantum Mechanics I Practical III 120 (10s IV PHY 206 Practical PHY 207 Viva Voce & 205 combined) 120 (106 & 206 combined) 50 Total III 720 SEMESTER I Paper No. Title of Paper PHY 301 PHY 302 PHY 303 Nuclear Physics Solid State Physic PHY 304 PHY 305 PITY 305 / PHY 307 PHY 308 Quanturrl Mechanics II Elementary Particles and Astroohvsics Practical V Practical VI-A or Max. Marks Max. Marks fExternal) flnternal) 80 80 80 20 20 20 100 100 100 BO 20 100 15 15 15 15 50 480 VI-B Viva Voce 50 Total Total ') 5 -^ r6 a IV SEMESTER p-ny+oslPgY 407 tPHY 4081 F--.aoicd Vttt 15 120 OR (306 & 406 combined; or & one of 4o7,4og hoject 60 (307) and 60 OR 15 (For 409) or using LINUX (OS) can be carried out in Windows Note: Computer Programming List of Electives : from a cluster more than one Elective - rtry centre may offer cluster each from chosen be Note : One to *r"" only one fron each cluster' simultaneously, but Ji#t,l,.,;i " Cluster I Cluster II - Electronic Instrumentauon ;iiY;o5it - communication Electronics PHY403C - Material Science software and Applicadons ;ii"i65i - Co*p""t Processing signal i,iivaoie - Digi6l PhYsics Radiation PHYaOef - PHY403A Cluster III Appropriate-ri::IT:r'"fflll1lfifl,TJf;ffJ:crusters order to incorPorate nt time to time bv the Board or studies rrom c 'r6e 6 DETAILED SYLLABUS SEMESTER I PHYlOl : MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 1. Vectors orthogonal Laplace's " I coordinates,- Gradient, Divergence and Curl in spherical coordinates, Llaplacian ,p"*or, -polar uations, Vector integrati6n Text : Arfken & Weber, Se 2. Matrices and Tensors Yni,r.y matrices, Similarity Contraction, Direct products,, (9 hours) Physics, Separation of variables. , Self-adjoint differential equation, and their pn:penies, Schmidi g.4 (12 hours) nctions of Spherical formula, Laguerre ber, Sections ll.l, lO.4,l..l5, (20 hours) _ 111 11.3, ll.Z, l2.l _ 12.4,12.6, ll.l, 13.2 General properties, Advantages, Uses of Fourier se.res, e.operties oiir.fii". series, Fourier sform, Properties, Inverse tr-anifo.m, T.;;rf; ,r tri"'llnvorrtion theorem, Text : Arfkm & webei, Sections l4.l (r0 hoursi t - 144,152 - 15.5, 15.g Textbook r .* 1"1"';f"ft"Jrand H'J'weber : "Mathematical Methods for physicists (s,r Edirion, 20or).(Academic hess) ts (3d Edition),'(McGraw Hill) India 2002) PHYlO2 ELECTRODYNAMICS AND PLASMA PHYSICS l,s equalidns, potential harmonic fields fu nctions, Elecromagnetic (g hours) lossy media, Group velocity, incidence at a plane conduaine boundarv ence at a plane dielectric boundiry, otli;,i; I (10 hours) rti: ns, Pa Parallel ;",T:; (12 hours) phenomenon, Transformation of the field, Electric field tensor, Elecnodynami", i, l.rro. notation, (14 hours) tl "q of eiectric nt equation, ing, Jvlotion of charged and Vlasov equations' onic waves and Alfuen (16 hours) concepts form waves Text : Chen, Sections 1.1 - 1.6, 2.2 - 2.2.2,3.1 - 3'3'2, 4'3, 4'18, 4'19 Text Books : (Addjsson wesley) Inuoductory Electrodynamics" (Prentice Hal] o{ India, 1989) volume I and 3. F. F. Chen, Introduction to plrr., Physics and controlled Fusion, edition Reference books : i. X.f . Goswami, Introduction to Plasma Physics - Central Book House, Calcutta i'Classical Elecuodynamics" (3d Ed') (Wiley,1999) 2. J.D.Jackson : 1. David K. cheng 2. David Griffiths : : .. Field and wave Electromagnetics" .. II' Plenum Press' recent PIrY 103 : CLASSICAL MECHAMCS i Eigen value equation, EiSenvec-tors and Eigenvalues' n ates, a*",;rlrr1l""r; o f"f."" vibrations, Norm a[ co o rdi Text : Goldstein, Sections 6. and cycles, Chaos : Logistic map, i*t; Bhatia, Seciionslo.l, aI pginE of trajectories' Nonlineu oscillations' Limit (12 hours) ' od doubling' Universality' 5. Nonlinear Equations 1 Mechanics' (Adrlison -7ct" Text Books : 1. Goldstein "Classical z. v.s.ntr-a:ti", 5. W$gfl Mechanics" (Narosa Publications, 1997) DYnamics" (WileY' 1989) McGraw Hill) ical Mechanics" (fata McGraw Hill) (2"d Edition )" (Addison Wesley 1998) Laxmana: "Nonlinear Dynamics" (Springer Verlag' 2001) i4l it PTTY 104 ELECTROMCS 1. Field Effect Tlaruistor : Biasing of FE! Small sigral model, Analysis of Common Source and Drain amplifier, High. frequency ,iporre, i,ff WR and its applications, Digital MOSFETCommon circuits Text : Millman ", and Halkias : 'Integrated Electronics'(fata McGraw Hilt 2002) sections ,o.o - ,Jlrlo""t) devices and ircuii ttreorv, & i. Nrri"rrrrl'i"""ron Education noue;;;;;il""d [fri1ff;;"Slectrqnic r, scale changer, s rotu]"* based astable and Active il%;rJ:#"tan and Halkias and Pass : 'lntegrated Electronics' (fata McGraw Hiu 2002), sectio", f',u',.#tT], Reference : tegrated Circuits, (20 hours) Text books for module S : 'Digitat principres and App_rications(3.d Ed.)- (rata McGraw Hirt, 197g) sections ter 8 complete, 12.1, 12.4, [Z.s Digitar Erectronics" frata McGraw Hirt) sections 11.g, 11.91 - 11.93 @or charge l; i;l3T :;.T:utd"-*tats of Microprocessors and Microcomputers @hanapathi Rai & Sons) Sections 1.5 'General references : 1' M.S.Tyagi ; "Introduction to Semiconductor Devices,, \vv,Ev., (wiley) 2. Millman and Halkias : ..Handbook 3. Gupta and Kumar : of Elect.;nicy, ..rntegrrtJHe;;;I"*r II, ^ii PHY 105 (Practicals I - GEfrERAL PHYSICS I) Internal evaluation to be done in the respective Note : 1. All the experiments should i."otu. error analysis. the end of each semester itself. Practical at semesters and marks iT iJ r"li-*.J i, in" controrier of viva voce in each semester' One mark is to time the at examiners observation book to U" s"U*ittea to the not done by the student if a total of 8 experiments be deducted from internal marks for each e*perime, t tdevelopedatthelnterUniversityAcceleratorCentre,NewDelhi,may er Possible. (At least 8 experiments should be done) To determine Y and o of the material of 1. Y and o - Interference method (a) elliptical @) hyperbolic fringes' fringes formed in an interference set up the giren specimen by observing ttre ettipticat and hyperbolic 2. ' 3. on 4- Tod and in - Jaeg different temperatulres by Jaeger's method of observing first and second mode constants of a steel vibrating strip; of vibration by the Melde's string method ersion. and the dielecuic constant of the given oil by measurem 11. Maxwell's L/C bridge -To determine the resist Maxwell's L/C bridge cs for students - Methusen & Co (1950) Butterworth (1970) - Oxford UniversitY Press (1988) 5. S.p. Singh -Advanced Practical Physics - Vol I & II - ries of volumes - Academic Prebs Inc (1988) Pragati Prakasan' Meerut (2003) - 13'h Edition .\E il 10 PIIY 106 (Practicals II - ELECTRONICS I) Note : At teast 8 experiments should be done. Internal evaluation to be done in the respective semesters and marks to be intimated to the conroller at the end of each semester itself. Practical observation book to be submitted to the examiners at the time of viva voce in each semester. One mark is to be deducted from internal marks for each experiment not done by the student if a total of 8 experiments are not done in each semester) 1. MOSFET characteristics -d appiications: To study the claraoeristics of a MOSFET and to determine VO impedances and frequency response. 2. UJT characteristics and relaxation oscillator (construct relaxation oscillator & sharp pulse generator ) 3. Charaoeristics of s Silicon controlld rectifier (Half wave and full wave) 4. Voltage regulation using transistors with feedback (regulation characteristics with load for different input . voltages and variation of ripple % with load) 5. Single suge RC coupled Negative feed back amplifier (input, output resistance, frequency response with & without feedback) 6. TWo stage RC coupled amplifier ( input and output resistance and frequency r€sponse induding Bode ploa) 7. RC coupled FET amplifier - corlmon source (frequency response, iirput &output resistance) 8. Complementary symmetry Class B push-pull power amplifier (transformerless) (/O impedances, efficiency and frequency response) 9. Differential amplifier using transistors (UO impedances, frequency response, CMRR ) 10. Amplitude modulation and detection using transistors (modulation index & recovery of modulating signal) 11. Darlington pair amplifier (gain, frequency response, input &output resistances ) 12. Wier-r bridge oscillator using OP AMP (For different frequencies, distortion due to feedback resistor, compare with design values) 13, Sawtooth generator usirig transistors and Miller sweep circuit using OPAMPS (for different frequencies) Reference Books : 1. Paul B. Zhar and A.P. Malvino - Basic Elecuonics - A Text Book Manual - JMH publisffng_(1983) 2. A.P. Malvino - Basic Elecuonics - A texdab manual - Tata McGraw HiIl (1992) 3. R Bogart and J. Brown -Experiments for elecuonic devices and circuis -.Menill Intemational series (1985) 4. Buchla - Digital Experimens - Merrill International series (1984) 5. S.P. Singh - Pragati Advanced Practical Physics - Vol I & II - hagati hakasan Meerut (2003) - 136 Edition i ) 1L iQr .l SEMESTER II PHY 201 : MATTIEMATICAL PTrySICS I i. Functions of Complex Variables : Introduction, Analyticity, Cauchy-Reimann conditions, Cauchy's integral th"or.111 and integral formula, Laurent expansion, Singuluities, Calculus of residues and applications (11 hours) Text : Arfken and Weber, Section$ 6.1 - 65, 7.1 -7.2 product 2. Group Theory : Groups, Multiplication Table, Conjugate elements and classes, Subgroups, Direct group5, tiomorphism and homomorphism, Permutation groups, Distinct groups of given Text : Joshi, Sections 1.1 - 1.8 order' (12 hours) ntations, Schur's lemmas, orthogonality theorem and examples, Ineducible representations of equation, Symmetry and degeneracy, Basis functions of aiplicationi (Qualiiative ont!; to Nuclear and Particle Physics Texts : Tinkham, Sections 3.1 - 3.5, 3.7, 3.8 Joshi, Sections 3.1 - 3-6, 3.8, 5.4,45, 4.8 4. Calculus of Variations rs, Slmmetry group of the Schrodinger presentations, SU(2) group, SU(3) group' (15 hours) ariable, Applications of the Euler equation' ent and independent variables' Lagrarige Generalization to several Multipliers, Variation subje Text: Arfken and Weber, technique' (9 hours) and 5. Integral equations and Green's function: Integral equations -'introduction, Integral transforms generat;g funitions, Neumann series, separable kernel, Green's function - Non homogeneous equations, Green's fiinaion,"sy.metry of Green's function, form of Green's'function, Example - Quanlum mechanical scattering (13 hours) Text : Arlken and \ilebbr, Sections TextBooks 16.1 - 16.3, 8'7 : ..Mathemarical Methods For Physicists" (5'b Edition, 2001) (A-cademic hess) G.B.Arfken and H.J. weben : ..Elements of Group Theory For Physicists" (New Age International PublishersNew Delhi - 2002) 2. A.W.Joshi : ,.Group Theory and Quanirm Mechanics" Cfata-Mccraw-Hill) 3. M.Tinkham : Rdertnce books : 1. Mathematical Physics by A. Ghatak 2. Group theory for Physiciss by Wukitung (World Scientific) 1. PTTY 202: NT.'MERICAL TECHNIQTJES AND COMPUTER PROGRAMMING t Order of convergence, 1. Roots,of tranqcendental equations : Solution by iteration, Convergence criterion, (6 hours) Newton-Raphson method, Bisection (half interval) method ation, Interpolating polynomials, Lagrange interpolating ewton forward and backward difference ".In,T3i"1":.ri quations : Trapezoidal and Simpson's methods, Newton differential equations - Euler's method, Milne's method, (12 hours) 7.6.2 onstants and variables, Type declarations, Arithmetic Text : Rajaraman (Fortran)' Relevant sections variabres, Data types, Type decraration of variables, nd decrement operators, Conditional operator, Bitwise oPerators and expressions, Assignment oPerators' fulictions, InpuUoutput statements, Formatted I/O, - .\E 72 f, if...else, switch statemenu, Looping, While, do voids, Srucnues_, pointers(element-ary-iae", onf yl, and closing of TextBooks : 1. S.S.Sha 2. V.Rajar files (fS hoursi f numerical analysis,, (prentice Hall of India,19g3) ng in_Forrran i7; @re;iice Hat of India,t999) ft":"rjl- A.NSr c"(rata_rricC.awu-iir, rsszy 1. V.Rajaraman : "N J.B.scarborou 2. J.H,Rice 3. 4. Hildebrand PITY 203 : and anglysis,, (McGraw cal Hill, 1gg3) analyiis,,(d;};il;;jEH, : 66 edition) STATISTICAL MECHANICS t. ihe wticrocanonical Ensemble : Expressing T, p :Bitriii:,[,] (12 Hours) n ideal Bose gas- Thermodynamics of the blackbody I' Id:"IFermi systems - Thermodynamic behaviour of an ideal Fermi gas- Magnetic behaviour ":::::lstars_ 5,#1,3il;l'J jix]:paramagnetis,i,, izl irril, a"-rg;ti;;-s^,#r,i.a equilibrium or white dwarr Text: Pathria, Sections g.l,g.Z,g.4 IsJ#$;":"-Tr3 1. 2. 