Download Human Body System

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 Nervous
 Skeletal
 Muscular
 Circulatory
 Respritory
 Digestive
 Endocrine
 Reproductive
 Immune
 Integumentary
 function
of the digestive system is to help
convert foods into simpler molecules that
can be absorbed and used by the cells of
the body
 Pharynx
 Esophagus
 Mouth
 Salivary
 Stomach
 Pancreas
 Large/small intestines
 Liver
 Gallbladder
 rectum
 The
kidneys play an important role in
maintaining homeostasis. They remove
waste products from the blood; maintain
blood pH; and regulate the water content
of the blood and, therefore, blood volume.
 Kidneys
 Bladder
 Adrenal
 The
endocrine system is made up of glands
that release their products into the
bloodstream. These products deliver
messages throughout the body.
 Hypothalmus
 Pituitary
 Parathyroid
 Thymus
 Adrenal
 Pineal
 Thyroid
 Pancreas
 Ovary
 testis
 Testes
 Vas
 Uretha
 Penis
 Ovaries
 Fallopian tubes
 Uterus
 Vagina
 The
main function of the female
reproductive system is to produce ova. In
addition, the female reproductive system
prepares the female's body to nourish a
developing embryo.
 The main function of the male
reproductive system is to produce and
deliver sperm.
 The
function of the immune system is to
fight infection through the production of
cells that inactivate foreign substances or
 Skin
(first line of defense)
 Mucus
 White blood cells
 Antibodies
 The
nervous system controls and
coordinates functions throughout the body
and responds to internal and external
 Brain
 Spinal
 nerves
 The
skeleton supports the body, protects
internal organs, provides for movement,
stores mineral reserves, and provides a site
for blood cell formation.
 There are three different types of muscle
tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Each
type of muscle is specialized for a specific
function in the body.
 Skeletal
 Muscular
 The
integumentary system serves as a
barrier against infection and injury, helps
to regulate body temperature, removes
waste products from the body, and
provides protection against ultraviolet
radiation from the sun.
 Skin
 Hair
 Nails
 The
basic function performed by the
human respiratory system is remarkably
simple—to bring about the exchange of
oxygen and carbon dioxide between the
blood, the air, and tissues.
 Nose
 Pharynx
 Larynx
 Trachea
 Bronchi
 Lungs
 The
human circulatory system main jobs
are to move blood, hormones, oxygen and
other substances around the body.
 Heart
 Blood
 Blood