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Animal Behavior
Chapter 51
I. Behavioral Ecology
Def: The study of how specific behaviors
increase reproductive success Play
a) Learned behavior (nurture) –
environmental and ecological basis
b) Innate behavior (nature) – genetic and
evolutionary basis
1) Natural selection favors a behavioral
2) Genotypes that do not increase fitness
eliminated from gene pool
II. Types of Behavior
a) Instinct: Inherited, __________
fixed _____
action _______):
pattern Sequence
b) FAP (_____
of behavior that is unchangeable and
carried to completion once started
1) External sign stimulus triggers FAP
Ex. Stickleback fish
Ex. Greylag goose
II. Types of Behavior
c) Habituation: loss of responsiveness to stimuli
that convey little or no information
1) simple form of ___________
Ex. Sea Anemones
d) Imprinting: learning that is limited to a very
specific _____
critical _____
period of an animal’s life
1) Irreversible
2) Imprinting stimulus
Ex. Salmon
Ex. Ducklings
Ex. Whooping Cranes
II. Types of Behavior
e) Associative Learning: ability of animals to
associate one stimulus w/ another
1) Classical Conditioning (arbitrary stimulus)
Ex. Pavlov’s Dog
2) Operant Conditioning (Trial and Error)
Ex. B.F. Skinner’s rats
f) Observational Learning – modeling Play
g) Spatial Learning – memory of
environment’s spatial structure
h) Insight – cognition and problem solving
i) Prior experience helps an animal exposed to
a new situation
III. Oriented Movement
a) Kinesis: an undirected change in speed
of an animal’s movement in response to
a stimulus
b) Taxis: a directed movement in response
to a stimulus
c) Migration: long-distance seasonal mvmt
IV. Social Behavior
Evolved to optimize individual fitness
IV. Animal Signals and
• Important for species recognition, mating,
organizing social behavior
• Occurs through visual, auditory, tactile,
and chemical means (pheromones)
V. Social Behavior
a) Agnostic behavior (aggression and
1) ritualized contests
2) determines who gains resources
food, mates
3) Can be psychological rather than physical
4) Establishes dominance hierarchies (pecking
order and territoriality
V. Social Behavior
b) Altruistic Behavior
selfless and/or sacrificial behavior that
seemingly reduce the fitness of the
increases inclusive fitness
= the fitness of relatives
who share identical genes
Natural selection that
favors altruistic behavior =
Kin Selection