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Chapter 3
Kinematics is the description of motion and includes consideration of each of the following except?
a. time
b. displacement
c. velocity
d. forces
Which of the following does not describe a way in which machines function?
a. balance of multiple forces
b. enhances force in an attempt to increase total force needed to overcome a resistance
c. enhance range of motion & speed of movement so that resistance may be moved further or faster than applied
d. alter resulting direction of the applied force
Which of the following types of machine is most common in the musculoskeletal system arrangements of the human body?
a. pulleys
b. wheel-axles
c. levers
d. none of the above choices are correct
4. Elbow extension where the triceps applies force to olecranon process in extending the non-supported forearm at the elbow
is an example of which type of lever arrangement?
a. first class
b. second class
c. third class
d. none of the above choices are correct
Which of the following is not true regarding the force arm of a lever?
a. is determined by multiplying the distance from the axis by the force
b. also known as the moment arm or torque arm
c. is the shortest distance from the axis of rotation to the line of action of the force
d. the greater the distance of the force arm then the more torque produced by the force
Which of the following pairs of variables exhibits an inverse relationship?
a. the force and the force arm
b. the resistance and the resistance arm
c. both of the above statements exhibit an inverse relationship
d. none of the above choices are correct
7. Which of the following statements is false regarding the proportional relationship between force components and resistance
a. the closer the force application is to the axis of rotation the greater the amount of resistance that can be moved
b. if either of the resistance components increase, there must be an increase in one or both of force components
c. the greater resistance or resistance arm requires greater force or longer force arm
d. the greater the force or force arm allows a greater amount of resistance to be moved or a longer resistance arm to
be used
Which of the following is a possible advantage of a wheel axle mechanical arrangement?
a. increased force
b. increased range of motion
c. decreased speed of movement
d. decreased range of motion
Which of the following is not considered to be a law of motion and physical activity?
a. body motion is produced or started by some action of muscular system
b. motion cannot occur without a force
c. the muscular system is source of force in humans
d. there are three types of motion
10. Which of the following is a type of linear motion?
a. angular motion
b. curvilinear motion
c. angulolinear motion
d. curviangular motion
11. Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between linear and angular motion?
a. angular motion of the joints produces linear motion
b. linear motion of the joints produces angular motion
c. both of the above choices are correct
d. none of the above choices are correct
12. Which of the following is Newton’s Law of Inertia?
a. for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction
b. a body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted on by a force
c. a change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it
d. none of the choices are correct
13. Which of the following is the Law of Acceleration?
a. for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction
b. a body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted on by a force
c. a change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it
d. none of the above choices are correct
14. Which of the following is the Law of Reaction?
a. for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction
b. a body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted on by a force
c. a change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it
d. none of the above choices are correct
15. Which of the following is an example of a type of friction?
a. static
b. kinetic
c. both of the above choices are correct
d. none of the above choices are correct
16. Which of the following is not among the general factors that positively affect the achievement of balance?
a. the center of gravity falls outside the base of support
b. a larger base of support
c. a greater weight of an object
d. a lower center of gravity
17. Which of the following statements is false regarding forces?
a. may either push or pull on an object
b. product of mass and acceleration
c. without forces acting on an object there would be no motion
d. relative to the mass of an object
18. Which of the following is not an example the result of excessive tissue deformation due to mechanical loading?
a. compression
b. straightening
c. shear
d. bending
19. Which of the following factors may enhance stability?
a. lowering the body's center of gravity within the base of support
b. moving the body’s center of gravity closer to the center of the base of support
c. both of the above choices are correct
d. none of the above choices are correct
20. Which of the following definitions is correct?
a. rolling friction is always much less that static or kinetic friction
b. static equilibrium is when the body is at rest or completely motionless
c. both of the above choices are correct
d. none of the above choices are correct