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1. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below which represents a flat racetrack as
viewed from above, with the radii of its two curves indicated. A car with a mass of 1,000 kilograms
moves counterclockwise around the track at a constant speed of 20 meters per second.
Compared to the kinetic energy of the car while moving from A to D, the kinetic energy of the car
while moving from D to C is
A) less
B) greater
C) the same
2. If a car is traveling at an average speed of 60
kilometers per hour, how long does it take to travel 12
A) 0.2 hour
C) 0.72 hour
B) 0.5 hour
D) 5.0 hours
3. Without air resistance, a kicked ball would reach a
maximum height of 6.7 meters and land 38 meters
away. With air resistance, the ball would travel
A) 6.7 m vertically and more than 38 m horizontally
B) 38 m horizontally and less than 6.7 m vertically
C) more than 6.7 m vertically and less than 38 m
D) less than 38 m horizontally and less than 6.7 m
4. The average speed of a plane was 600 kilometers per
hour. How long did it take the plane to travel 120
A) 0.2 hour
C) 0.7 hour
B) 0.5 hour
D) 5 hours
5. An object starts from rest and accelerates uniformly
down an incline. If the object reaches a speed of 40
meters per second in 5 seconds, its average speed is
A) 8 m/sec
C) 20 m/sec
B) 10 m/sec
D) 30 m/sec
6. An object initially at rest accelerates at 5 meters per
second 2 until it attains a speed of 30 meters per
second. What distance does the object move while
A) 30 m
C) 3 m
B) 90 m
D) 600 m
7. A car accelerates uniformly from rest at 3.2 m/s 2.
When the car has traveled a distance of 40. meters, its
speed will be
A) 8.0 m/s
C) 16 m/s
B) 12.5 m/s
D) 128 m/s
8. A rocket initially at rest on the ground lifts off
vertically with a constant acceleration of 2.0 × 101
meters per second 2. How long will it take the rocket
to reach an altitude of 9.0 × 103 meters?
A) 3.0 × 10 1 s
C) 4.5 × 10 2 s
B) 4.3 × 10 1 s
D) 9.0 × 10 2 s
9. A truck, initially traveling at a speed of 22 meters per
second, increases speed at a constant rate of 2.4
meters per second 2 for 3.2 seconds. What is the total
distance traveled by the truck during this 3.2-second
time interval?
A) 12 m B) 58 m C) 70. m D) 83 m
10. The speed of a car is decreased uniformly from 30.
meters per second to 10. meters per second in 4.0
seconds. The magnitude of the car’s acceleration is
A) 5.0 m/s 2
C) 20. m/s 2
B) 10. m/s 2
D) 40. m/s 2
11. An object originally at rest is uniformly accelerated
along a straight-line path to a speed of 8.0 meters per
second in 2.0 seconds. What was the acceleration of
the object?
A) 0.25 m/s 2
C) 16 m/s 2
A) 0.62 s
C) 1.6 s
B) 1.2 s
D) 2.5 s
17. The displacement-time graph below represents the
motion of a cart along a straight line.
B) 10. m/s 2
D) 4.0 m/s 2
12. Objects A and B are dropped from rest near Earth's
surface. Object A has mass m and object B has mass
2m. After 2 seconds of free fall, object A has a speed
v and has fallen a distance d. What are the speed and
distance of fall of object B after 2 seconds of free
16. An astronaut drops a hammer from 2.0 meters above
the surface of the Moon. If the acceleration due to
gravity on the Moon is 1.62 meters per second 2, how
long will it take for the hammer to fall to the Moon’s
speed = v/2; distance = d/2
speed = v; distance = d
speed = v/2; distance = 2d
speed = 2v; distance = 2d
During which interval was the cart accelerating?
18. The graph below represents the relationship between
distance and time for an object.
13. A ball is thrown vertically upward with an initial
velocity of 29.4 meters per second. What is the
maximum height reached by the ball? [Neglect
A) 14.7 m
C) 44.1 m
B) 29.4 m
D) 88.1 m
14. A book of mass m falls freely from rest to the floor
from the top of a desk of height h. What is the speed
of the book upon striking the floor?
15. An object is allowed to fall freely near the surface of
a planet. The object falls 54 meters in the first 3.0
seconds after it is released. The acceleration due to
gravity on that planet is
A) 6.0 m/s 2
C) 27 m/s 2
B) 12 m/s 2
D) 108 m/s 2
What is the instantaneous speed of the object at t =
5.0 seconds?
