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1235 Josey Street Apt 178
Huntsville, TX 77340
Work Authorization: U.S. citizen
Phone: +1 936 661 0894
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
I am Prepared to teach courses at the undergraduate or graduate level on Computer Network, Data
Communication, Sensor Networks, Cryptographic Algorithms, Programming, and Data structures, I am
particularly interested about working in class with strong project components, and further develop and teach
a comprehensive and well-illustrated course in the area of sensor network.
Primary focus: Networking security, Security for wireless sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, and
Sensor Networks. Developing cryptographic algorithms for wireless broadcast networks, security schemes
and communications protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. Other research interest’s areas include Designing
Energy-efficient techniques for mobile ad hoc networks that minimize the energy consumptions of mobile
nodes to prolong the lifetime of the network.
Keywords: Keys pre-distribution schemes, Wireless sensor networks, Security, Mobile ad hoc networks.
Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, TX
Ph.D. in Computer Science.
Research Area: Key Pre-distributions schemes for wireless sensor network with mobile
sink to defend against nodes Captured, Wormhole-Sinkhole attack, and mobile sink
replication attack.
Dissertation title: “Security Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink”.
Advisor: Rabi N. Mahapatra.
May 2010
GPA 4.0/4.0
Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU), Chicago, IL
M.SC. in Computer Science.
December 2004
GPA 4.0/4.0
University of Bahdad, Bahdad
B.SC. in Electronic and Communication Engineering.
May 1999
GPA 7.5/10.0
Member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (2010)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
I conducted lab lectures, demonstrated and assisted students with lab techniques and experiments,
supervised semester projects, and Participated in refining lab experiments, grading exams, and assigning lab
reports, and course grades. I Enhanced students understanding of material by participating in review
sessions, holding office hours, and answering emails.
CSCE 121. Introduction to Program Design & Concepts, TAMU, College Station, TX
Spring 2010
Instructor: Walter Daugherity
CSCE 483. Computer Systems Design, TAMU, College Station, TX
Spring 2007- Spring 2009
Instructor: Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna
ENGR 111. Foundations for Engineering I, TAMU, College Station, TX
Instructor: Hank Walker
CSCE 221. Data Structures and Algorithms, TAMU, College Station, TX
Instructor: Walter Daugherity
CS 200. Programming I, CS207. Programming II, NEIU, Chicago, IL
Instructor: Kenneth Sotak
CS 304. Data Structures, NEIU, Chicago, IL
Instructor: Peter G. Kimmel
Fall 2006
Spring 2006
Fall 2001- Spring 2004
Fall 2001- Spring 2004
Embedded Systems and Codesign Laboratory (TAMU)
January 2010 – March 2011
Advisor: Rabi N. Mahapatra.
Research Area: Security schemes for tolerating nodes capture in sensor networks with mobile sink.
I exploited the use of either the probabilistic generation key pre-distribution scheme or the Q-composite
scheme in conjunction with the polynomial pool-based key pre-distribution scheme to establish a secure link
between a mobile sink and a sensor node on the fly and hence to improve the network resilience to nodes
captures compared to preexisting security schemes.
Embedded Systems and Codesign Laboratory (TAMU)
July 2009 – December 2009
Advisor: Rabi N. Mahapatra.
Research Area: Security schemes to defend against mobile sink replication attacks in sensor networks.
I developed a general framework that substantially improve network resilience to mobile sink replication
compared with the single polynomial pool-based key pre-distribution approach, as an attacker would have to
compromise many more sensor nodes to launch a successful mobile sink-replication attack. This framework
permits the use of any pairwise key pre-distribution scheme as its basic component to provide authentication
and pairwise key establishment between sensor nodes and mobile sinks.
Embedded Systems and Codesign Laboratory (TAMU)
January 2009 – April 2009
Advisor: Rabi N. Mahapatra.
Research Area: Anti wormhole attacks schemes in sensor networks with a control mobility-sink.
