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The Respiratory System
Presented by: Martin Ponciano, LVN, DSD, MS
Based on Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and
Disease, 11th Edition
Phases of Respiration
Process of obtaining oxygen from environment and
delivering it to cells
• Pulmonary ventilation
• External exchange of gases
• Internal exchange of gases
Overview of respiration. In ventilation, gases are moved into and out of the lungs. In external exchange,
gases move between the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs and the blood. In internal exchange, gases move
between the blood and body cells. The circulation transports gases in the blood.
Checkpoint 18-1: What are the three
phases of respiration?
The Respiratory System
Conducts air into lungs
• Nasal cavities
• Pharynx
• Larynx
• Trachea (windpipe)
The respiratory system.
(A) Overview. (B)
Enlarged section of
lung tissue showing
the relationship
between the alveoli (air
sacs) of the lungs and
the blood capillaries.
(C) A transverse
section through the
Zooming In: What
organ is located in the
medial depression of
the left lung?
True or False?: The two gases
involved in the external exchange of
gases that takes place in the
respiratory system are CO2 and O2.
True: The two gases involved in the
external exchange of gases that
takes place in the respiratory system
are CO2 and O2.
The Nasal Cavities
• Nostrils (nares)
• Nasal cavities
– Mucous membrane
• Filters foreign bodies
• Warms air
• Moistens air
– Conchae
• Nasal septum
• Sinuses
Naso- and Oropharyngeal Cavities
Checkpoint 18-2: What happens to
air as it passes over the nasal
The Pharynx
Throat (pharynx) carries air to respiratory tract and
to digestive system
• Nasopharynx
– Superior portion
• Oropharynx
– Middle portion
• Laryngeal pharynx
– Inferior portion
The Larynx
Larynx (voice box) is located between the
and trachea
• Cartilage framework
– Thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple)
• Vocal folds (vocal cords)
– Used for speech
• Glottis
• Epiglottis
Movements of the Vocal Cords
The Trachea
Trachea (wind pipe) conducts air between larynx
and lungs
• Framework of separate cartilages
• Horseshoe shaped
• Open at back for expansion during swallowing
Checkpoint 18-3: What are the
scientific names for the throat, voice
box, and windpipe?
Checkpoint 18-4: What are the three
regions of the pharynx?
The Bronchi
• Trachea divides into two primary bronchi that
the lungs
• Hilum
• Epithelial tissue lining
– Pseudostratified
– Cilia
Checkpoint 18-5: The cells that line
the respiratory passageways help to
keep impurities out of the lungs.
What feature of these cells enables
them to filter impurities and move
The air-conducting passageways
of the respiratory tract are lined
with what type of tissue?
a. stratified squamous epithelial
b. pseudostratified epithelial
c. squamous epithelial
b. pseudostratified epithelial
The Lungs
– Bronchial tree
– Bronchioles
– Parietal pleura
– Visceral pleura
– Pleural space
Checkpoint 18-6: In what structures
does gas exchange occur in the
Checkpoint 18-7: What is the name
of the membrane that encloses the
The Process of Respiration
• Ventilation of lungs
• Exchange of gases
• Transport of gases in blood
Pulmonary Ventilation
• Inhalation (inspiration) is active phase
• Compliance
• Exhalation (expiration) is passive phase
• Lung capacity
Zooming In:
What muscles
are located
between the
Checkpoint 18-8: What are the two
phases of breathing? Which is active
and which is passive?
Gas Exchange
• Diffusion is movement of molecules from higher
to lower concentration
• External exchange
– Gases move between alveoli and capillary blood
• Internal exchange
– Gases move between blood and tissues
Gas exchange. (A) External exchange between the alveoli and the blood. Oxygen diffuses into the
blood and carbon dioxide diffuses out, based on concentrations of the two gases in the alveoli and in
the blood. (B) Internal exchange between the blood and the cells. Oxygen diffuses out of the blood and
into tissues, while carbon dioxide diffuses from the cells into the blood.
Checkpoint 18-9: Gases move
between the alveoli and the blood by
the process of diffusion. What is the
definition of diffusion?
Transport of Oxygen
• Most oxygen in capillary blood binds to
• Oxygen must separate from hemoglobin to enter
Checkpoint 18-10: What substance
in red blood cells carries almost all
of the oxygen in the blood?
Transport of Carbon Dioxide
• 10% is dissolved in plasma and fluid in red blood cells
• 15% is combined with protein of hemoglobin and plasma proteins
• 75% dissolves in blood fluids and is converted to bicarbonate ion
– First combines with water to form carbonic acid
– Carbonic acid ionizes (separates) into hydrogen and bicarbonate
– Carbonic anhydrase enzyme speeds conversion
– Buffers blood to keep pH steady
Checkpoint 18-11: What is the main
form in which carbon dioxide is
carried in the blood?
