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Advanced Placement World History Syllabus for Students
Mrs. Stacy Walls Bartkowski
The textbook is Stearns’ World Civilizations: The Global Experience.
 Day One Guidelines:
 Look over College Board requirements at Mrs. Bart’s Web page and on Themes, Habits, Eras (Foundations, Pre-Classical, Early
Modern, Revolutions, Modern)
 ASPIRE: Art/Lit., Social, Political, Intellectual, Religions, Economic
 Textbook: read sidebars, pick out words you don’t understand and look up
 AP TEST is both Multiple Choice and Free Response Essay Questions:
 DBQ 16.67% Change Over Time 16.67% Compare and Contrast 16.67%
 Questions to ask when reading works of Art: Who built (made) it? Who designed
it? Commissioned it? Why? Who paid for it? Similarities with other culture’s
Who, What, When, Why, How, So What?
 Go over Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
 Maps, the basis of Geography: types of maps, locations of peoples, empires, etc.
 Era #1: Foundations – 600 C.E. Period:
Foundations Themes:
1) Farming to Empire: by circa 600 CE all major Empires collapsed
2) All had established patriarchal societies
3) All major world religions had begun: (Islam by 632 CE)
4) Migrations
5) Urbanization, but still nomads
Foundations Part 1: 8000 BCE – 600 BCE
 Stone Ages and agriculture: Textbook Pages 2-16
 Paleo, Meso, Neo, etc. Don’t spend time on Paleo.
 Hunters and Gatherers vs. Farmers: (constructing arguments)
 Women, patriarchy; why focus on women? Women had more power
in almost all cultures before civilization. Women probably
domesticated first! Men: specialized labor, in public, made rules
 Chart: How did these influence women’s experience? class, area,
stage of life, time
 Rise of civilization: Textbook Pages 2-16
 What are the issues involved in using “civilization” as an
organizing principle in world history?
 Be able to Define:
 Civilization: large, complex
 Society: group of people, less formal
 Empire: territory expansion
 Culture: society’s way of living
 Peoples: common ancestor
 Systems: organization or purpose
 Communities of discourse: how societies interrelate
Early Civilizations: Textbook Pages 16-30
 Egypt (Book of the Dead), Mesopotamia (Epic of Gilgamesh),
 Indus (Aryans, Vedas), Yellow River Valley (Shang, Zhou)
Akkadians (TBp.16-30) , Hittites, Assyrians (TBp. 19,23,31), Persians (TBp. 68-69,
23), Bablyonians (TBp. 19), Jews (TBp. 25-28, 103-105)and Phoenicians (TBp. 25)
Kush (TBp. 89-93), Nubia, Axum, Ethiopia (TBp. 171-176), Sub- Saharan trade
Go over compare and contrast essay writing
Nomads and early America: Olmecs, Chavin, Anasazi, Mexica
 Why a delay in agricultural revolution in Mexico compared to Fertile Crescent?
Test with Essay: Chapters 1/2
Foundations Part II : Classical Period: Rise of Empires 600BCE – 600CE
 600 BCE: Trade starts to take center stage
 Ancient India: TB Pages 48-66 Chapters from Howard Spodek’s: The World’s History
 Maurya, Gupta, Hinduism, Beginnings of Buddhism
 Ancient China: TB Pages 34-48, 93-96
 Qin, Han, Buddhism, Confucius, Daoism, Legalism
 Early Korea, Japan TB Pages 92-93
 How to write a DBQ
 Greece: TB Pages 66-86
Aristotle, Democracy, The Republic, Hellenistic culture
 Rome: TB Pages 66-86 From republic to empire, Huns, St. Augustine,
 Spread of Christianity TB Pages 96-107
 Christianity vs. Buddhism; Christianity spread vs. Silk Road vs Sub-Saharan Trade.
