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Respiratory System
Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 14
I. Overview
A. Function:
 Brings about
the exchange
of oxygen and
carbon dioxide
between the
blood, the air,
and tissues
B. Organs
 Nose
 Pharynx
 Larynx
 Trachea
 Bronchi
 Lungs – alveoli
C. Respiratory tract
 Pathway of air from
nose to lungs
 Air in the respiratory
tract are:
– Cleansed – by hairs,
cilia, and mucus
– Warmed – by heat
from the blood
– Moistened – by the
wet surfaces in the
Necessary to keep
lung tissue healthy
II. Structure
A. Upper Respiratory Tract
– Nasal cavities, pharynx, glottis, larynx
1. Nasal Cavity
Description: Hollow canals separated by a
septum of bone and cartilage
 Function: Filter, warm, and moisten the air
Paranasal Sinuses – Cavities within bones
surrounding the nasal cavity
– Function of the sinuses
 Lighten
the skull
 Act as resonance chambers for speech
 Produce mucus that drains into the nasal cavity
Mucous membrane lines nasal cavity
– Cilia moves mucous and trapped particles to
the pharynx
Contains lateral projections called conchae
– Increases surface area
– Increases air turbulence within the nasal cavity
The nasal cavity is separated from the oral
cavity by the palate
– Anterior hard palate (bone)
– Posterior soft palate (muscle)
Hard Palate
2. Pharynx – Throat
 Description:
between the
nasal cavity
and larynx
 Function:
Connects nasal
and oral
cavities to the
Three regions of the
– Nasopharynx – superior
region, passageway for air
– Oropharynx – where oral
cavity joins pharynx,
passageway for food and
– Laryngopharynx – inferior
region that opens to
Tonsils – located in
– A lymphatic tissue that
protects against inhaled
3. Epiglottis
Description: flap
of tissue that sits
at the base of the
 Function:
prevents food
from entering the
trachea, or
windpipe, during
4. Larynx
Description: Also called
the voice box, contains
the vocal cords
 Function: Produces
 Vocal cords are elastic
tissues that vibrate
producing sound as air
travels through
– The opening or slit in the
vocal cords is called the
B. Lower Respiratory Tract
– Trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs,
1. Trachea
 Description:
known as the
windpipe, flexible
tube that
connects larynx to
 Function: directs
air to bronchi
 Held
open by C-shaped hyaline
 Trachea is lined with pseudostratified
ciliated columnar epithelial cells
– Cilia sweeps mucus loaded with dust and
other debris away from lungs
Breakdown the words “pseudostratified
ciliated columnar epithelial” to understand
the meaning.
 “pseudo” – fake
 “stratified” – layers
 “ciliated” – with hair like projections
 “columnar” – cells that are taller than wider
2. Bronchi
 Description:
and right
branched tubes of
the trachea
 Function:
passageway of air
to lungs
 Bronchi
enters the
right and left lungs
– Bronchi subdivide into
smaller and smaller
branches called
 Right
bronchus is
wider, shorter,
and straighter than
3. Bronchioles
 Description:
branches of the
 Function:
lead to the
 Description:
4. Lungs
paired, coneshaped organ
that occupy the
thoracic cavity
 Function:
alveolus where
gas exchange
 Apex
portion) is near
the clavicle
 Base (inferior
portion) rests on
the diaphragm
 Each lung is
divided into lobes
by fissures
– Left lung – two
– Right lung – three
 Coverings
of the lungs
– Visceral pleura covers the lung
– Parietal pleura lines the walls of the
thoracic cavity
– Pleural fluid fills the area between layers
of pleura to allow gliding
5. Alveoli
 Description:
Structure made up
of simple squamous
surrounded by
blood capillaries
 Function: Exchange
of gas
 Respiratory
membrane – extremely
thin membrane that aids in the rapid
exchange of gases
 Gas
crosses the respiratory
membrane by diffusion
– Oxygen enters the blood
– Carbon dioxide enters the alveoli
 Macrophages
add protection
 Surfactant in alveoli prevents the
lung from closing or collapsing
 What
gases are exchanged in the
respiratory membrane?
 How
are gases moved or transported
across the membrane?
 Draw
a flow map showing the
pathway air travels through the
respiratory system starting with the
nasal cavity and ending with the
alveoli. Underneath each structure
(8 total), write down the function.
 Ex.
