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A Look at the Chinese Dynasties
of the Zhou, Qin, and Hahn
The Fall of the Shang
• Ruled from 1500 B.C. to 1028 B.C.
• The Zhou conquered the Shang in
1028 B.C. and claimed the Mandate of
• The Zhou stated that the Shang had
fallen out of favor with the Gods
because they had ruled poorly
Map of Zhou Dynasty
• Territory
controlled by the
Zhou Dynasty.
The Zhou Dynasty
• Had a large territory to control
• Set up an agricultural system in which
nobles owned the land and peasants
worked it.
• Appointed relatives to govern, gave
each a city-state
• Each lord had authority over his lands
and built his own army
Zhou (continued)
• At first all lords pledged allegiance to the
Son of Heaven (King), but in time would
grow strong enough to challenge him
• 771 B.C. the Zhou suffer a large military
defeat, now political power fell into the
hands of these local lords
• Nobles now fought small wars struggling to
gain power over all the land, this fighting
would prove to be the end for the Zhou era
Zhou Technological Advances
• Invented iron plows
Built roads
• Irrigation systems
Expanded foreign
were developed
• Flood control
Obtained horses and
formed a cavalry
systems like canals
& dikes were set up
Invented the crossbow
• Elaborated picture
Qin Dynasty
• 221 B.C.: The
Qin unite a
majority of
China for the
first time in over
500 years
First Emperor of China
• Qin Shihuangdi was
the first Emperor of
• Reorganized the
empire into Military
Districts, each with its
own appointed official
governing it
• Prevented local lords
from becoming strong
enough to overthrow
the central
Qin (continued)
• Shihuangdi devised a system of weights
and measures
• Standardized coins
• Instituted Cuneiform Writing
• Set up a law code
• Used forced labor to build roads and canals
• Built the Great Wall of China to build up
China’s defense in the North
Qin’s Strict Rule
• Ended the power of local lords by taking
away land from some and imposing taxes on
• Appointed educated men to run his
government rather than nobles
• Imposed censorship
• Burned books except for those dealing with
practical subjects
• Executed 460 scholars
• Qin passed away in 210 B.C., thereby
ending his dynasty
Qin Artifacts
• Qin handmade
vases and
Qin Artifacts (continued)
• Early Qin coins,
these were used
to purchase
Qin Artifacts (continued)
• Terra Cotta
Soldier figure.
Han Dynasty
• 207 B.C.: Liu Bang overthrows the
Qin Dynasty and declares himself
• Han Dynasty reached its peak under
Han Wudi who ruled from 141 B.C. to
87 B.C.
• Han Wudi extended his empire
through conquest and exploration
Extent of the Han Empire
• The Hans
expanded the
former territory
of the Qin
The Hans Discover the West
• Wudi sent an expedition led by Zhang Qian
to the West
• 13 years later Qian returned after 10
years of captivity telling of a great empire
to the west with huge cities filled with
people “who cut their hair short, wear
embroidered garments, and ride in small
chariots”, meaning the Romans
• Wudi became interested in the west and he
expanded trade routes which would become
known as the Silk Road
The Silk Road
• This is the trade
route that
merchants from
China took to get to
and from Europe.
Pax Sinica
• China had a 400 year period of peace and
prosperity known as Pax Sinica
• During this time Wudi adopted an economic
policy designed to prevent food shortages
and high prices, could now feed their
growing population
• Wudi had public officials take written
exams, those with the highest scores were
• Initiated Civil Service: anyone with ability
could obtain public office (evident by the