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Explaining Drug Use
and Abuse
Consider the following in the context
of society and culture
 What
 How
 Where and When
 Why
 How Much
Considering the costs and
consequences of drug use and
abuse, why do people continue
to use drugs? Explain.
Six reasons why today drug use
and abuse is a serious problem
since 1960 to the present, drug use,
and/or abuse has increased
illicit drugs are more potent than in the
drugs have become commonplace and a
multibillion-dollar-a-year business
Six reasons why today drug use
and abuse is a serious problem
drug use physically harms members of
drug use and drug dealing by violent
gangs are steadily increasing at an
alarming rate
serious accidents caused by drug users is
greater as people become more
dependent on technology
Biological explanations for the
use and abuse of drugs.
Genetic theory
predisposition to drug use can be found in
the gene structure
“Addiction to pleasure”
it is biologically normal to continue a
pleasure stimulation when drugs are
proven to be a pleasurable experience
Biological explanations for the
use and abuse of drugs.
Q. All the major biological explanations
related to drug abuse assume that
these substances exert their
psychoactive effects by altering brain
chemistry. Drugs of abuse interfere
with chemical messengers of the
brain called
A. neurotransmitters
Biological explanations for the
use and abuse of drugs.
Q. It is generally believed that most
drugs with abuse potential
enhance the pleasure centers by
causing the release of what
specific brain neurotransmitter?
A. dopamine
Genetic explanations for
contribution to drug abuse
 psychiatric disorders that are genetically
determined may be relieved by drugs
of abuse, this encouraging their use
in some people, reward centers of the
brain may be genetically determined
Genetic explanations for
contribution to drug abuse
 character traits, such as insecurity and
vulnerability, may be genetically
factors that determine how difficult it
will be to break a drug addiction may
be genetically determined
Psychological explanations for
the use and abuse of drugs.
The American Psychiatric Association
classifies severe drug dependence as
a form of psychiatric disorder.
Drugs that are abused can cause mental
conditions that mimic major
psychiatric illnesses.
Psychological explanations for
the use and abuse of drugs.
Because of the similarities between, and
coexistence of, substance-related and
psychiatric disorders, it is sometimes
difficult to distinguish between the
two problems.
Psychological explanations for
the use and abuse of drugs.
substance use (or abuse) disorder can be
identified by the presence of the
following features and their associate
substance dependence
substance abuse
substance intoxications
substance withdrawal
Psychological explanations for
the use and abuse of drugs.
personality and drug use
Theories based on learning
the close association or pairing of one
significant reinforcing stimulus with
another less significant or neutral stimulus
repeating certain patterns of behavior until
they become established or habitual
Theories based on learning
“addiction to pleasure” theory
this theory assumes that it is
biologically normal to continue a
pleasure stimulus when once
Sociological social psychology
learning theories
If the effects of drug use become
personally rewarding, “or become
reinforcing through conditioning,
the chances of continuing to use
are greater than for stopping.”
differential reinforcement
Social influence theories
role of significant others
Social influence theories
Social learning theory
explains drug use as a form of learned
Social influence and the role of
significant others
the use of drugs is learned during intimate
interaction with others who serve as a
primary group
Social influence theories
labeling theory
explains that other people we consider
important can influence whether drug use
becomes an option for us
subcultural theory
explains that peer pressure is at the origin of
drug experimentation, use, an/or abuse
Structural influence theories
Structural influence theories view the
organization of a society, group, or
subculture as responsible for drug use
and abuse by its members.
Social disorganization theory
Social strain theory
Structural influence theories
Control theories
control theories believe that if left to their
own nature, individuals have a tendency to
deviate from expected cultural values,
norms, and attitudes
 socialization
 internal control
 external control
Control theories
Individual Internal Control
External Social Control
Least likely Less likely
More likely Most likely
Danger signals of drug abuse
Do those close to you often ask about
your drug use? Have they noticed any
changes in your moods or behavior?
 Are you defensive if a friend or relative
mentions your drug or alcohol use?
 Are you sometimes embarrassed or
frightened by your behavior under the
influence of drugs including alcohol?