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American Imperialism
China /The Caribbean / Mexico
Focus Question
When a nation feels its
national best interests are at
stake, does it have the right
to compromise another
nation’s state of existence?
Mr. Verria /North Kingstown High School
American Imperialism
1890 to 1920
American Imperialism:
During the late
1800’s China
was carved into
spheres of
influence by
many European
American Imperialism:
The United States
pressed for an
open door trade
policy in China.
The most productive industrial nation in the
world, the United States knew that an free
and open trade would benefit their country.
American Imperialism:
• Tired
of outside control of
their country, the Chinese
Boxers initiated a campaign of
murder, eventually targeting
• By mid-August an international
coalition succeeded in driving
the Boxers out of Peking.
American Imperialism:
As punishment for the Boxer
Rebellion, the Chinese
government had to pay $333
million to foreign powers, and
expand the trade privileges of
the victor nations.
The U.S. used the some of the proceeds for
Chinese students to attend U.S. colleges.
American Imperialism:
In his second set of Open
Door notes, Hay sought
ways to “preserve Chinese
territorial and
administrative entity.”
American Imperialism:
To impress the world with the United States
capabilities and might, President Roosevelt sent
the Great White Fleet on a world wide mission.
U.S. Imperialism and China
Focus Question
Was the United States
imperialistic in its treatment
before, during and after the
Boxer Rebellion?
Mr. Verria / North Kingstown High School
American Imperialism
The Caribbean / Panama
during the
This was perhaps more true with Panama
than any other area in the region.
American Imperialism
The Caribbean / Focus Panama
The Oregon’s trip around South America
in 1898 proved to many the need for a canal
connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
American Imperialism
The Caribbean / Focus Panama
The Hay Pauncefote Treaty gave the U.S. the
rights to build the canal, making the ClaytonBulwer Treaty (1850) null and void.
The location of the canal, however,
continued to be a subject of debate.
American Imperialism
• The U.S. negotiated with Columbia , of which
Panama was apart.
• The Columbians held out for more money.
• President Roosevelt lost patience and
supported an induced revolution in Panama.
• Upon the revolution’s successful completion,
the U.S. quickly recognized the new nation,
reaching an agreement for building the canal.
exclaimed he
had “took the
publicly he
denied such
Either way ...
… construction of the canal
began in earnest.
American Imperialism
Panama Canal Construction
Despite the efforts of
medical and
engineering personnel
(Dr. Carlos Finlay, Dr.
Walter Reed, William
Gorgas,) 5,600
construction workers
died of Yellow Fever
building the canal.
American Imperialism
Roosevelt Corollary / Dollar Diplomacy
• The Roosevelt Corollary
established the U.S. as the
self-proclaimed policeman
of the Western Hemisphere.
• Under President Taft, dollar
diplomacy used financial
resources to influence outlying
areas without actually
controlling them.
American Imperialism
Whether the strategy was that
of a “policeman,” a diplomat,
a warrior, or a missionary,
the United States continued to
pursue the path of
American Imperialism
on the Eve of the Great War
American Imperialism
Mexico in Revolution
Porfirio Diaz
Francisco Madero
Victoriano Huerta
Pancho Villa
American Imperialism
Mexico in Revolution:
The U.S. Reaction
While tempted to act,
President Wilson practiced
what became known as
“watchful waiting.”
When Woodrow Wilson did
react after the Tampico
incident (occupying Vera
Cruz,) the ABC powers
mediated a peace settlement.
The greatest test of American
foreign policy was on the Horizon
World War I
American Imperialism
China /The Caribbean / Mexico
Focus Question
When a nation feels its
national best interests are at
stake, does it have the right
to compromise another
nation’s state of existence?