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Part IV
Education in China
No proper education,
human nature will deteriorate.
The Three-Character Scripture
Which aspects should be the
focuses of education?
 I cannot teach anybody anything, but I can
only make them think.
Socrates ['sɔkrəti:z]
 The function of education is to teach one to
think intensively and to think critically...
Intelligence plus character - that is
the goal of true education.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
• Education in Ancient China
 Educational Institutions
 Examination System
• Education in Modern China
• Time: Shang Dynasty
• Educational institutions:
• Xiang, Xu, Xue and Xiao
(庠 序 学 校)
• Xiang: how to raise children
• Xu: archery, military training
• Xue: moral education
• Xiao: horse taming & horse riding
Education in Western Zhou Dynasty
• According to written records, schools were
established for the sons of the nobility in
the capital city of Zhou.
• Schools for the common people were
provided in villages and hamlets and were
attended by men and women after their
work in the fields.
Contention of a Hundred
Schools of Thought
Time: The Eastern Zhou Dynasty
(The Spring and Autumn& the Warring States)
An era of cultural prosperity
Confucian school: benevolence/humanity
Taoist school:to govern by doing nothing that goes
against nature
Legalist school: To rule the country in accordance with law
Mohist school: universal love and no war
Yin-Yang school: the unity of man &nature
The six classical
rites, music,
archery, riding,
writing &
• The first teacher of private schools
• The Foremost Teacher of China
Teaching doctrines:
By nature all men are pretty much alike,
It is by custom and habit that they are set apart.
(The importance of education)
Great pleasure is derived from learning
and constantly reviewing what has
been learned
(review & diligence)
• In education there is no class distinction.
(to treat students equally)
• Learning without thought is labor lost;
thought without learning is perilous.
(To inspire thinking independently)
• If three men are walking together, there
is one who can be my teacher.
(the modest learning attitude)
The Five Classics
The Classic of Poetry 《诗经》
The Classic of History 《尚书》
The Classic of Rites 《礼记》
The Classic of Changes 《易经》
The Classic of Music 《乐经》
The Spring and Autumn Annals 《春秋》
• Burning books and burying
scholars alive
• Small Seal Script
The Imperial
the orthodoxy
Confucian classics
Recommendation through Observation
intelligent ones were
recommended through
parentage & social
nepotism and corruption
The Nine-Rank System
• The Jin,
Northern & Southern
• To select talented
candidates and categorize
them nine grades in local
• ability, noble birth,
The Imperial Examination System
• The Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty
Three levels
The provincial exam
The metropolitan exam
The palace exam
“eight-part essays or
eight-legged essays”
The palace exam
The national / metropolitan
The provincial exam
Zhu XI (Southern Song)
The Four Books
The Great Learning
The Doctrine of the Mean
The Analects
The Mencius
The Confucianism became the mainstream
thought of Song, Yuan, Ming dynasties
Names of Ancient Schools
private school /Sishu
Academy / Shuyuan
(academy of classical learning)
The Imperial Academy (guozijian)
(Ming & Qing Dynasties)
• It was formally set up in the
Zhu Xi, Zhang Shi
Northern Song Dynasty (976A.D.)
Wei Yuan
• A school of traditional
Zeng Guofan
Confucian learning
Zuo Zongtang
In 1903 a higher learning Mao Zedong
In 1926 Hunan University
“The one-thousand-year-old Academy”
Pre-school education
primary school
Junior middle school/ Junior
secondary school
Senior middle/secondary school
high school/vocational school
college/ university
The graduate school
The Vocational Education
• vocational schools & vocational training
• Junior secondary: junior vocational schools
(初级职业中学 )
• Senior secondary:
specialized secondary schools (中等专业学校 )
skilled workers schools (技工学校 )
vocational high schools(职业高中)
• Tertiary: higher vocational technology colleges
Higher Education
Project 211
– Time: Launched in 1993;
– Goal: to set up 100 top level HEIs
for the 21 century;
Project 985
Time: Launched in May 1998;
Goal: to develop a number of
world-class prestigious
The Administration of Higher Education
directly controlled by the Ministry of Education
controlled by provincial governments
non-government-run university and college (1000)
Three-tiered degree system
Bachelor ’s degree
Master’s degree
Doctor’s degree
A great fighter against
pseudoscience and
academic fraud
• Competence rather than diploma/degree;
• To reform the University Entrance Exam;
• Develop an independent, critical and
creative thinking;
• Motivate the kids’ interests and guide them
to study;
• To promote moral standard