 Silk Road. TB Pages 90; Rome vs Han Empire, Rise and Collapse
 Why do Empires fall? by Conrad Demarest
 Role of migrations and invasions into settled areas: Greece, Egypt, Indus, Yellow
 Chapters 3-5 Test with Essay
REVIEW: Chart:
Classical Civilizations
Pol. Soc/Gender Trading patterns
Art, Sci, Tech
a) China (Han)
b) India (Maurya)
c) Mediter: (Greece/Rome)
d) Persia
2). Belief systems: Polytheism, Monotheism
Hinduism, Judaism, Aton, Zoraster, Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism,
Christianity, Islam (Late in the period)
3). Collapse of Empires: Internal problems + external invasion
4). Movement of Peoples: Bantu, Hun, Germanic, Polynesian, Mexica, Vikings
5). Interregional networks: Trade routes
 Connection between Foundations and PC:
 Spread of belief systems along trade routes and how they adapted to new
 Era #2: Post-Classical
500 CE (600 CE) – 1000 CE
 Post-Classical Themes:
 Foundations (what changes and what stays?)
Collapse of Empires
What replaces classical empires?
Old – new (continuity and change)
World Religions
How they Spread (cultural
Trade routes
Increased (cross cultural), 3 m’s
The new powers will include:
Tang/Song, Byzantine, Dar Al Islam (1453 it gets Byz!), Medieval
Europe, Indian Ocean Basin, Mongol Khanates, Sub Saharan African
societies and kingdoms, Americas.
By 1450: The Eastern Hemisphere is very connected and starting to go
west. But: still two distinct Hemispheres. Basically, the Intensification of
stuff we’ve already seen.
 Post-Classical Part I:
 Geography of Africa: TB Pages 170-182 Axum, Ghana, Bantu Migrations, etc.
 Trans-Saharan trade routes
 Read: Things Fall Apart, By Chinua Achebe
 Polynesian migrations TB Pages 351-352, 390 Indian Ocean Basin: E. Africa, Indian
S.E. Asian, S. China: one big trade entity
 Rise of Islam: TB Pages 108-116, 116 - 143 Chapters from Bullock’s: The Earth
and It’s People
 Five Pillars; Caliphates vs. Roman Empire; Role of women in Islam
 Movements of Peoples: Huns, Germans, and Arabs
 Thomas Aquinas and Islamic philosophy TB Pages 226, 230, 236
 Early Feudalism in Europe vs. Japan TB Pages 220, 36, 234-235, 372, 461-462, 220
-222, 291 – 298
 How to write a Change-over-Time essay
 Byzantine Empire TB Pages 192-211 Slavs, Early Russia
 How did cultures preserve the legacy of antiquity? Byzantines vs. Irish How the
Irish Saved Civilization and Sailing to Byzantium
 Sub-Saharan Africa TB Pages 170-191
 West Africa: Ghana; Mali; Songhay: (Later); Timbuktu
 Caravan Routes; Sahel or Savannah; Gold/Salt Trade
 Equatorial Africa
 Great Zimbabwe, Kongo, Yoruba TB Pages 186-191
 East African city-states and Swahili TB Pages 182-185
 Test Chapters 6 - 9
 Era #2: Post Classical Part II
1000 CE – 1450 CE
 “The Year 1000” Aug 16-23 1999, USNews and World Report
 China: Tang TB Pages 262-272
 Chinese influence in S.E. Asia, Polynesia, etc.
