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End of Spanish Rule
Spanish Texas 1763 – 1819
Spain Acquires Louisiana
Great Britain gained control of all the land east
of the Mississippi River after the French –
Indian War.
 Great Britain did not gain New Orleans.
 Spain received New Orleans and all the French
land west of the Mississippi River.
 France was no longer a colonial power in North
 Spanish officials questioned the need of the
East Texas Missions.
Nacogdoches Founded
years later settlers moved back to East
Texas without government approval.
 They built the town Nacogdoches near the
abandoned mission Guadalupe.
 Spain had little control over what the
settlers did.
Settlers Face Many Dangers
 Fighting
with Apache and Comanche
Indians interfered with colonization of
 Spain did not have enough troops to
make the province safe.
 In 1790, Spain stopped funding the
Texas missions. They were forced to
fund themselves.
Spain helps the American Colonists
France and Spain help the American colonists in
the American Revolutionary War.
 Spain opened the New Orleans port to
American ships and supplied weapons, clothing,
money, and medical supplies.
 When America won their independence, the
boundaries were set at Canada in the North, the
Mississippi River in the West, and Florida in the
The United States buys Louisiana
In 1800, Spain was forced to give Louisiana
back to France.
 In 1803, the United States bought the Louisiana
Purchase from France for 15 million.
 This purchase doubled the size of the United
 Anglos pushed across the Mississippi River
toward Spanish-held Texas.
Disputes about Boundaries
Controversy between the United States and Spain
over the boundary between Louisiana and Spanish
Spain and America compromised that the land
between the Sabine River and Arroyo Hondo stream
will be Neutral Ground – meaning neither will settle
Between 1806 and 1819 no nation governed this
It became a land to where fugitives and smugglers
Adams-Onis Treaty
In 1819, the United States and Spain signed the
Adams-Onis Treaty settling the boundary
 Spain transferred Florida to America and agreed
to the Sabine River as the eastern boundary of
 The United States surrendered all claims to
 The Neutral Ground was not in U.S. Territory.
Americans Migrate to Texas
 Some
American filibusters, or
adventurers went to Texas.
 Some Americans migrated to Texas
as farmers and traders.
Using your writing
utensil, label, date and
shade the Louisiana
Purchase section on the