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What MSU Astronomers Will Do with the SOAR Telescope The laboratory The rest of the laboratory Galactic Structure and Stellar Astronomy Timothy Beers Bob Stein Ed Brown The MSU Astronomy Group Department of Physics & Astronomy Horace Smith Astronomical Instrumentation Ed Loh Gene Capriotti Extragalactic Astronomy Steve Zepf Jack Baldwin Megan Donahue Mark Voit The History of our own Galaxy Star-by-star Archeology • Growth of galaxies by accretion • Chemical evolution • All elements heavier than H and He were formed by nuclear reactions in stars Small Magellanic Cloud Milky Way The view from Chile Large Magellanic Cloud M31, M32 NGC 205 Timothy Beers: The “First Star”: HE 0107-5240 [Fe/H] = -5.3 [C/Fe] = +3.9 [N/Fe] = +2.4 Elemental Abundances in the Oldest Stars • Long-lived stars from just after initial round of star formation • Found by searches through huge samples • Then detailed follow-up observations with SOAR and other even larger telescopes Wavelength Galactic orbital velocity components as a function of [Fe/H] [Fe/H] distributions in the HK and HES surveys Horace Smith: Variable Stars Large Magellanic Cloud • Keys to astronomical distance scale • Laboratories for stellar evolution • Probes of galactic structure and history With SOAR, variable stars can be studied in detail throughout the Local NGC 6822 Group… The Galactic bulge includes many globular clusters …and in the bulge of the Milky Way Interpreting the data. Our theorists combine physical insight with detailed simulations. Ed Brown High Energy Astrophysics and Compact Objects. • • • What is the structure of neutron stars? How does accretion modify this structure? How do supernovae work? Simulation of an offcenter explosion of a white dwarf star. Distribution of isotopes formed in the explosion, a short time after ignition. X-rays from the surface of an accreting neutron star, detected by Chandra. Interpreting the Data Our theorists combine physical insight with detailed simulations Bob Stein The Outer Layers of the Sun • Convection in the Sun’s atmosphere • The role of magnetic fields • Solar Oscillations • Understanding what the Sun’s continuous pulsations tell us about its inner structure Numerical model of gas flow inside a convection cell Model of a downdraft in the Sun’s outer layers What is the Universe Made Of ? We know these are there, but we don’t know what they are • 73% Dark Energy • 22% Dark Matter • 4% Normal Matter (using E = mc2) This is the only part we see Ed Loh: Size of Universe The Properties of Dark Energy • Spartan Infrared Camera on SOAR: Accelerating Universe. Supernovae xxx Now Time • Dark Energy causes acceleration of expansion of Universe: • Discovered from unexpected faintness of distant supernovae • Will measure Supernovae at still greater distances • Are they really “standard candles”? • Dimming by dust? • Luminosity evolution with lookback time? • Relationship between density and pressure of Dark Energy • Usual assumption: Einstein’s cosmological constant • But we don’t know… • Measuring this relation will help identify what Dark Energy really is Steve Zepf: Looking Back to the Time of Galaxy Formation • Galaxies form in the presence of Dark Matter • Galaxies are where star and planet formation occurs Bottom-up structure formation. • Huge light-travel times we can see galaxies being assembled from smaller units, over 13 billion years ago Use globular clusters to reconstruct the formation history of nearby galaxies Jack Baldwin: Quasars trace the evolution of massive galaxies. Quasars: Luminous quasars visible at huge distances can study galaxies at very large lookback times Gas spiraling into massive central black hole converts gravitational energy into huge amounts of light But also… A nearby mini-quasar NGC 3393 Black Hole Expanding gas bubbles Megan Donahue: Mark Voit: Giant Clusters of Galaxies • Recently formed test details of “bottom-up” formation scenario • Evolution of cluster population sensitive probe of Dark Matter and Dark Energy • Best “fair sample” of matter content of Universe • Dark vs. normal matter “Gravitational lensing” of distant background galaxies measures total mass of foreground cluster Hercules Cluster What we study • Dark Energy • Type Ia supernovae • Galaxy clusters • Dark Matter Astronomy • Evolution of structures • Galaxies • Galaxy clusters • Chemical Evolution • Stellar processes • Elemental abundances in ancient stars • Evolution of stellar populations High Energy Physics Nuclear Physics SOAR MSU’s Laboratory for Astronomical Discovery