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Chapter 12
Network Protocols
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Protocol: Set of defined rules to allow
communication between entities
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
Transmission Control Protocol/Internetworking
Protocol (TCP/IP)
Internet Protocol next Generation (IPnG or IPv6)
Extension of TCP over wireless
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
OSI Model
Layer 7
Layer 6
Layer 5
Layer 4
Layer 3
Data link
Layer 2
Layer 1
7 layer OSI model
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Physical Layer Functions
Performs services requested by the Data Link layer.
Concerned with the physical characteristics of
interfaces and media.
Representation of bits, transmission rate,
synchronization of bits.
Link configuration.
Physical topology, and transmission mode.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Data Link Layer Functions
Provides functional and procedural means to transfer
data between network entities.
Responds to service requests from the network layer
and issues requests to the physical layer.
Concerned with:
Physical addressing.
Flow Control.
Error Control.
Access Control.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Network Layer Functions
Provides for transfer of variable length sequences
from source to destination via one or more networks.
Responds to service requests from the transport layer
and issues requests to the data link layer.
Concerned with:
Logical addressing.
Network routing.
Flow Control.
Error Control.
Segmentation and reassembly.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Transport Layer Functions
Provides transparent data transfer between end users.
Responds to service requests from the session layer
and issues requests to the network layer.
Concerned with:
Service-point addressing.
Segmentation and reassembly.
Connection control; Flow Control.
Error Control.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Session Layer Functions
Provides mechanism for managing a dialogue
between end-user application processes.
Responds to service requests from the presentation
layer and issues requests to the transport layer.
Supports duplex or half- duplex operations.
Concerned with:
Dialogue control.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Presentation Layer Functions
Relieves application layer from concern regarding
syntactical differences in data representation with
end-user systems.
Responds to service requests from the application
layer and issues requests to the session layer.
Concerned with:
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Application Layer Functions
Interfaces directly to and performs common
application services for application processes.
Issues service requests to the Presentation layer.
Specific services provided:
Network virtual terminal.
File transfer, access and management.
Mail services.
Directory services.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
TCP/IP Model
TCP/IP protocol consists of five layers.
The lower four layers correspond to the layer of
the OSI model.
The application layer of the TCP/IP model
represents the three topmost layers of the OSI
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
OSI and TCP/IP Models
OSI layers
TCP/IP layers
Data link
Lower level vendor implementations
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Internet Protocol (IP)
Provides connection-less, best-effort service for
delivery of packets through the inter-network.
Best-effort: No error checking or tracking done for
the sequence of packets (datagrams) being
Upper layer should take care of sequencing.
Datagrams transmitted independently and may take
different routes to reach same destination.
Fragmentation and reassembly supported to handle
data links with different maximum – transmission
unit (MTU) sizes.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
Companion protocol to IP.
Provides mechanisms for error reporting and
query to a host or a router.
Query message used to probe the status of a
host or a router.
Error reporting messages used by the host and
the routers to report errors.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
Used to maintain multicast group membership within
a domain.
Similar to ICMP, IGMP query and reply messages
are used by routers to maintain multicast group
Periodic IGMP query messages are used to find new
multicast members within the domain.
A member sends a IGMP join message to the router,
which takes care of joining the multicast tree.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Used to assign IP addresses dynamically in a
Extension to Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)
Node Requests an IP address from DHCP
Helps in saving IP address space by using
same IP address to occasionally connecting
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Internet Routing Protocols
Intradomain Routing
Distance Vector.
Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Distance information about all the nodes is conveyed to the
Link State
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
Neighbor information is conveyed to all the nodes in the
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Internet Routing Protocols (Cont’d)
Interdomain Routing
Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)
Forces treelike topology onto the Internet.
Single Backbone and autonomous systems are
connected in parents and children, not peers.
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
Assumes Internet as arbitrarily interconnected set of
Autonomous systems.
Based on Path vector routing protocol.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) over Wireless
Internet employs TCP/IP protocol stack.
Most of the applications require reliable transmission
layer (mostly TCP).
Wireless network must support existing applications.
Packet loss can occur because of random errors as
well as due to congestion.
Decreases efficiency due to TCP’s Congestion
Many other problems like mobility support, demands
modification in TCP.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Solutions for Wireless Environment
WTCP Protocol
Selective Acknowledgement and Selective Retransmission.
