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IBM Software
Information Management
IBM Database Conversion Workbench 2.0
DB2 to DB2 Migration Guide
Version: 2.0.0
Last Updated: July 10th, 2013
IBM Software
Information Management
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Prerequisites................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Overview of the DB2 to DB2 Conversion Process ..................................................................................................... 5
4. Set Up your DCW Environment .................................................................................................................................... 6
Create a new DCW Conversion Project................................................................................................................. 6
Create a new connection profile to the source database ....................................................................................... 7
5. The DB2 LUW to DB2 LUW Task Launcher ................................................................................................................. 9
6. Compatibility Assessment for Migration to DB2 pureScale .................................................................................... 10
Overview of the process....................................................................................................................................... 10
DB2 pureScale Compatibility Report.................................................................................................................... 10
6.2.1. Pre-requisites ........................................................................................................................................ 10
6.2.2. Generate DB2 pureScale Compatibility Report.................................................................................. 10
7. DDL Extraction ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Overview of the process....................................................................................................................................... 11
Extract DDL through a Connection....................................................................................................................... 11
7.2.1. Pre-requisites ........................................................................................................................................ 11
7.2.2. Extract DDL through a Connection ..................................................................................................... 11
Extract DDL by generating a custom extraction script ......................................................................................... 12
7.3.1. Generate a DDL extraction script ........................................................................................................ 12
7.3.2. Run the custom extraction script on your source DB2 database .................................................... 13
7.3.3. Import an existing DDL file................................................................................................................... 13
8. Create the Target DB2 Database ................................................................................................................................ 14
Create and set up the target DB2 database......................................................................................................... 14
Set up Federation on the target DB2 instance for data movement...................................................................... 14
9. Prepare the Target DB2 Database for Data Movement ............................................................................................ 15
Addressing Incompatible Features....................................................................................................................... 15
Split a DDL file...................................................................................................................................................... 15
9.2.1. Pre-requisites ........................................................................................................................................ 15
9.2.2. Split a DDL file into more manageable components ......................................................................... 15
Deploy Objects for Data Movement ..................................................................................................................... 17
9.3.1. Pre-requisites ........................................................................................................................................ 17
9.3.2. Execute the DDL statements to create buffer pools, table spaces, and tables .............................. 17
10. Data Movement............................................................................................................................................................. 19
10.1. Overview of the process....................................................................................................................................... 19
10.2. The Data Movement Engine................................................................................................................................. 19
Pre-requisites................................................................................................................................... 19
Migrate data from the source DB2 database to the target DB2 database ................................. 19
Resuming your data movement ..................................................................................................... 21
Verifying your data movement ....................................................................................................... 22
11. Deploy Remaining Objects.......................................................................................................................................... 23
Database Conversion Workbench
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1. Introduction
The IBM® Database Conversion Workbench (DCW) integrates many of the tools used for database conversions into a
single integrated development environment. Whether migrating from one IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
version (referred simply as DB2 in this document) to another, or rehosting an existing DB2 database, DCW provides an
easy to use framework to take you through the migration process.
DCW is provided as a plug-in to IBM Data Studio, a no-charge graphical tool based on an Eclipse® platform. IBM Data
Studio helps database developers and administrators manage, administer, and develop heterogeneous database
environments for increased productivity and collaboration. For more information, visit:
As an integrated workbench, DCW provides the following benefits to the user:
Common graphical interface with uniform look and feel for all phases of the conversion
A consolidated process with well defined steps based on best practices
Faster enablement for client and partner teams in conversion methodology
Extendable environment as new features can easily be added as plug-ins
Wizards that guide users through all steps of the conversion
The Database Conversion Workbench supports migration from DB2 9.5+ versions to DB2 10.1 or DB2 10.5, including
migrations to DB2 pureScale environments on the IBM PureData System for Transactions. DCW offers the following stepby-step functions to facilitate the process.