A) 0 m/s
C) 5.0 m/s
B) 2.0 m/s
D) 4.0 m/s
19. The graph below represents the relationship between
speed and time for an object moving along a straight
What is the total distance traveled by the object
during the first 4 seconds?
A) 5 m
B) 20 m C) 40 m D) 80 m
20. Base your answer to the following question on the graph below, which represents the motion of a car
during a 6.0-second time interval.
What is the acceleration of the car at t = 5.0 seconds?
A) 0.0 m/s 2
B) 2.0 m/s 2
C) 2.5 m/s 2
D) 10. m/s 2
21. Which graph best represents the relationship
between velocity and time for an object which
accelerates uniformly for 2 seconds, then moves at a
constant velocity for 1 second, and finally
decelerates for 3 seconds?
Cars A and B both start from rest at the same
location at the same time.
Compared to the speed of car B at 6 seconds, the
speed of car A at 6 seconds is
A) less
C) the same
22. The diagram below represents the relationship
between velocity and time of travel for four cars, A,
B, C, and D, in straight-line motion.
Which car has the greatest acceleration during the
time interval 10. seconds to 15 seconds?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
B) greater
24. Which graph best represents an object in equilibrium moving in a straight line?
25. A 5.00-kilogram block slides along a horizontal,
frictionless surface at 10.0 meters per second for
4.00 seconds. The magnitude of the block's
momentum is
A) 200. kg m/s
C) 20.0 kg m/s
B) 50.0 kg m/s
D) 12.5 kg m/s
26. A 5-newton ball and a 10-newton ball are released
simultaneously from a point 50 meters above the
surface of the Earth. Neglecting air resistance,
which statement is true?
A) The 5-N ball will have a greater acceleration
than the 10-N ball.
B) The 10-N ball will have a greater acceleration
than the 5-N ball.
C) At the end of 3 seconds of free-fall, the 10-N
ball will have a greater momentum than the
5-N ball.
D) At the end of 3 seconds of free-fall, the 5-N ball
will have a greater momentum than the 10-N
27. A bicycle and its rider have a combined mass of 80.
kilograms and a speed of 6.0 meters per second.
What is the magnitude of the average force needed
to bring the bicycle and its rider to a stop in 4.0
A) 1.2 × 10 2 N
C) 4.8 × 10 2 N
B) 3.2 × 10 2 N
D) 1.9 × 10 3 N
28. A motorcycle being driven on a dirt path hits a rock.
Its 60.-kilogram cyclist is projected over the
handlebars at 20. meters per second into a haystack.
If the cyclist is brought to rest in 0.50 second, the
magnitude of the average force exerted on the cyclist
by the haystack is
A) 6.0 × 10 1 N
C) 1.2 ×10 3 N
B) 5.9 ×10 2 N
D) 2.4 × 10 3 N
29. A 6.0-kilogram block, sliding to the east across a
horizontal, frictionless surface with a momentum of
30. kilogram•meters per second, strikes an obstacle.
The obstacle exerts an impulse of 10.
newton•seconds to the west on the block. The speed
of the block after the collision is
A) 1.7 m/s
C) 5.0 m/s
B) 3.3 m/s
D) 20. m/s
30. The diagram below represents two masses before
33. As shown in the diagrams below, a lump of clay
and after they collide. Before the collision, mass mA
travels horizontally to the right toward a block at rest
is moving to the right with speed v, and mass mB is
on a frictionless surface. Upon collision, the clay
at rest. Upon collision, the two masses stick together.
and the block stick together and move to the right.
Which expression represents the speed, v', of the
masses after the collision? [Assume no outside
forces are acting on mA or mB.]
31. A 3.1 kilogram gun initially at rest is free to move.
When a 0.015-kilogram bullet leaves the gun with a
speed of 500. meters per second, what is the speed
of the gun?
A) 0.0 m/s
C) 7.5 m/s
B) 2.4 m/s
D) 500. m/s
32. In the diagram below, a block of mass
initially at
rest on a frictionless horizontal surface is struck by a
bullet of mass moving with horizontal velocity .
What is the velocity of the bullet-block system after
the bullet embeds itself in the block?
