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The Search for Meaning | A1 Sample answer
Explain the concept of God in two of the three monotheistic
religions. (2007)
This question is asking to define the monotheistic religions different perspectives of God. Monotheistic
means the tradition believes in one God, but who is God?
God is an everlasting, omnipresent, supernatural and powerful being. All three monotheistic faiths, Judaism,
Christianity and Islam, view God differently but they all worships the same God. I will now explain the
concept of God in Christianity and Islam.
Christianity originated from Judaism and as such the history and beliefs have quite a large overlap.
Christianity and Judaism both believe in One Almighty God who created heaven and earth. This God is
loving and caring but also powerful and should be feared. Most knowledge about the Christian concept of
God originates from the Bible. In the old testament of the bible we see the God in the same ways that Jews
see God. “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he
created them.” (Gen 1:27). He is a creator who is very powerful, to whom we owe our existence. He also is
a commander who gave us rules which we must obey i.e. The Ten commandments. Christians feel that in
obeying the Ten Commandments they are living in a moral way as God wants them to. God is also caring
and kind and led the Israelites out of slavery. The full extent of his kindness was seen when God became
The Christian concept of God is threefold. God is not only God the father, but also God the Son. God
fully revealed himself by becoming human. Once human, God was also seen as a teacher. Jesus of Nazareth
who was the Son of God, lived and died in Palestine over 2000 years ago. He taught others about God by
leading by example. He showed that God was forgiving and compassionate not violent. He told parables to
people around him to help them understand God in a new way. He died for the sins of humanity and this is
why Christians see God in a very personal way. The relationship between Christians and God is very
The Search for Meaning| Sample answer
The third aspect of God is the Holy Spirit or holy ghost. This is another essence of God and is seen
as a symbol of love. This is the part of God which is spiritually active in the world on a daily basis.
Christians believe this part of God helps guide them in making the right decisions in their life.
Although these are three separate ideas they join to form the Christian concept of God. There is only one
God in the Christian tradition but He takes three forms. Though His human form was male, God Himself is
not. God does not have a gender.
Islam is the youngest monotheistic faith. It began approximately 1,500 years ago on Mount Hira. The
prophet Muhammad was praying when the Angel Gabriel appeared to him. The Angel was a messenger
from God. Over a period of thirty two years, this Angel recited messages to Muhammad. These messages
were from God. They are the exact words of God. 70 years after the death of Muhammad these were written
down carefully and became what is now known as the Qur’an. This was how God revealed Himself in
Islam. Even in this story God’s distance is stressed. He revealed himself through an Angel. God is not
personal in Islam. He is completely transcendent. Muslims believe they can never fully understand God.
The Qur’an is the main source of information about the
Islamic concept of God. Muslims call God “Allah”. The Qur’an is a book of revelation and is believed to be
the exact word of God. Muslims have a lot of respect for God and His word. This respect is evident in small
daily acts e.g. keeping the Qur’an the highest book in the room at all times. The Qur’an contains many
commandments from God. Muslims take these very seriously and believe that God is very strict. In
countries under the influence of Sharia Law e.g. Saudi Arabia, alcohol is forbidden. This is because it is
stated in the Qur’an that alcohol is forbidden. Muslims see God as their Guide in life and follow His
All Suras (chapters) of the Qur’an begin with the words “Recite in the name of your Lord, the Creator, who
created men from clots of blood! Recite! Your Lord is the most bountiful one, who by the pen has taught
mankind things they did not know.” This excerpt proves that Muslims and Christians alike believe God is a
creator and teacher. God in Islam is not only powerful, Muslims have many adoring names for God. They
The Search for Meaning| Sample answer
have 99 names for God showing how broad their concept of him is e.g. Allah (the greatest name), Al-Rahim
(All merciful), As-Salam (The Maker of Peace), Al- Karim (The Generous).
Islam itself mean “submission” in Arabic. All aspects of life are under God’s command for Muslims.
To conclude, the concepts of God in these traditions may be different but many aspects are
the same. In studying different world religions it is always important to focus on the similarities rather than
the differences. Both believe God is powerful, caring, teaching and created the earth.
The Search for Meaning| Sample answer