1. DCW Task Launcher– An integrated help guide, which provides step by step instructions through the conversion
2. Assessment Report for Conversion to DB2 pureScale – Identifies features in use at the source database that
are not yet supported in a DB2 10.1 or DB2 10.5 pureScale environment. DCW prepares a report that outlines
such cases along with recommended solutions.
3. DDL Extraction – Extracts database object definitions from the source database. The extracted DDL is used to
re-create the objects on the target database.
4. Split DDL – The Split DDL function converts a single DDL file into multiple files, organized by object types. This
helps stream-line your DB2 to DB2 conversion process by providing a much more intuitive code organization.
These files can then be executed against your target DB2 database to create the required objects.
5. Data Movement – Extracts and loads data from the source database to the target DB2 database.
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2. Prerequisites
The IBM Database Conversion Workbench is a plug-in for Data Studio. Data Studio must first be installed on your
machine before installing DCW.
For the DCW 2.0 plug-in, the following requirements must be met:
IBM Data Studio 4.1 full client
o Available for download at:
o DCW 2.0 is also compatible with IBM Data Studio 3.2 but the latest version 4.1 is recommended
For installation requirements and instructions, see the IBM DCW 2.0 Plug-In Installation Guide:
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3. Overview of the DB2 to DB2 Conversion Process
This guide assumes that the reader has fundamental knowledge of DB2 databases. For references and training, see:
A standard conversion has the following steps:
The Database Conversion Workbench provides an integrated environment to help facilitate the DB2 to DB2 migration
process. It includes many functions that will take the user through the migration steps.
It is highly recommended for novice users to follow the process from beginning to end. DCW can support the use of the
various migration functions separately, however, that is beyond the scope of this guide.
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4. Set Up your DCW Environment
Create a new DCW Conversion Project
In order to access the functions of the Database Conversion Workbench, you need to create a new DCW project.
From Data Studio, navigate to menu File > New > Project7 then select the DCW Project wizard.
Enter the Project Name, type of Source Database, and the type of Target Database.
Click Finish. You might be asked to switch to the Database Conversion perspective. Click Yes
to confirm the switch, and note that the following views are available:
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Project Explorer view – lists all projects and relevant files.
Data Source Explorer view – lists all existing DB2 connection profiles.
Administration Explorer view – lists all existing DB2 connection profiles and
provides access to DB2 administration functions.
DCW DB2 LUW to DB2 LUW Task Launcher – launches the various wizards and
help topics.
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Create a new connection profile to the source database
If you can directly connect to the source database from your local machine, you can set up a connection profile for the
source database. This information is stored by Data Studio and provides quick and easy access to the source
In the Data Source Explorer view, right click on Database Connections and select New. The
New Connection wizard opens.
Enter the connection information for your source database
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Select Finish. You can now see the source database listed in the Data Source Explorer view.
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5. The DB2 LUW to DB2 LUW Task Launcher
The Database Conversion Workbench comes with a built in “Task Launcher”, which acts as an assistant to launch the
various steps of the migration process.
The Task Launcher is available after a DCW project has been created, and can be accessed at any time through the
‘Help’ menu. Included with the task launcher are the DCW Help Topics which offer directions on how to access the
various functions through your Project Explorer view, as well as helpful hints and step-by-step guidelines to follow for
your conversion project. These help topics are automatically displayed when a process step is selected in the task
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6. Compatibility Assessment for Migration to DB2 pureScale
Overview of the process
Before starting a database conversion to DB2 pureScale, a compatibility assessment is recommended to accurately
identify any features in use that are not supported in a DB2 pureScale environment.
DCW comes with a simple assessment tool that can inspect your source database for features that are not supported
in a DB2 pureScale environment and present the findings in a report. This report also contains recommended fixes to
commonly known issues.
Note that addressing incompatibility issues are covered in section 9.1.
DB2 pureScale Compatibility Report
• Ensure that you have a connection profile of the source database as outlined in section 4.2.