Compared to the total momentum of the clay and the
block before the collision, the momentum of the
clay-block system after the collision is
A) less
C) the same
B) greater
34. A woman with horizontal velocity v 1 jumps off a
dock into a stationary boat. After landing in the boat,
the woman and the boat move with velocity v 2.
Compared to velocity v 1, velocity v 2 has
the same magnitude and the same direction
the same magnitude and opposite direction
smaller magnitude and the same direction
larger magnitude and the same direction
35. A ball rolls through a hollow semicircular tube lying
flat on a horizontal tabletop. Which diagram best
shows the path of the ball after emerging from the
tube, as viewed from above?
36. If the sum of all the forces acting on a moving object
is zero, the object will
slow down and stop
change the direction of its motion
accelerate uniformly
continue moving with constant velocity
37. The force required to accelerate a 2.0-kilogram mass
at 4.0 meters per second 2 is
A) 6.0 N B) 2.0 N C) 8.0 N D) 16 N
38. A 25-newton horizontal force northward and a
35-newton horizontal force southward act
concurrently on a 15-kilogram object on a
frictionless surface. What is the magnitude of the
object's acceleration?
A) 0.67 m/s 2
C) 2.3 m/s 2
B) 1.7 m/s 2
D) 4.0 m/s 2
39. A 2.0-kilogram body is initially traveling at a
velocity of 40. meters per second east. If a constant
force of 10. newtons due east is applied to the body
for 5.0 seconds, the final speed of the body is
A) 15 m/s
C) 65 m/s
B) 25 m/s
D) 130 m/s
40. Earth's mass is approximately 81 times the mass of
the Moon. If Earth exerts a gravitational force of
magnitude F on the Moon, the magnitude of the
gravitational force of the Moon on Earth is
A) F
C) 9F
D) 81F
41. Compared to the mass of an object at the surface of
the Earth, the mass of the object a distance of two
Earth radii from the center of the Earth is
A) the same
C) one-half as great
B) twice as great
D) one-fourth as great
42. When Earth and the Moon are separated by a
distance of 3.84 × 108 meters, the magnitude of the
gravitational force of attraction between them is
2.0 × 1020 newtons. What would be the magnitude of
this gravitational force of attraction if Earth and the
Moon were separated by a distance of 1.92 × 108
A) 5.0 × 10 19 N
C) 4.0 × 10 20 N
B) 2.0 × 10 20 N
D) 8.0 × 10 20 N
43. Which graph represents the relationship between the magnitude of the gravitational force, Fg,
between two masses and the distance, r, between the centers of the masses?
44. On the surface of Earth, a spacecraft has a mass of
2.00 x 10 4 kilograms. What is the mass of the
spacecraft at a distance of one Earth radius above
Earth's surface?
A) 5.00 × 10 3 kg
C) 4.90 × 10 4 kg
B) 2.00 × 10 4 kg
D) 1.96 × 10 5 kg
45. A person weighing 785 newtons on the surface of
Earth would weigh 298 newtons on the surface of
Mars. What is the magnitude of the gravitational
field strength on the surface of Mars?
A) 2.63 N/kg
C) 6.09 N/kg
B) 3.72 N/kg
D) 9.81 N/kg
46. Base your answer to the following question on the information below.
A boy pushes his wagon at constant speed along a level sidewalk. The graph below represents the
relationship between the horizontal force exerted by the boy and the distance the wagon moves.
As the boy pushes the wagon, what happens to the wagon's energy?
A) Gravitational potential energy increases. B) Gravitational potential energy decreases.
C) Internal energy increases.
D) Internal energy decreases.
Base your answers to questions 47 and 48 on the diagram below which shows a cart held motionless
by an external force F on a frictionless incline.
47. If the gravitational potential energy of the cart at point A is zero, the gravitational potential energy of
the cart at point C is
A) 4.9 J
B) 10 J
C) 49 J
D) 98 J
48. If the cart were allowed to move from point C to point A, the gravitational potential energy of the cart
A) decrease
C) remain the same
B) increase
49. A 0.50-kilogram puck sliding on a horizontal
shuffleboard court is slowed to rest by a frictional
force of 1.2 newtons. What is the coefficient of
kinetic friction between the puck and the surface of
the shuffleboard court?
