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By Henry Bradley and Peter Dempsey
He was born October 15th, 70 BC
First poem was in four books called the “Georgics”
was about farming
His last work was called “Aenied” an epic 12 books
of poem which describes the journey of Trojan
Hero Aeneas to Italy and how he participated in the
wars there, founded upon old Roman tradition that
Aeneas and his Trojans settled in Italy, and were the
founders of Rome
He held great regard for all living things and all
things present in nature
In the “Aenied”, Virgil expressed the importance
and greatness of Rome
He also wrote other poems which were in
response to the Iliad and the Odyssey.
He died September 21st, 19 BC
Has been considered the greatest Augustan
His writing showed his idea of the Roman
countryman and how countrymen should live
He wrote about these countrymen during a time
when they were beginning to demand more
rights and opportunities
As Virgil creates Rome as a masterpiece in his
writing, he tells of how Rome was guided by the
gods to a magnificent empire
The poem is named after Aeneas, the founder
of Rome (otherwise known as Romulus)
Before he died, Virgil wished for his writings to
be destroyed
Virgil’s poems were instead spared
Born December 8th, 65 BC
He wrote the Odes, Satires, and Epistles of Horace.
These stories founded the most original form of
Roman poems.
These Odes weren’t spoken, they were sung as they
were performed
Became a firm supporter of Octavian (Augustus)
Horace believed that Rome was destined to have
only one ruler, and this ruler was only to be
The last three Odes that Horace wrote imply
that he did not want to write anymore regarding
the publications of his earlier works
He wrote three more Epistles after this, focusing
on the criticism of Ancient literature
Horace wrote about the daily Roman life
These poems were very descriptive and went
into great detail