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Marketing 334
Consumer Behavior
Chapter 9
Learning, Memory and product
From: Consumer Behavior by Hawkins, Mothersbaugh and Best
Positioning Strategy
• Product Position
– The perception
consumers have
about the product
relative to
competing products
• Repositioning
– Reinforce existing
positive perceptions
– Reduce any negative
– Create new positive
• A change in content
or organization of
long term memory
or behavior
– the result of
Memory’s Role in Learning
Memory consists of two interrelated
Short-term Memory (STM) a.k.a. working memory
is that portion of total memory that is currently
activated or in use.
Long-term Memory (LTM)
is that portion of total memory devoted to
permanent information storage.
Semantic memory
Episodic memory
Memory’s Role in Learning
Short-Term Memory
 STM is Short Lived
 STM has Limited Capacity
 Elaborative Activities Occur in STM
Fisher Price
Courtesy Fisher-Price
Memory’s Role in Learning
Long-Term Memory
 Schemas (a.k.a. schematic memory)
 Scripts
 Retrieval from LTM
Memory’s Role in Learning
A Partial Schematic Memory for Mountain Dew
Learning Under High and Low
• High Involvement
– The consumer is
motivated to process
or learn the material
• Low Involvement
– The consumer has
little or no motivation
to process or learn
the material
Nature's Way
© 1996 Nature’s Way Products, Inc.
Jell-O Pudding
© 1996 Kraft Foods, Inc.
Learning Under High and Low Involvement
Classical conditioning is the process of using an established
relationship between one stimulus (music) and response
(pleasant feelings) to bring about the learning of the same
response (pleasant feelings) to a different stimulus (the brand).
Learning Under High and Low Involvement
Operant conditioning (or instrumental learning) involves
rewarding desirable behaviors such as brand purchases
with a positive outcome that serves to reinforce the
Learning Under High and Low Involvement
Shaping Can Be Used in Operant Conditioning
Learning Under High and Low Involvement
Cognitive Learning
Iconic Rote Learning
2. Vicarious Learning/Modeling
3. Analytical Reasoning
American Egg Board
© 1996 American Egg Board
Learning to Generalize and
• Stimulus Discrimination
• Stimulus Generalization
Hershey Tastetations
© Hershey Corporation
Learning, Memory, and Retrieval
Marketers want consumers to learn and remember positive features,
feelings, and behaviors associated with their brands.
Learning, Memory, and Retrieval
Strength of Learning
Memory Interference
Response Environment
Learning, Memory, and Retrieval
Strength of Learning
Strength of learning is enhanced by six factors:
Message Involvement
Dual Coding
Learning, Memory, and Retrieval
Memory interference occurs when consumers have difficulty retrieving a
specific piece of information because other related information in memory gets
in the way.
•Avoid competing ads
•Strengthen initial learning
•Reduce similarity to competing ads
•Provide external retrieval cues
Brand Image and Product Positioning
Brand image refers to the schematic memory of a brand.
Brand Image and Product Positioning
Product positioning strategy is a decision by a marketer to try to achieve a
defined brand image relative to competition within a market segment.
An important component of brand image is the appropriate usage situations
for the product or brand.
Perceptual mapping offers marketing managers a useful technique for
measuring and developing a product’s position.
Brand Image and Product Positioning
Perceptual Map for Automobiles
Brand Image and Product Positioning
Product repositioning refers to a deliberate decision to significantly alter
the way the market views a product. This can involve
 level of performance
 the feelings it evokes
 the situations in which it should be used, or
 who uses the product
Brand Equity and Brand Leverage
Brand equity is the value consumers assign to a brand above and beyond
the functional characteristics of the product.
Brand leverage, often termed family branding, brand extensions, or
umbrella branding, refers to marketers capitalizing on brand equity by
using an existing brand name for new products.