3. : (8 Hours) A.S 'statisticar Mechanics'@utterworth-Heinemgnn,l996x edition) (Wiley, 1987) sics" 2+ Edition ) 13 P[IY204 : QUANTIM TT"i?a^r"r, 1. The Formulation of Quantum Mechanics : Vector spaces, The Hilbert space, Dimensions and basis, Operators and properties, Representation of vectors and operators, Commutator, Functions of operators, Eigen values and eigen vectors, Mauix representation of bras, kets and operators, Coordinate and momentum representations and their connection, The fundamental postulates Probability density, Superposition principle, Observables and operators, The uncertainty principle (13 hours) Texts: Thankappm, Sections 2.L - 2.4, 3.1, 32 2. Quantum Dynamics : The equation of motion, Schrodinger, Heisenberg and the Interaction pictures of time development, The linear harmonic oscillator in the Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures, Hydrogen atom (9 hours) Texts : Thankappan, Sections 4.1, 42 3. Theory of Angular Momentum : Angular momentum operators, Matix representation of angular momentum operators, Pauli spin matrices, Orbital angular momentum, The hydrogen atom, Addition of angular momenta, Clebsh{ordon coefficients, Simple examples (16 hours) Texts : Thankappan, Sections 5.1 - 55 A 4. Symmetry and Coruerryation Laws : Space-time symmetries, Space uanslation and conservation of linear momentum, Time translation and conservation of bnergy, Space rotation and conservation of angular momentum, SDace inversion and time reversal, Identical particles, Construction of symmetric and anti symmetric wave fuhctions, Slater determinant, Pauli exclusion.principle, Bosons and Fermions, Spin wave ftrhctions for two electrons, The ground state of He atom, Scattering of identical particles (10 hours) Texts : Thankappan, Sections 6.1, 6.2, 9.1 - 9.3 5. Scattering : Scattering cross section and scattering amplitude, Low energy scattering by a central potential, The method of partial waves, Phase shifs, Optical theorem, Convergence of partial wave series, Scattering by a rigid sphere, Scattering by a square well potential, High energy scattering, Scattering integral equation and Born approximation (12 hours) Text: Thankappan, Sections 7.1 -73 Textbooks : i. V.X.ffranlappan Referencebooks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. : "Quantum Mechanics" (Wiley Eastern) : N. Zettili, "Quantum Mechanics - Concepts and applications' (John Wiley & Sons, 2004) Mechanics" (McGraw Hill) P.M.Mathews and K.Venkatesan : "A Textbook of Quantum MechaniCs" (Tata McGravg Hill) A.Messiah : "Quantum Mechanics" J.J.Sakurai : "Modern Quantum Mecianics" (Addison Wesley) Stephen Gasiorowics : "Quantum Physics" A.Ghatak and S.Lokanathan : "Quantum Mechanics" (Macmillan) V. Devanathan : "Quantum Mechanics " (Narosa, 2005) L.I.Schiff : "Quantum ti;- I 'Ga L4 PI{Y 205 ( Practicals III - GEIYERAL'PHYSICS II) Note : 1. All the experimens should involve error analysis. Internal'evaluation to be done in the respective semesters and marks to bc intimated to the controller at the end of each semester itseE Practical observation book to be submitted to the examiners at the time of viva voce in each semester. One mark is to be deducted from internal marks for each experiment not done by the student if a total of 8 orperiments ar= not done in each s€mester. 2. The PHOEIIIIX Experimentd Kit developed at the Inter University Accelerator Cenfit, New Delhi, may be used for the experiments wherever possible. (At least 8 experiments should be done) 1. Determination of frequency of an oscillator - To consruct an oscillator and determine frequency using frequency briQle. 2. Susceptibifity .measurement by Quincke's and Guoy's methods specimen 3. Cauchy's constants. - Paramagnetic susceptibility of sdlt and Liquid prism (different concentrations) 4. Michelson's interferometer - (a) l, and (b) dl, and thickness of mica sheer 5. Fabry Perot Etalon - l, and thickness of air film. 6. Expansiol of crystal - The coefficient of expansion of a crystal by studying the interference fringes formed by air wedge / by Newton's rings 7. Temperature of sodium flame. - To determine tle temperature of the sodium flame by comparison with an incandescent lamp using a specEometer 8. Single phase transformer - Measluement of L, R and Z of the primary and secondary and determination of efficiency. 9. \Simplg Microwave experiments - To determine standing wave ratios, guide and free'space wavelengths, VSWR, dielectric constant and attenuation. 10. Diffraaion at a straight edge. - To determine the wavelength of Sodium lines from the diffraction pattem from a straight ed8e ! 11. Elementary experiments usihg Laser : t.Wavelength determination using grating 2. Intensity disuibution 3. Diameter of a thin wire 4. Diffraction at a slit - determination of slit width 12. Anderson's Bridge - Determination of relative susceptibility , Reference books 1. B.L. Worsnop and H.T. Flint - Advanced Practical Physics for students - Methusen & Co (1950) 2. E.V. Smith - Manual of experiments in applied physics - Butterworth (1970) 3. R'A. punlap - Experimental Physics - Modern methods - Oxford University Press (1988) 4. D. Malacara (ed) - Methods of experimental Physics : S€ries of volumes - Academic Preis Inc (1988) 5. S.P. Singh -Advanced Practical Physics - Vol I & II - Pragati Prakasan, Meerut (2003) 136 Edition - PHY 206 @racticals IV - Electronics II) Note : Internal evaluation to be done in the respective semesters and marks to be intimated to the controller at the end of each s€mester itself. Practical observation book to be submitted to the examiners at the time of viva voce in each semester. One mark is to be deducted from internal marks for each experiment not done by the student if a total of 8 experiments are not done in each semester. 1. Use of IC 741- Determination of input offset voltage, current, CMRR, slew rate, and use as Inverting and noninverting amplifier and difference amplifier, summing amplifier and comparator 2. IC 555 Timer - Astable and Monostable and Bistable multi vibrators, VCo missing pulse detector Sawtooth generator. _:-l and r.) 15 ^Qh 3. IF amplifier (Two sage) (Gaifr and frequency response, bandwidtlr) Binary adders - HA and FA using TTL XOR IC & Using NAND Gates (Verify.truth tables) 4. Microprocessors experiments (simple experiments) Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication - 8 bit using 8085 5. Schmldt trigger using transistors and OPAMPS - Trace hysteresis curye , determine LTp and UTp 6. crystai oscillator ( For different frequencies & evaluation of frequency stability ) 7. Analog integration anddifferentiation using OPAMPS (study the integrator characteristics & differentiator) 8. Analog computation using OPAMPS (LM324) - Differential equationi / Simultaneous equarions 9. Second onder Low pasg, High Pass and Band Pass filters using OPAMP.( study the frequency response ) 10. Negative resistance oscillator. (for different frequencies) 11. Boosuap Amplifier (ftequency response, input & ouput resistance ) 12. Organize operations) M X' N random access memory with basic memory unit (Verify the READ and WRITE Reference Books : 1. Paul B. Zhar and A.P. Malvino - Basic Electronics - A Text Book Manual - JMH publishing (1g83) 2. A-P. Malvino - Basic Electronics - A text lab manual - Tata McGraw Hiil (rgg2) 3. R. Bogart and J. Brown -Experiments for elecronic devices and circuits - Vteniil Internarional series (19g5) 4. Buchla - Digital Experimenrs - Menill Inremational series (19g4) 5. S.P. Singh - Pragati Advanced Praoical Physics - Vol I & II hagati Prakasan Meerut (2n03) 13,h Edition - - (.+ tEi .T 16 III SEMESTER PHY 301 : NUCLEAR PHYSICS release Allowe ecav - beta decay, Fermi- ection rulis, parity formura, Measurenient fi ffifi:"A.H,i ('rt^n^o"tt) Text : K.SJfuane : qnhoductory Nuclear 2. Nudear Forces : General charaoeristics of n Text Sections g, g.1 - 9.6, g.g,'10.1 forces, The Deuteron - binding'energy, Spin, parity, stuctur,e, Spin dependence, Tensor force, and two_ ections, Low energy n-p scattering, paftial waves, phase th and its sign, Effective range theory, low energy p-p ative only). (fZ fiours) : 1. K.SXrane : 'rntroductory Nudear rhysics; (wiley), sections 44, 4.1 4s, 4s 2- R-R-_Ro-y and B.P. Nig"rr, : oNudear Physics- fh*.y and Eryeriment-, (Wiley Eastern) Sections 3.2,3.4 - 33,3.12 3. Nudear Models : Shell model, Single particle p and parities of ground states, eaudrup6l" momens, Isospin symmety, Single particle orbits in a distorted states(lo hours) Text : 1. K.sxrane : 'Introductory Nuclear physics, (wiley), Sections s.l, s2 2. R.R Roy and B.P. Nigam : oNudear Physics- Theo.y and E:rperimento, (Wiley Eastern) Sections 7.1 -7.6,7.8, 8.1 - 8J vibrational tion, Conservation laws,.Reaction kinematics, e values, ation, Compound nucleus reactions, Fission p.o.ess, fission, Cross sections, Fission reactors operating with (13 hours) ysics' (I{iley), Sections ll.l,1^1..Z,1l.4 5. - 11.6, ll.lli, Nudear Radiation netectors and Nuclear Elecronics : Interactions of radiations with matter, Gas detectors single channel analyzers and Multichannel analyzers. Text : K.sxrane : 'Inroductory Nudear physics' (wiley), Sections 7 .r Reference books for detectors : (10 hours) - 7,4 1' S.S.Kapoor and V.S.Ramamurthy : 'Nuclear Radiation Detectors, (Wiley Eastern, 1gg6) 2. W.R. Leo : Techniques for Nuclear and particle physics (Narosa) Other Reference Books 1. : International publishers) Hall,India) 2. ce 3. 4. PHY 302 Hill) : SOLID STATE PHYSTCS (12 hours) ) t7 2. Lattice Vibrations: ViUrationl6df monatomic and diatomic lattices, Quantization of lattice vibrations, Inelastic scattering of neuuons, Einstein and Debye models of specific heat, Thermal conductivity, Effect of imperfection (8 hours) 3. Electron States and semiconductors: Free electron gas in three dimensions, Specific heat of metals, Sommerfeld thmry of elecuical conductivity, Wiedemann-Franz law, Hall effect, Nearly free electron model and formation of energy bands, Bloch functions, Formation of energy gap at Brillouin zone boundaries, Number of orbitals in a band, Equation of motion of electrons in energy bands, Properties of holes, Effective mass of carriers, Intrinsic carrier concenEation, Hydrogenic model of donor and acceptor states, Interband optical absorption, (15 hours) Frenkel excitons and Wannier excitons. 4. Dielectric and magnetic properties: Macroscopic dielectric field in a dielectric, Depolarization field, Local electric field at an atom, Dielecuic constant and polarizability, Order-disorder type fenoelecuics, Displacive type ferroelectrics, Landau theory of ferroelectric phase transitions , Exchange interaction and Curie-Weiss law, Spontaneous polarization, Fenomagnetic magnons (one dimension), Magnon specific heat, Ferrimagnetism in (13 hours) FezOs, Antiferromagnetisni in MnO, Neel temperature and susceptibility S.Superconductivity : Meissner effect, Type I and Type II superconductors, Heat capacity, Microwave absorption, Energy gap, Isotope effect, Free energy of superconductor in magnetic field and the stabilization energy, London equation and penetration of magnetic field, Cooper pairs and the B C S ground state (qualitative), Derivation of the London equation from the ground state wave function, FIux quantization, Critical fields and the vortex state, Single partide tunneling, DC and AC Josephson effects, High T. superconductors (Qualitative (12 hours) description of the cuprates) Textbooks: l.C.Kittel : "Introduction to Solid State Physics" (5'h Ed.) (Wiley Eastem) 2.A.J.Dekker : "Solid State Physics" (Macmillan, 1958) 3.N.W.Ashcroft and Mermin, "Solid State Physics", Brooks Cole (1976) 4. Elemens of Solid State Physics, Srivastava J.P., Prentice Hall of India (2"d Edition) S.Ziman J.H. : "Principles of the Theory of Solids" (Cambridge, 19M) PIrY 303 : QUANTUM MECTIAMCS II L Approximation methods for time-indepmdent problems The WKB approximation, connection formulae, barrier tunnelling, application to decay - Bound states, Penetration of a potential barrier, the variation method for bound states, the ground state for He-atom, Timeindependent pertu&ration th*ry, Non-degenerate and degenerate cases, Anharmonic oscillEtor stark and Zeeman (16 hours) effects in hydrogen. Texts : Thankappan, Sections8.l, 8.3 2. Variational method : The variational equation, ground state and excited states, application to ground state of ( 6 hours) the hydrogen and Helium atoms Texts: Thankappar5 Sections 8.2 3. Time dependmt perturbation theory : Transition probability, Harmonic perturbarion, Interaction of an atom with the electromagnetic field, Induced emission and absorption, The dipole approximation, The Bom ' approximation and scattering amplitude. Texts : Thankappan, Sections 8.4 (12 Hours) : The Dirac equation, Dirac matrices, Solution of the free-particle Dirac equation, The Dirac equation with potentials, Equation of continuity, Spin of the electron, Non-realistic limit, spinorbit coupling, Cova.riance of the Dirac equation, Bilinear covariants, Hole theory. The Weyl equation for the neuuino, Non-conservation of parity, The Klein Gordon equation, Charge and current densities, The Klein-Gordon equation with potentials, Wave equation for the photon, Charge conjuga[ion for the Dirac, Weyl and K]ein (16 hours) Gordon equation. Text : Relevent sections of Schiff and Bjorken and Drell @elativistic Quantum Mechanics) 5. Quantization of fielr\ : The principles of canonical quantization of fields, Lagrangian density and Hamiltonian (10 hours) density, Second quantization of the Schrodinger wave field for bosons and fermions. Text : Relevant sections of Schiff and Bjofken and Drell @elativistic Quantum Fields) 4. