Download ** Macroeconomic Stability of Centralized and Decentralized Exchange: Anthropological Data ** This paper revisits an anthropological and historical data set I used years ago, and tests implications about macro-economic stability. It is a companion piece to the "Reciprocal Networks" piece mentioned in the previous section.

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Macroeconomic Stability of Centralized and Decentralized Exchange:
Evidence from Anthropological and Historical Data
June 20, 2005
James Stodder, Lally School of Management & Technology
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Hartford
275 Windsor Street, Hartford CT 06120-1702
(860) 548-7860,, [email protected]
Abstract: Centralized exchange has a worst-case size-complexity measure that is many
orders of magnitude lower than decentralized monetary exchange, in any reasonably
sized economy. As long as its computational limits are not exceeded, therefore, a
centralized exchange may approach Pareto-efficiency more rapidly, and at lower
computational cost, than a decentralized exchange.
Wealth holdings sufficient to guarantee Pareto-efficient exchange may also be more
easily achieved by a centralized exchange. In a centralized exchange, the sufficiency
condition is that the central agent should begin each period with wealth equal to all other
agents’ excess demands. In a decentralized monetary system, by contrast, each agent
should begin each period with wealth equal to its own excess demand. If this centralized
wealth sufficiency is reliably maintained, then it may have – in addition to a sizecomplexity advantage – greater macroeconomic stability than decentralized monetary
Supporting this conjecture, historical evidence and tests on cross-cultural anthropological
data suggest that the first economies with a complex division of labor were centralized
“storehouse economies,” rather than the decentralized monetary systems. Historically,
they can be shown to have been a) longer-lived, b) more common for the earliest
civilizations, and c) less subject to macro-economic instability than economies based
more fully on monetary trade.
Modern information technology and financial accounting, however, may once again be
giving the advantage to centralized exchange. This is due first of all to increased
computational power. But it is also because the central agent need not store its wealth as
real goods – it can hold credits against its members in terms of a centralized monetary
and credit instrument, both a means of exchange and a means of account. The WIR Bank
of Switzerland is a successful example of such a centralized exchange.
Conditions on Endowments for Bilateral Mutually Improving Trade
In a paper on “Primitive Exchange Systems” (Stodder 1995a) I combine theorems from
previous authors (Goldman and Starr, 1982; Eckalbar, 1984) to give conditions on
endowments sufficient for ensuring Bilateral Mutually Improving Trade (BMIT).
Ensuring BMIT allows households to achieve Pareto Efficiency on the basis of voluntary
bilateral trades alone. I then prove the following result:
Proposition 1 (Stodder, 1995a) With concave preferences and clearing prices, BMIT can
guarantee the achievement of Pareto Efficiency in just one period (the time it takes
each household to meet all others), so long as:
a) There exists one household with a store of each good in quantity at least equal to the
total one-period demand for that good.
b) There exists one good held by each household in value at least equal to the total oneperiod demand for all goods.
In condition a) we have one central household with enough of all goods to supply all
demands, while in condition b) we have one central good held by each household in value
sufficient to pay for all demands. I call a) a ‘Storehouse’ economy, based on the centrally
administered storehouses of the ancient Middle East and the Americas (Polanyi 1977).
Its central household is the Storehouse itself. Condition b) is a ‘Monetary’ economy, the
central good being ‘money’.
These conditions are represented in Figure 1 below.
[Please place Figure 1 about here]
Without such conditions, we are likely to confront a failure of the “Double-Coincidence”
of wants, as seen in Figure 2 below. Eckalbar (1984) shows that this double-coincidence
problem is caused by the absence of offsetting demands and supplies among at least 3
households, combined with cyclical preferences for those households. Even a mild
degree of economic complexity (a diversity of endowments, or a complex division of
labor) will make such circumstances virtually inevitable – unless we can guarantee the
appropriate transaction endowments, as in Figure 1.
[Please place Figure 2 about here]
Macro-economic Stability: The Lifespan of Ancient Civilizations
These BMIT requirements of Storehouse seem much more likely to be met than those of
Monetary Trade. Storehouse requires only great centralization of wealth (and, as is clear
from Pryor’s anthropological data (Stodder 1995b) great inequality of political power.)
Monetary trade, by contrast requires an effective redistribution mechanism of monetary
means or credit. Without such a redistribution mechanism, and without highly
centralized information, Monetary trade will require more than one period for
convergence (Stodder 1995a), and may well get ‘stuck’ at a non double-coincidence, and
not achieve full employment of resources.