I designed a countermeasure attack scheme that eliminate or minimize the effect of wormhole attacks in
sensor networks with control mobility-sink. The scheme used a collision-resistant hash function, such as
MD5, to authenticate the source of the mobile sink beacon signal before sensor nodes are allowed to
transmit their aggregated data to the trusted mobile sink.
Embedded Systems and Codesign Laboratory (TAMU)
August 2008 – November 2008
Advisor: Rabi N. Mahapatra.
Research Area: An energy-efficient data collection scheme in sensor network.
I contrived a hybrid data collection scheme for a class of sensor application where it underlying network
provide sensor reading with varied data delivery constrains (low priority data and high-priority data with high
fidelity and low latency). This hybrid scheme enhances the network performance and reduces it total energy
usage. It implemented the traditional multiple hops relaying methods to deliver high-priority data and a
controllable mobile agent infrastructure which provide substantial energy saving by avoiding multiple hops
relaying for low-priority data.
Embedded Systems and Codesign Laboratory (TAMU)
January 2008 – Jun 2008
Advisor: Rabi N. Mahapatra.
Research Area: Anti wormhole attacks schemes in sensor networks with a random mobility-sink.
I developed, a technique, which allows a sink with random mobility to establish a secure link with any
sensornode on the fly and to defend against threats posed by wormhole attacks and collusion of malicious
nodes. Multiple communication channels available on the sensor hardware were used to depict the feature
of resiliency against wormhole attack and node collusion.
Amar Rasheed and Rabi Mahapatra, "The Three-Tier Security Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks with
Mobile Sinks," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Preprint.
Amar Rasheed and Rabi Mahapatra, "Key Pre-distribution Schemes for Establishing Pairwise Keys with a
Mobile Sink in Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Jan 2011,
Volume 22, Issue 2, Page(s):176-184
Amar Rasheed and Rabi. Mahapatra, "Mobile Sink Using Multiple Channels to Defend Against Wormhole
Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks," The 28th IEEE International Performance Computing and
Communications Conference, IPCCC '09. 14-16 Dec 2009, Page(s): 216-222
Amar Rasheed and Rabi Mahapatra, "A key Pre-distribution Scheme for Heterogeneous Sensor
Networks," The 5th ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference,
IWCMC ’09. 21-24 June 2009, Page(s): 263-268
Amar Rasheed and Rabi Mahapatra, "An Efficient Key Distribution Scheme for Establishing Pairwise Keys
with a Mobile Sink in Distributed Sensor Networks," The 27th IEEE International Performance,
Computing and Communication Conference, IPCCC ’08. 7-9 Dec 2008, Page(s): 264-270
Amar Rasheed and Rabi Mahapatra, "Secure Data Collection Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network with
Mobile Sink," The Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, NCA
'08. 10-12 July 2008, Page(s): 332-340.
Amar Rasheed and Rabi Mahapatra, "An Energy-Efficient Hybrid Data Collection Scheme in Wireless
Sensor Networks," The third IEEE Intl. Conference on Intelligence Sensors, Sensor Networks and
Information Processing, ISSNIP '07, 3-6 Dec 2007, Page(s):703-708.
Amar Rasheed, “Security Schemes for Wireless Sensor network with Mobile Sink”, Ph.D. thesis, May
2010, Texas A&M University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College Station, TX
Programming Languages : C/ C++, JAVA, OTcl, and Matlab
Computer Networks: TCP/IP and MAC layer programing.
Programming Environment & Machine Learning Tools: Microsoft .NET Framework, Linux, NS2 (Network
Simulator II), and SensorSim (Sensor Simulator).
Professor Rabi N. Mahapatra
Professor Dezhen Song
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
and Engineering
and Engineering
520B H. R. Bright Building
311C H.R. Bright Building, College
College Station, TX 77843
Station, TX 77843
(979) 845-5787
[email protected]
[email protected]
Professor Ricardo Gutierrez
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering
520A H.R. Bright Building College
Station, TX 77843
(979) 845-2942
[email protected]