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Textbooks: 1. Y.K. Thankappan: "Quantum Mechanics" (Wiley Eastern) 2 J.D. Bjorken and D. Drell: "Ralativistic Quantum Mechanics" ( McGraw Hill (1998) ( l\a 1B 3. J.D. Bjorken and D. Drell : "Ralativistic Quantum Fields" (McGraw Hill 1998) Reference books : 1. L.I. Schiff : Quantum Mechanics" (McGraw Hill) 2. J.J. Sakurai : "Advanced Quantum Mechanics " (Addison Wesley) 3. P.M.Mathews and K.Venkatesan : " A Text Book of Quantum Mechanics" (Tata Mccraw Hill) 4. N. Zettili,: "Quantum Mechanics - ConcepS and applications' (John Wiley & Sons, 2fi)4) 5. Stephen Gasiorowicz : "Quantum Physics" PHY 304 : ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PTTYSICS &ASTROPI{YSICS l.Classification of particles & Meson resonance. Four basic forces - gravitational, electomagnetic, weak and strong - relative suengths , Classification of particles. Yukawa's proposal, The muon, The real pion, Isotopic and mesonic resonances) - detecting methods and spin, Extremely short lived particles, Resonances (4 (11 Hours) experiments 7,9 Chapters & Dod4 1 Coughlan 3, Ch.8 Sections 6; Ctu & Kirsh, Text : Neeman 2.Symmetry and Conservation laws: Conservation of angular momentum, electric charges, Baryon and lepton numbers, Conservation of strangeness, Conservation of isospin and its component , Conservation of parity, (10 Hours) Charge conjugation, CP violation, time reversal and CPT theorem. 6 9 4 sections Text : Neeman & Kirsh, Ch. 7; Griffiths Chapter 3.Symmetry and quarks: Intemal symmery, The Sakata model, SU (3), The eight fold way, Gellmann-and OkuUo rnrsi fo.mrla, Quarks and quark model, Confined quarks, Experimental evidence, Coloured quarks ( t hours) Text : Neeman & Kirsh Ch.9, Sec 1-7; Griffiths Ch. 1, Sec 7-11; Coughlan & Dodd Ch. 10. 4.Stellar magnitude sequence, Absolute magnitude and distance modulus, Colour index of a star, Luminosities of stars, Stellar parallax and units of stellar distance. Spectral classification of stars, Bolzmann's formula, Saha's equation of thermal ionization, Harward system of dassificatiorl Luminosity effea of stellar spectra, [mportanct of ionization theory, Spectroscopic parallax - Herusprung - Russel diagram. Binary and Multiple Stars: Visual, spectroscopic and ldipsing binary lystems - Multiple stars- origin of binary stars - Stella5 masses and Mass(16 hours) Luminosity relation. Mass Lansfer in close binary systems Text t Basu Sections 3.1,3.2,3.6 - 3.8, 4.14.8,7.1-7-8 S.Structure and evolution of stars, Observational basis, Equation of.state for stellar interior, Mechanical and thermal equilibrium in stars, Energy transport in stellar interior, $rergy generation in stars (thermonuclear reactions), Siellar evolution, White dwarfs Neutron stars and black holes: Rotating Neutron star model of Pulsars of - Period disuibutionn and loss of rotational energy - Gold's model of pulsas - Distance and distribution (14 hours) pulsars - Binary pulsars - Black holes Text : Basu Sections Ch. 14, 15 Text Books: Yuval Neeman and Yoram Kirsh: - "The particle hunters" , 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press,1996) David Griffiths, "introduction to elementary particles" John Wiley & Sons,(1987) 3. G.D.Couoghlan,-J.E.Dodd. & Ben M. Gripaios, "The ideas of particle physics - an innoduction for siientists", (2nd Edition 1991) or (3d Edition 2006)(Cambridge University Press) 4. Baidyanath Basu M : "An introduction to Asuophysics" (Prentice Hall of India). 1. 2. 19 ,4. nt Iv 'EMESTER PHY 401 : SPECTROSCOPY 1. Microwave Spectroscopy : Introduction, Breakdown of Oppenheimer approximation, The Spectrum of a non rigid rotator, Example of HF, Spectrum of a symmetric top molecule, Example of CH:CI , Instrumentation for Microwave Spectroscopy- Information derived from rotational spectra (10 hours) Text : Relevant sections of Banwell and McCash and Barrow 2. tnfrarrd Spectroscopy : Vibrational energy of a anharmonic oscillator - diatomic molecule (Morse Curve), IR spectra - Specual Transitions and Seleoion Rules, Example of HCl, The Vibration - Rotation Spectra of diatomic molecule, Example of CO, Born-Oppenheimer Approximation, Effect of Break down of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation, Normal modes of vibration of HzO and COz, Instrumentation for Infrared Spectroscopy, Fourier transform IR spectroscopy Text : Relevant sections of Aruldas, Banwell (12 hours) 3. Raman Spectroropy : Introduction, Rotational Raman Spectrum of Symmetric top molecules, Example of CHCls, Vibrational Raman Specrum of a Symmetric top molecule, Example of CHCls, Combined use of Raman and Infrued Specroscopy in structue determination, Examples of COu and NO:, Instrumentation for Raman Spectroscopy, Laser.Raman Specroscopy, Non linear Raman effects, Hyper Raman Effect, Stimulated Raman (12 hours) effect and inverse Raman effect Text : Relevant sections of Aruldas, Banwell & McCash and Straughan & Walker Book for reference : Raman spectroscopy by Long D.A., Mc Graw Hill (L977) 4. Eleoronic Specnoscopy of molecules : Vibrational coarse structure of electronic spectra, Vibrational analysis of band systems, Deslander's table, hogressions and sequences, Information derived from vibrational analysis, Franck-Condon Principle, Rotational fine structure and the R, P and Q branches, Fortrat Diagram, Dissociation (11 hours) Energy, Example of iodine molecule Text : Relevant sections of Aruldas, Banwell & McCash 5. Spin Resonance Spgcroscopy : Interaction between nuclear spin and magnetic field, Level population, Larmour Precession, Resonance condition, Bloch equations, Relaxation times, Spin-Spin and spin-lattice relaxation, The Chemical shift, tnstrumentation for NMR spectoscopy, CWNI\4R and FTNMR, Imaging, Electron Spin Spectroscopy of the unpaired electron, Total Hamiltonian, Fine structure, Electron-Nucleus coupling and hyperfine sEucture, ESR specfiometer, Mossbauer Spectroscopy : Resonance Fluorescence of ' - rays, Recoilless emission of . - rays and Mossbauer Effeo. Chemical shift, Effect of magnetic field, Example of (15 hours) Fe57, Experimental techniques Text : For ESR & NMR : Relevant s€ctions of Aruldas, Banwell & McCash and Straughan & Walker; For Mossbauer Effect : Aruldas and G.K. Wertheim Textdook: 1. Molecular sfiucture and Specuoscopy - G Aruldas - Prentice Hall of India (2002) 2. C.N.Banwell and E.M. McCash, "Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy", TataVcGrow 3. Mossbauer Effea : hinciples and applications, Gunther K. Wertheim (Academic hess) 4. Straughan and Walker (Eds) Specuoscopy Vol. I'and II, Chapman and Hall 5. G.M. Barrow - Introduction to molecular Specuoscopy - McGraw Hill Reference Book: Raman spectroscopy by Long D.A., Mc Graw Hill (1977) Hill (1994) ^q 20 ELECTIVES NOTE : A centre shall offer more than one paper from each of the three dusters ELECTM I, II and III. flowever, each student shall choose ONE elective paper only from each of the three clusters. ELECTIVE I PHY 402 A ADVANCED ELECTROMCS 1. Microprocessor, Miaocomputer and Assembly Language : What is a microprocessor?, Evolution of microprocessors - 4-8-16-32 bis, Organization of microcomputers, microprocessor. programming, Organization of the 8085, instruction set, Assembler hogramming, Language for writing algorithms, The Zilog 280 (11 hours) Text book : 'Inroduction to Microprocessorso - 3'd Ed., A.P. Mathur (fata-McGrgw HiIt). Scctions 1.3 1.7 , 3.1- 3.6,3 .g 2. Examples of Assembly Language Programming: Addition, Subnaction of 8 bit & 16 bit numbers, One's compliment, Two's compliment, Shifting of I bit & 16 bit numbers, Square from Lookup table, Largest and Smallest in a data array, Series of numbers in ascending and descending order, Sum of a series of 8 bit & 16 bit numbers, I bit multiplication and division,Multi byte addition and subnaoion, Square root of a number.(10 hours) : Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Miqo computers'- 3d / Recent Edn., B. Ram, Dhanapati Rai & Sons, Sections 6.3 - 6.36 3. Microprocessor Timings, Interfacing Memory and UO Devices : Timing and conrol unit, Timings of Intel 8085, Timing of Z,80, Register Organization, Adfuess space partitioning, Memory interfacing, Data tansfer (13 hours) schemes, Programmed Data transfer, Direct Memory Access Data Transfer, Serial data transfer. Tdxt: "Introduction to Microprocessorso - 3rd Ed., A.P. Mathur ffata-McGraw Hill). Chapters 5.2 - 5.5, 6.1 - 6.7 4. Peripheral Devices and Inter{acing : Generation of control signals for memory and UO devices, VO PortsIntel 82L2, 8155, Programmable peripheral interface-825S, hogrammable DMA controller 8257, hogrammable interrupt ' Controller 8259, hogrammable communication interface-8251,' Programmable interval timer/counter-8253. Special Purpose devices: The 8279 hogramrnable Keyboard/Display interface (14 hours) Text Book I: Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Micro computerso- 3d / Recgnt Edn, B. Ram, Dhanapati Rai & Sons. Sections 7.6 - 7.11. Text Sook [[:.'lVlicroprocessors - Architerture, Programming and Applications with 8085/80858A", R.S.Gaonkar(Wiley Eastern) Section 14.3 S.Applications of Microprocessors: Microprocessor based data ac(uisition system: Analog to Digital converter, Clock for A,/D conversion, Sample and Hold circuit, Aralog multiplexer, ADC 0800, Digital to Analog Converter, DAC 0800, Realization of A/D Converter using D/A Converter. Delay subroutine , 7 segment LED display, FND 500/503, 507/510, MAN 74 A , MAN 72, decoders/drivers-7448, Interfacing of 7 segment display, Display of decimal and alphanumeric characters, Measurement of frequency, Voltage, Current, Resistance, Temperature measurement and contol, Generation of square wave or pulse using microprocessor. (14 hours) Text:Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Micro computers - 3d /Recent Edn., B. Ram, Dhanapati Rai & Sons. Sertioru 8.1 - 8.13, 9.2 - 93, 95 - 9.6.1, 9.9 Text book Reference Books: Short ( Prentice Hall India). Bose ( Wiley Eastem) 3." Microprocessors and Microcomputer system design", M. Rafiquazzaman (Universal Book Stall , New Delhi). 4."Microprocessor (8085) and is applications"- II Edn.