 Song TB Pages 272-287 (Hang Chow) and Ming Dynasties TB Pages 334,
340-342, 514-524, 634-635; Silk Road ; Marco Polo; Zheng He ships
 Japan: TB Pages 524-529, 288-301; Samurai and Shogun
 Korea and Vietnam: TB Pages 301-313
 Islam: TB Pages 144-169 Unification
 Delhi Sultanate; Crusaders view of Muslims and Muslims view of Crusaders
 Arts and Science “seek ye knowledge from the cradle to the grave”
 Islam later: trade, Hospitalit, Women; Results of Dar Al-Islam (House of
Ibn Battuta: TB Pages 177-182
 Berber States TB Pages 174 controlled by Byzantine, then Islam, Tuaregs (nomads),
Mali, Mamluks of Egypt TB Pages 157, 328-329, 629-630, Suliemann the
Magnificent and Ottomans TB Pages 449, 455-456
 Test
Post Classical Part III:
Europe: TB Pages 342-357
Feudalism vs monarchism
 Monarchies: England, France, Holy Roman Empire, Italian States, Portugal,
Spain (Not specific monarchs)
 Christianity: Papacy
 Middle Ages: TB Pages 150-152, 155, 203-204, 214, 222-223, 230 (212-237)
 Crusades; Inquisition; Viking; Myth of Dark Ages, Growth of cities
 Plagues: TB Pages 91, 235, 329, 335, 343
 Renaissance TB Pages 342-347
 Ameri-Indian: Meso-American trade TB Pages 257-261
 Toltec/Mayans TB Pages 238-251
 Aztecs TB Pages 238-251
 Incas TB Pages 252-257
 Mongols: TB Pages 314-337 Largest empire in world history
 Pax Mongolia; Genghis (Chingiss) and Kublai (Yuan dynasty, Marco
Polo); Golden Horde and Timur; Mongol decline after Kublai Khan
 Test with Essay Chapters 10-15
 Era #3: Early Modern Period 1450 CE – 1750 CE
Early Modern Period themes:
What was the extent of European dominance in this period?
1453: Europeans lost Constantinople and had to go West for trade
1) Topics that haven’t popped up before become significant:
Global interactions/dependencies
2) Maritime explorations (although Vikings in 1000CE)
3) Columbian Exchange
4) Plantation Economies: sugar, tobacco
5) Labor Systems: free vs. unfree labor (slavery, serf, indentured servant)
6) Cultural interactions (ideas, religions, art, etc.)
 Early Modern Period
Part I:
 How is the world different in 1500 CE vs 1000CE?
 Population changes: migration, mortality, marriage
 Empires: Compare and Contrast:
 Aztec TB Pages 238-251
 Ottoman Sulieman the Magnificent TB Pages 449-456 Istanbul
 Inca TB Pages 251-257
 Ming TB Pages 334, 340-342, 516-520, 634-635
 Qing (Manchu) TB Pages 621-642
 Portugal Angola TB Pages 478-481
 Spain, Hapsburgs
 Russia Romanovs TB Pages 404-419
 France Bourbons TB Pages 443-445
 England Stuarts
 Mongols TB Pages 314-337
 Tokugawa TB Pages 524-527, 658-659
 Safavid and Mughal TB Pages 448-475
 Absolutism, but not specific monarchs TB Pages 372-374
 Africa: Kenya TB Pages 583, 821-823; Benin TB Pages 487-488, 187188; Oyo TB Pages 187; Songhai TB Pages 177, 180-181, 488
 Early Modern Part II:
 The “New” Word: TB Pages 385-387, 396, 422-427, 433
 Columbus; Why not the Chinese?; Zheng He
 European exploration, but not explorers
 Portugal and Spain TB Pages 382-390;Portugal and Dutch TB Pages 502-513
 Shift in trade from Mediterranean and Indian oceans to Atlantic System to
Pacific Basin ; Why the Shift?
 Columbian Exchange: TB Pages 390, 431
 Mercantilism
 1700-1809: Cane Sugar Production TB Pages 340, 401,427-439,480-482, 495
 Tobacco (North America) doesn’t kick in until > 1750 TB Pages390,433, 444
 How did England, Spain, Portugal, France, and the Dutch manage their
empires? Treat the natives? Attitude towards land, religion, tolerance? Stay or
temporary colonists? TB Pages 390-403, 420-447
 1571: Silver Trade: TB Pages 434 -435, 445, 495, 457-458
 Bolivia: Potosi, Andes Mountains, single largest silver find in history.
 Portuguese traded slaves for silver: created African Slave trade
 Test Chapters 18-22
Era #4: Industrialization and Revolution
1750 CE – 1914 CE 19%
The Closing off of Asia and the Rise of Europe: Europe uses this time to create
weapons they will use against Asia later.
