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Unit 2 Worksheet
1. Imprinting is a
a. Response to a stimulus
b. Learned behavior that occurs during a critical time period.
c. Fixed action pattern.
d. Decline in the level of response to a nonthreatening stimulus
2. Four of the five types of behaviors listed below are regulated by pheromone signal. Select the
a. Sex
b. Alarm or attack
c. Threat
d. Trail
3. A type III survivorship curve is characteristic of
a. Cattle
b. Horses
c. Eagles
d. Sea urchins
4. Which of the following would be more likely to affect an animal’s habitat than it’s niche?
a. Rainfall
b. Prey abundance
c. Predators
d. Competitors
5. Which of the following represents an early stage in primary succession?
a. Pine trees
b. Moss and lichens on bare rock
c. Weedy annual plants in an open field
d. Climax species in succession
6. The primary consumers in natural communities are
a. Herbivores
b. Carnivores
c. Scavengers
d. Decomposers
7. Omnivores feed on
a. Animals
b. Plants
c. Bacteria
d. All of the above
8. Decomposers recycle materials at ______ trophic level(s)
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Any of these