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Plant Structure, Growth,
and Development
Kristin Spitz, Amanda Munoz,
Caity Graham,
Michelle Lamberta, and Sam Noto
Plant Structure
 The plant body has a hierarchy of organs,
tissues, and cells.
 tissue: an integrated group of cells with a
common structure, function, or both
 organ: a specialized center of body function
composed of several different types of tissues
Plant Structure: Organs
 Plants have three basic organs: roots, shoots, and leaves.
Plant Structure: Organs
 Root System: all of a plant′s roots that anchor it in
the soil, absorb and transport minerals and water,
and store food
 Roots anchor vascular plants to the ground, absorb minerals
and nutrients, and store organic nutrients.
 Some plants have a taproot system that consists of one main
vertical root that has many smaller lateral root branching off
from it.
 Seedless vascular plants and most monocots have a fibrous
root system: a mat of generally thin roots spread out below the
surface of the soil, with no root standing out as the main one.
Plant Structure: Organs
 Absorption of water and minerals is greatly
enhanced by root hairs: tiny extensions of a root
epidermal cell, growing just behind the root tip and
increasing surface area for absorption of water and
 Environmental conditions may result in roots being
modified for a variety of functions. Many modified
roots are aerial roots that are above the ground
during normal development.
Plant Structure: Organs
 Stem: a vascular plant organ consisting of an
alternating system of nodes and internodes that
support the leaves and reproductive structures
 Node: a point along the stem of a plant at which
leaves are attached
 Internode:a segment of a plant stem between the
points where leaves are attached
Plant Structure: Organs
 Axiallary bud: a structure that has the potential to form a
lateral shoot, or branch. The bud appears in the angle formed
between a leaf and a stem
 Terminal bud: embryonic tissue at the tip of a shoot, made up
of developing leaves and a compact series of nodes and
 Apical dominance: concentration of growth at the tip of a plant
shoot, where a terminal bud partially inhibits axillary bud
 Modified stems, including stolons, rhizomes, tubers, and bulbs,
have evolved in many plants as environmental adaptations.
Plant Structure: Organs
 The leaf is the main photosynthetic organ of plants.
 Leaves consist of a blade and a stalk.
 Blade: the flattened portion of a typical leaf
 Stalk or Petiole: joins the leaf to a node of the stem
Plant Structure: Organs
 Vein: a vascular bundle in a leaf
 Monocots have parallel major veins that run the
length of the leaf blade.
 Eudicots have a multibranched network of major
 Some modified leaves have evolved to function in
support, protection, storage, and reproduction, not
only in photosynthesis.
Plant Structure: Tissues
Plant Structure: Tissues
 Plants have three main tissue systems: dermal,
vascular, and ground
 Tissue System: one or more tissues organized
into a functional unit connecting the organs of a
Plant Structure: Tissues
 Dermal Tissue System: the outer protective
covering of plants
 Epidermis: the dermal tissue system of nonwoody plants,
usually consisting of a single layer of tightly packed cells
 Periderm: the protective coat that replaces the epidermis
in plants during secondary growth, formed of the cork
and cork cambium
 Cuticle: a waxy covering on the surface of stems and
leaves that acts as an adaptation to prevent desiccation in
terrestrial plants
Plant Structure: Tissues
 Vascular Tissue System: a system formed by xylem
and phloem throughout a vascular plant, serving as a
transport system for water and nutrients,
 Xylem: vascular plant tissue consisting mainly of tubular dead
cells that conduct most of the water and minerals upward from
roots to the rest of the plant
 Phloem: vascular plant tissue consisting of living cells arranged
into elongated tubes that transport sugar and other organic
nutrients throughout the plant
Plant Structure: Tissues
 The vascular tissue of a root or stem is
collectively called the stele.
 The stele of the root is in the form of a vascular
cylinder: the central cylinder of the vascular
tissue in a root.
