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Roman Civilization & Culture
Chapter 11 Section1
Objectives: Today I will be able to…
• Discuss what daily life was like for people
living in the Roman Empire.
• Discuss the major accomplishments of the
Romans in science, art, engineering,
architecture, literature, and the law.
I. Roman Accomplishments
A. Science & Engineering
• Romans were interested in results that could benefit society.
• Galen- study of the body known as anatomy.
• Ptolemy- mapped stars and planets and incorrectly put earth at center
of universe. (Geocentric View).
• Used the arch, and put rows of them together to create vaults, or
curved ceilings.
• Developed Cement, which allowed them to build taller structures and
• Pantheon- a temple and the only structure still fully intact today.
• Aqueducts- to bring water to the city.
• Roads- 50,000 miles linked the empire.
d. Pantheon
B. Roman Architecture and Art
• Often copied the Greeks: Columns, porches, marble.
• Vaults, allowed for larger structures like the Colosseum.
• Copied Greek art forms:
• Statues: unlike the Greeks who sought perfection, Roman statues
were more realistic.
• Mosaics- pictures made from bits of glass, tile, or stone.
• Fresco- paintings done on plaster.
e. Colosseum
C. Roman Literature, Language, & Law
• Virgil- Aeneid: Aeneas the ideal Roman.
• Horace
– Satires- poke fun at human weaknesses.
– Odes- poems expressing strong emotions about life.
• The Romans recorded their history:
– Livy- History of Rome 10 B.C. Celebrates Rome’s greatness.
• Languages- Latin used in the west, Greek used in the east.
– Romance Languages- based on Latin- Italian, Spanish, French,
influenced Europe until 1500.
• Romans developed Civil Law- a legal system based on a written code.
II. Life & Family In Ancient Rome
• Rome was the largest city on Earth; dirty and overcrowded. Danger
of fire and buildings collapsing.
• Forum- center of the city.
• Wealthy- large homes with fine furniture, art, fountains, and gardens.
• Poor- lived in 6 story apartments in one room, the poorer you were
the higher you lived.
• Romans were very clean people who spent much time at the
bathhouse, and used olive oil and a strigilis to clean their body.
• Slaves made up over 40% of the population.
• Large families: extended.
– Paterfamilias- man who headed the family with total control.
– Unhealthy babies could be left to exposure.