-A.Nagoor Kani (RBA Publications) l."Microprocessors and programmed logic", 2."Digital System from 2od Edn., Kenneth L. Gates to Microprocessors", 2'd Edn., S.K. PHY 402 B : ADVANCED NUCLEAR PITYSICS 1. Nudear Shell Model: Shell structure and magic numbers, The nudear one particle potential, spin-orbit term, realistic one body potentials, Nuclear volume parameter, single particle spectra of closed shell 1 1 nuclei, Harmonic oscillator and infinite square well potentials in 3- dimensions, coupling.of spin and orbital angular momentum, magnetic dipole moment and elecnic quadrupole moment, Schmidt diagram; Single particle oibitals in deformed nuclei, perturbation treatment, asymptotic wave functions, single particle orbitals symmetric modified oscillator potential Text : 'Shapes and Shells in Nuclear 8.1- 8.6 in an axially (15 Hours) Structure', S.G. Nilsson and I. RagnarssorL Sections Chapter 5,6,7, \) \./ 21 2. Nudear collective models: N,i&a. rotational motion- rotational energy spectrum and wave functions for eveneven and odd A nuclei - Nuclear moments- colleoive vibrational excitations, Rotational Bands - The particle rotor model, strong coupling- deformation alignment, Decoupled bands - rotational alignment; two particle excitations (10 Hours) and back- bending; Fast nuclear rotation- the cranking model; Rotating harmonic oscillator Text : 1. "Nuclear Physics- Theory and Experiment", R.R. Roy and B.P. Nigam (Wiley Eastern) Sections 8.r - 8.5 2. "Shapes and Shells in Nudear SEucture", S.G. Nilsson and I. Ragnarsson, Sections : 11, 11.1 - 11.3, 12, 12.1,12.2 3. Nudear Reactions: Reactions and Cross-sections, Resonances, Breit-Wigner formula for I = 0, Compound Nucleus formation, continuum theory, statistical theory, evaporation probability, Heavy ion reactions (10 Hours) Text : "I{udear Physics- Theory and Experiment", R.R. Roy and B.P. Nigam (Wiley Eastern) Sections 6.1, - 6.6 2. Kenneth Krane 6.2, 6.4 -'Introductory Nuclear Physics", (Wiley), Section 11.13 4. Nudear Fission: The semi-empirical mass formula , The stability peninsula; nuclear fission and the liquid drop model, some basic fission phenomena, fission barrier .Nuclear Fission- cross-section, spontaneous fission, Mass and energy distribution of fragment5, Statistical model of Fission (12 Hours) Text : oNudear Physics- Theory and Experiment', R.R. Roy and B.P. Nigam (Wiley Edstern) Sections Chapter 5 tull 5. Reactor Physics: Fick's law and its validity, Diffusion equation, diffusion length, Energy loss in elastic collision, Lethargy, Fermi age equation- solutions and measurement of age, Fermi age theory of bare thermal reactors, criticality , one region finite thermal reactor, criticality condition for different geometries ( 12 Hours) Text Book : 'Inuoduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory", B.R. Lamarsh ( Addission- Wesley) Sections 5.1 -s.7,5.11,6.1, 6.4 6.9 - 6.14 9.1 - 9.8 Reference Books : l."Introductory NudearPhysics", Samuel M. Wong ( Prentice Hall India 1996) Chapter 7) - Experimental and theoretical" - H.S. Hans, New Age International (2001) 3. "Theory of nuclear sEucture" - M.K PaI, (East West Press hrt Ltd) 2. "Nuclear Physics PIIY 402 C: PLASMA PITYSICS l.In$.oduction to Plasma Physics : Existence of plasma,Definition of Plasma, Debye shielding 1D and 3D, Criteria for plasma,Applications of Plasma Physics (in brief), Single Particle motions -Uniform E & B fields, Non uniform B field, Non uniform E field, Time varying E field, Adiabatic invarians and applications (13 hours) t Text : Cheq Sectioru l.l to L.7.7,2.1 to 2.8.3 2. Plasma as Fluids and wave3 in plasmas : Introduction -The set of fluid equations, Maxwell's eqttations, Fluid drifu perpendicular to B, Fluid drifts parallel to B, The plasma approximations, Waves in Plasma - Waves, Group velocity, Phase velocity, Plasma oscillations, Electron Plasma Waves, Sound waves, Ion waves, Validity of Plasma approximations, Comparison cif ion and electron waves, Elecuostatic electron oscillations parallel to B, Electrostatic ion waves perpendicular to B, The lower hybrid frequency, Elecuomagnetic waves with Bo , Cutoffs and Resonances, Electromagnetic waves parallel to Bo, Experimqntal consequences, Hydromagnetic (12 hours) waves, Magnetosonic waves, The CMA diagrams Text : Chen, Sections 3.1 to 3.6, 4.1 to 4.21 3. Equilibrium and stability : Hydro magnetic equilibrium, The concept of p, Diffusion of magnetic field into plasma, Classification of instability, Two steam instability, the gravitational instability, Resistive drift waves, the Weibel instability . (10 hours) Text : Chen, Sections 6.1 to 6.8 4. Kinetic Theory : The meaning of f(v), Equations of kinetic theory, Derivation of the fluid equations, Plasma oscillations and Landau damping, the meaning of Landau damping, Physical derivation of Landau damping, Ion Landau damping, Kinetic effects in a magnetic field (10 hours) Text : Chen, Sections 7.1 to 7 .6.2 5. Intoduction to Controlled Fusion : The problem of controlled fusion, Magnetic confinements such as Toruses, Minors, Pinches, Laser Fusion, Plasma heating, Fusion Technology (10 hours) Text : Chen, Sections g.t to g.A Text Book : .F. F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Volume I and II, Plenum recent edition Press, i t; i: I I Ql.- v "q 22 Reference Books D. 2. D. R 3' N' A : 1. J. amics, Wiley Eastem, 1g7g. asma Theory. Principles of Plasma Physics, McGraw-Hill, recent edition. PITY{2D - ADVANCED ASTROPIIYSICS . Effeo-Pressure of Radiation -Absorption and - Synchronon Radiation _ Scaftering of ung (8 Hours) 2. Variable surs: Classification of Variable stars Irregular and'Semi-regular variables Variable stars. - Cepheid variables - RV Tauri variables - Mira variables - Red Beta Canis Majoris Variables-{J Geminorum and Flare r,"r.|tt"ory-of (8 hours) - : Baidyanath Basu, ch g Galaxies: The Milkyway galaxy Tcxt 3. - Morp - Sur Activ of the Milkyway - Morphology - Galactic Centre - Effects of enviroilment - bati*y luminosity fi-oion The local group cals and disk galaxies - Globular cluster systems - Abnormal galilies- '* -irfd;j Text : Binney & Memifiel{ Ch 4 Ttxt : pedmanabhan, vot 2, considerations - connection Between Gravity and Geomery - Menic Tensor and in Gravitational field - Pliysics in curved splce-time - Curvature - nop.rti"r oi r - Scwarzchild Metric - Gravitational Collapse and BlackHoles _ Gravitational (15 Hours) ch 11 5.-iCosm_ology: Cosmological Principle Ya,f"! Kinematics Metric - The Red Shift Cosmology - - Cosmic Standard Coordinates - Equivalent Coordinates - Robertsonof Distance - RedShift Versus Distance Relation - Steady Sate Measures - Text : Narlikar, Sections 3.1-3.8 (r0 rrours) .- Books Suggested:. l.Gravltation & cosmology-steveh weinberg- John wiley (1972) ISBN: u47t-g2s67-S 2.Theoretital Asro Physics Vol 1 and 2- T. Padmanabhan- Cambridge Universiry hess (2000) ISBN: 0-52 1-5624G. 6, U52L-56247-4 3.quasan and Active Galactic Nuclei- Ajit K Kemhhavi and Jayat V Narlikar-Cambridge University press (1gg9) ISBN:0-521-47477-9 Universe, An Introduction to Astronomy-F. Shu-Oxford University press- (19g2) ISBN: 0-1$.85570GX l_.1gifferent Approach to Cosmology - Fred Hoyle, Geoffrey, Jayant V Narlikar Cambridge Llniversity press (2000) ISBN: 0-521-ffi223-0 4.the nhysical 6.An Introduction to AscoPhysics - Baidyanaih Basu- hentice Hall India (.1gg7) ISBN:g1-203-1121-3 T.Discovering the Cosmos-R.C. Bless - University Science Books (1996) - ISBN:0-935 Z02-67-9 8.Text Book of Astronomy and Astrophysics with Elements of Cosmology- v.B. Bhatia- Narosa publications (2001)ISBN:81-7319-339-8 9.Modem Astrophysics - B.W. Canoll & D.A. Osrille - Addison Wesley (1996) ISBN:G201-S4730-9 lO.Galaaic Astronomy - J. Binney & M. Merrifield, princeton University press ll.Galaaic Dynamics -J. Binney & S. Tremaine, princeton University hess J. V. Narlikar, Cambridge Univenity press (2002) 12.An Introduction to Cosmology, Third EditionPHY4O2E - PTrySICS OF SEMICONDUCTORS I I B11d structural aspecE : Effects of temperature and e Localized .states of impurities : theoretical models and techniques), opti-cal properties : allowed and forbidden, and _1. Burstein Moss effect, excitons : free and bound excitons. eldysh effect, spectroscopic ecual shap'es, ( 12 hours) It' ii I i I r I I i I 23 ^6 semiconductors, Quantum wells, multiple quantum pilp,i.ttion, speciit characteristics and devices based mobility transistor . Rderencts: i.ila.i h - - - semiconducrors, Academic Publishers, .rlJ5ll?i3lrl dl (19s0) stem (1991) , D. Van Nosuand (1950) eY PTIY4O2 F - (19s7) FLTJID DYNAMICS $yllabus to be framed PHY4O2 G MODERN OPTICS Text Books : 1. G.R. Fowles, Inrroducrion to Modern Optics @over.Publishers) ISBN: 0486659577 2. A. Yariv, Optical Elecronics (1985) al Physics (Cambridge University Press) I -1 { tQi a 24 ELECTIVE PIIY zr03 A : II ELECTRONIC INSTRT MENTATION l.Elecuonic Instrumentation for measuring basic parameters: Electronic DC voltmeters, DC voltmeter circuit with FET, amplified voltage and current meter, chopper stabilized amplifier, electronic AC voluneters (average responding, peak responding and true rms responding types), electronic multimeters , differential voltmeters digital voltmeters (ramp and staircase type), RF millivoltneter, Q meter @asic circuit and measurement methods, sourrces of enor), bolometer and RF power measurement (12 hours) 2.Signal generatont and Oscilloscopes: Standard signal generator, laboratory signal generator, AF sine wave and square wave generator, function generator and pulse generator, Block diagram of general pupose CRO, CRT circuis , vertical deflection system , delay line, multiple trace, horizontal defleoion system, oscilloscope probes and transducers, oscilloscope technique, storage oscilloscopes, sampling oscilloscopes. 1iC hours) 3.Fibre optic measunements and Tlansducers: Sources and deteoors, fibre optic power measurement, stabilized light sources, optical time domain reflectometer, Classifichtion of ransducers - strain gauges displacement transducers - temperature measurements - photosensitive devices - Radiation detectors solid sute and scintillation detectors - neutron detectors, ECG and EEG @rain imaging - X ray, CT, MRI and nuclear imaging) (1S hours) 4.Computer controlled test systems: Testing an audio amplifier - testing a radio receiver - instruments used in computer controlled instmmentation - IEEE 488 elecuical interface - digital control - signal iiming in a microprocessor based measurement (9 hours) S.Power conrot $CR - Conrol of curent in reoifiers with an inductive load - tiggering control by phase shifting - saturable reactor control - combined d.c. and phase connol - on off pulse control of te SCR--SCR suPply fgr d.c. motor - speed regulation by armature voltage and current control -amature ourent limiting co4trol of low torque a.c. motors (10 hoursf Books for study: 1.Mo(em Eleomnic instumentation and measurement technique - Albert D Helfripk ,od'*rl[", D Cooper (Tata Mc Graw Hill) for r-nodules 1, 3, 4 and second part of 2 2.Electronic Insuumentation - Second edition - H.S. Kalsi (Tgta Mc Graw Hill) for modules 1 and first part of module 2 3.hinciples of Medical electronics and bio medical instrurnentation - C Rajarao and S.K. Gupta (Universities Press) for Transducers 4.Bio Instrumenultion - John G webster (wiley student edition) - for Transducers S."Introduction to Experimental Nuclear Physics", Singru,RM., (Wiley Eastem, 1972). for transducers 6."Engineering Electronics", 2"d Edition,Ryder, J.D., (McGraw Hill, 1967). for module S PIrY 403 B : COMMUMCATION ELECTROMCS. l.Amplitude and angle modulation: Amplitude modulation - Applitude modulation and demodulation single side band generation and detection - SSB balanced modulator - Comparison of signal to noise ratios - Frequelcy modulation - Phase modulation - Angle modulation circuits *tection of p-fvf signals Foster-seeley discriminator - Rario derector - Noise in FM . (10 [ours) 2. Pulse modulation and digital communication: Elements of information theory Pulse transmission pulse amplitude modulation - Pulse time modulation - Pulse code modulation - Coding - Codes Error detector and conection codes - Digital carrier systems - Teleprinter and telegraph Circuis (10 hours) 3.Communication systems: Receivers - Superheterodyne receiver - AM receivers - Automatic gain control Communications receivers - FM receivers - Single and independent side band receivers. fransminers Telegraph transmitters - AM Eansmitters - FM uansmitters - Television transmitters HF radio systems lr'HrruHF systems - Microwave systems - satellite communications (12 hours) 4.Signals and Systems: classifications of signals, concept of frequency in continuous - time and discrete -time signals. Theory of A,rD and D/A conversion, Sampling of Analog signals, sampling Theorem. Quantization of circuits - continuous amplitude signal, Coding of quantized samples, Disqete time linear time invariant systeins of linear systems, Resolution of a discrete time signal into impulses- ResponsL of LTI l Techniques of analysis I, : 25 AQr systems to arbitrary inputs :Convoluhon sum- properties of iasual LTI systemi - Stability of LTI systems. convo 5. Radiationand antennas: Potential functions and the EM of a short I ystems- hours) -Power oPole - field dipol linear and binomial - - FrequencY Ground waves, SkY trial communication. Ionosphere (14 hours) radio waves References: l...Electronic Communications", Roddy and Coolen, J., (PHI, 1986). Chapters7,8,9,10,11,12,18,19 (McGraw Hill' 1992)' Chapter 2."Electronic Communication dytt"-i", 4t Edition, Kernedy, G. and Davis, B' 6,8. (PHI, 1979)' Chapters 3..,Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems", Jordan E'C. and Balmain, K.G' 10,11,15,17. +.';OiiitA Signal Processing" by Proakis and Manolakis, Prentice Hall of India (1997) PTry 403 C : MATERIALS SCIENCE 1. Imper{ections in Crystals : Thermodynamics of Defects as a function of temperature, In;erstitial Dif Edge and Screw Disloc"tionil unetgy of Dislocation, Di mechanism, Work Hardening of Metals. brium number of Point of Diffusion constant' tiplication: Frank-Read deformation of I 4. Polyrners Condensation p 5. Liquid crystats' Quasi crystals and amorphous solids,.Aperiodic crystals an Carbon nanotube based elecnonic devi techniques for characterizing nanostuctured materials, Q Rdermces; 1."Solid State PhYsics", em' 