• Source database must be a DB2 (version 9.5 and higher) database
Generate DB2 pureScale Compatibility Report
i. Right-click on your conversion project folder and navigate to Database Conversion > Create DB2
pureScale Assessment Report. The wizard opens.
ii. In the wizard, select the connection profile for your source DB2 database. Click Next.
iii. On the second page of the wizard, specify the Project Folder to save to.
iv. Specify the name for the report and click Finish.
v. The report opens automatically in Data Studio. If not, it can be found in your DCW project folder.
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7. DDL Extraction
Overview of the process
The Database Conversion Workbench can extract the DDL for the source database objects through an online
connection, or by generating a custom DDL extraction script that can be manually executed by the user.
The DDL extraction process can be accessed using the DDL Extraction Wizard.
In the Project Explorer view, right-click on your DCW Project and navigate to Database
Conversion > Extract DDL. The DDL Extraction Wizard opens.
Extract DDL through a Connection
This is the recommended method if it is possible to directly connect to the source database through Data Studio.
• Ensure that you have a connection profile of the source database as outlined in section 4.2.
7.2.2. Extract DDL through a Connection
The Database Conversion Workbench can extract the objects from an entire database or select schemas.
From the DDL Extraction Wizard, select Extract DDL using a connection. Click Finish. The
Extract DDL through a connection Wizard opens.
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On the first page, select the connection profile of your source DB2 database. Click Next.
On the second page, select the schemas that you want to extract. Click Next.
On the third page, select the model elements that you want to include in the DDL script. Click
On the fourth page, select the model objects that you want to extract. Click Next.
On the fifth page, select your project folder and specify the name of the script file. Verify the
preview of the DDL script and specify the terminator you want to use. Click Next.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are extracting application objects (stored procedures, UDFs, triggers,
etc), you must change the terminator character to “@” then click Apply to avoid conflicts with
SQL PL’s default terminator “;”.
On the sixth page, verify the summary of the wizard. Click Finish.
The DDL file is available under the selected project folder in the Project Explorer View.
Extract DDL by generating a custom extraction script
7.3.1. Generate a DDL extraction script
If a connection to the source database is unavailable, DCW can still help you extract the DDL from the source
DB2 database. This is done by using DCW to generate a custom DDL extraction script, which can then be
manually run on your source DB2 database. Note that the Generate DDL extraction script wizard can also be
accessed through the DB2 LUW to DB2 LUW Task Launcher.
From the DDL Extraction Wizard, select Generate DDL extraction script. Click Finish. The
Generate custom DDL extraction script Wizard opens.
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Complete the steps of the wizard.
a. Specify the name of the source DB2 database.
b. Specify the name of the script file to be created.
c. Select the options that you want the script to do. For the purposes of this guide, it is
recommended that you keep the default options.
d. Click Finish.
The custom script can be found in the directory that you specified.
7.3.2. Run the custom extraction script on your source DB2 database
You can execute the custom extraction script using the DB2 Command Line Processor from a machine that can
establish a connection to the source DB2 database server.
7.3.3. Import an existing DDL file
If you already have a DDL file of your source DB2 database (generate with the custom extraction script or other
sources), you can import the file into your DCW project.
i. In the Project Explorer view, right-click on your DCW Project and navigate to Database Conversion
> Import a DDL file. The Import Wizard opens.
ii. Specify the directory of the DDL file and select the DDL file(s) you want to import. Select the folder
(DCW project) into which you want to import the DDL file. Click Finish.
iii. The DDL file will be imported into your DCW Project, and automatically converted to a .sql extension.
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8. Create the Target DB2 Database
Creation and set up of the target DB2 database require manual steps that are not supported by DCW. Complete the
following steps to create and set up the target database.
Create and set up the target DB2 database
Run the CREATE DATABASE command at the target server to create your target database. For more information on
this command, see:
Alternatively, you can use Data Studio to create the database. These topics can be accessed by selecting Help
Contents from the Data Studio Help menu.
