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The War
of 1812
The Causes
Interruption of trade, British blockade
Overproduction and falling prices
Desire to force open markets
British control of our commerce
Land hunger for Canada
Impressment = loss of cheap labor
Hurt by our own economic sanctions
Nationalism, pride, honor
[Second War for Independence]
Legacy of hatred for British from Revolution
Frustration of failure of economic sanctions
[at least they tried!]
Violation of neutral trading rights
Freedom of the seas
Poor communication
Napoleon’s trick
Failed Economic sanctions, conversion to militancy
Non-Importation 1806
Embargo 1807
Non-Intercourse 1809 (duplicity of Erskine
agreement 1809)
Macon’s Bill #2 1810
Political continued
Fear of Indian conspiracy
President Madison’s role
Our national interest
Role of the War Hawks (i.e. v Doves)
Vigorous defense of our rights
Overview of the Causes
Results of the War of 1812
1. Growth of American Nationalism.
[Star-Spangled Banner. Often referred to as the
Second War for American Independence.]
2. Strengthening of isolationism.
3. Increase in westward migration.
4. Encouragement of American Industry.
5. Disappearance of the Federalist Party.
Results of the War of 1812
6. America’s ability to hold off British convinced
European powers that the United States and its
republican form of government were there to stay
7. The war cost United States relatively few
casualties and little economic loss
8. As Europe settled down to what would be a
century of relative peace, major foreign threats to
United States ended, and commerce revived and
European immigration to America resumed
Which title is more appropriate?
 “The
War of 1812”
 “The Second War for Independence”