That the transition from a Storehouse Exchange to a Monetary Trade regime had a
problematic macroeconomic dimension was recognized by the economic historian Karl
Polanyi, who noted that
…the market administration of purchasing power would periodically liquidate
business enterprise, for shortages and surfeits of money would prove as
disastrous to business as floods and droughts in primitive society. (1944: p.73)
There are indeed numerous records of ‘shortages and surfeits’, the two often linked when
shortages led to inflationary ‘debasement’ of the precious metal content of coins. Glyn
Davies, in his massive A History of Money (1994), mentions shortages and debasement
in Athens c. 405 BCE (pp. 66-67) in Ptolemaic Egypt c. 323-30 BCE (pp. 51 and 89),
throughout the history of the Roman Republic and Empire (pp. 88-91), and in early
modern European commerce, many a glut or dearth of silver and gold from the New
World (pp 183-202).
But of course money was introduced because it is so useful for exchange. New sources
of precious metals have often had a highly beneficial effect upon ancient economies, as
the discovery of Silver in ancient Greece and Lydia (pp. 66-67), or the introduction of
silver to the Middle East in the 12th century through the banking activities of the
crusading Knights Templars and Hospitaliers, who greatly advanced commerce and
technology (p. 154). The same rivers of gold and silver which caused serious inflation in
Spain in the 16th century (p. 189), flowed onward to the much larger Chinese economy,
where they fueled a great increase in commerce. There was an eventual downside,
... the sharp decline in bullion imports (from about 1640) had disastrous
consequences for the late Ming economy. Without sufficient supplies of
silver, many people in China were unable to pay their taxes or rents, repay
loans, or in some cases even to buy food.
(Atwell, 1982, p. 89; quoted in Davies, p. 189).
Let us assume, as seems likely, that transactionally adequate stores (and distribution) of a
decentralized Monetary stuff failed much more commonly than the maintenance of
adequate provisions in a centralized Storehouse. Then failure of the double-coincidence
of wants would have been much more a problem for Monetary than for Storehouse
exchange. This directly implies the following conjecture:
Conjecture: Prior to the establishment of widespread banking credit and fiat money,
Monetary Exchange should have been more subject to macroeconomic instability –
crises of inflation and unemployment – than was Storehouse Exchange.
What historical evidence is there for such an inference? Other than the periodic money
‘shortages and surfeits’ mentioned by Polanyi, an obvious piece of evidence is the
lifespan of ancient civilizations themselves – some of them known to have included
centralized Storehouse exchange (as well as monetary markets), and others based
primarily on Monetary Trade.
I have gathered the following table of most of the longest-lived ancient civilizations of
which I am aware.1 To be placed on the list, the civilization needed to have existed for
something on the order of 1,000 years (so the Storehouse-exchanging Incas or Aztecs, for
example, do not qualify). To be conservative, I tried to take a liberal interpretation of
historical continuity for Monetary systems. Thus Greek civilization, although it existed
for several hundred years under the Roman Empire, can be said to have survived until the
fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453, its linguistic, cultural, and administrative
identity intact.
Assignment to the Storehouse or Monetary Category is based on materials in Pryor
(1977), Polanyi (1944, 1977), and the Columbia Encyclopedia (2000). Please note that
while all Storehouse civilizations on this list also used commercial money, not all
monetary systems had significant Storehouse Exchange. By calling the latter mixed case
a Monetary system, we are able to make the following distinctions:
[Please Place Table 1 about here.]
The overall record looks impressive for Storehouse. Not only did most long-lived ancient
civilizations utilize storehouse exchange, but their collective life-span was more than
twice that of Monetary Trade. The average life-spans of the two types are much less
distinct, however. (No statistically significant differences in life-spans were found, either
by regression or Chi-squared tests.)
However, it should be noted that with the exception of China, the Storehouse systems do
not appear to have been very resilient in cultural terms. Greek and Latin influenced
languages are still important for world commerce and literature. With the sole exception
of China, a similar cultural continuity cannot be seen in the Storehouse civilizations
(including the Indus Valley civilization, if it was indeed a Storehouse system).