7977)' i.ui-nroaraion to sotid of Material 4."Physics of lhin Films", K.L.Chopra n i."ti.rn.ntr wesley) lond ologY", Ed. Harisingh Nalwa PIIY403D:CoMPUTERSoFTWAREANDAPPLICATIoNS activities - Fundamentals of Language Processing 1. Language Processo$ : Inroduction-Language Processing (10 hours) pto*ts"or Development p*a"ri.niit, of Language-pecification- Lirgi"g" Processors f : Rssembiers Tools Elements of Assembly Language Programming- A Simple - Design of a Single;Pass Assembler for IBM PC, Macro (10 hours) ) 1 "q 26 Text : Dhamdhere, sectioqs 4.1 - 4.4, 5.1, 5.2 3. Compilers, Interpreters and Linkers : Aspects of Compilation- Memory Allocation - Compilation of Expressions- Compilation of Control Structures- Code Optimization - Interpretem, Relocation of Linking Conceps- Design of a Linker-Self- Relocating Programs - A linker for MS DOS- Linking of Over layers- (15 hours) Loaders. - 6.6, 7.1 - 7 .6 4. Operating systems : Batch processing systems - Multiprogramming systems - Ti-9 Sharing Systems - Real Time Systems - OS Stucture. The Process Concept-Process Definition- Process Control - Interacting Prccesses-' Implementation of Interacting Processes- Scheduling Policies- Job Scheduling - hocess Scheduling (15 hours) Text : Dhamdhere, scctions 9.1 - 9.5, 10.1 - 105, 11.1 - 113 5. Software Tools and deadlocks : Softsare Tools for Program Development- Editors - Debug Monitors Programming Environments - User Interfaces, Deadlocks:, Definition - Modelling the Resource Status - Handling (14 hours) Oeadloct<s -Oead lock detection and Resolution - fleadlock Text : Dhamdhere, sections 8.1 - 85, 12.1 12.5 Text : Dhamdhere, sections 6.1 TEXTBOOK 1. "systems Programming and Operating Systems"., D.M.Dhamdhere (2'd revised edition), Tata Mccraw Hill.Publishing Co. Ltd.,New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS L. "system programming", John. J.Donovan., Tata McGraw- Hill. 2. "Operating System" , Milan Milankovic., McGraw Hill Intemational Edition. 3. "Operating System" , Colin Ritchie., (Second Edn) BPB-Publication. 4. ".An InUoduction to Operating Systems", Deitel. H.M.,(2'd edition), Pearson education 2ffi2. 5;, ,'Operating System Concepts", Silberschau A and P Galvin., (56 edition), Addison- Wesley, (1999). PTIY 403 E : DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING l.Signals and systems, Classification of signals, Concept of frequency in continuous time and discrete - time signils. Theory of ,A/D and D/A conversion, Sampling of analog signals, sampling theorem. Quantization of continuous amplitude signals. Quantization of sinusoidal signal, Coding of quantized Text Book : Digital Signal Processing by Proakb samples. & Manolakis, Prentice Hall ftidia - (8 hours) 1997. Chapter 1 (complete) 2. Diicrete- time signals & systems, Discrete- time linear time-invariant systems-Techniques of analysis of linear systems, Resolution of a discrete time signal into impulses- Response of LTI systems to arbitrary inputs : ionvolution sum- Properties of convolution and the interconnection of LTI systems- Casual LTI systems Stability of LTI systems- Systems with finite duration and infinite durati'on impulse, rcsponse. Discrete- time systems described by difference equations- Recursive and non-recursive discrete, time systems LTI systems chdracterized by constant coefficient difference equations, Solution to linear constant coefficient difference equations, (10 hours) correlation of discrete-time signals. Text Book:Digital Signal Processing by Proakis & Manolakis, Prentice Hall India - 1997, Chapter 2 (complete) 3.The Z-nansfgrm, The Direct Z-Transform, The Inverse Z-Transform.hope4ies of Z-transform, Rational Z[ansforrns, Poles and zeros, Inversion of Z-transforms. The inverse Z-Transform by contour integration, Power series expansion, Analysis of linear time-invariant systems in the Z-domain, fiansfer functions, stability in Z domain Digital filters - introduction, ideal characteristics of standard filters, state space description, filter (12 hours) approximation by window functions, Design of linear phase FIR filters using windows 1997, Chapter 3.1 Hall India Manolakis, Prentice (I):Digital Proakis & Processing by Text Book Signal - .3.6 4. Frequency analysis of corltinuous-time signals. The Fourier Series for continuous Time Periodic signals, Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals, The Fourier Transform of Continuous -Time Aperiodic Signals, Energy of discrete time signals, The Fourier Series for Density Spectrum of Aperiodic eriodic Signals, Fourier trnsform for discrete time discrete time Periodic Signals, P Energy Density Specrum of aperiodic signals, aperiodic signal, Convergence Relationship of the Fourier Transform to the Z Transform, The Cepsu'um, The Fourier Transform of Signals with poles on the.unit circle, The frequency Domain classification of signals, Concept of Bandwidth, Properties of the (15 hours) Fourier Transform for Discrete Time Signals Text Book:Digital Signal Processing by Proakis & Manolakii, Prentice HaIl India -I:g!t7' Sections 4.1 - 4.5 .-\a 27 "t S.The Discrete Fourier transfonr,, Relationship of the DFT to the other transforms. Properties of DFT, anotakis, Prentice Hall India - 1997, Sections 5'1'2, Reference Books l,.oigitat Signal hocessing by oppenheim & schafer, Prentice Hall India -1995 z.oiiital Silnal proces*E ui pirilo s.n. piniz, Eduardo A.B. De Silva and Sergio Netto - cambridge University 5.1.4,5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.4,6.1, 6.2, 6.4 Press 3.Analog.and digital signal processing by Ashok Ambradar India -1996' efrplicati"ons 6r oigitaStlnal Processing , Rabiner & Gol4 Preptice Hall ;:il;r#;.J PIIY 403F : RADIATION PIIYSICS l.Radiation source : Different types of sources, alpha, sources - natually occurring production of artificial isot 2.Interaction of radiations with matter : ElecEons uction, gamma ray attenuation, attenuation coefficients, ropertiei, fast neutron interactions, slowing down and (14 hours) moderation calorimetric devices. shielding : cal solution, formula, Shi Beta shieldi medical, industrial and research facilities of cell b-iology, Ef-f".tt of ionizing radiations at molecular, sub molecular S. Biological effects r S"ri. " in. canier therapy, food preservation' radiation and cellular, ,.c-onarry-;if;4, free radicaf, applications and chromosomal aberrations (10-hours) Mutation g.n.ti. .fi..s, and sterilization, Effects on tissues and organs, Reference books : 1."Atomic Nucleus" , R.D. Evans 2."Source book on Atomic Energy" - Samuel Glasstone ones and Cunningham' (Charles C Thomas - 1989) 3.' 4,.MeredithandJ.B.Massey(Jo}rnRightandsons_1989) A.B. Chilton (Prentice Hall of India) 5.' ifi,u 28 . ELECTIVE III PHY 404 A : QUANTTM FIELD THEORY l.Classical Field Theory : Harmonic oscillator, The linear chain- classical treatrnent, the linear chain quantum [eatment, classical field theory, Hamiltonian formalism, Functional derivatives , Canonical quantization of nonrelativi-stic fields, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for the Schroedinger field, Quantization of fermions and bosons, Normalization of Fock states (12 hours) Text Book : 'Field Quantizationo Greiner and Reinhardt (Spinger-Verlag -1996), Sections lJ l.-S, 2.2,2.5, 3.1 - 33, Exercise 3.1 2.Canonical quantization of Klein Gordon and photon fidds : The neutral Klein Gordon field Commutation relation for. creation and annihilation oPerators, Charged Klein Gordon field, Invariant commutation relations, Scalar Feyman propagator, Canonicai quantization of photon field - Maxwells equations, Larangian density for the Maxwell field, Elecuomagnetic field in the Lorentz gauge, Canonical quantization of the toreitz gauge Gupta-1uBleuler method, canonical quantization in the co-ulomb gauge trours; Text Book : 'Field Quantization' Greiner and Reinhardt (Spinger-Verlag -19{t6), Sections 4.1,42,4.4, 4i, 7.1 - 7.4,7.7 3.Canonical quantization of spin % fields : Lagrangian and Hamiltonian densities for the Dirac field, Canonical quantization of the Dirac field, Plane wave eipansion of the field operator, Feyman propagator for the Dirac field hours) Text Book : 'Field Quantization" Greiner and Reinhardt (spinger-verlag -1996), Sections s.l 5!40 4. Interactlng quantum fields and Quantum Electrodynamics : The interaction pictue, Time evolution operator, Scatteiing matrix, Wick's theorem, Feynman mles for QED, Moller scattering and Compton scattering Text Book Elample 8.4 : (10 hours) g.6, 'Tield Quantization" Grriner and Reinhardt (spinger-verlag -19g6), Sections 9.2 - Feynman path integral, rals for scalar quantum ind Green's function, (12rhours) Text Book : dField Quantization" Greiner and Reinhardt (Spinger-Verlag -1996), Sections lt.Z ll.S,12.:t - -tzs References : l."Quantum Field 2."Field Theory 3."Quantum Field 4."Quantum Field theory", Lewis H. Ryder (Cambridge University press -1gg5) A modern primer" - Pierre Ramond @engamin - 1996) theory'', Itzyskon and Zuber (McGraw Hill - 1989) theory", Karson Huang (Wiley) PHY 404 B : EXPERIMENTAL.TECHMQTJES l.Vacuum 'iechniques : Units and basic definitions, Roughing pumps - Oil sealed rotary vacuum pump and Sorption pump, High vacuum pumps - Turbo drolecular pump, Diffusion pump, Oil vapour booster pump, ton pumps - Sputter ion pump and Getter ion pump, Cryo pump, Vacuum guages - Pirani gauge, Thermotouple gauge, penning guage (Cold cathode Ionization guage) and Hot filament ionization gauge, Vacuum accessories Di-aPhra$m, Gate valve, Butterfly valve, Baffle and isolation valves; magnetic valvei, adlustable valves, air inlet valves,.Traps - Liquid nitrogen trap, sorption traps, and gaskes and o rings, (14 hours) Text : Variqr, Antony & Pradyumnan, Sections 1.4, 1.6 - 1.8, -, 1.10.1, 1.10.6, 1,10.3 2.Thin film techniques : Inuoduction, Fabrication of thin films, Thermal evaporation in vacuum - Resistive heating, Electron beam evaporation and laser evaporation techniques, Sputter deposition, GIow discharge, Thickness measurement by quartz crystal monitor, optical interference method, electical conductivity measurement, Thermo electric power, Interference filters - Multi layer optical filters ( 10 hours) Text : varier, Antony & Pradyumnan, sections 2.1,,22.1.4,2.2,1.5,2',2,2,232,233,2.3.1, 2.7,2.6.L 3.Cryogenic techniques : Inroduction, Liquefaction of gases - Internal and external work methods, Hampsen and Linde and Claude methods for air, Liquefaction of hydrogen and Kammerlingh Onne's method foi helium, manipulation of liquefied gases and the maintenance of low temperature - Henning and Hydrogen vapou cryostat, using liquids boiling under reduced pressure, production of low temperature below 1 deg K - 29 "t special properties of liquid helium' tempefatule below 10-6 Adiabatic demagnetisation and magnetic refrigerator, himary thermometers - gas thermometers and K . Nuclear demagnetisation, Measurement of to* i..p.r"tures'vapou pressue ,".onirty th"rroaata., - resispnce thermometers, thermocouple thermometers' ao*a6ionr, thermometers, "' (15 hours) Text: Varier, 4.Accelerator Van de Graaf samples, limitations of PIXE Text : Varier, Antony & Pradyumnan, Sections 5.3, Text Book : Advanced Experimental Techniques 5.4 5.8, 5.9, 6.1 _ 65, 7.2 - 7.6,82 - 8.5, 9.2 in Modern Physics - K. Muraleedhara varier, Antony - 95, 9.7 Joseph and P'P' an and J.M' Laffer 983) & - Sons Inc. 1962. George Newnes Limited (London) 1960 Springer Verlag (1992) 7.,ro.Resonance,n"ga,i,"Vol1no12,vol2nos2,5and10 in film technology - Van Nostrand (1968) 8. ign g. V' Kuznetsov - Fundamentals of Vacuum Techniques - Mir 10 Publishers 11. Nuclear Micro analysis - V. Valkovic PTIY 404 C : C.ONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS susceptibility of a ferromagne6 Dissete and continuous The Ising and n-vector Landau Theory, -uansitions, The first order 6f mean field ta masners, He3_He4 ,,t**iii depen continuum, ac theory for the 5. Time 'r n ff[:,i o' sound waves in an elastic Einstein relation' Langevin ' Fokker - Planck equation' 'f n ^ii 30 Examples of kinks and wars in an Ising lattice, Analytic solurion for a kink, The Sine Frenkel Kontorowa model for adatoms on", trni... - Gordon soliton, The (14 Hours) Text Book: "Principles of condensed Matter Physics", P.M. chaikin & T.c. Lubensky (cambridge University hess). Reference books : , A.O.E. Aaimalu (prentice-Hall of India, 197g). Hill, 1970) c.u.P., Lg72) n ( Holt, Rhinehart andWinston, 1976) Eastem, 1927) Springer-Verl ag, L97 8). na, 1980) er (Wiley Eastem, 19gg) ena (IpA Monographs) S.V.G. Menon, (Wiley Eastem PHY 4{14 & D : CIIAOS AIYD NON LINEAR PITSICS s, The F U p experimenr,-Discovery *H}:X'P, and dispersion, The traveling *ru. solution (SJr.i (8 hours) r, Text Book: ;:r:i3.";rr1 Integrability in Nonrinear Dynamics,,, M.Tabor (Wiley, New york) .