III. Mechanism of Breathing
 Ventilation
– manner in which air
enters and exits the lungs
 Two phases
– Inspiration – flow of air into lung
– Expiration – air leaving lung
A. Inspiration
 Active
phase of ventilation
 Diaphragm and intercostal muscles
 The size of the thoracic cavity
 External air is pulled into the lungs
due to an increase in intrapulmonary
B. Expiration
 Largely
a passive process which
depends on natural lung elasticity
 Diaphragm and intercostal muscles
 As muscles relax, air is pushed out of
the lungs
 Forced expiration can occur mostly
by contracting internal intercostal
muscles to depress the rib cage
C. Nonrespiratory Air Movements
 Can
be caused by reflexes or
voluntary actions
 Examples
– Cough and sneeze – clears lungs of
– Laughing
– Crying
– Yawn
– Hiccup
D. Ventilation Control
 Normal
breathing rate is 12-20
ventilation per minute
 Controlled by the respiratory center
in the medulla oblongata (brain)
 Factors that influence ventilation
– Nervous input
– Chemical input
 1.
Nervous input
– Intercostal and
phrenic nerve
stimulate muscles
to contract for
– Lack of
results in
 2.
Chemical input
– Level of carbon dioxide in the blood is
the main regulatory chemical for
– Increased carbon dioxide increases
E. Respiratory Volumes
 Normal
breathing moves about 500
ml of air with each breath (Tidal
Volume [TV])
 Many factors that affect respiratory
– A person’s size
– Sex
– Age
– Physical condition
 Inspiratory
reserve volume (IRV)
– Amount of air that can be taken in
forcibly over the tidal volume
– Usually between 2100 and 3200 ml
 Expiratory
reserve volume (ERV)
– Amount of air that can be forcibly
– Approximately 1200 ml
Residual volume
– Air remaining in lung after expiration
– About 1200 ml
Vital capacity
– The total amount of exchangeable air
– Vital capacity = TV + IRV + ERV
Dead space volume
– Air that remains in conducting zone and never
reaches alveoli
– About 150 ml
 Functional
– Air that actually reaches the respiratory
– Usually about 350 ml
 Respiratory
capacities are measured
with a spirometer
IV. Gas Exchange and Transport
 Respiration
process of
exchanging gases
between the
atmosphere and
body cells
A. External Respiration
Exchange of gases
between air and blood
in the lungs
 Blood entering the
lungs is oxygen-poor
and carbon dioxide-rich
 Oxygen movement into
the blood
– The alveoli always has
more oxygen than the
– Oxygen moves by
diffusion from an area of
high concentration to an
area of low concentration
Carbon dioxide
movement out of the
– Blood returning from
tissues has higher
concentrations of carbon
dioxide than air in the
– Pulmonary capillary
blood gives up carbon
Blood leaving the lungs
is oxygen-rich and
carbon dioxide-poor
B. Internal Respiration
 Exchange
of gases
between blood and
body cells
 An opposite
reaction to what
occurs in the lungs
– Carbon dioxide
diffuses out of
tissue to blood
– Oxygen diffuses
from blood into
C. Gas Transport
 Oxygen
transport in the blood
– Inside red blood cells attached to
hemoglobin (oxyhemoglobin [HbO2])
– A small amount is dissolved in the
 Carbon
dioxide transport in the blood
– Most is transported in the plasma as
bicarbonate ion (HCO3–)
– A small amount is carried inside red
blood cells on hemoglobin, but at
different binding sites than those of
V. Respiratory Disorders
A. Tonsillitis – occurs
when tonsils become
inflamed and enlarged
– Can make breathing difficult
– Tonsils are the first line of
defense against pathogens
that enter the pharynx
B. Laryngitis – infection of
– Lead to inability to talk
– Disappears with treatment
C. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
– Major causes of death and disability in the
United States
– Example: chronic bronchitis, emphysema,
1. Chronic Bronchitis
– Airway becomes inflamed and fills with mucus
– Loss of cilia and normal cleansing action
– Caused by smoking cigars, cigarettes, and
some pollutants
 2.
– Chronic and
incurable disorder
where the alveoli
bursts and fuse into
larger air spaces
– Reduces surface
area for gas
– Caused by prolong
cigarette smoking
3. Asthma
– Disease of the bronchi and bronchioles marked
by wheezing and breathlessness
– Airways are sensitive to irritants (pollen,
animal dander, dust, etc)
– Causes muscle in the bronchioles to spasm and
may even cause them to become inflamed
– Treated with inhalers that stop the spasms or
reduce the inflammation
D. Lung Cancer
 Caused
by smoking cigarettes &
second hand smoke
 Lung cancer begins with the
thickening and callusing of the
 Cilia is destroyed
 Atypical cells appear in tissue
 Tumor forms
 Cells break loose and spread to other
organs (metastasis)
 Tumor
can grow until it blocks
bronchi, cutting off air supply
 Lung collapses
 Treatments:
– Pneumonectomy – remove a lobe or a
whole lung
– Chemotherapy
– Radiation