The individual pieces of evidence are not conclusive. But when taken together – the
shorter lifespan of Monetary systems, their relative rarity among the very oldest
civilizations, and the long historical record of recurrent Monetary shortages and gluts –
all are consistent with our conjecture, based on the assumption of transactionally
inadequate endowments: Monetary trade appears to have been subject to far greater
macroeconomic instability than Storehouse exchange.
This is not to say, however, that Monetary exchange was without its advantages; its
modern ubiquity has made that obvious. In the following sections, I will show why I
believe that modern Information Technology may again make Storehouse exchange a
potent competitor.
Measures of Present Value
Recall from Figure 1 that the transactional endowment condition requires a doubling of
the stored wealth of the economy, with associated inventory costs. In simple traditional
The list in Table 1 omits the Indus Valley civilization. This is because not enough is known to say
whether it was based upon Storehouse of Monetary Exchange. It now thought likely, however, that it
enjoyed links with contemporary Mesopotamian civilizations (Columbia, 2000), and this would make its
assignment to the Storehouse category more credible.
economies, with monetary systems based on simple commodity money, and without
extensive credit, the carrying costs of the two forms of transactional endowments should
be roughly comparable.
Based on this need to double stored wealth for transactional purposes, is possible to show
(Stodder 1995a) that the Present Value of each exchange system converges to:
PV(S) = WS(1- iS)/δS,
PV(M) = WM(1- iM)/δM,
where WS and WM are the one period wealth levels of S and M respectively, iS and iM are
their respective rates of investment to build up inventories, and δS and δM are their
respective rates of time discounting. This is a static representation, and does not account
for how the wealth terms (W) may change or differ.
It can be shown (Stodder 1995a) that the major constraint on iS and iM is that each should
be only slightly larger than its respective long term rates of physical depreciation -- for all
Storehouse goods, πS , and the Monetary good, πM -- in order to gradually build up the
necessary level of inventories, with as little cost to current consumption as possible.
It might seem that for a metallic money-stuff, its rate of deterioration πM should approach
0, and thus it would be easier to build up and maintain sufficient Monetary inventories –
in total quantity at least, if not in distribution. But that may be a modern prejudice,
discounting the record of precious metals being in such short supply with very real
monetary shortages.
Perhaps more important are the discounting terms, δS and δM , which will be influenced
largely by supply side variability and the perceived risks of investment and delayed
consumption. For an agrarian Storehouse economy, such supply side variability may
have been rather low, so that δS < δM . This would have tended to give Storehouse an
advantage in Present Value. I do not have evidence on the physical variability of
provision in agrarian economies versus those with more diversified food sources (cattle,
horticulture, fishing, etc.). And on the analogy of portfolio investment, it may well be
that a diversified food economy is more stable than agrarian mono-culture.
If the argument of this paper is correct, however, and Monetary trade was, at least in
ancient empires, more subject to macroeconomic instability than Storehouse exchange,
then on the basis of risk aversion we would have had δS < δM . If we further assume that
the rates of inventory investment, iS and iM, and initial wealth, WS and WM, were
comparable, then (1) and (2) imply that PV(S) > PV(M). This means that Storehouse
would have had a large evolutionary advantage – something amply contradicted by the
historic record.
The most interesting explanation for this contradiction is that the typical wealth levels of
the two systems, WS and WM , were not comparable. Monetary trade may well have had a
dynamic advantage, and ultimately dominated Storehouse by its wealth alone -- where it
could not do so on the basis of either macro-stability, or, as we shall see, computational
In Pryor’s (1977) economic anthropological data set (analyzed by Stodder, 1995b),
however, the mean Division of Labor and Population measures of the two systems are
virtually indistinguishable, as seen in the Table 2(a) below.
Note, however, that the two systems co-exist in 10 of these societies; there are 27
societies showing one of these exchange systems in Pryor’s data set. As seen below in
Tables 2(b) and 2(c), the Storehouse system alone has significantly lower Division of
Labor than the Monetary system on its own, while a mix of both shows the highest
Division of Labor:
[Please insert Table 2. about here.]
There seems to be a clear pattern here, with pure Storehouse showing the lowest values
for Division of Labor and Population, and the mixed system of both Storehouse and
Monetary Trade showing the highest.
One can create an exchange- system variable with values (Just Storehouse = 0, Just
Monetary = 1, and Mix of Both = 2), and show that it is positively and significantly (at
the 10 percent level) correlated with both Division of Labor and Ln(Population). The
interpretation of this artificial variable remains problematic, however, with no clear basis
in theory.
