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Unit 2: In-Class Study Guide
(1) How did geography of Greece
impact the development of Greece?
Mountains resulted in scattered settlement
(2) Which Greek city state featured a
democratic government, philosophy,
and freedom to live as you please?
(3) What is a characteristic of
Citizens are the source of power in govt.
(4) What are the Athenians
credited with (known for)?
Establishing governments that had
democratic elements
(5) Under which political system were
there no monarchs and certain citizens
could vote?
Roman Republic
(6) Which civilization established
the world’s first democracy?
(7) What characterized democracy
in Athens?
Adult male citizens could vote
(8) What is an oligarchy? What is a
Oligarchy – govt. by the few
Democracy – govt. by the many
“oligo” means “few” in Greek
“demos” means “people” in Greek
(9) What is a Triumverate?
Form of govt. in which 3 ppl rule and share
equal power
(10) Which branch of govt. in Ancient
Rome and in the USA enforces the law?
Executive branch
(11) Who made up the Roman
Group of 300 patricians who served for life
(12) What form of democracy did
Athens have? What form does the USA
Athens – direct democracy
USA – indirect democracy
(13) What do Hammurabi’s Code, the
Ten Commandments, and the Twelve
Tables have in common?
Rules of behavior
(14) What are the guidelines for
living for Christians? Muslims?
Christians – Ten Commandments
Muslims – Five Pillars
(15) What are 3 standards of govt.
that the US took from Rome?
-Innocent until proven guilty
-Belief in natural law
-Accused have right to trial
(16) Who is responsible for the
spread of Hellenistic culture?
Alexander the Great
(17) What are 2 achievements of
the Byzantine Empire?
- Justinian Code
- Hagia Sophia
(18) What does Pax Romana mean?
“Roman peace”
(19) How did the Roman Republic
contribute to Western European
Concept of govt. by laws
(20) What was the result of Alex
the Great’s conquests?
Hellenistic Era – spread of Greek language &
ideas to non-Greek areas.
(21) What did foot soldiers form to give
themselves greater protection in
(22) Where did Roman audiences
enjoy public entertainment?
The Coliseum & the Circus Maximus
(23) What are aqueducts?
Romans built them to transport water
throughout the city
(24) What does the term “bread
and circuses” mean?
Free food & entertainment provided by
govt. to stop rebellions by poor ppl.
(25) What are the Five Pillars of
Fasting, prayer 5x/day, pilgrimage to Mecca,
charity, belief in 1 god & his prophet Muhammad
(26) What religion requires a Hajj –
journey to Mecca?
(27) What two religions have their
roots in Judaism?
Christianity & Islam
All three are grouped together as Abrahamic
(28) What religions are
Islam, Christianity, & Judaism
(29) What are people who practice
Islam called?
(30) Who is the prophet of Allah in
(31) To obey Allah’s will, Muslims
follow what?
The Five Pillars
(32) What is the Holy scripture of
The Qu’ran
The Ou’Ran : Islam ::
The Torah : Judaism ::
The Bible : Christianity
(33) Jews, Muslims, & Christians all
worship the same ___.
(34) Why was Constantinople the
center of the Byzantine Empire?
Crossroads of Europe & Asia
(35) Compare the role of women in
Sparta & Athens?
Women had more rights in Sparta than
(36) In Ancient Rome, ___ were the
upper class, and ___ were the lower
Patricians = upper class
Plebeians = lower class
(37) In Ancient Rome, conquered
people were turned into ___?
(38) Why did women have more
freedom in Sparta?
Men were away in training or combat
Seen as mothers of warriors
(39) After the Roman Empire fell,
the eastern part became ___.
The Byzantine Empire / Byzantium
(40) Which city-state had an
oligarchy and was a military state?
(41) Which city state was a democracy
and welcomed foreigners?
(42) A period of disorder and weak
central govt. was the result of ___.
Fall of the Roman Empire
(43) Five reasons for the fall of the
Roman Empire
-Political problems (weak leaders)
-Economic problems (inflation)
-Military problems (hard to get ppl. to join)
-Plague (disease)
-Invasions (by Germanic tribes, Vandals,
Huns, & Visigoths)
(44) Who wrote the epic poems
Iliad and Odyssey?
Epic poems – stories about heroes
(45) Who was assassinated on the Ides
of March because many thought he
meant to destroy the Republic?
Julius Caesar
(46) What Greek philosopher believed
that knowledge is achieved through
question and answer format?
Socrates = questions
Plato = society should be run by philosophers
Aristotle = logic & reason
(47) What are lasting legacies of
ancient Greece?
-Parthenon & use of columns in architecture,
-Literature (epic poems, fables, lyrical poems, myths),
-Philosophers (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle),
-Math (Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2)
(48) What are lasting legacies of
ancient Rome?
-Coliseum, aqueducts (use of arches for stronger
-Govt. w/ checks and balances (to keep parts of
govt. from getting too powerful)
-Roman alphabet (the one we use)
(49) Who was attracted to
Christianity and why?
The poor; they had hope for a better life in
(50) Compare Islam & Christianity?
Similar: Both are monotheistic
Different: Muslims’ holy book is the Qu’ran,
Christians’ holy book is the Bible; Muslims
follow the Five Pillars, Christians follow the
Ten Commandments