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I am the mouth
Who is…
The organ which
expands to inhale and
contracts to exhale?
I am incisors & canines
Who is…
The place where food is
broken down by acids
into a thick soup?
I am the lungs
Who is…
The muscle who pumps
blood around the body?
I am the stomach
Who is…
The vessels that carry
deoxygenated blood
from the body back to
the heart?
I am the heart
Who is…
The place where bile is
I am veins
Who is…
The vessels that carry
oxygenated blood from
the heart to the body?
I am the liver
Who is…
The tube that
transports food from
your mouth to your
I am arteries
Who is…
The enzyme that begins
to break down food?
I am the oesophagus
Who is…
The teeth who tear,
bite and cut your food?
I am the small intestine
Who is…
Where excess water is
removed and waste is
I am saliva
I am the large intestine
Who is…
Who is…
The place where waste
What we get our
leaves your body when nutrients from so we can
you go to the toilet?
grow and be healthy?
I am the anus
I am food
Who is…
Who is…
The system that takes
What we need to do
nutrients from food
regularly in order to
and distributes them
stay fit and healthy?
around the body?
I am the digestive
I am exercise
Who is…
Who is…
The system that
The place where
circulates oxygen around
chemicals from food
the body?
enter your body?
I am the circulatory
I am carbon dioxide
Who is…
Who is…
Gas from the air that we
The amount your heart
do need and use in our
beats, which increases
when you exercise?
I am heart rate
Who is…
I am oxygen
Blood which has picked
Who is…
up oxygen from the
What blood consists of?
lungs to be distributed
around the body?
I am oxygenated blood I am platelets, plasma
Who is…
& blood cells
Blood which has
Who is…
delivered oxygen to the
What is made in the
body and is now on its liver to break down fats
way back to the heart?
in our food?
I am deoxygenated
I am bile
Who is…
Who is…
The liquids that break
Gas from the air that
down your food into a
we don’t need and
thick soup?
breathe out?
I am acid & digestive
Who is…
The sheet of muscle
that makes our lungs
I am the gall bladder
Who is…
The wave like motion
that allows us to
swallow food?
I am the diaphragm
Who is…
The teeth that chew
and grind up food?
I am peristalsis
Who is…
The place where
digestion starts?
I am molars & pre
Who is…
Where some digestive
juices are made?
I am the pancreas
Who is…
The place where bile is