Why should Monetary Trade have any advantage in terms of Present Value, especially
when it can be paired with Storehouse Exchange? A possible answer emerges when we
consider the question of Size Complexity.
The Computational Size Complexity of Storehouse and Monetary Trade
Norman (1987) has two basic theorems on the ‘size’ complexity of informationally
centralized and decentralized exchange.
An informationally centralized system is one where all information on excess
demands is held by one agent; an informationally decentralized system is one
where this is not true.
Computational size complexity here refers to the longest branch of the decision
tree representing the economy’s exchange to clear all excess demands. Each
vertex of this tree is an arithmetic operation (e.g., 1 + 2 = 3) issuing in one branch
(i.e., one correct outcome), or an inequality comparison (e.g., x ≤ 3) issuing in
two possible branches.
Assume that all prices are Walrasian and common knowledge. Norman then proves the
following theorems about the size complexity of an exchange system X, for an economy
made up of H households and G goods and services:
Proposition 2 (Norman, 1987): In an informationally centralized system X, clearing all
excess demands in one period at Walrasian prices is a problem with an upper
bound of HG on the largest polynomial in its computational size complexity,
written: Sz(X) ≤ O(HG).
Proposition 3 (Norman, 1987) In an informational decentralized system X, clearing all
excess demands in one period at Walrasian prices is a problem with a lower
bound of H2G, written: Sz(X) ≥ o(H2G).
Norman’s results make it clear that Storehouse exchange, an informationally centralized
system, should have a considerable computational advantage over Monetary exchange.
Monetary trade has nonetheless dominated Storehouse exchange in world economic growth,
with centrally planned Soviet-style economies the most recent failure of the latter type.2
What explains this historic failure of Storehouse exchange? Several explanations, none of
them mutually exclusive, are suggested in my earlier papers (Stodder 1995a, and 1995b):
The first, inspired by the Soviet example, is the problem of bureaucracy and
corruption. That the central Store-household must have the power to centralize
inventories (e.g., to tax) is given by the
Secondly, with an increasing population and division of labor, the central Storehouse
may not be up to its computational task. That is, although the size complexity of
Storehouse’s computation is less than HG (Sz(S) ≤ O(HG) ), its computational
resources may have in fact been much less than this.
Thirdly, and even if the size complexity limits are binding, a decentralized Monetary
market may be able to solve its own problem faster; i.e., even though it has a lower
bound that is much higher. This would be directly analogous to distributed versus
centralized computing: More resources may be used in a distributed system, but since
they are used simultaneously, the job can be finished quicker.
Finally, the worst-case size complexity for Monetary Trade, Sz(M) ≥ o(H2G), may in
fact not be binding. There are well-known examples where worst-case complexity is
almost never even approximated, e.g., the simplex algorithm (Gibbons, 1985, p. 252).
On the final point, Norman (1987) conjectures that institutions like central market places
and posted prices have reduced computational complexity far below the worst case limit.
This optimal pairing of centralized and decentralized allocation may help explain a
pattern of the Pryor data:
In Table 2(b) and (c), Monetary trade and Storehouse Exchange are seen to handle much
more complexity, in terms of both population (H) and division of labor (G), when they
are paired with each other, than when either functions in isolation. Note also, that all of
the long-lived ‘Storehouse’ civilizations in Table 1 were in fact systems of a mixed type.
The similarity of the Soviet system to the ancient storehouse economies was explicitly
recognized by Wittfogel (1957); see Stodder (2001).
Why Storehouse Lost Historically: The Argument So Far
We are thus left with the odd conclusion that Storehouse exchange should be far superior
to Monetary trade, in terms of Storehouse’s:
A. Greater macro-economic stability, due to its greater capacity to achieve
transactionally adequate inventories (Section II).
B. Greater present value, because of its greater macro-stability, and thus its ability to
build up these inventories gradually (Section III).
C. Lower computational size complexity, because it is informationally centralized
(Section IV).
Yet in the race to show which exchange system will dominate, Monetary trade has clearly
been the victor over the last few centuries. There are several explanations for why this
should be so, mentioned in the preceding sections:
a) The macro-economic problem of Monetary trade has been partially solved by the
innovations of bank credit, fiat-money, and central banking.
b) A highly diversified agriculture may in fact show less physical variability than largescale agrarian mono-culture.
c) Worst-case size complexity limits may be highly misleading, because of bureaucratic
and computational constraints for the central Store-household, and because of
distributed computing and institutional coordination for Monetary trade.