How did the rights of individuals and groups change during this period?
 What is a revolution?
 Scientific Revolution TB Pages 370-372
 Enlightenment: Intellectual Revolution TB Pages 375-351
 Neo-Confucianism
 Renaissance: Revolution in Arts TB Pages 362-365
 Arts: Mughal vs Russian Peter/Catherine the Great TB Pages 314-337
 Reformation: Revolution in Religion, but not specific groups TB Pages 365-367
 Industrial revolution: TB Pages 367-370, 377-381,544-558
 Effects on Population; Migration; Birthrate
 Marxism (not utopian socialists) TB Pages 552-554
 Gender and social changes:
 Education;Westernization; Social Darwinism; Serf Emancipation; Work
patterns vs gender
 Revolutions: TB Pages 536 not Crimean war
 Russian revolution; Latin America TB Pages 594-619; American TB Pages
539-540; France TB Pages 540-542; Revolutions of early 1800’s; Haiti;
Mexico TB Pages 542-550
 China TB Pages 634-645 Qing; Boxer rebellion; Opium Wars
 Nationalism
 Ottoman Decline: TB Pages 620-634
 Democracy and its limitations (women, racial problems)
 Comparative Revolutions:
Causes and Consequences:
Social, Political, Intellectual, Religion, Economic
Latin American
How revolutionary were they really?
 Societies at the crossroads: TB Pages 646-667 Bentley Chapters 32 or 33
 Do we industrialize? Qing China, Tokugawa Japan, Ottoman Empire, Czarist
 Settler societies: Australia, US, Canada, New Zealand TB Pages 558-562
 Imperialism: TB Pages 566-593 Things Fall Apart and Imperialism
 Hawaii; Java and India TB Pages 570-578
 Reform, resistance, racism, rationalization
 Compare reaction to domination in: Ottoman Empire, China, India, and Japan
TB Pages 620-645
Test: 16, 17, 23, 24, 26,27
 Era # 5: Modern History 1914 CE – Present 19%
 Spodek pages on 20th century
 World War I: TB Pages 562-565, 676-687 Causes and results, not battles
 War’s effects on the WORLD, not just US!
 Latin America: TB Pages 615-619: Political Independence.
 Africa: Spawns Pan-African movement and eventual independence
movements; Ottomans
 Paris Peace Conference and the Balfour Declaration; New Nations
TEST: Chapters 25, 28, 29?
 World War II: TB Pages 689-699 Causes and effects, not battles
 Influenza: 1918; Population TB Pages 796-798, 838-840
 Effects of both Wars outside of Europe
 Cold War: TB Pages 699-704
 International Organizations: NATO, UN, League of Nations
 Holocaust, genocide
 Fascism. TB Pages 710-711
 Great Depression TB Pages 687-689, 706-710 World Wide
 Gender: TB Pages 719-727, 795-796, 842-843, 872-874
 Social reform: feminism (but not specifics)
 Technology
 Pacific Rim; TB Pages 752-771
 Consumer culture
 Urbanization TB Pages 840-841
 Environmental themes; Deforestation
 Decolonization in Africa and India TB Pages 711-719, 800-829
 Legacies of colonialism: Africa, Asia, Latin America TB Pages 830-857,
858-877; French Vietnam and British in North Africa TB Pages 877-885
 China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
 Compare revolutions: Russian TB Pages 728-751; Chinese; Cuban TB Pages
785-787; Mexico TB Pages 772-778; Latin America TB Pages 772-799; & Iran
 Chart:
- effects of WWI + Eff. - effects of Dep. + effects Decoln.
Latin Am.
 Globalization: TB Pages 886-901
 Test: Chapters: 30-33
 Historical Scavenger hunt with ten steps as the end of year project.
 Review for AP TEST: Use Stearns online chapter outline for Review.
Spend a few days reviewing: the history of women, labor, religions, migration patterns,
compare and contrast cultures. Class Final is the last day for Seniors.