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News from the Dharma Realm
New Buddhist Centre Opens in Britain
Shown in the photograph above is the community of Bhikkus, novices, and white-robed trainees (who have
received the Eight Precepts) at the opening of the ANARAVATI BUDDHIST CENTRE located in Great
Gaddesden, Herts, England. The establishment of the new center is based on the wish "to promote and
further the teachings of the Buddha ... by the provision, maintenance, and support of an establishment as
a residential centre for Bhikkus."
Promising Youth Speaks The Dharma
Nick and Susan Mechling were m a r r i e d m o r e t h a n t e n y e a r s , b u t
were unable to have any children. Just when it looked impossible for
them to have a family, they both beg a n t o s e e k v e r y s i n c e r e l y f r o m
Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva, asking to be blessed with a son. After that,
Susan gave birth to Nicholas, a fine and upright son whose features
reflect the best of both his parents. He will soon be seven years old.
Recently when the Venerable Abbot visited Gold Wheel Monastery,
young Nicholas gave a brief speech to the assembly gathered for the
mid-day vegetarian meal. Calm and composed, with a broad smile on his
face, he said these straightforward words:
Nicholas Mechling
"You can't just say , 'I know the Buddhadharma' and then just walk off. You have t o p r a c t i c e . P r a c t i c i n g
i s h o w yo u c a n g e t t h e r e . i t c a n ' t b e d o n e j u s t b y saying, 'I know how to do it,' It's kind of hard, but it's
always worth a try!"