After the database is created, you can adjust the database configuration parameters according to your needs using
the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command, or using Data Studio.
For more details, see:
Set up Federation on the target DB2 instance for data movement
This is an optional step. It is only necessary if you plan to use DCW to transfer the data from the source to the target
DCW leverages DB2 federation capabilities to provide an easy-to-use method to transfer data between two DB2
databases without the need for temporary staging files.
NOTE: Federation with DB2 data sources is available for all editions of DB2 10.1 and DB2 10.5.
To enable federation, the FEDERATED parameter must be set to YES on the target DB2 instance. This is done by
updating the database manager configuration.
From the DB2 CLP, ensure that the instance has been started
Type the following command to enable federation: ‘db2 update dbm cfg using federated yes’
Restart the instance.
NOTE: To verify if federation is already enabled in your target instance, execute the following command from the DB2
CLP: db2 get database manager configuration.
Next, you must catalog the source database in the local database directory of the target DB2 instance. From the DB2
Catalog a node entry to specify the protocol and connection information to the DB2® data source.
Example: db2 CATALOG TCPIP NODE <node_name> REMOTE <hostname> SERVER
Catalog the remote DB2 database under the node you cataloged in the previous step. Example: db2
CATALOG DATABASE <remote_db> AS <db_alias> AT NODE <node_name>.
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9. Prepare the Target DB2 Database for Data Movement
This step involves executing the extracted DDL statements against the target database to re-create the database objects.
Addressing Incompatible Features
Before you can create the objects on the target database, you might need to address some compatibility issues
between the two DB2 versions. For instance, discontinued features must be converted to their equivalent in the target
DB2 version. If the target is a DB2 pureScale database, unsupported features need to be addressed.
DCW does not provide support to automatically address these situations. On the other hand, when the target
environment is a DB2 10.1 or 10.5 pureScale database, DCW can help identify such incompatibilities. Review section
6 for details about how to generate a compatibility report for conversions to a DB2 pureScale environment.
Split a DDL file
The Database Conversion Workbench can split a single DDL file into multiple files that are much more manageable.
The resulting files are created by splitting the DDL statements according to the object types. Note that the Split DDL
wizard is also accessible from the DCW DB2 Task Launcher.
• Ensure that you have a DDL file of the source DB2 database in your DCW Project.
Split a DDL file into more manageable components
Right-click on the DDL file and navigate to Database Conversion > Split DDL Files. The Split DDL
File(s) wizard opens.
Complete the steps of the wizard.
a. On the first page of the wizard, select the statement terminator used in the DDL file. Click Next.
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b. On the second page of the wizard, you can review the list of all object types identified based on
the selected statement terminator. You can expand the trees and double click on the object
types, which opens an example of the SQL file to be created. Verify the split organization and
scripts. Click Next.
The last page of the wizard displays the summary. Verify that it is correct and click Finish to
generate the DDL files.
The new folder, with the same name as the original DDL file, is found in your DCW project. The files
are arranged by object type.
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Deploy Objects for Data Movement
Before transferring data from the source DB2 database to the target DB2 database, the target tables and other
required objects must first be created.
In this step, you use the DDL files from the Split DDL function to create buffer pools, table spaces, and tables on the
target DB2 database.
• Ensure that you have extracted the DDL statements from the source database
• Ensure that the Split DDL function has been executed on the extracted DDL file.
• If applicable, ensure that you reviewed and fixed any incompatibilities highlighted in the Conversion to
DB2 pureScale Assessment Report.
• Ensure that the target DB2 database has been created and it is set up properly.
Execute the DDL statements to create buffer pools, table spaces, and tables
Using the Project Explorer view, navigate to [DCW_project] > [folder_with_split_DDL_files] >
Base Objects.
Execute the DDL statements in DDL_tablespace.sql, and DDL_table.sql.
This can be done by double clicking on the SQL file to open the SQL Editor.