There is another powerful reason for the success of Monetary trade that I have only
suggested: It may allow wealth to grow much more rapidly. This is suggested by
Wittfogel’s (1957) critique of ‘Oriental Despotism’ – the bureaucratic corruption and
economic stagnation that has characterized the great Storehouse empires of the last few
centuries: Imperial China, the Ottoman Empire, and, much more recently, the Soviet
Those facts are well-known. Pryor’s (1977) data set, however, based on anthropological
records, show a result that confirms this historic evidence. The following regressions
give some evidence that Monetary exchange is correlated with private capital ownership,
with decentralized rain-fed agriculture, and with freeing up males for non-food-related
Storehouse systems use either low-capital or high-capital agriculture (the later using
terracing, irrigation, or plow agriculture). Monetary systems, on the other hand
concentrate on high capital techniques.
Storehouse systems tend to have smaller areas and low rainfall, as seen in their
typical origins in fertile alluvial corridors in arid surroundings. Thus such capital
intensive agriculture as they have tends to be controlled and maintained by the
Storehouse center itself – as in labor levees for repair of irrigation canals.
Animal husbandry is quite typical for Monetary systems. It is well-known that cattle
are one of the oldest forms of money, as reflected in the origin of words like ‘capital’
and ‘pecuniary’. Cattle are of course quite easily privately appropriated, another
example of private capital.
Storehouse systems tend to devote more male labor to food provision, whereas
Monetary trade tends allots this work more to women. Note that while men produce
most food in the Storehouse systems, there is still great inequality of work between
spouses (defined here as women working more than men).
These facts suggest that the private incentives to invest and create wealth, as well as a
stronger tendency toward capital intensive agriculture, may have been responsible for the
growth of decentralized rain-fed agriculture in Western Europe, and Monetary trade’s
eventual triumph on the world stage.
Information Technology May Give Storehouse a Renewed Advantage
One should not be too hasty, however to consign Storehouse exchange, in the old Marxist
phrase, ‘to the dustbin of history.’ Recall that the ancient record of civilizations shows a
greater lifespan for empires which made heavy use of Storehouse exchange, and
considerable monetary instability in those empires that did not.
What if it were possible to combine the macro-economic stability of Storehouse exchange
with the decentralized market incentives of Monetary trade? In another paper (Stodder,
2005), I suggest that it is. The WIR bank (Wirtschaftsring, or Economic Circle) of
Switzerland was established during the Great Depression now has an annual turnover of
more than 1.5 billion Swiss Franks, well over a billion Dollars in US currency. A half
century of data for the WIR bank shows that its credit and money-creating activity is
highly counter-cyclical, indeed, more so than that of the Swiss central bank itself
(Stodder 2005).
The WIR is a more sophisticated answer to the BMIT problem than the ancient
Storehouse. Rather than centrally storing goods, it stores credit accounts for each
member household and firm, and a record of all its unmet bids and asks. This is far more
knowledge than is available to any "central" bank -- the knowledge by which it must
determine the money-supply basis of exchange. The broad monetary aggregates of such a
central bank sit far above the decentralized "real" data in which firms and households are
ultimately interested. To get at this information, a central bank must scan indirect
indicators -- ratings of credit-worthiness and statistical leading indicators, or it can do in
depth surveys, but never in real time.
Of course a centralized administration of purchasing power such as the WIR can still
make mistakes, extending credit too much or too little. Credit "inflation" was indeed
evident in the early history of WIR (Defila 1994, Stutz 1994). Such a centralized
‘Storehouse-like’ exchange, however, will have a better knowledge base on which to
extend credit than any central bank.
If it is true that centralized monetary accounts can provide more macro-stability than a
decentralized money, then the history of Storehouse macro-stability will be of more than
historical interest.
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and Ideology of the Wirtschaftsring," WIR Magazin, September. (Translation by
Thomas Geco.)
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Allocation: Menger's Problem", Journal of Economic Theory, 32, April: 201-11.
GIBBONS, Alan (1985) Algorithmic Graph Theory, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press.
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MURDOCK, George Peter (1981) Ethnographic Atlas, Pittsburgh; University of
Pittsburgh Press.
NORMAN, Alfred L. (1987) “A Theory of Monetary Exchange,” Review of Economic
Studies, 54, 179, July: 499-517.