A) 0.24 B) 0.42 C) 0.60 D) 4.1
50. A car’s performance is tested on various horizontal
road surfaces. The brakes are applied, causing the
rubber tires of the car to slide along the road without
rolling. The tires encounter the greatest force of
friction to stop the car on
A) dry concrete
C) wet concrete
B) dry asphalt
D) wet asphalt
51. As more force is applied to a steel box sliding on a
steel surface, the coefficent of kinetic friction will
A) decrease
C) remain the same
B) increase
52. Two 20.-newton forces act concurrently on an
object. What angle between these forces will
produce a resultant force with the greatest
A) 0º
B) 45º
C) 90.º
D) 180.º
53. The diagram below shows a 1.0 × 10 5-newton truck
at rest on a hill that makes an angle of 8.0° with the
What is the component of the truck's weight parallel
to the hill?
A) 1.4
C) 1.4
10 3 N
10 4 N
B) 1.0
D) 9.9
10 4 N
10 4 N
54. Which two terms represent a vector quantity and the
scalar quantity of the vector’s magnitude,
acceleration and velocity
weight and force
speed and time
displacement and distance
55. If the speed of a moving object is doubled, the
kinetic energy of the object is
A) halved
C) unchanged
B) doubled
D) quadrupled
56. Which graph represents the relationship between the kinetic energy and the speed of a freely falling
57. Which statement describes the kinetic energy and
total mechanical energy of a block as it is pulled at
constant speed up an incline?
A) Kinetic energy decreases and total mechanical
energy increases.
B) Kinetic energy decreases and total mechanical
energy remains the same.
C) Kinetic energy remains the same and total
mechanical energy increases.
D) Kinetic energy remains the same and total
mechanical energy remains the same.
58. Which graph represents the relationship between the gravitational potential energy (GPE) of an
object near the surface of Earth and its height above the surface of Earth?
59. The diagram below shows a toy cart possessing 16
joules of kinetic energy traveling on a frictionless,
horizontal surface toward a horizontal spring.
If the cart comes to rest after compressing the spring
a distance of 1.0 meter, what is the spring constant
of the spring?
A) 32 N/m
C) 8.0 N/m
B) 16 N/m
D) 4.0 N/m
60. Below is a graph representing the elongation of a
spring as different forces are added to it.
What is the value of the spring constant?
A) 0.1 m/N
C) 10 m/N
B) 0.1 N/m
D) 10 N/m
61. Which graph best represents the greatest amount of work?
62. A horizontal force of 40 Newtons pushes a block
along a level table at a constant speed of 2 meters
per second. How much work is done on the block in
6 seconds?
A) 80 J
B) 120 J C) 240 J D) 480 J
63. A student pulls a block 3.0 meters along a horizontal
surface at constant velocity. The diagram below
shows the components of the force exerted on the
block by the student.
How much work is done against friction?
A) 18 J
B) 24 J
C) 30. J D) 42 J
64. The watt second is a unit of
potential difference
electric field strength
65. The graph below represents the work done against gravity by a student as she walks up a flight of
stairs at constant speed.
Compared to the power generated by the student after 2.0 seconds, the power generated by the
student after 4.0 seconds is
A) the same
C) half as great
B) twice as great
D) four times as great
66. A 70.-kilogram cyclist develops 210 watts of power
while pedaling at a constant velocity of 7.0 meters
per second east. What average force is exerted
eastward on the bicycle to maintain this constant
A) 490 N
C) 3.0 N
B) 30. N
D) 0 N
67. A girl weighing 500. newtons takes 50. seconds to
climb a flight of stairs 18 meters high. Her power
output vertically is
A) 9,000 W
C) 1,400 W
B) 4,000 W
D) 180 W
68. A car uses its brakes to stop on a level road. During
this process, there must be a conversion of kinetic
energy into
71. An electrical generator in a science classroom makes
a lightbulb glow when a student turns a hand crank
on the generator. During its operation, this generator
chemical energy to electrical energy
mechanical energy to electrical energy
electrical energy to mechanical energy
electrical energy to chemical energy
72. A wound spring provides the energy to propel a toy
car across a level floor. At time t i,the car is
moving-at speed v i across the floor and the spring is
unwinding, as shown below. At time t f, the spring
has fully unwound and the car has coasted to a stop.
light energy
nuclear energy
gravitational potential energy
internal energy
69. A 25-gram paper cup falls from rest off the edge of a
tabletop 0.90 meter above the floor. If the cup has
0.20 joule of kinetic energy when it hits the floor,
what is the total amount of energy converted into
internal (thermal) energy during the cup’s fall?