In what structure of the
respiratory system does most
gas exchange take place?
a. bronchioles
b. pleurae
c. alveoli
c. alveoli
Regulation of Respiration
Fundamental respiratory pattern
• Controlled by central nervous system centers
– Partly in medulla (main control center), partly in pons
(modifies patterns set in the medulla)
• Modified by receptors detecting changes in blood
Nervous Control
• Control center is located in medulla and pons of
brain stem
• Motor nerve fibers extend into spinal cord
• Fibers extend through phrenic nerve to
Nervous Control of Respirations
Checkpoint 18-12: What part of the
brain stem sets the basic pattern of
Checkpoint 18-13: What is the name
of the motor nerve that controls the
Chemical Control
• Central chemoreceptors
– Located near medullary respiratory center
– Respond to raised CO2 level (hypercapnia)
• Peripheral chemoreceptors
– Located in neck and aortic arch
– Respond to oxygen level considerably below normal
Checkpoint 18-14: What gas is the
main chemical controller of
Lung Capacity
Abnormal Ventilation
• Hyperventilation
– High oxygen level and low CO2 level (hypocapnia)
– Increases blood pH
• Hypoventilation
– Insufficient air in alveoli
– Decreases blood pH
Breathing Patterns
• Measured in breaths per minute
• Adults: 12 to 20
• Children: 20 to 40
• Infants: more than 40
Some Terms for Altered Breathing
Kussmaul respiration
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
Breathing Patterns (cont.)
Eupnea: normal breathing
Hyperpnea: deeper, more rapid breathing
Hypopnea: slow, more shallow breathing
Tachypnea: abnormally rapid rate of breathing
– > 20 breaths per minute
Bradypnea: abnormally slow rate of breathing
– <10 breaths per minute
 Dyspnea
Aka SOB (shortness of breath)
Difficult or labored breathing
Usually one of the first symptoms of heart failure
 Apnea: spontaneous absence of respiration
Sleep apnea syndromes
Group of disorders
Potentially fatal
Breathing repeatedly stops during sleep
Long enough to decrease significant amount of oxygen in blood
Snoring may be a symptom
Breathing Patterns (cont.)
• Orthopnea: dyspnea that is relieved by sitting
• Kussmaul respiration
– deep, rapid respiration characteristic of acidosis
• Cheyne-Stokes respiration
– Pattern of alternating periods of hypopnea or apnea,
followed by hyperpnea
– Frequently seen in those who are dying
What is the medical term for
temporary cessation of
a. dyspnea
b. apnea
c. hypopnea
b. apnea
Results of Inadequate Breathing:
Lack of Oxygen
 Asphyxia
Body cannot get need air to function
Quick ↓ in O2 levels
↑ in CO2 levels
 Asphyxiation
◦ Aka suffocation
◦ Interruption of normal breathing resulting in asphyxia
◦ Can be caused by obstruction, drowning, smothering,
choking, or inhaling gases (CO) instead of air
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
◦ Partial obstruction due to damage to bronchi
◦ Related to several lung disorders
 Ex. Chronic bronchitis & emphysema
 Respiratory function is impaired
◦ Reduce exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide
◦ Traps air which may lead to over inflation of parts of lungs
 Patients have a history of:
◦ Smoking
◦ Dyspnea, where labored breathing occurs and gets
progressively worse
◦ Coughing and frequent pulmonary infections
 COPD victims develop respiratory failure
accompanied by hypoxemia, carbon dioxide
retention, and respiratory acidosis
of the Respiratory System
• Infection
• Allergies
• Environmental factors
• Lung cancer
Disorders of the Nasal Cavities and
• Paranasal
– Sinusitis
– Polyps
• Nasal septum
– Deviated septum
• Mucous membranes
– Epistaxis
• Upper respiratory infection (URI)
• Common cold (acute coryza)
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
– Bronchopneumonia
– Lobar pneumonia
– Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)
Hay Fever and Asthma
Hypersensitivity to allergens
• Watery discharge from eyes and nose
• Seasonal or chronic
• Inflammation of airway tissues
• Spasm in bronchial tubes
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Also called chronic
obstructive lung disease
Includes both chronic bronchitis and
Normal air flow obstructed
Reduced exchange of oxygen and carbon
Air trapping and overinflation of lungs
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Also called crib death
• Unexplained death
• Seemingly healthy infant
• Under 1 year old
• Usually occurs in sleep
Checkpoint 18-15: What does COPD
mean and what two diseases are
commonly involved in COPD?
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Covers a range of inflammatory disorders
• Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or
shock lung
– Usually appears in adults
• Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn
– Formerly called hyaline membrane disease
– Appears in premature newborns
• Lung cancer
– Most common cause of cancer-related deaths
– Most important cause is cigarette smoking
• Cancer of larynx
– Linked to cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption
– High cure rate
Disorders Involving the Pleura
• Pleurisy
– Inflammation of pleura
• Pneumothorax
– Air in pleural space
• Hemothorax
– Blood in pleural space
• Tissues
become more
• Decreased compliance, lung capacity
• Increased susceptibility to infection
• Increased incidence of emphysema
• Reduced capacity for exercise
Special Equipment for Respiratory
• Bronchoscope
• Oxygen therapy
• Suction apparatus
• Tracheostomy tube
• Artificial respiration apparatuses
What is the medical term for an
accumulation of air in the
pleural space?
a. pneumothorax
b. pleurisy
c. atelectasis
a. pneumothorax
End of Presentation