POLANYI, Karl (1977) The Livelihood of Man, ed. by H.W. Pearson, New York:
Academic Press.
───────── (1944) The Great Transformation: the political and economic origins
of our time, Boston: Beacon Press (1957 edition).
PRYOR, Frederic L. (1977) The Origins of the Economy: a comparative study of
distribution in primitive and peasant economies, New York: Academic Press.
STODDER, James (2005) “Reciprocal Exchange Networks: Implications for Macroeconomic Stability,” presented at the 11th International Conference on Computing
in Economics and Finance, June 23-25, 2005, Washington, DC.
_______________ (2001) "Human Computability and the Institutions of Exchange," in
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Table 1: Lifespans of Early Civilizations: Storehouse & Monetary Exchange
1750 BCE
1994 BCE
3110 BCE
1000 BCE
300 CE
2200 BCE
1300 BCE
500 BCE
3000 BCE
538 CE
1912 CE
332 BCE
1453 CE
1100 CE
1000 BCE
400 BCE
476 CE
1950 CE
Note: Monetary life-spans are underlined, Storehouse are not.
Sources: All dates from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2000; Storehouse/
Monetary designations are from Pryor (1977), Polanyi (1977, 1944).
Table 2: Division of Labor and Population, Monetary and Storehouse Systems
2(a): All: Mixed Cases, plus Monetary or Storehouse Exchange Alone
Monetary Trade
of Labor
Number of
Std. Dev.
Storehouse Exchange
Log of
of Labor
Log of
2(b): Just Monetary Trade or Storehouse Exchange Alone – No Mixed Cases
Monetary Trade
of Labor
Number of
Std. Dev.
Storehouse Exchange
Log of
of Labor
Log of
2(c): Monetary Trade with Storehouse Exchange – Mixed Cases Only
Monetary Trade &
Storehouse Exchange
Number of
Std. Dev.
of Labor
Log of
Source: Division of Labor (“Complexity”) from Pryor (1977); Population data from
Murdock (1967) and the Yale Human Relations Area Files (HRAF).
Table 3. PROBIT Regression
Dependent variable: STOREHOUSE
Number of observations =
Number of positive observations =
Mean of dep. var. =
Sum of squared residuals =
R-squared =
non-occurrences correctly predicted =
occurrences correctly predicted =
total correctly predicted =
33/41 =
8/19 =
41/60 =
Low Capital Agriculture
High Capital Agriculture
Food Produced by Women
Inequality of Spousal Work
Table 4. PROBIT Regression
LR (zero slopes) =
Schwarz B.I.C. =
Log likelihood =
Scaled R-squared =
Dependent variable: MONETARY
Number of observations =
Number of positive observations =
Mean of dep. var. =
Sum of squared residuals =
R-squared =
non-occurrences correctly predicted =
occurrences correctly predicted =
total correctly predicted =
41/42 =
12/18 =
52/60 =
High Capital Agriculture
Food Produced by Women
Animal Husbandry
Sources: Pryor (1977), Stodder (1995b)
LR (zero slopes) =
Schwarz B.I.C. =
Log likelihood =
Scaled R-squared =
Figure 1: Endowment Conditions for 'One Period' Clearing of Excess Demands
STOREHOUSE: One Household holds all goods, in quantities
sufficient to supply all demands in one period.
● = Excess Supply
The quantity of each
good held by the
Store-household is at
least as great as the
entire economy's
excess demand for
that good in one
Each household's
excess demands are
balanced by its
excess supplies.
○ = Excess Demand
One Period = Time in which Households meet each other once.
MONETARY: All Households hold one good, in value
sufficient to pay for each demand in one period.
The value of the Monetary good is at least as great as
the one-period excess demand of the entire economy.
Each household's
holding of the moneygood (a) is at least as
great as its excess
demand for that one
Figure 2: The Non-Double Coincidence of Wants
Say that A wants good a, but has only good c (shown inside A’s circle) to give in return.
C does want this good c, but has only good b to give. Thus one can see that even with
prices at competitive equilibrium (normalized at 1 for all goods), no mutually improving
trades are possible on a strictly bilateral basis, and we are not at full efficiency.
Efficiency could be achieved by each household simply passing its good counterclockwise, or by other multi-agent exchanges. Such exchanges are mutually-improving,
but not bilateral.