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A Possible Answer To Decreasing
Immune System Health
Digestive Problems Nationally
• $107 billion in direct health care expenditures in
• 200 million sick days, 50 million physician visits,
16.9 million school days lost, 10 million
hospitalizations, & almost 200,000 deaths per
• Digestive tract cancers are responsible for
117,000 deaths/yr, & non-cancerous digestive
diseases cause 74,000 deaths/yr.
• Quality of an individual’s immune system can be
evaluated through the Th1/Th2 balance:
– Th1=Cops
Th2=Armed Forces
– A healthy immune system is balanced and dynamic, switching
back and forth as needed.
– Inadequate Th1 response can result in chronic infection, chronic
fatigue syndrome & cancer.
– Overactive (but paradoxically ineffective) Th2 response can
contribute to allergies and syndromes and have a role in
autoimmune disease.
– Combination of failure of Th1 and overactive, but ineffective,
Th2, are seen in a wide variety of chronic illnesses: AIDS,
chronic fatigue syndrome, candidiasis, multiple allergies, viral
hepatitis, cancer, lupus, and many others.
• If the two arms of the immune system can be
balanced by stimulating Th1 cells and
decreasing Th2 cells, then many symptoms of
theses illnesses would diminish or disappear.
• With adequate exposure to viruses, bacteria,
and microorganisms, our Th cells mature in
proper proportion into Th1 cells, but without
enough exposure our cells are prone to
overreactions and likely to mature into Th2 cells.
• Dysbiosis is an
intestinal imbalance
where pathogenic
beneficial bacterial
• Digestive diseases
are often caused in
part by or result in
Early Development
Major Causes
•Decreased immune function
•Poor diet—excessive
carbohydrates, sugar and trans fat
•Drugs—especially antibiotics, oral
contraceptives and cortisone-like
•Intestinal infection
•Decreased intestinal motility (aka
•Stress—including long-term
emotional stress
•Maldigestion and malabsorbtion
Common Symptoms
•Abdominal pain or
•Colon cancer
•Constipation or
•Fatigue after eating
•Bad Breath
•Body Odor
•Food Allergy
•Inability to lose
•Irregular bowel
•Irritable bowel
•Itchy anus
•Leaky gut syndrome
•Poor complexion
•Poor digestion
•Rheumatoid arthritis
•Spastic colon
Why should YOU care?
• Chemical farming and pesticides have
lead to sterilization of soil and water
• Antibiotics, hormones, and other drugs are
given to chickens and cattle used for food.
• Stress, medications, and typical American
diet all promote dysbiosis.
What MORE do we know?
• Probiotics are live active cultures that are
supposed to improve the balance of the
gut microbiota, with specific effects, in
particular, the immunomodulatory potential
of specific strains.
• The strains with the most beneficial
properties, potential sources of probiotics,
belong most frequently to the genera
Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.
Special Probiotics
• Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSO’s) are
specific probiotic strains of microorganisms
found in the soil.
• In nature, HSO’s help plants digest inorganic
substances, protect roots from parasites, yeast,
and fungi, and provide growth factors and
different hormones.
• When ingested orally in a probiotic formulation,
may have advantages over non-HSO probiotic
formulas, due to ability to implant and survive in
the gut.
The Researcher
• A Natural Hygiene
Practitioner and a University
Professor of
Rheumatology, and Clinical
Nutrition since 1979, Dr.
Goldberg has long been
devoted to helping others
reverse chronic illnesses
through Natural
Natural Hygiene Practitioner,
Professor, Educator, and
The Study
A theory known as the “hygiene hypothesis,”
suggests that many people in modern societies
have been too highly protected from normal
bacteria. This isolation from the bacteria in our
environment, according to the hygiene
hypothesis may contribute to the rise in chronic
degenerative diseases such as asthma,
inflammatory bowel diseases, and a host of
allergic conditions.
The Study
Anecdotal evidence suggests that a variety of
gastrointestinal, allergic, autoimmune, and
degenerative conditions, can be affected
positively by the consistent (3 months or longer)
administration of an HSO formulation. This pilot
study was undertaken to explore the possible
advantages of clinical responses in subjects with
a variety of medically unresponsive chronic
disease conditions of at least 3 years duration.
The Study
Subject Selection Criteria:
Had a medically diagnosed chronic condition.
Had condition for at least 3 yrs (mean of 5.5 yrs)
Condition did not positively respond to medical intervention.
18 years old or older
Not currently taking any corticosteroids, antibiotics, or other drugs
that might mask study outcome.
Agreed to follow study protocol for 120 days.
Undergo case history/physical examination and have following blood
tests: a)Blood Chemistry, b)Complete Blood Count with Differential, c)
Blood Lipids
Required to provide stool sample pre and post-study for
microbiological analysis including bacteriology and mycology.
No cases accepted who ingested alcohol beyond 2 drinks a week,
tobacco in any form or amount, or any other recreational drug use for
a period of not less than 60 days prior to the study.
The Study
Subjects took 18 caplets of Primal Defense
HSOs per day for 120 days with following
1. Take 6 caplets 3x a day on empty stomach with 8 ounces
of water.
2. Drink sufficient water
3. Take adequate care of general health, by avoiding
processed foods, getting sufficient rest and sleep, and not
engaging in toxic habits, specifically alcohol, tobacco, or
any other drugs other than needed prescription
• 16 of 17 subjects completing study reported
improvements in their symptoms, including:
partial to complete relief from bowel problems
decreases in asthmatic symptomology
increases in energy levels
improvements in skin conditions
improvement in chronic sinus infection
general improvements in overall well-being.
• No subjects reported any worsening of
symptoms at completion of study.
What does it mean?
• The HSOs work in a similar way in the
human intestinal tract as they do with
plants, providing a line of defense as well
as growth factors and nutrients, which
together result in overall increased health.
• HSOs are able to implant and survive well
in the gut.
Are the findings credible?
• The testing methods and findings both are
backed by numerous other similar clinical
tests done for specific problems or
diseases using HSOs.
• Suspect point: Were diet and other
restrictions actually responsible for results
more than HSOs?
Further Research
• High cholesterol study
• Energy levels, memory and concentration
• Chronic Lymphcytic Leukemia stage II
More on HSOs
• HSOs Pool New RNA/DNA in the Cells
• HSOs Quench Free Radicals by Creating
• HSOs Stimulate Alpha Interferon
• HSOs Stimulate the Production of Human
Further Reading
• The reduction of Candida albicans "yeast" overgrowth
using Fungal Defense and Primal Defense along with
lifestyle modifications a 23 patient pilot study.
• Complementary treatment of Chronic Digestive
Disorders with Malabsorption Syndrome using HSOs.
• Portal to the interior: viral pathogenesis and natural
compounds that restore mucosal immunity and modulate
1. Patient Heal Thyself by Jordan S. Rubin
2. “Probiotics” by Erik Isolauri, Seppo Salminen,
Arthur C. Ouwehand, from Best Practice and
Research Clinical Gastrointerology Vol. 18, No.
2, pp. 299-313, 2004.
3. “Homeostatic Soil Organisms as a Treatment
for Chronic Disease Conditions—A Pilot Study”
by Dr. Paul Goldberg