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The Reconstruction Era
1. What war ended in 1865?
2. What happened shortly after the war to a key leader
that called into question the “victory” of the North?
3. What two sides were fighting?
• What was each side fighting for?
4. What was the status of African Americans?
• North? South?
• What is Reconstruction?
• The re-building of the nation after the Civil War
• Re-building of the South
• Well, what is the big deal? Just put it back together,
right? WRONG?
After the War
• South lay in ruins (destroyed)
• Southern economy collapsed - WHY?????
• Southern States seceded from the Union
• What the heck does that mean???
• Nearly 4 million freedman (freed slaves) needed food, clothing, &
• The North and South were VERY divided about how to fix it
Ruins seen from the Circular Church,
Charleston, S.C., 1865. 111-B-4667.
Ruins seen from the Circular Church,
Charleston, S.C., 1865. 111-B-4667.
• Aftershock 1
We tried all sorts of things
Lincoln’s Reconstruction
Johnson’s Reconstruction
Radical Reconstruction
Congressional Reconstruction
Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan
• Reunite Union quickly
• Did not want to punish the
• Many in Congress didn’t like
Lincoln’s plan & wanted a
stricter form of
ACTIVITY: Proclamation of
Amnesty & Reconstruction
• Lincoln is assassinated
by John Wilkes Booth on
April 14, 1865
• Andrew Johnson became
John Wilkes Booth
Reconstruction Plan of
Andrew Johnson
• In each southern states, a
majority of voters must
swear loyalty to the U.S.
• Each state must approve
the 13th Amendment
• Then each state could
rejoin the Union
Aftershock 2 (0:00-8:30)
Andrew Johnson, Vice President & President
The Black Codes
• To limit the rights of freedmen.
• To help planters find workers to replace their slaves.
• To keep freedmen at the bottom of the social order
in the South.
ACTIVITY: First-Hand Accounts of Black Codes
Response to Johnson’s Plan
How do you think northern Republicans liked
Johnson’s plan?
What do you think northern Republicans feared?
Radical Reconstruction
• Radical Republicans in
Congress decide to take
over Reconstruction
• Break the power of the
southern planters
• Impose Republican govt’s
• Station Federal troops in
• Make sure African
Americans had the right to
Radical Reconstruction
• What Amendment freed the slaves?
• 14th Amendment, 1868
• 15th Amendment, 1870
• AVTIVITY: Studying the Amendments
Who won?
Did Andrew Johnsons executive authority overpower
Did the Radical Republicans take control and override
Aftershock 3
Southern Resistance
• Who has heard of the KKK?
• Does anyone know when the KKK began?
• Aftershock: KKK
Reconstruction Ends…
• Republicans lost power on congress
• Northern Americans lost passion for the fight
• Rutherford B. Hayes made a private deal with
southern politicians to win election
• Remove Federal troops from the South
• “Redeemer” governments replaced republicans in the South
• White Supremacy rages on in Southern states
Blacks could still vote, right?
• Southern states passed laws to bar blacks from voting
• Poll tax and literacy test.
• The “Grandfather Clause” stated that
anyone whose father or grandfather could
vote before January, 1 1867
• Pay a Poll Tax
• Take a literacy test
• Many poor black families in the south took to the life
of sharecroppers…
• What a better way to learn about sharecropping than
to play a game!
• ACTIVITY: Sharecropping simulation
Project Time!
• It will be your group’s job to put together your own
plan for reconstruction!
• Everyone group will be assigned a role
• Free black
• Former slave owner
• Northern Republican
• Scalawag