 The stele of stems and leaves is divided into
vascular bundles: a strand of vascular tissues
(both xylem and phloem) in a stem or leaf
Plant Structure: Tissues
 Ground Tissue System: plant tissues that are
neither vascular nor dermal, fulfilling a variety
of functions, such as storage, photosynthesis,
and support
 Pith: ground tissue that is internal to the vascular tissue
in a stem; in many monocot roots, parenchyma cells that
form the central core of the vascular cylinder
 Cortex: ground tissue that is between the vascular tissue
and dermal tissue in a root or dicot stem
Plant Structure: Cells
 Plants, like any multicellular organism, are
characterized by cellular differentiation.
 Parenchyma cells: a relatively unspecialized plant cell type that
carries out most of the metabolism, synthesizes and stores
organic products, and develops into a more differentiated cell
 Collenchyma cells: a flexible plant cell type that occurs in
strands or cylinders that support young parts of the plant
without restraining growth
 Sclerenchyma cells: a rigid, supportive plant cell type usually
lacking protoplasts and possessing thick secondary walls
strengthened by lignin at maturity
Plant Structure: Cells
 Plants have special water-conducting cells of the
 Tracheid: a long, tapered water-conducting cell that is
dead at maturity and is found in the xylem of all
vascular plants
 Vessel Element: a short, wide, water-conducting cell
found in the xylem of most angiosperms and a few
nonflowering vascular plants. Dead at maturity, vessel
elements are aligned end to end to form micropipes
called vessels
Plant Structure: Cells
 Plants also have special sugar-conducting cells of
the phloem.
 Sieve-Tube Member: a living cell that conducts sugars
and other organic nutrients in the phloem of angiosperms.
They form chains called sieve tubes
 Sieve Plate: an end wall in a sieve-tube member, which
facilitates the flow of phloem sap in angiosperm sieve
 Companion Cell: a type of plant cell that is connected to a
sieve-tube member by many plasmodesmata and whose
nucleus and ribosomes may serve one or more adjacent
sieve-tube members
Plant Growth
 Plants continue to grow throughout their whole life. This
condition is known as indeterminate growth. At any given
time, a typical plant consists of embryonic, developing,
and mature organs.
The length of a plant’s life cycle classifies it as an
annual, biennial, or perennial.
Annual: a flowering plant that completes its entire life
cycle in a single year or growing season
Biennial: a flowering plant that requires two years to
complete its life cycle
Perennial: a flowering plant that lives for many years
Plant Growth
 Plants are capable of indeterminate growth because they have
meristems: plant tissue that remains embryonic as long as the
plant lives
Plant Growth
 Apical Meristem: embryonic plant tissue in the tips of roots and
in the buds of shoots that supplies cells for the plant to grow in
 The process of growth in length due to apical meristems is
called primary growth. Primary growth allows roots to extend
throughout the soil and shoots to increase exposure to light
and CO2
 Lateral Meristem: a meristem that thickens the roots and
shoots of woody plants. The vascular cambium and cork
cambium are lateral meristems
 The process of growth in thickness due to lateral meristems is
called secondary growth.
Plant Growth
 The cells within meristems divide relatively
frequently. Some of the cells remain in the
meristem and produce more cells while others
differentiate and are incorporated into tissues and
 Cells that remain within an apical meristem as
sources of new cells are called initials.
 New cells that are displaced from an apical
meristem and continue to divide until the cells they
produce become specialized are called derivatives.
Plant Growth
 Primary growth produces the primary plant
body: the tissues produced by apical meristems,
which lengthen stems and roots.
 Herbaceous plants: primary plant body is the
entire plant
 Woody plants: primary plant body is only the
youngest parts
Plant Growth
 The root tip is covered by a root cap: a cone of
cells at the tip of a plant root that protects the
apical meristem
 The root cap protects the delicate apical
meristem as the root pushes through the
abrasive soil during primary growth.
 Growth occurs just behind the root tip, in three
zones of cells at successive stages of primary
growth. Moving away from the root tip, they are
the zones of cell division, elongation, and
Plant Growth
 Zone of Cell Division: the zone of primary growth in roots
consisting of the root apical meristem and its derivatives. New
root cells are produced in this region.