A) 0.02 J
C) 2.2 J
B) 0.22 J
D) 220 J
70. The diagram below shows an ideal simple
Which statement best describes the transformation
of energy that occurs between the t i and t f?
A) Gravitational potential energy at t i is converted
to internal energy at t f.
B) Elastic potential energy at t i is converted to
kinetic energy at t f.
C) Both elastic potential energy and kinetic energy
at t i are converted to internal energy at t f.
D) Both kinetic energy and internal energy at t i are
converted to elastic potential energy at t f.
73. As a pendulum moves from the bottom of its swing
to the top of its swing, the
As the pendulum swings from position A to position
B, what happens to its total mechanical energy?
[Neglect friction]
A) It decreases.
B) It increases.
C) It remains the same.
A) kinetic energy of the pendulum increases
B) kinetic energy of the pendulum remains the
C) potential energy of the pendulum decreases
D) potential energy of the pendulum increases
74. Base your answer to the following question on the
following information. In the diagram below, a
10.-kilogram sphere, A, is projected horizontally
with a velocity of 30. meters per second due east
from a height of 20. meters above level ground. At
the same instant, a 20.-kilogram sphere, B, is
projected horizontally with a velocity of 10. meters
per second due west from a height of 80. meters
above level ground. [Neglect air friction.]
77. Base your answer to the following question on the
information below.
Projectile A is launched horizontally at a speed
of 20. meters per second from the top of a cliff
and strikes a level surface below, 3.0 seconds
later. Projectile B is launched horizontally from
the same location at a speed of 30. meters per
Approximately how high is the cliff?
A) 29 m
C) 60. m
B) 44 m
D) 104 m
78. Which graph best represents the relationship
between the velocity of an object thrown straight
upward from Earth’s surface and the time that
elapses while it is in the air? [Neglect friction.]
Initially, the spheres are separated by a horizontal
distance of 100. meters. What is the horizontal
separation of the spheres at the end of 1.5 seconds?
A) 15 m B) 30 m C) 40. m D) 45 m
75. Base your answer to the following question on
the information below.
A ball is projected vertically upward from the
surface of the Earth with an initial speed of +49
meters per second. The ball reaches its maximum
height in 5.0 seconds. (Disregard air resistance.)
What is the total displacement of the ball from the
time it is thrown until it returns to the point from
which it was thrown?
A) 248 m
C) 49 m
B) 9.8 m
D) 0 m
76. A baseball is thrown at an angle of 40.0° above the
horizontal. The horizontal component of the
baseball’s initial velocity is 12.0 meters per second.
What is the magnitude of the ball’s initial velocity?
A) 7.71 m/s
C) 15.7 m/s
B) 9.20 m/s
D) 18.7 m/s
79. The diagram below represents the path of an object
after it was thrown.
What happens to the object's acceleration as it
travels from A to B? [Neglect friction.]
A) It decreases.
B) It increases.
C) It remains the same.
80. A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of 120
meters per second at an angle, , above the
horizontal. If the projectile's initial horizontal speed
is 55 meters per second, then angle measures
A) 13°
B) 27°
C) 63°
D) 75°
81. Base your answer to the following question on the
diagram below which represents a ball being kicked
by a foot and rising at an angle of 30.º from the
horizontal. The ball has an initial velocity of 5.0
meters per second. [Neglect friction.]
What is the magnitude of the horizontal component
of the ball's initial velocity?
A) 2.5 m/s
C) 5.0 m/s
B) 4.3 m/s
D) 8.7 m/s
82. A ball is fired vertically upward at 5.0 meters per
second from a cart moving horizontally to the right
at 2.0 meters per second. Which vector best
represents the resultant velocity of the ball when
83. A soccer ball kicked on a level field has an initial
vertical velocity component of 15.0 meters per
second. Assuming the ball lands at the same height
from which it was kicked, what is the total time the
ball is in the air? [Neglect friction.]
