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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Computers and the Internet
Basic functions of a Computer
Input – entering info into the computer (e.g. keyboard, mouse, mic, touchscreen)
Processing – perform operations on the data (e.g. do calculations to play a game)
Output – present the results (e.g. display on monitor, speakers, printer
Storage – save data, programs for future use (e.g. hard drive, flash drive, DVD)
Communications – communicate with other computers (e.g. modems and routers
communicate with the network or Internet)
Generations of Computers
Categories of Computers
Smart Phone/Mobile
Tablet Computer – e.g. iPad
PC versus Mac – A PC (personal computer) usually refers
to a computer running Windows and a Mac run the Mac
Laptop - also called a notebook is a portable computer
usually running Windows or Mac OS. A netbook is a small
laptop, usually with a screen less than 10”.
Servers – computers that host data for companies (e.g.
medical information system for a hospital). Also there are
web servers and e-mail servers.
Mainframe Computers – large multi-user computers for
large companies.
Supercomputer – fastest computers for CPU intensive
applications such as science and engineering
Embedded computer – a computer built into a device for
a single purpose. E.g. televisions and cars have
embedded computers.
Internet Appliance – home devices and appliances
connected to the Internet
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing refers to data and programs being located on the Internet
instead of one’s own computer. Example:
Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of
something, such as a hardware platform, operating system, or storage device.
Home Network Diagram
2010 Internet Usage as % of Population
The Internet is the largest computer network in the world. The word “Internet”
comes from “Inter-connected networks” because the TCP/IP protocol allows for
everyone’s own network to connect to others.
The company that provides you with Internet access is called an ISP (Internet
Service Provider).
Name some ISP’s that you use?
The World Wide Web (WWW) refers to the collection of web pages that link to
each other. Note that web pages are only one application the Internet is used for.
What else do we use the Internet for other than WWW?
Every computer and web server on the Internet is identified by its IP address
(same idea as a telephone number). The domain name system (DNS) allows us
to use domain names (e.g. instead of its IP address (e.g.
What’s the IP address of your computer?
Domain Names
A domain name identifies a web site on the Internet – e.g.
The top-level domain (TLD) was originally
intended to identify the type of organization:
Soon after, new 2 letter TLD’s were set
up for each country (e.g. .us or .mx)
A few more have been added since then
such as .jobs and .mobi
Go to a domain name registrar and search for
Is it already registered?
URL (uniform resource locater) uniquely identifies a web site. It is also just known
as the web site’s address.
What the protocol?
Protecting Your Computer
Do not open executable (.exe) e-mail
attachments. These could be contained in a
compressed zip folder.
You do not get viruses from pictures, music, or
video. Be careful that you are not tricked into
installing a program when viewing them. E.g.
a new media player, plug-in, download
manager, etc.
Think twice about installing any program. Do
you really need it? Does it come from a
reputable software company? Is the site
you’re downloading it from reputable?
Password protect your computer’s login and your phone. If it gets stolen then
your personal information could be compromised.
Backup!!!! You only need to brush the teeth you want to keep. You only need
to backup the data you want to keep.
Intellectual Property
Name the different types of Intellectual Property (click)
Books, Music, Movies, Paintings, Trademarks, Inventions, Software
The three main types of intellectual property rights are
1. Copyrights – protects books, music, movies,
software. They normally last for 70 years after the
creator’s death.
2. Trademarks – protects a phrase, symbol, or design
that identifies a product.
3. Patents – protects inventions.