 Zone of Elongation: the zone of primary growth in roots where
new cells elongate, sometimes up to ten times their original
 Cell elongation is mainly responsible for pushing the root tip
farther into the soil
 Zone of Maturation: the zone of primary growth in roots where
cells complete their differentiation and become functionally
Plant Growth
Plant Growth
 Primary growth produces the epidermis, ground
tissue, and vascular tissue.
 The ground tissue of roots, consisting mostly of
parenchyma cells, fills the cortex, the region
between the vascular cylinder and epidermis.
 Endodermis: the innermost layer of the cortex in
plant roots; a cylinder one cell thick that forms the
boundary between the cortex and the vascular
 Pericycle: the outermost layer of the vascular
cylinder of a root, where lateral roots originate
Plant Growth
 Leaf Primordia: finger-like
projections along the flanks
of a shoot apical meristem,
from which leaves arise
 The apical meristem
of a shoot is located in the
terminal bud, where it gives rise
to a repetition of internodes
and leaf–bearing nodes.
Plant Growth
 The epidermis covers stems as part of the continuous dermal
tissue system. Vascular tissue runs the length of a stem in
vascular bundles.
Plant Growth
 Stoma: a microscopic pore surrounded by guard cells in the
epidermis of leaves and stems that allows gas exchange
between the environment and the interior of the plant
Guard Cells: the two cells that flank the stomatal pore and
regulate the opening and closing of the pore
Mesophyll: the ground tissue of a leaf, sandwiched between
the upper and lower epidermis and specialized for
Palisade Mesophyll: one or more layers of elongated
photosynthetic cells on the upper part of a leaf; also called
palisade parenchyma
Spongy Mesophyll: loosely arranged photosynthetic cells
located below the palisade mesophyll cells in a leaf
Plant Growth
 The vascular tissue of each leaf is continuous with
the vascular tissue of the stem.
 Leaf Trace: a small vascular bundle that extends
from the vascular tissue of the stem through the
petiole and into a leaf
 The vascular structure also functions as a
skeleton that reinforces the shape of the leaf.
 Bundle Sheath: a protective covering around a leaf
vein, consisting of one or more cell layers, usually
Plant Growth
 The secondary plant body consists of the tissues produced by
the vascular cambium and cork cambium, or secondary growth.
A secondary xylem is added by the vascular cambium.
A thick, tough covering that consists mainly of cork cells is
produced by the cork cambium.
The vascular cambium increases in circumference and also
lays down successive layers of secondary xylem to its interior
and secondary phloem to its exterior.
The vascular cambium is developed from undifferentiated cells
that regain the capacity to divide.
The meristematic bands combine to become a continuous
cylinder of dividing cells. This eventually becomes a cylinder.
Plant Growth
 The vascular cambium appears as a ring, with interspersed
regions of cells called fusiform initials and ray initials. When
these initials divide, they increase the circumference of the
cambium itself and add secondary xylem to the inside of the
cambium and secondary phloem to the outside.
 Fusiform Initials: cells within the vascular cambrium that
produce elongated cells such as tracheids, vessel elements,
fibers, and sieve–tube members
 Ray Initials: cells within the vascular cambrium that produce
xylem and phloem rays, radial files that consist mostly of
parenchyma cells
Plant Growth
 As secondary growth continues over the years,
layers of secondary xylem (wood) accumulate,
consisting mainly of tracheids, vessel elements, and
 Heartwood: older layers of secondary xylem, closer
to the center of a stem or root, that no longer
transport xylem sap
 Heartwoods are closer to the center of the sten or
 Sapwood: outer layers of secondary xylem that still
transport xylem sap
Plant Growth
 The cork cambium gives rise to the secondary plant body′s
protective covering, or periderm, which consists of the cork
cambium plus the layers of cork cells it produces (phelloderm
and suberin).
 Most of the periderm is impermeable to water and gases.
 Lenticels: small raised areas that dot the periderm in the bark
of stems and roots that enable gas exchange between living
cells and the outside air
Plant Growth
 Cells of the cork cambium do not continue to divide so
the thickening of the stem or roots splits the first cork
cambium, which loses its meristematic activity and
differentiates into cork cells. A new cork cambium forms
to the inside, resulting in another layer of periderm.
Older layers of periderm are aloughed off, as is evident
in the cracked, peeling barks of many tree trunks.