Sender can retransmit missing data due to random errors/mobility.
Separate flows for wired (Sender to BS) and wireless (BS to MS)
segments of TCP connections.
Local Retransmission for mobile link breakage
BS sends ACK to sender after Timestamp modification, to avoid
change in round trip estimates.
Freeze-TCP Protocol
Mobile detects impending handoff.
Advertises Zero Window size, to force the sender into Zero
Window Probe mode.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Solutions for Wireless Environment (Cont’d)
Explicit Band State Notification (EBSN)
Local Retransmission from BS to shield wireless link
EBSN message from BS to Source during local recovery.
Source Resets its timeout value after EBSN.
Fast Retransmission Approach
Tries to reduce the effect of MS handoff.
MS after handoff sends certain number of duplicate ACKs.
Avoids coarse time-outs at the sender, Accelerates
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Solutions for Wireless Environment
(Link Layer Protocols)
Transport Unaware Link Improvement Protocol (TULIP)
AIRMAIL Protocol
Provides Service Aware Link Layer.
Reliable Service for TCP packets, unreliable service for UDP Packets.
Asymmetric Reliable Mobile Access in Link Layer.
Uses combination of FEC and ARQ for loss recovery.
Snoop Protocol
Transport layer aware Snoop Agent at BS.
Agent monitors all TCP segments destined to MS, caches it in buffer.
Also monitors ACKs from MS.
Loss detected by duplicate ACKs from MS or local time-out.
Local Retransmission of missing segment if cached
Suppresses the duplicate ACKs.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Solutions for Wireless Environment
(Split TCP Approach)
Indirect-TCP (I-TCP)
Split the connection into wired component and wireless
Specialized support for mobile applications for wireless
side. Wired side is left unchanged.
M-TCP Protocol
Split the connection into wired component and wireless
BS relays ACKs for sender only after receiving ACKs
from MS.
In case of frequent disconnections, Receiver can signal
Sender to enter in persist mode by advertising Zero
Window size.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
Designed to address the unforeseen growth of the internet
and the limited address space provided by IPv4
Features of IPv6:
•Enhanced Address Space: 128 bits long, can solve the problem created by
limited IPv4 address space (32 bits).
•Resource Allocation: By using “Flow Label”, a sender can request special
packet handling.
•Modified Address Format: Options and Base Header are separated
which speeds up the routing process.
•Support for Security: Encryption and Authentication options are supported
in option header.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
IPv4 Header Format
4 bits)
(4 bits)
Type of service
(8 bits)
Identification (16 bits)
Time to live
(8 bits)
(8 bits)
Total length (16 bits)
(3 bits)
Fragment offset (13 bits)
Header checksum (16 bits)
Source address (32 bits)
Destination address (32 bits)
Options and padding (if any)
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
IPv6 Header Format
Traffic Class
Payload Length
Flow Label
Next Header
Hop Limit
Source Address
Destination Address
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Format of IPv6
IPv6 version number.
Traffic Class
Internet traffic priority delivery value.
Flow Label
Used for specifying special router handling from source to
destination(s) for a sequence of packets.
Payload Length
Next Header
Hop Limit
16, unsigned
Specifies the length of the data in the packet. When set to zero, the
option is a hop-by-hop Jumbo payload.
Specifies the next encapsulated protocol. The values are compatible
with those specified for the IPv4 protocol field.
8, unsigned
For each router that forwards the packet, the hop limit is decremented
by 1. When the hop limit field reaches zero, the packet is discarded.
This replaces the TTL field in the IPv4 header that was originally
intended to be used as a time based hop limit.
Source Address
The IPv6 address of the sending node.
The IPv6 address of the destination node.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Differences between IPv4 and IPv6
 Expanded Addressing Capabilities
 Simplified Header Format
 Improved Support for Options and Extensions
 Flow Labeling Capabilities
 Support for Authentication and Encryption
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.
Network Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
• Dual IP-Stack: IPv4-hosts and IPv4-routers have an IPv6stack, this ensures full compatibility to not yet updated systems.
• IPv6-in-IPv4 Encapsulation (Tunneling): Encapsulate
IPv6 datagram in IPv4 datagram and tunnel it to next router/host.
Copyright © 2003, Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal and Dr. Qing-An Zeng. All rights reserved.