\,, R 31 ral 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ,.Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics-An Introduoion for Scientists and Engineers", R.Hilbom(Oxford University Press) "Deterministic Chaos -An Introduction", H.G' Schuster (Wiley, New York) "Chaos in Dynamical Systems", E. Ott (Cambridge University Press) 'lChaotic Dynamics-An Iltroduction", G.Baker and J. Gollub (Cambridge University Press) "An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems", R.L.Devaney(Benjamin-Cummings, CA) "Deterministic Chaos", N.Kumar "Nonlineal dynamics", Laxmana (Springer Verlag, 2001) PHY 404 E : LASERS AI\D FIBRE OPTICS 1. Elemmts of Laser theory and Optical Resonators : Einstein coefficients , Evaluation of transition rates, Line broadening mechanisms, Laser rate equation for three-level system, Laser power, Cavity modes, Q of a cavity, Q switching, Mode locking, Confocal Resonator, Planar resonator, Analysis of optical resonators using geometrical optics (11 hours) Text Book:K. Thyagarajan and AJC Ghatak - Lasers - Theory and applications 3.31, 3.32, 33, 3.41, 42,6.2,6.3,, 6.6-6.8, 6.11 - MacMillan, Sections 2. Types of Lasers and Applications : Ruby laser, Helium-ne'on laser, Four-level solid state lasers, COz laser, Dye lasers, Semiconductor Lasers, Spatial frequency filtering and holography, Laser-induced fusion, Harmonic (13 hours) generation, Stimulated Raman scaEering, self-focussing, Applications in material processing Text Book:K. Thyagarajan and AJ(. Ghatak - Lasers - Theory and applications - MacMillan, Sections 9.+9.8, 10.2, 103, l1.l - 11.4,13.2 - 13.4,14.2,14.2.1- 14.24 3. Optical fibres and Classilication : General, What are optical fibres, Importance, Propagation of light waves in optic fibres, Basic strucnue, Acceptance angle, Numerical apern:re, Modes of propagation, Cut off parameters, single mode propagatibn of optical fibres, stepped index. monomode fibres, disadvantages, graded index (13 hours) monornode fibres, mechanism of refractive index variation, fibre suength Text Book:Subir Kumar Sarkar - Optical fibres and fibre Optic Communication systems - S. Chand & Co (2003), Sections : 1.1 - 13, 2.2 - 2.10,3.1 - 3.5, 3.8, 3.9 ' 4: Optical fibre as a cylindrical waveguide and Fibre losses : Optical fibre vs. cylindrical wave guide, Wave e<juation in stepped index fibres, flow of power in SI fibres, Model analysis of graded index fibres, Attenuation in optical fibres, Absorption lcisses, Leaky modes, Radiation induced losses, inherent defect losses, inverse square law losses, core and cladding losses Text Book:Subir Kumar Sarkar - Optical fibres and fibre Optic Communication systems - (13 hOurs) S. Chand & Co (200Q, Sections : 6.1, 62, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1, 7.4, 7.5, 7.7 - 7.9' 7.12 5. Miasurements on fibres : Measurement of numerical aperture and its related terrns, measurement of fibre attenuatiqn - insertion loss method and by Optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR), measurement of refractive (10 hours) index by refleOion method and uansmitted near field technique S. systems Optic Communication fibres and fibre Optical Text Book : Subir Kumar Sarkar - Chand & C o (2003), Sections: 20, 20.2, 20.4, 20.4(l'), 20.3, 20.8(1), 20.8(2) Reference Books: 1.A. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, Optical Electronics- Foundation Books (Cambridge University) 2.N. Sharma - Fibre Optics in telecommunications - Tata McGraw Hill - 1987 3.F.G. Smith and J.H. Thomson, Optics - ELBS 4.M.J.N.Sibley - Optical Cbmmunications (IInd edition) - MacMillan - 1995 PTTY 404 F : - 1996 ADVAITICED STATISTICAL MECHANICS l.Thermodynamics of crystal lattice, the field of sound waves, phonons and second sound, The Debye model, (10 hours) Debye temperature, specific heat of solid in the Debye model 2.Non ideal systems, intermolecular interactions, Lennard Jones potential, Corrections to the ideal gas law, Van der Waals equa[ion, Short distance and long distance interaction, The plasma gas and ionic solutions, The DebyeHuckel radius (12 hours) 3.Phase transition, critical point, First order phase transition, Phase diagrams, The theory of Lang and Lee, A dynamical model for phase fiansitions, Weiss theory of ferromagnetism, Second order phase transition, Landau (12 hours) theory, Critical point exponents, Chemical equilibrium and chemical reactions {ri I 'q 32 4.Ising model as a macroscopic model of phase transition, Why the Ising model is very important? Relationship betweeen lattice models, models of ferroelecnics and Ising model, The dassical formulation of the pmblem, Exact solutions, Drawbacks of the mean field appmxiulation, The static fluctuation approximation as new method for solving the Ising problem (14 hours) S.Flucnrations, fluctuations of maqoscopic variables, Theory of random processes, Response and fluctuation, Correlation functions, Specnal analysis of fluctuations: the Weiner-Khintchine theorem, The Nyquist tleorem, Applications of the Nyquist theorem (12 hours) Text Book ! Patria : .Statisticd Mechanics' @utterworth-Heinemanq1996) Reference Books: 1. Kerson Huang : 'Statistical Mechanics" (second edition) (Wiley,1987) 2. B.K. Agarwal and Melvin Eisner :"statistical Physics" 3. Guptha and Kumar : "Statistical Physics" 4. J.E. Meyer and M.G. Meyer, Statistical Mechanics, John Wiley )+. 33 "q PRCTICALPtfY305andPIfY4os_PRACTICALSvANDvII-MoDERNPIIYSICSIandII and marks to be intimated to the controller Note : rnternal evaluation to be done in the respective s€mesters to be submitted to the examiners at the time at the end of each ,"*"rt"i itself. Practicat observation book internal marks for each experiment n9t from deducted be is to of viva voce in each semester. One mark not done in each semester' aor,e Uy the student if the required total no of experiments are done, 8 in each of the to be intimated to the ed to the examiners at for each experiment marks internal from deducted experirnents are not done in each semester' Delhi, may dweloped at the Inter University Accelerator Centre, New no 3. be r Possible' PART A tain the plateau, operating voltage and to verify the e absorption coefficient of the given material for Cs- absorption coefficient of the given material for beta rays given end point energy of the beu particles from a y (scintillation) spectrometer using standard gamma of the Compton scattered gamma rays of the elecuon e rest mass energY ne the wavelengths of the absorption bands for KMnOo of Iodine molecule by measurements on is absorption the carrier concentration in the given specimen of of peratures - To study the variation of the Zener voltage the give Zener diode with 10. ulnasonic interferometer 11. 12. 13. temperature- ,. ! r- r- r^.^-:, of ulua sonic waves in the velocity of sound in liquids - To determine the velocity - energy in Si and Ge sheeiiesistance and refractive index of thin'films on the electron. by means of the Millikan's oil drop d - To measure;" ,r. iffiffiH,s e/m measurement Thomson's method - To determine the charge to mass ratio of the electon by of the cathode of the To determine the thermionic work function of the material ,r. ^- li':ftttf"Hork function -from the characteristics at different filament currents gir." r"*r. diode/triode the given a.t.r*ine ttre numerical aperture, attenuation and band width of io 16. optical riure crraraiilri-sii_cr--- 1718. drawing current vs' measure the critical ionization potentials of Mercury by tube ation of wavelength and thickness of air film I \ ^E 34 19' Band 8ap enery of Ge by four probe method - To study bulk Ge resistance and determine the band gap energy of 20' Study of LED characteristics - Determination of wavelength of emission, I-v characteristics and variation with tempearture, variation of output power vs. applied voltige 21' Photoelectric effect - Determination of Planck'r ionrt"rt light and filters lw"nite may be used) Porosiry weig 23' Specuos 22' determine the porosity of the given sample of brick by measurements of amples in air and inside water " - To photograph the emission spectrum of the given substance in carbon the 24' or LEDs of different colours arc and t Arc spectum - Photograph the arc spectrum of iron, copper and identify the spectral lines 25. ESR spectrometer - Determination of g faoor 26. Vibrational bands of AIO 27. Rydberg constant determination 28. IR spectrum - identification 29' Microwave experiments - Determination of wavelength, VSWR, attenuation, dielectric constant 30. Ionic conduoivity 31. Zeeman effeo 32. Raman spectrum 33. NMR spectrum - KCI / NaCl PARTB I ADVANCED ELECTRONICS 1.: .' Simple temperature conhol circuit Binary rate multiplier Optical ftedback amplifier !. 5. 6. Frequency modulation and pulse modulation Decimal to BCD encoder using diode marix 2. 3. . Binary multiplier II.MATERIAL SCIENCE I CONNENSED MATTER PHVSICS 1. ?. 3' Curie_Weiss law'- (To determine the Solid - liquid phase transirions mea Growth of a single crystal from soluti 9. Strain guage - y oI a 10' variation of dielectric f rnetals structural, elecuical and optical properties metal beam constan^t with temperature of a ferro electric material ( Barium titanate) 11. Ferrite specimen -.variation of magnetiiproperties with composition 7. Amplitude modulation and demodulation 2. Frequency modulation and demodulation 3. Pulse amplitude modulation and demodulation 4. Pulse code modulation and demodulation 5. Pulse position modulatiolt and demodulation 6. Study of crystal detector 7. L-C transmission line characteristic 8. Tuned RF amplifier 9. Seelydiscriminators 10. AM transmitter 35 11. Radiation from diPole ^t antenna L2. Optical fibre charicterisilcs (Numerical aperture, attenuation and bandwidth) 13. Optical feed back circuit (Feedback factor, gain and frequency response) IV ADVANCED NUCLEAR PHYSICS 1. 2. 3. ANd RADIATION PHYSICS Half life of Indium - thermal neutron absorption - To determine the half life of In-116 by inadiation of In foil andbeta counting using a GM counter Alpha sprUo.eter - To calibrate the given alpha specuometer and determine the resolution photoelectric effeo in lead - To get tfe spectrum of X .ays emitted form lead target by photo electric effect using Cs-137,gammas 4. 5. tnnei bremsstr-atrlung - To study the intensity spectrum of inner bremssuahlung from given gamma source Coincidence circuits - To coniruo and study the performance of series and parallel coincidence circuis time cs of a SCA using Precision Pulser se height with applied voltage and to obtaing the pulse height 6. 7. spectrum of X-rays 8. g. eroportional .orrnte. - Study of variation of pulse height wittr applied voltage and to obtaining the pulse height spectrum of X-rays Track detector - track diameter distribution - To measure the diameters of the alpha tracks in CR-39 uack detector 10. Beta ray spectroineter - To plot the momentum disUibution of beta particles from given beta sources 11. Range of itpt particles in air and mylar - To determine the rahge of alpha particles from Am-241 source in " using either a surface barrier detector or a GM counter air and in mylar V EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rydberg constant-hydrogen spectrurn ESR - Lande g factor IR spectrum of few samples Vacuum pump - pumping sPeed Vacuum purnp - Effect of connecting pipes Absorption bands of Iodine Vibrational bands of Pirani gauge Thin films 10. Thin films - AIO t characteristics - electrical properties (sheet resistance) - optical properties (Reflectivity, transmission, attenuation, refractive index) VI ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTANON 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Strain gauge Simpleservomechanism Temperature control Coincidencecircuits Multiplexer IEEE 488 Electric;il interface Single channel analyzer Differentialvoltmeter Frequenry synthesizer - Signal generator 10. Silicon controlled rectifier - characteristics 11. Silicon controlled rectifier - power conuol VII DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING l. 2. 3. + + Write a MATLAB program to plot the solution of selected d.ifference equations like u(n) = x(n-2) x(n-1) x(n) and u(n-1/2) Y(n-1) = x(n) Compute and plot the correlation coefficients of discrete time signals using MATLAB Compute the Convolution of two discrete time signals and plot using MATLAB. l,q 36 4' _ 5' Find the frequency of the given tuning fork by the FFT spectral analysis method and check the frequency reso.lution using different windowing ,n-ethod, fl"rt'rrjlr" FIR filter by using Fil6r Design toolbox in MATLAB. Analyse the stabitity using VIII LASER AND FIBRE OPTICS optical fibre charaoeristics (Numerical aperture, attenuation and bandwidth) Optical feed back circuit (Feedback factoi, gain and f."d;.y;rp";;- 1. 