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Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Tyler Hinkle
Petia Zamfirova
Anita Zarska
Heather Ours
Sara Webster
White Blood Cells
• Provide the body with its
principle line of defense
against disease.
• Many types including:
Helper T cells
Cytotoxic T cells
Memory T cells
Suppressor T cells
• Cannot reproduce on their own
• Reproduce by using the cells of other humans
or animals as hosts
• Don't have cell walls or a nucleus and are made
up of genetic information wrapped inside a
protective shell
• Can only replicate within the cell
• Retroviruses, as is HIV, are RNA viruses that
in order to replicate need to make a DNA copy
of their RNA which allows the virus to
replicate by incorporating this DNA into the
host cell’s genes
DNA & RNA: Examples of
• DNA bacteriophage P22 infects E. coli (Left);
• RNA virions that infect animals and plants
(Right): in humans: cold virus, herpes virus, polio
virus, influenza virus, HIV; in plants Tobacco
Mosaic Rod Virus. These are called retroviruses.
The Viral Life Cycle
• A typical virus (DNA or
RNA + protein) enters
the host cell, makes
more of itself, and
• There are two major
types of viruses:
bacteriophage (left)
infect prokaryotes,
and other virions
infect eukaryotes
(animal or plant cells).
HIV Virus Anatomy
Image from
Transfer of HIV
• Cannot be transferred through everyday contact
as in coughing, shaking hands or insect bites.
• Through direct contact with bodily fluids
– Unprotected intercourse heterosexually or
homosexually through vaginal fluids and semen
– Shared needles
– In saliva in low concentrations
• Can be transmitted through oral sex
– Blood transfusions
– Vertical Transmission (Mother to fetus during
pregnancy, labor and delivery, and breast feeding)
What does HIV do?
• Attacks Immune System, specifically, Helper T-cells,
making it difficult for the body to fight infection.
• These cells, CD4+ T-cells are crucial to the normal
function of the human immune system and without
them, all other cells in the immune system are
prevented from operating. No reaction against an
invader can me made.
• The HIV virus eventually makes Helper T-cells an HIV
producing factory.
• The immune system eventually becomes so deteriorated
that it is susceptible to all diseases that even a common
cold can potentially kill the AIDS infected individual.
(Nobody actually dies from HIV or AIDS)
Dry Cough
Rapid Weight Loss
Night Sweats
Swollen Lymph Glands
Altered Taste
Difficulty Swallowing
Change in Vision
Receding Gums
Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV): The Cause of
The structure of HIV is at left, and we see it infecting
a human cell at right; it will ultimately cause
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Step 1: HIV targets T-cells to
Step 2: HIVgp120 binds T-cell
Step 3: HIV inserts .
T-cell membrane.
Step 4: Reverse
Transcriptase copies RNA to
Step 5: DNA enters nucleus;
makes mRNA to encode HIV.
Step 6: mRNA enters
cytoplasm to make
Step 7: HIV protease (green)
cuts and creates viral proteins.
Step 8: HIV prepares to pinch
out and break away from cell.
Step 9: HIV pinches out of
Step 10: Mature HIV emerges
and infects other T-helper
HIV and T-cells: Immunity
B cells told to make
antibodies by
Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTL’s) destroy invading microbes.
Once the HIV virus enters the body,
it heads for the lymphoid tissues,
where it finds T-helper cells via
binding CD4 and kills them: HIV is
the only known human retrovirus
that targets immune cells
specifically. If helper T’s die then
killer T’s cannot be made and do
their job (see left).
The newly replicated virions will
infect other T-helper cells and
cause the person's T-cell count to
slowly dwindle by removing both the
helper T cells and ultimately the
CTL’s that talk to them. The lack of
T-helper cells compromises human
immunity by preventing the removal
of other harmful antigens with
antibodies made by B cells (see
No one dies from AIDS or HIV
specifically. Instead, an AIDSinfected person dies from
secondary infections, because his
or her immune system has been
dissipated. The loss of T-cells is
the key to the loss of immunity.
Recent Trends in HIV/AIDS
• Heterosexual
incidences of AIDS
the last 20 years,
while other modes of
transmission have
leveled or decreased.
• Creates an epidemic.
• Why?
• Lack of Public
HIV Transmission by
Heterosexual Contact: a
Geometric Expansion
Person 1
HIV positive
Person 2
HIV negative
Person 3
HIV negative
Person 4
HIV negative
Person 5
HIV negative
Person 6
HIV negative
Person 7
HIV negative
Person 8
HIV negative
Person 1
HIV positive
Person 9
HIV negative
Person 2
was HIV negative;
becomes HIV positive
due to contact with person 1
Person 3
becomes HIV positive
due to contact with
person 2
Person 4
becomes HIV positive
due to contact with
person 3
Person 5
becomes HIV positive
due to contact with
person 4
Person 6
becomes HIV positive
due to contact with
person 3
Person 7
becomes HIV positive
due to contact with
person 6
Person 8
becomes HIV positive
due to contact with
person 7
Person 9
becomes HIV positive
due to contact with
Person 8
Evolutionary Adaptations Evade
an Epidemic: Descendants of
Plague Survivors Resist HIV
• CCR5 co-receptor enables certain
microbes to invade immune cells
by binding CD4 on helper T surface.
• Yersinia pestis bacterium causes
Bubonic plague (Plague Epidemic
of 1300: at left) by targeting T
immune cells via CCR5.
• People missing CCR5 are resistant
to plague and to HIV.
• We can treat plague today with
antibiotics, but HIV is still
untreatable (Current Worldwide
HIV Epidemic: at left) because it
evades the immune system and
replicates rapidly under cover of
the host cell.
Can There Be a Vaccine?
• Largest obstacles are financial and biological.
• Rapid mutation rates/different strains are a huge
• Mechanism of HIV infection, which targets and depletes
the immune system directly, is a huge hurdle.
• International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) started trials
in India
• HIV belongs to a family of retroviruses that
target human immune cells.
• HIV is unique in that it kills by weakening the
immune system so secondary infection occurs.
• Heterosexual contact is a growing mode of
HIV/AIDS spread creating epidemics in society.
• Descendants of plague survivors (evolved to
evade the 1300 epidemic) have immunity to HIV,
which has a similar mechanism of infection to
the plague.
• There is no simple HIV vaccine due to this virus
being under cover of the human host cells and
depleting the immune system.
History of HIV/AIDS
1926-46 - HIV possibly spreads from primates to humans. No one knows
for sure.
1959 - A man dies in Congo in what many researchers say is the first
proven AIDS death.
1981 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notices
high rate of otherwise rare cancer
1982 - The term AIDS is used for the first time, and CDC defines it.
1983/84 - American and French scientists each claim discovery of the
virus that will later be called HIV.
1985 - The FDA approves the first HIV antibody test for blood supplies.
1987 - AZT is the first anti-HIV drug approved by the FDA.
1991 - Basketball star Magic Johnson announces that he is HIV-positive.
1996 - FDA approves first protease inhibitors.
1999 - An estimated 650,000 to 900,000 Americans living with
2002 - AIDS global death toll reaches nearly 28.1 million
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