A) 0.654 s
C) 3.06 s
B) 1.53 s
D) 6.12
84. A projectile launched at an angle of 45° above the
horizontal travels through the air. Compared to the
projectile’s theoretical path with no air friction, the
actual trajectory of the projectile with air friction is
A) lower and shorter B) lower and longer
C) higher and shorter D) higher and longer
85. A volleyball hit into the air has an initial speed of 10. meters per second. Which vector best
represents the angle above the horizontal that the ball should be hit to remain in the air for the
greatest amount of time?
86. A machine launches a tennis ball at an angle of 25°
above the horizontal at a speed of 14 meters per
second. The ball returns to level ground. Which
combination of changes must produce an increase in
time of flight of a second launch?
88. Base your answer to the following question on the
diagram below which shows a 2.0-kilogram model
airplane attached to a wire. The airplane is flying
clockwise in a horizontal circle of radius 20. meters
at 30. meters per second.
A) decrease the launch angle and decrease the
ball’s initial speed
B) decrease the launch angle and increase the
ball’s initial speed
C) increase the launch angle and decrease the
ball’s initial speed
D) increase the launch angle and increase the ball’s
initial speed
87. A projectile is fired from a gun near the surface of
Earth. The initial velocity of the projectile has a
vertical component of 98 meters per second and a
horizontal component of 49 meters per second. How
long will it take the projectile to reach the highest
point in its path?
A) 5.0 s
C) 20. s
B) 10. s
D) 100. s
What is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration
of the airplane?
A) 0 m/s 2
C) 45 m/s 2
B) 1.5 m/s 2
D) 90. m/s 2
89. The diagram below represents a ball undergoing
uniform circular motion as it travels clockwise on a
91. A stone on the end of a string is whirled clockwise at
constant speed in a horizontal circle as shown in the
diagram below.
At the moment shown in the diagram, what are the
correct directions of both the velocity and centripetal
acceleration of the ball?
90. An unbalanced force of 40. newtons keeps a
5.0-kilogram object traveling in a circle of radius 2.0
meters. What is the speed of the object?
A) 8.0 m/s
C) 16 m/s
B) 2.0 m/s
D) 4.0 m/s
Which pair of arrows best represents the directions
of the stone's velocity, v, and acceleration, a, at the
position shown?
92. Base your answer to the following question on the
diagram below, which represents waves A, B, C, and
D traveling in the same medium.
Which wave has the longest period?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
93. Which is a unit of wavelength?
A) cycles/second
C) seconds
B) meters/second
D) meters/cycle
94. The amplitude of the wave shown below represented
by the distance between points
A) A and B
C) A and D
B) A and C
D) E and D
95. The diagram below represents a transverse water
wave propagating toward the left. A cork is floating
on the waters surface at point P.
In which direction will the cork move as the wave
passes point P?
up, then down, then up
down, then up, then down
left, then right, then left
right, then left, then right
96. Base your answer to the following question on the information and diagram below.
A longitudinal wave moves to the right through a uniform medium, as shown below.
Point A, B, C, D, and E represent the positions of particles of the medium
The energy of this wave is related to its
A) amplitude
B) period
C) speed
D) wavelength
97. The frequency of a light wave is 5.0 × 10 14 hertz.
What is the period of the wave?
A) 1.7 × 10 6 s
C) 6.0 × 10 –7 s
B) 2.0 × 10 –15 s
D) 5.0 × 10 –14 s
98. The time for one wave to pass by a point is called
frequency of the wave
wavelength of the wave
amplitude of the wave
period of the wave
99. A wave has a frequency of 200 vibrations per second
and a speed of 100 meters per second. The
wavelength is
A) 1 m
C) 3 m
B) 2 m
D) 0.5 m
Base your answers to questions 100 and 101 on
the diagram below which represents the wave pattern
produced by a vibrating source moving linearly in a
shallow tank of water. The pattern is viewed from
above and the lines represent wave crests.
100. Compared to the frequency of the waves observed
at point D, the frequency of the waves observed at
point B is
A) lower
C) the same
B) higher
101. The wave pattern is an illustration of
A) diffraction
C) dispersion
B) interference
D) the Doppler effect
102. Which diagram best represents the shape and direction of a series of wave fronts after they have
passed through a small opening in a barrier?
103. When x-ray radiation and infrared radiation are
traveling in a vacuum, they have the same
A) speed
C) wavelength
B) frequency
D) energy per photon
104. Orange light has a frequency of 5.0 × 10 14 hertz in
a vacuum. What is the wavelength of this light?