2. Reference Books for 1. 2. 3. 4. pHy 30S & plfy 405 : B. _M^erhusen & Co (1950) 1970) ersity press (1989) s _ Academic press Inc (199S) E. R. D. ; I I 'l I PITY 306 . ADVANCED ELECTROIUCS I ,II I (A minimum of Eight experiments to be caruied out) I I 1. load regulation) using OPAMpS uency of astable with theoritical 2. 3. 4. using CRO. Compare the calculated delay with the 9. "' ffirfi'verter 11. 12. 13. I I j i -5. 6. 7. 8. I tpur wirh theoretical value) se es as a fue binary P(represent graphically the filter charaoeristics from g characteristics & represent the output wave form using D/A converter (use 8 bit D/A converter and convert the given anlog signal to digital IC truct astable multivibrator for different R C values &measure pulse width) 37 t6 C OMPI ITF-P PR rl(?R AMMINd Note : Internal evaluation to be done in the respective semesters and marks to be intimated to the controller at the end of each s€mester itself. Practical obsenation book to be submitted to the exarniners at the time of viva voce in each semester. one mark is to be deducted from internal marks for each experiment not done by the student if the rtquired total no of experiments .rre not done in each s€mester. PITY 307 FORTRAN LAITGUAGE (AII experiments in part A to be done only for familiarization. At least 8 programs to be) Note : Wherever possible, arrays must be used. Subroutines/ Function subprograms also must be used wherever required / possible. hograms should be general, with a possibility to carry out the calculations for more than one data ser No graphical outputs required. PART A : (fo be done for familiarization only) l.Solution of quadratic equation For obtaining the reaUimaginary roots of a quadratic equation for various sets of values of the coefficients 2. Finding largest and smallest of a given set of numbers Anangrng numbers in ascending and descending order 3l Determining mean and standard deviation 4. Ranking of students in examination PART B 1. 2. 3. 4. ' : (At least 8 to be done) Difference tables Interpolation : To interpolate the value of a function using Lagrange interpolating polynomial Least square fitting :To obtain the slope and intercept by linear LSF Evaluation of polynomials - Bessel and Legendri functions : Using the series expansion. and recurrence relations 5. ' Fi$t derivative of a tabulated function by difference tables 6. 7. 8. 9. Numerical integration : By using Trapezoidal method and Simpson's method Solution of algebraic and Eanscendental equations - Newton Raphson method, minimuun of a function Marix addition, multiplication, trace, transpose and inverse, eigen value problem Taylor series evaluation : To obtain the values of sin(x), cos(x), Iog(x) and exp(x) by Taylor series expansion 10. Solution of first order differeirtial equation _ Runge Kutta method 11. MontE Carlo method : Determination of the value-of rr by using iandom numbers 12. Ordinar) boundary value problem 13. Operations with a data file : To open, read, write and close daa files r (FitheT PI{Y 406 - rlvanced Flectrr.nict Progrimming OR PIIY 409 - PROJECII rr OR prrv'40- - C Programming GR PrTv.408 - p}rthon Note : Internal evaluation to be done in.the respective liemesters and marks to be intimated to the controlhr at the end of each s€mester itself. Priaical obsenation book to be submitted to the examiners at the time of viva voce in each semester. One mark is to be deducted from internal marks for each experiment not done by the student if the required total no of gxperiments are not done in each s€mester. Ptry406.ADVANCED ELECTROMCS II (A minimum of Eight experiments to be carried out) 1. Organization of M X N Random access memory with basic memory units 2. Shift register using IC 7495 3. Multiplexer using IC 74151 .;J "q 38 4. Decoder IC 74155 5. hogramming using 8085 - Basic single byte arithmetic ( addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) using 8085 Kit 6. Generation of square waves using 8085 Kit 7. Program to ilrange a series of numbers in ascending and descending order 8. Multi byte addition and subnaction 9. Measurement of frequency using microprocessor 10. Measurement of voltage and current using microprocessor 11. Code conversion using digital ICs (Binary to BCD, BCD to binary, BCD to 10's complement) 12. Monostable using lCs 74I2L I 74122 - Re triggerable & Non re niggerable 13. Design, construction and testing of miooprocessor based frequency monitoring unit. 14. Design, construction and testing of microprocessor based temparatue monitoring unit. 15. Design, construction and testing of microprocessor based over voltage , under volage and crurent protection unit. Refercnce Books for: 1. Paul B. Zhar and A.P. Malvino - Basic Elecnonics - A Text Book Manual - JMH publishing (1983) 2. A.P. Malvino - Basic Elecnonics - A textlab manual - Tata Mccraw Hill (1992) 3. R. Bogart and J. Brown -Experimens for electronic devices and circuis - Menill International series (1e8s) 4. Buchla - Digital Experiments - Merrill Intemational series (1984) 5. Jagdish Varma - Nuclear Physics Experiments - New Age International (2001) PITY 407 - 'C' LANGUAGE _BASIC SIMT'LATIONS IN PITYSICS Note : Internal evaluation to { t}re end of each semester ol viva voce in each marks to be intimated to the conroller submitted to thc examineis at the time semeste aoi6 Uy the student if the rcquired total no of orperiments ernal marks for each experiment not .rne not dqne in each lt€mester. Iflll"I,ltl3#:iffi"T.f*i*:'shourd give grapiucat outputs. rhe carcurated resurts arso shourd be output in the graphics screen. The TIJRBO C package (gindows) or Linux',,rr*"i."r can bc used for generating and compiling the source code and to generate the exeortable code. The built in graphics can be used Whertver possible, the random number generator can be used. For numerical integrations and solution of differentid equationg Simpson's method, Runge Kutta method and Milne's method can be used. Generation of the graphics plots should not be done purely by usrng the final analytical expressions alone, but should also involve the actud numerical procedurr wherever possible. 1. Study of motion of a particle in a central force field by computer experiment To plot the trajectory of a particle moving in -a Coulomb field @utherford scattering) and to determine the deflection angle as a function of the impao parameter 2. Study of scattering of a heavy ion by a realistic nudeus by compute.r experiment To plot the trajectory of a heavy ion in the combined Coulomb and nuclear potential of a iealistic nucleus and' determine the angle of scattering for different impact par.rmeters 3. Verification of Kepler's laws by computer experiment To plot the orbits of planes around the sun and to verify Kepler's laws QogT vs log a plots and constancy of aerial velocity) - mass of planets, semi major axis and eccentricity of orbit to be provided. '' 4. Generate phase space plos To plot the momennrm vs x ploti for the following systems : i) a conservative case ( simple pendulum) ii) a dissipative case ( damped pendulum) iii) a non linear . case ( coupled pendulums) 5. Simulation of the wave function for a particle in a box To plot the wave function and probability density of a particle in a'box; Schroedinger equation to be solved energy of the levels to be assumed 6. Scanering of a wave packet To plot the time development of a wave packet in scattering from a given potential (potential hill and well) by solving Schroedinger equation 7. Simulation of a two slit photon interference experiment : To plot the light intensity as a function of distance along the screen kept at a distance from the two slit.urangement _--.. -''-'r 39 -. i6 g. Computation of uansmission coefhcient for a barrier of different shapes : To plot the transmission coefficients parabolic barrier by as tunctions-oi incident energy for a square barrier, an inverted Gaussian and an inverted solution of Schroedinger equation 9. Simulation of Lennard Jones potential, binding parameters, elastic constants : To plot the attractive and repulsive parts of the potential for various values of parameters of small oscillations in simple molecules : Triatomic molecule for various bond fti. Computer simulitions constants 11. Computer 12. Computer plot the dispersion relations ( <o vs k) dimensions on in one and two dimensions under the influence of a simulation simulation lo plot tire raleoory of force and to calculate the mean square distance. 14. Study of distribution on N particles in M energy levels for particles obeying the three statistics at different temperatures fi. 'Computation of virial coefficients for a given potential : Calculation of a1 and a2; potential plos ( numerical integration) Refermce Books: 1. "Mastering Turbo C", Stan Kelley Bootle, BPB Publications, New Delhi i. .,Co.putitional Physics - an infioduction", R.C.Varma, P.K.Ahluwalia and K.C.Sharma, New Age Intemational Publishers 3. "Computer Programming in FORTRAN 77" -By V. Rajaraman, - Prentice Hall of India 4. Programming in C - V. Rajaraman 5. Gottfried - Programming in C (Schaum's series) Springer Verlag (1988) 6. f.W. S.f,"ria, d. Spit rlra W. Losch -Theoretical Physics On the PC_- (1983) Hill Mc Graw 7. J.H. Rice Numerical methods- software and analysis g. H. Gould, -J. Tobochnik - An introduction to computer simulation methods - Applications to physical systems -Parts 1& 2: Addison WesIeY (1988) (1987) and D.J. Newman - Computational techniques in Physics - Adam Hilger 9. p.k.UcXeown ..Consortium tor Upper tevet Physics Soinrare(CUPS)" -by B. Hawkins, R.S.Johns - John Wiley and sons 10. 1995 PIfv407 .PYTHON" LANGUAGF. ! to the controller Note T Internal evaluation to be done in the respective semesteE and marks to be intimated at the time examiners to the to be submitted book obsenation i"""ti."r itser. *mJil each end of the at not experiment each for marks internd from of viva voce ih each semester. One mark is to be deducted semester. in each not done are experiments of no a""" Uy ,f.;.51lrdent if the rrquired totil specified. only two need be done. a star l.Trajectory evolution : a) ProjeAile motion with air resistance, b) Trajectory of planes around oscillator damped c) Forced oscillator Damped b) 2.phase spice portrais : i; Uaimonic oscillator 3.Classical scattering problem a.eifui. loop and magnEtic fields a) E field from a 2D metal prism b) magnetic field from a cunent c) magnetic field from a suaight wire d) 2D'vector field plotter S.Monte Carlo simulations a) Uniform random generator b) Gaussian random generator c) Exponential random generator d) Calculation of the value of r e) Numerical integration of 1D limited aggregation in 6.Random walk problem : a) Brownian motion b) Diffusion c) Percolation d) Diffusion various lattice geomeries pendulum d) F'F'T' in T.Fourier transform metliod a) Discrete F.T. b) Fast F.T. c) Power spectrum of a driven 2D 8. 9: :1Dand3D on function b) Auto correlation function c) Ising model d,' 'raa 40 In addition, any of the simulation programs given under'C' language also can be canied out using python. Reference Books 1. Python 2. Core - :' Essential reference by D.M. Beazley - Pearson Education (3d Edition - 2006) Programming - W.J. Chun, Pearson Education (Second Edition - 2007) ffion Ptry408 PROJECT An exhaustive list of projects will be prepard and made end of 2008. A sample list is given below: . l.Design, fabrication and experimenal study of pracical devices using fundamental principles 2.To construct a position sensitive Single Wire hoportional Counter, to calibrate it and use it for relevant experimental me:rsuremen8 3.Study of statistics of radioactive counting - using GM cpunter and Scintillation detector - Dependence on count rate, disnibution of pulse heights etc. 4.Pxojects using Phoenix Kit developed at the Inter University Accelerator Cenug New Delhi S.Study of gamma atenuation for different sources in different solutions and dependence on concentration 6.Study of envirorunental radio aaivity by SSNTDs T.Study of effeo of grain size on measured gamma ray attenuation coefficients in particulate matter S.Study of effeoive atomic number in composite absorbers for gamma ray interactions 9.Construction, calibration of a visible spectrophotometer and use it to study absorption spectrtlm of solutions - dependence on concentration 10.Co.nqtruct a polarimeter and study the polarization characteristics of liquids - dependence on concentration ll.Construction of an optical fibre communication system irnd study of is properties and performance l2.Fabrication of thin films and study of their elecrical, magnetic and optical properties 13.Study of enVironmental radioactivity l4.Theoretical studies of chaotic systems l5.Theoretical ptudy of ion channeling r l6:Theoretical study of drannel coupling effects in heavy ion fusion lT.Studies on fibre optic cables 18,Stndy of feno & feni elecricd materials as memories 19.Study of photo acoustic materials 20.Study of magnetostiction and practical applications 2l.Experimental study of steamlined and turbulent flow of liquids 22.Fabrication and study of properties of aystals 23.Raman effect study 24.Materials analysis by specral srudies 25.Optical feedback circuits and comparison with similar electronic feedback circuits 26.Consruction and study of a Single Channel Aaalyzer 2T.Construction and study of a strain gaude 2S.Constmction and srudJ of a optical modulator - demodulator system J I ?r --\, 7 4T t6 al rH\'Time:3 l- 0 l. -\ t -{1-H L\ [ --f I' lc:.