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Ancient China Dynasties
and ages
By Matthew Farner
Neolithic China
• 4000-2205 B.C.
• Lived by farming around the
Yellow River Valley.
• Grew crops like millit, rice, and
• Used stone tools for agriculture
as well as weapons.
• They raise livestock like cow
and chickens.
Bronze age
• 2205-256 B.C.
• Discovered the usefulness of
bronze to make tools and
• City-states are the basic of
social and political
• As population increases battles
over territory begin.
Hsia (or Xia) Dynasty
• 2205-1766 B.C.
• Was previously believed to be
• Legend says that this dynasty
began when a man named Yu
drained the waters of a flood.
• He became the first king of the
Hsia dynasty.
Shang Dynasty
• 1766-2205 B.C.
• Shang dynasty overthrew the
Hsia dynasty because the last
Hsia king became corrupt.
• Shang society begins to divide
into lower and upper classes.
• Begin to crumble under the
stress of barbarian attacks from
the south and east.
Chou (or Zhou) Dynasty
• 1050-256 B.C.
• Chou dynasty divide into two
sections: Western and Eastern
• As population grows, the Chou
people follow a social structure
much like that found in Feudal
Imperial China
• 256 BC-589 A.D.
• China is ruled by an emperor,
who claims to have control over
• This period experiences one of
the most prosperous and
culturally advanced dynasties.
• Period ends in dissolution and
Qin Dynasty
• 256-206 B.C.
• Overthrew the Chou Dynasty.
• At 211 B.C the first emperor
named Ch’in Shihuangdi,
reunites the city-states.
• The first Great Wall of China
that went from the Pacific
Ocean to the middle of Asia.
Han Dynasty
• 206 B.C.-220 A.D.
• A central government is
• Han dynasty is dived into two
sections: 206 B.C.-9 Western
Han and 25-220 A.D late or
eastern Han.
Three Kingdoms
• 220-256 A.D.
• Three dynasties in three
different regions rule China.
The Wei Kingdom located
Northern China.
The Shu Han.
The Wu.
The dynasties crumble under
barbarian invasions from the
Dynasties of the North
and South
• 317-589 A.D.
• After the barbarians destroyed
the three kingdoms they set up
new dynasties.
• They adopt the Chinese form of
bureaucracy and court system
in check.
Sui Dynasty
• 589-618 A.D.
• The Sui Dynasty reunites China
under one Empire, Wen-ti.
• He takes control of the north
and south and the Ch’en
• A census is also taken for tax
T’ang Dynasty
• 618-907 A.D.
• The T’ang government is well
• Cities become a place for the
rising middle class and get
more money.
• T’ang emperors are tolerant and
allow foreig influences.
Five Dynasties Period
• 906-960 A.D.
• The dynasties held by the five
generals do not last.
Sung Dynasty
• 960-1279 A.D.
• T’ai Tsu uses a centalized army
to take control of China.
• Inventions were made example:
Printing Press.
• The barbarian and jurchen are
hired to fight the Khitan
Monguls. But the Jurchens turn
on the Sung and attack from the
north east.
Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty
• 1279-1368 A.D.
• The Mongols are a set of tribes
that live in North China.
• Kublai Khan defeated the Sung
• This Dynasty falls apart after
100 years.
Ming Dynasty
• 1368-1644 A.D.
• The first emperor, Chu Huan
Duagn, worked to remake the
• Chinese trading markets do
• This dynasty falls because
government officials take
advantage of the poor .
Ch’ing or Manchu
• 1644-1911 A.D.
• The Manchu leaders chose the
Chinese style of government to
rule their empire.
• Chinese merchants and the
Chinese government refuse to
trade with the west.
Ancient China Facts
• Calligraphy, poetry, and painting
were known as the “Three
• By 8000 B.C. people living along
rivers because of the rich soil
for agriculture.
• The oldest known Chinese
works of art include pottery and
carved jades from 5000 B.C.
Questions and answers
• Q. How would they have a Emperor?
• A. If someone took over China they
would be the Emperor.
• Q. What kind of clothes did they
• A. They would wear tunies or t-shirts
women wore long tunies. They would
wear padded jackets in the winter.
• Arthur Cotterell. Ancient China.
London: Dorling Kindersley Limited
• Dale Anderson. Ancient China In Art.
Reed Elsevier, Inc. Chicago, Illinois
• World Book. The World Book
Encyclopedia Volume 3, 1999:C-Ch.
• “Ancient China Timeline.” Events of
Ancient Civilization, 2002,Pg54
4th P.