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Non Verbal Communication
It’s not what you say…
It’s the way that you say it.
Non Verbal Communication
•What is it ? It is the way we:
• Reinforce the spoken word
•Replace the spoken word using our bodies to make visual signals or our
voices to make oral but non-verbal signals
•An area of study in its own right - you can make your own observations in
all sorts of situations
•Easy to take for granted - we are often not aware of our own Non-verbal
Communication, but aware of that of other people
Non Verbal Communication
How it Works:
•It is to help manage our social and our professional relationships - a kind
of social cement if you like
•It helps to present the self that we want others to see - social status, job
status, group membership, personality (appearance)
Non Verbal Communication
How it Functions:
•It conveys our mood/state of mind
•It conveys interpersonal feelings
•It supports our verbal message if we are speaking
•It provides feedback, assurance etc if we are listening
Non Verbal Communication
•It is said that as little as 10% of communication takes place verbally, and
that facial expressions, gestures and posture form part of our culture and
language. Consequently, understanding the components of non-verbal
communication helps to increase the confidence and fluency of people in
the workplace and helps to avoid inter-cultural misunderstandings.
•Non-verbal communication is a system consisting of a range of features
often used together to aid expression. The combination of these features is
often a subconscious choice made by native speakers or even subgroups/sub-cultures within a language group.
Non Verbal Communication
The main components of the system are:
•Kinesics (body language) Body motions such as shrugs, foot tapping,
drumming fingers, eye movements such as winking, facial expressions, and
•Proxemics (proximity) Use of space to signal privacy or attraction
•Haptics Touch
•Oculesics Eye contact
•Chronemics Use of time, waiting, pausing
•Olfactics Smell
Non Verbal Communication
The main components of the system are:
•Vocalics Tone of voice, timbre, volume, speed
•Sound symbols Grunting, mmm, er, ah, uh-huh, mumbling
•Silence Pausing, waiting, secrecy
•Posture Position of the body, stance
•Adornment Clothing, jewellery, hairstyle
•Locomotion Walking, running, staggering, limping
Non Verbal Communication
•Of the above, body language (particularly facial expressions and
gestures), eye contact, proximity and posture are probably those which we
most need to be aware of in terms of conveying meaning, avoiding
misunderstandings and fitting in with the target culture.
•In terms of skills development, non-verbal clues should not be
underestimated when developing both listening and speaking skills. Like
grammatical structures, non-verbal communication has form, function and
meaning, all of which may vary from language to language.
Non Verbal Communication
•Possible Non-Verbal Communication Problems
–In certain situations there might be a special code you need to know
–Certain signals or gestures might be acceptable in certain situations
but not in others
–Be aware of cultural conventions
–Be sensitive and alert in a new situation
–Certain signals can be misconstrued or misinterpreted - you are not
always aware of your Non-verbal Communication signals - these could
be misread by those listening to or watching you.
Non Verbal Communication
•The Telephone
–Start on a friendly note, show interest in other person
–Smile with your voice ! You cannot be seen so visual signals do not
–Speak really clearly and check that you have been heard and
Non Verbal Communication
•A Final Checklist On Non-verbal Communication
–Plan and be prepared
–Consider your appearance
–Choose the right style - think of your purpose and your audience
–Be aware of how you use your voice - tone, volume, pace
–Be aware of your facial expressions and gestures
–Be aware of your position and posture
–Listen carefully - provide feed back and response
–Look for signals from other people
–Be gracious and polite
Non Verbal Communication
•Things To Avoid
–Showing off
–Monopolising conversation
–Irritating mannerisms or gestures
–Showing boredom or impatience
–Losing your composure/control
–Fidgeting or fiddling
–Looking bored or impatient
–Daydreaming - being caught out
–Going OTT - keep the right balance