 Bark: all tissues external to the vascular cambium,
consisting mainly of the secondary phloem and layers of
Plant Development
 Morphogenesis: the development of body
shape and organization
 Three developmental processes act to
transform the fertilized egg into a plant:
growth, morphogenesis, and cellular
Plant Development
 Modern molecular techniques are helping plant biologists
explore how growth, morphogenesis, and cellular
differentiation give rise to a plant.
Arabidopsis thaliana was the first plant to have its entire
genome sequenced.
A quest has been launched to determine the function of
every one of the plant’s genes.
Systems Biology: an approach to studying biology that
aims to model the dynamic behavior of whole biological
A goal of systems biology is the establish a blueprint for
how plants are built.
Plant Development
 The plane (direction) and symmetry of cell division are
immensely important in determining plant form.
 Asymmetrical cell division is when one daughter cell receives
more cytoplasm than the other during mitosis.
 Plane is determined during interphase.
 The plane in which a cell divides is determined during late
interphase. The first sign of this spatial orientation is a
rearrangement of the cytoskeleton. Microtubules in the
cytoplasm become concentrated into a ring called the
preprophase band: microtubules in the cortex (outer
cytoplasm) of a cell that are concentrated into a ring
Plant Development
 Animal cells grow mainly by synthesizing
protein–rich cytoplasm, a metabolically
expensive process. Growing plant cells also
produce additional protein–rich material in their
cytoplasm, but water uptake typically accounts
for about 90% of expansion.
 Plant cells rarely expand equally in all
directions. Their greatest expansion is usually
oriented along the plant′s main axis.
 Mutants have abnormal microtubule
Plant Development
 Morphogenesis must occur for development to
proceed properly.
 Pattern Formation: the ordering of cells into
specific three–dimensional structures, an
essential part of shaping an organism and its
individual parts during development.
 Positional Information: signals to which genes
regulating development respond, indicating a
cell′s location relative to other cells in an
embryonic structure.
Plant Development
 One type of positional information is associated
with polarity, the condition of having structural
differences at opposite ends of an organism.
 Morphogenesis in plants is often under the
control of master regulatory genes called
homeotic genes.
 Homeotic genes regulate major events, such as
the formation of an organ.
Plant Development
 Cellular differentiation depends to a large extent
on gene expression and positional information.
 The challenge of understanding cellular
differentiation is explaining how cells with
matching genomes diverge into various cell
 A cell′s position in a developing organ
determines its pathway of differentiation.
Plant Development
 Plants pass through phases, developing from a juvenile
phase to an adult vegetative phase to an adult reproductive
phase. In plants the phases occur within a single region, the
shoot apical meristem.
Phase Change: a shift from one developmental phase to
During the transition from a juvenile phase to an adult
phase, the most obvious morphological changes typically
occur in leaf size and shape.
Any new leaves that develop on branches that emerge from
axillary buds at juvenile nodes will also be juvenile.
Phase changes are examples of plasticity in plant
Plant Development
 The transition from vegetative growth to
flowering is associated with the switching-on of
floral meristem identity genes.
 Meristem Identity Gene: a plant gene that
promotes the switch from vegetative growth to
 The protein products of these genes are
transcription factors that regulate the genes
required for the conversion of the indeterminate
vegetative meristems into determinate floral
Plant Development
 Organ Identity Genes: regulate the characteristic
floral pattern: -floral organs – stamen, carpal,
sepal, and petal – develop into whorls based on
 Organ identity genes, also called plant homeotic
genes, code for transcription factors.
 ABC Model: a model of flower formation
identifying three classes of organ identity genes
that direct formation of the four types of floral
Plant Development
 A genes are switched on in the two outer whorls
(sepals and petals); B genes are switched on in the
two middle whorls (petals and stamens); and C
genes are switched on in the two inner whorls
(stamens and carpels).
 Sepals arise from those parts of the floral meristems
in which only A genes are active; petals arise where
A and B genes are active; stamens where B and C
genes are active; and carpels where only C genes
are active.
 The ABC model can account for the phenotypes of
mutants lacking A, B, or C gene activity.