\r P 1{\ - sIc} 1 hours Maximum: S0marks StrtionAittt ' 3 3lllr6r'ksi , Gire xl"ca-r parrgtqrh arurers,"tffit:H:Hi,;1*, e,*ur1ilg ,$ rnar-I.s. -\'rr tlu l- (ir] Slrfit. tlrar .[i-rtrtiyrr (rsirr(* o].rfl,- {i|t-lrogfrfltliq. c:nrtliril:-r', ;,, 1)a[irrr(.rrsirtrr.lil ri 'rillii}fr(b) 17l+ rnqgnuJ,ur&', of a r,'tttor u *rlrtrc1ar11dhrd of rutah<nl lrtn'*. ('ci ll'Ir+t &e dre cidreclsi.stitx cf ardrc,gorral curlrilirriu'we,r<lirutte*'i 2. (aJ Obtain rh( <r1rr<litimr u liic]r ([r] (Xlecl r"t.ettrc, (,c) tl-u+ lrudur of, tst hcnnitiArr Ir.rAEi$:$ i.S lr(rrrritjiuL- (tl ,.') i* ur.ita.f- iurtl hcrlritiiur. \/ tt/ /{,r.'{. R; iS intariarrt [<l- tUlv f$(, 1{(tflE of a serurel-mrili t{nsor. I,, - l :frLd I]- Prd,rt clutt Ir-;.; iu( (vlil-[t(.Ir+Its S- r:al Dis&$uish L*u,ccn rJligrric'- lrartrL,rJic iurd l1r1:er-bolic tliffsrtrtial €rtuat i(ilLs(bl 1l' arr dre for:ns {,f b€lulrclju}' omrtlitiorn cn4rlcg'c'tl nliile sdrirrg tufhrtnd"r.I fi tuadorl.{.' (c) Girt d'rr+o or.rrulrles fol- nsn-linear dilferurtial t<luadoru- J. rla) ltortthat ll(: ' 1): ,:I'(:') ftl r rlit : r,Tshos't}:ar .lii.ii.= ". (c) l:fii+'die relation ilta.l,r : .1it t f . ir! 1 ;Jiu.[ S. (a) ll'Lat -{rt tlic rnlatiw ailv'arrugEs cq rarrsior (b) Ir .q(i.) v'( cd' aurd - 11 dka*Iriurugu of trbui*:r- <-+liarua,mr ortr- T4r1.rr a frurction? is tlre lhuis trarrshcru of, tlre rcaJ frurdon .f(,ri, obtain tllc rtlari'rn l;( Ai i'' )- (c) Iirrd rlre lalilace rransfolrlr cf tl:rc {rrnc'tiorr /( ll '= r'. a c$i$Liult- SECTION B (3 X 10 = 30 marks) - Answer any THREE question in about 2 pages If ,fr i5 a rurit ltrtor i:L tlr+ clfu€:rtiorr uf in<g'a$.rlg .I1. p(,\* tlral 6. f .,lr :::': ' 'l .. i'tit:/rg ir1i1lr3 I . \ . ,/r i 7,$- $u,u- Lhitt siruilariqv [r'atlsffirrratiou ef a nutuit I q1 ) i)t11 ;)lt1 Lh, ,rr. ris i//r1'l C l* dc<.s rLor c]iarLgu its l uacr' iLrLd rlcrcr:rniruurt- : Ti:iunfouu FIehilu,lur trluftti.)rr in rir-<rrla:. q'lirrrlrieal trl:,r<tiruttts if ' i'ei, 'i1,. , '. : ) into 3 oldi:rary- tlitfrrurrtia.L eril;ttuo:x d scrxl'ittc [rureriorr-s flr 1'":' iurr-l :' (l $-.,--. --z v r6 lt 42 q Srcnr that t]l€ LEgEmdrE polprwnial I,,nr,r.) .= P,{r) ca+ be oquwtl as # (#),,,", 1), Set:tim C (2 ;.. lf,l : 2l rnarknj furs\rrr arr1. T\10 qursijors 10. Tlie arr*le lxrneen t$p r.gciorE iE A. In EFh€[iEal rr+]ar msrlirumE6, their [+- t]re pairs af alglts ( /J1 . <:1 ) aruJ (ez. os i. Srffi, iJrat c,-,s 11. Shf/\r' t?l&t tlie zutl od .\ = r'us 6l rus dc -l siu f/1 sirr /ll2 crr.; the srfuatiEt cf tlie +lelrrsrts cf,a crnl silrilariq- trarSftrrarifi 12. Der,qlor stri€E sol'rtifiE (ri1 di$ctifiE are $rerr 1Z) rnab-Lri rrElrUirg irrrqriant rurclar ottfog_ rs. fu thr dtfta,erHat €qruti{a# '%#* o,y : g fS- If L. i:r ) m'lxwrrs a Lagrrsrr polFnmial of adcr- n, prorc that r- l''l--t..iil.,(r)r/.r' Jn : 6-o t t .i t E F E t 43 ril " PHY 102 MODEL QUESTION PAPER ELECTRODYNAMICS AND PLASMA PHYSICS SECTION A Time: 3 hours Maximum:80marks Give short paragraph answers. 10 to be answered out of 15, each canying 3 marks. Answer wo questions from every module. I 1. 2. 3. Write Maxwell's equations in integral form. What is the advantage of using phasors? Explain retarded scalar potential. II 1. 2. What is group velocity? What do you mean by dispersion? Explain intrinslc impedance of free space. What is the consequence of intrinsic impedance becoming a real number? Describe Doppler effect. Mention one of it's practical applications' 3. III 1. 2. 3. Explain characteristic impedance of a line' What is the dominant mode of a wave guide? Write a note on cavity resonators? IV 1. 2. 3. v 1. Z. 3. Describe current density 4-vector. Write down the components of 4-vector potential. Explain electomagnetic field tensor. Explain Debye shielding. What are the conditionithat an ionized gas must satisfy to be called as plasma? What are magnetosonic waves? (10 x 3= 30 ) Section B Answer any THREE questions in about 2 pages VI Write source free Maxwell's equations. Obtain source free wave equations for E and H. VII Discuss the normal incidence of elecuomagnetic waves at a plane dielecuic boundary. waves in rectangular waveguides. What is cut-off wavelength? tr.ajectory is Discuss the morion of a char[ed particliin a uniform magnetic field. What change in the (3 x 10= 30 ) field is"also "t..uic Section C Answer any two questlons' VIII Discuss TM IX "*p;*;ii;rnilot introduced? charectarised Show that if @,H) are solutions of source free Maxwell's equations in a simple medium V(p/€) is the equation In this E/q. H'= rlH and n= E'= by e and p tf,.n io ,tro ur. (E',H') , where X intrinsic impedance of the medium L r o XI Find tire foynting vector on the surface of a long straight conducting wire of radius b and conductivity also' that carries a direct cu..ent I. Verify Poynting's theorem XII A hollow ...irnguf; *".r. guia" nas I= 6 qn and b= 4 cm. Determine the cut off wavelength and guide wavelength for the dominant mode. Xttt. Obt"ln continuity eqtiation in relativistic tensor notations' (2x10=20) ^rie M PHY-103 Classical Mechanics Section A (10 x 3 = 30 marks) Give short paragraph answers, 10 to be answered out of 15, each carrying 3 marks. Answer two questions from each module. SYMBOLS: D(x) means derivative of x w.r.t time. Boldfaced symbols represent vectors. 1.(a) State and explain D'Alembert,s principle. (b) Show that areal velocity is a constant in central force motion. Will it remain a constant if there is a net external torque? (c) Show that tlre Hamiltonian is a constant of motion if the Lagrangian does not depend on time explicitly. 2.1a; fina the poisson bracket [Lo Lr]. (b) An infinitesimal rotation is represented by a matrix of the form I+e. Show that e is antisymmetric (c) Explain the terms action variable and angle variable. Show that angle variables are linear functions of time. 3.1a; lt T is the kinetic energy, G the extemal torque about the instantaneous axis of rotation and w is the angular velocity, prove that D(T) = G.w. @) Show that the angular acceleration is the same in fixed and rotating coordinate systems. (c) Explain with necessary diagrams, the sequence of transformations that define the Euler angles. 4.(a) Explain the meaning of norma.l coordinates and normal modes of vibration. @) Explain the meaning of orthogonality. Show that eigenvectors corresponding to truo distinct eigenfrequencies are orthogonal. (c) Solve for the time period of a simple pendulum oscillating at small angles using Newtonian and Lagrangian formulations. 5.(a) Explain the term stonge ottroctor. @) What is period doubling? (c) What do you understand by Fiegenbaum constonts? Section B (3 6. x 10 = 30 marks) - Answer any THREE questions in about 2 pages Derive Hamilton's equations of motion. Obtain the Hamiltonian of a simple pendulum with a moving support. 7. Define Poisson brackets of two variables. Discuss its. important properties and show that it is invariant under canonical transformation. a 8. ,1" Euler's equations of motion to obtain a complete solution of the problem of free rotation of a symmetrical rigid body. 9t Two identical.pendulums are coupled by a spring of force constant k. Show that rhe frequencies of oscillation of the system ir€ 6)1 = V(gI) and <oz =V(g/l + 2klm) where I is the length of the pendulum and m is the mass suspended. Section C (2 x 10 = 20 marks) Answer any TWO questions. 10. A particle of mass m is projected with an initial velocity u at an angle Lagrangian and hence, describe its motion. o to the horizontal. Obtain the 11. por what values of m and n do the transformation equations Q = q. cos(np) and p = q. sin(np) form ' a canonical uansformation. Obtain the generating function. 12. Using aoion angle method, obtain the frequency of a simple harmonic oscillator. 13. r'ind one of is the moments and products of inertia of a parallelopiped of density p and mass M with sides a, b, c abour corners. Hence deduce the inertia tensor for a cube with side a. '-;,a. 45 tA iuooEr eUESTIoN PAPER (Revised sYllabus - 20O8admn.) PHY 104: ELECTRONICS Time: Three hrs. Max: 80 marks Section A (10 x 3 = 30 marks) G"" .h"rt p*"g.rph from each module. I. 1. 2. 3. II 1. 2. "rr*"r=" Explain the self bias technique employed for a JFET. How are the operating poinS fixed? priw the circuit employing-a typiial JFET as a WR and explain is working. Explain the design and working of a MOSFET NOR circuit' resistivity? What is nansferred elecEon effect? How does this effect lead to negative differential in the visible suitable each, material one Mention LEDs. in r*firin ctearty the light emission mechanism and I.R regions. 3. III oir*ri ,t?fight of LDR' dependence of resistance in LDRs. Construct a circuit showing the application 2. Explainficanceincircuitapplications. tallY measured fxptain 3. Write a L IV L. 2. 3. v' questlons ten to be answered out of fifteen, each carrying three marks. Answer two 1. 3. 2. Srtidn ts (3 x 10 = 30 marks) Answer any THREE questions in about two pages' oi'.ui'' the tunnei ooa" oper"tion on thl 6asis of vi rm analog integradon' Draw the basic oPAM Compare the low Pass, Draw an OPAMP mon Pulse width' ent its.ruth table' ication' ! conditions' ;ffi:lJrill$"tril:$f,i::'r*:"'ing uPled differential amPlifier' ator' Obtain an expression for the period of imized using IGmaugh map technique' Section C (2 x 10 = 20 marks) Answer any TWO questions. the given circuit. Yo. =50 Determine tfr. ulit"g. gain, input and output impedances of X. IosJ2. and Irs = pS, $'o = 5 mS 1t t\' .\0} a 46 xI. XII. ror from the following data. 1010, mobility = 3000 cm2/V-s, Calculate H1:,.iff xIIr. a a-^r r-^^.,^-^:t.n dZ4lC ,< gnal frequencies r^for nh ^ assumrng OpAMp ^ gain = 200fi)0. Represent the salient If the input V in the given circuit is a sinusoidal wave of amplitude 6v and frequency L Kllz,represent the output wave form obtained across Rr showing the cone& phase relation with the input. The output voltageswing for the OpAMp is + 12.SV. A 47 nt MODEL QI']ESTION PAPER January 2008 M.Sc (PHYSICS) Degree Examination PHY 301 NUCLEAR PHYSICS :ffirsfl i:Hffirlffii]\o ,, two quesrons carrying 2 marks. Answer anv be answered out of 15, each from each module Ir. in puity-violation in beta decay' E*pt"in the role of the neutrino isits angular momentum?' 2.what is meant o, **ttoli"'i''iii'ffi,rfun't an intemal tilii"a in beta decay to 3.Compare the electron II conversion elecfion' forces? force-differ from the electromagnetic aspects does the nuclear and singletpotentials?n-p scatterlng' ro n-r compued to ^-^*6rind as ^. cnmnared ,p..ia flatures of p-p- scattering two the Enumerate 1. In what ;. wi;G;iplet 3. III o* that the spin orbit coupling is propotuon' al ro (21+1) 2.What are Schmidt limits? collection modon in nuclei' 3.Explain the necessity ioi inuoauting IV it useful? and how is 1. What is Couiomb excitation reactions' i. E*plui" compound nucle'us 3.Explainthereasonwhyhightemperaturesarenecessarytoinducefusionractionsbetweenlightnuclei' radiadons". Explain determinadon of the incident Analyzer? it in i Singte Channel e its main functions? V 1. "AGM 2. What 3. What is is rks) ons in about irermi's vII 2 Pages' theory of beta decaY' ground sute? How far do they Eeatment of the deuteron mechanical quantum what are the main resurts of the .-pr"i"Gl i.atures of the nuclear for ce? is able ro accounr VIIIWhatalemagicnumbers.Explainhowtheshellmodel,includingthespinorbitinteractton for this. IX Give the principre of operation of a the strucrure and function scinti,ation detector. Explain of a PhotoriultiPlier tube' g nuclei , 'Li, ''9,"Na"'Al a1d.5'\i barns' Calculate Et is observed to be 23 of the daughter gelection rules, s of the gamma (W = 28 eV)' The counter G. number of Primary ion Pairs ii^.