1. Select the target DB2 database in the Connection field.
2. Click the Run button (green arrow button) on the top right corner.
3. The results and status are displayed in the SQL Results tab.
Alternatively, you can use DCW’s Run SQL Files7 command to execute multiple files at
1. Select the SQL file(s) you wish to run. You can also select the folder to run all the
SQL files in a folder.
2. Right-click and navigate to Database Conversion > Run SQL FilesN
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3. Set your statement delimiter to ‘@’. Click Finish.
4. Select the connection profile of your target database. Click Finish.
5. The scripts will execute.
NOTE: Some of the files displayed above might not be present in your project because the
objects were not extracted, or they do not exist in the source database.
NOTE: Besides table spaces and buffer pools, you might also need to execute other DDL
statements to create objects required by your table definitions, such as user-defined types.
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Data Movement
After the target DB2 database has been created and tables are created, you are now ready to move your data from the source
DB2 database to the target DB2 database.
10.1. Overview of the process
The Database Conversion Workbench leverages Federation capabilities of the DB2 database manager to easily
transfer data from one database to another. The Data Movement wizard provides an easy to use method that takes
the user step-by-step to transfer data for entire schemas.
10.2. The Data Movement Engine
10.2.1. Pre-requisites
• Ensure that a connection to the source DB2 database exists
• Ensure that the target database is created and properly set up as described in section 8
• Ensure that Federation has been enabled on the target DB2 server as described in section 8
• Ensure that the source database is cataloged locally in the target DB2 server as described in section
• Ensure that the tables receiving the data have been created on the target DB2 database
10.2.2. Migrate data from the source DB2 database to the target DB2 database
Note that this wizard is also accessible from the DB2 Task Launcher.
Right-click on the DCW Project and navigate to Database Conversion > DB2 Data Movement. The
DB2 Data Movement wizard opens.
Complete the steps of the wizard.
a. Review the requirements on the first page of the wizard. Click Next.
b. On the second page of the wizard, select the source DB2 database. Click Next.
c. On the third page of the wizard, select the target DB2 database. Click Next.
d. On the fourth page of the wizard, specify the alias of the source DB2 database as cataloged in
the target DB2 server (see section 8.2 for details).
e. Provide the user ID and password that is to be used to run the data load. The wizard
automatically populates these fields with the same values from the source database connection
profile, but you can change them as appropriate.
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Select the schema(s) you want to move. Click Next.
g. Select the table(s) you want to move. Click Next. DCW will create the necessary federated
objects based on your selection.
h. In the Summary page, review your setting then click Finish to start transferring the data.
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10.2.3. Resuming your data movement
You can stop the data movement process at anytime by pressing the Cancel button and resume it later.
To resume a data movement job, start the Data Movement wizard again. If the previous job was
cancelled by the user, or errors occurred so that data was not transferred for all tables, DCW will prompt
you to resume the pending job or start a new one.
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10.2.4. Verifying your data movement
Once the data movement job is completed, you can check the log and message files located in the Data
Movement folder in your DCW project. If the data transfer was successful, these files provide a row
count of each table, which can be used to ensure that all data has been moved correctly. In case of
failure, the log files contain detailed information about the errors that occurred.
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Deploy Remaining Objects
After moving data from the source DB2 database to the target DB2 database, execute the remaining DDL scripts against
the target DB2 database to complete the creation of database objects.
1. Using the Project Explorer view, navigate to [DCW_project] > [folder_with_split_DDL_files] > Base Objects
and execute all DDL files.
You can open each individual file using the SQL Editor then press the Run SQL button to execute the
DDL statements.
Alternatively, right-click on the .sql file and select Database Conversion > Run SQL files...
2. Repeat the previous steps for all folders inside [DCW_project] > [folder_with_split_DDL_files].
Note: Depending on the order that DDL statements are executed and dependencies between the database
objects, you might have to execute the DDL statements more than once until all dependencies are satisfied.
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