A) 1.5 × 10 23m
C) 6.0 × 10 –7 m
B) 1.7 × 10 6m
D) 2.0 × 10 –15 m
108. Standing waves are most commonly produced
when periodic waves arriving at a fixed boundary
of a medium are
A) reflected
C) diffracted
B) refracted
D) dispersed
109. The diagram below shows two pulses of equal
amplitude, A,approaching point P along a uniform
105. Which phenomenon provides evidence that light
has a wave nature?
A) emission of light from an energy-level
transition in a hydrogen atom
B) diffraction of light passing through a narrow
C) absorption of light by a black sheet of paper
D) reflection of light from a mirror
106. An electromagnetic AM-band radio wave could
have a wavelength of
A) 0.005 m
C) 500 m
B) 5 m
D) 5 000 000 m
107. Compared to wavelengths of visible light, the
wavelengths of ultraviolet light are
A) shorter
C) the same
B) longer
When the two pulses meet at P, the vertical
displacement of the string at P will be
A) A
B) 2A
C) 0
110. The diagram below shows two sources, A and B,
vibrating in phase in the same uniform medium and
producing circular wave fronts.
Which phenomenon occurs at point P?
destructive interference
constructive interference
111. Which pair of waves will produce a resultant wave
with the smallest amplitude?
112. A ray is reflected from a surface as shown in the
diagram below. Which letter represents the angle of
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
113. When a pulse traveling in a medium strikes the
boundary of a different medium, the energy of the
pulse will be
A) completely absorbed by the boundary
B) entirely transmitted into the new medium
C) entirely reflected back into the original
D) partly reflected back into the original medium
and partly transmitted or absorbed into the
new medium
114. The diagram below shows light rays in air about to
strike a glass window.
When the rays reach the boundary between the air
and the glass, the light is
totally refracted
totally reflected
partially reflected and partially diffracted
partially reflected and partially refracted
115. Which will generally occur when a pulse reaches a
boundary between two different media?
The entire pulse will be reflected.
The entire pulse will be absorbed.
The entire pulse will be transmitted.
Part of the pulse will be transmitted and part
will be reflected.
117. A ray of light ( f = 5.09 × 10 14 Hz) travels through
various substances. Which graph best represents
the relationship between the absolute index of
refraction of these substances and the
corresponding speed of light in these substances?
116. A light spring is attached to a heavier spring at one
end. A pulse traveling along the light spring is
incident on the boundary with the heavier spring.
At this boundary, the pulse will be
totally reflected
totally absorbed
totally transmitted into the heavier spring
partially reflected and partially transmitted
into the heavier spring
118. What is the speed of light (f = 5.09 × 10 14 Hz) in
ethyl alcohol?
A) 4.53 × 10 –9 m/s
C) 1.24 × 10 8 m/s
B) 2.43 × 10 2 m/s
D) 2.21 × 10 8 m/s
119. In the diagram below, a monochromatic light ray is
passing from medium A into medium B. The angle
of incidence q is varied by moving the light source
122. The index of refraction of a transparent material is
2.0. Compared to the speed of light in air, the speed
of light in this material is
A) less
C) the same
B) greater
123. What is the speed of a ray of light (f = 5.09 × 10 14
hertz) traveling through a block of sodium
When angle becomes the critical angle, the angle
of refraction will be
greater than q, but less than 90°
120. A light ray passes from air into glass as shown in
the diagram below.
A) 1.54 × 10 8 m/s
C) 3.00 × 10 8 m/s
B) 1.95 × 10 8 m/s
D) 4.62 × 10 8 m/s
124. If the speed of light in a vacuum is C then the
speed of light in a medium with an index of
refraction of 2 will be
B) 2C
D) 4C
125. Compared to the speed of a sound wave in air, the
speed of a radio wave in air is
A) less
C) the same
B) greater
126. A sound wave passes from air into water and then
into steel. With each change in medium, the
velocity of this wave will
Which relationship represents the index of
refraction of the glass?
121. A light ray traveling in air enters a second medium
and its speed slows to 1.71 × 10 8 meters per
second. What is the absolute index of refraction of
the second medium?
A) 1.00
C) 1.75
B) 0.570
D) 1.94
decrease, then increase
increase, then decrease