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The Human Body Review
Levels of Organization
Section 7- 4
Muscle cell
muscle tissue
Organ system
These Organ Systems function together
to maintain homeostasis – a stable
internal environment
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The Integumentary System
A. Major Organs
– Skin
– Hair
– Nails
B. Major Functions
– Protection – keeps moisture in and pathogens out
– Sensory input – nerves in skin allow you to sense
your environment
– Temperature regulation – sweat produced by glands
in the skin cool the body
– Waste removal – chemicals can be removed along
with sweat
Muscular System
• Skeletal MusclesWork together with
bones to provide
movement for the
• Smooth Musclesinvoluntary muscle
that moves food
through the digestive
tract and controls
blood flow.
•Cardiac MuscleOnly found in the
Skeletal System
• Major Functions:
– Protection
– Support
– Mineral Storage
– Works with muscles to
provide movement
Nervous System
Major Function:
To control all activities of the body
• Neurons- Nerve cells that transport signals
• Major organs:
- Central Nervous System- Brain and Spinal Cord
-Peripheral Nervous System- Nerves that relay
messages between the CNS and the rest of your
Digestive System
Major Function: To break down food (mechanically and
chemically) into molecules that the body can use.
Mouth- mechanical and chemical digestion takes place
Esophagus- tube leading to stomach
Stomach- Mechanical and chemical digestion
Small Intestines- Chemical digestion and absorbs
Nutrients into blood stream
Large Intestines- Absorbs water into blood stream
Respiratory System
Major Functuion- To supply the cells of the body
with oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide wastes
Major organs:
Trachea- tube that leads to the lungs
Lungs- cavities that hold oxygen or carbon dioxide
Alveoli- sacs inside lungs where gas exchange takes
Diaphragm- relaxes and contracts to draw oxygen
into the lungs and expell carbondioxide out of the
Urinary System
• Filters harmful poisons from the body
– Kidneys- filters the blood of harmful wastes
Circulatory System
• Transports material to and from the cells in the
• Organs– Blood- transports nutrients, oxygen and cellular wastes
throughout the body using red blood cells
– Heart- Pumps blood through the vessels in the body
– Blood Vessels- Transport system
• Veins transport blood to heart
• Arteries transport blood away from the heart
• Capillaries- the exchange site at cells
Circulatory System
Major Transport System of
nutrients and wastes to and
from every cell in the
Reproductive System
• To enable organisms to carry on life by
producing offspring.
• Meiosis- The production of sex cells (gametes)
which are haploid cells
– Female gamete- Eggs
– Male gamete- Sperm