Download AP U.S. History Chapter 15

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Opener: Thursday, 11/14
Which of the eight events/factors from the timeline
would you say was the most important in helping to
bring about the Civil War? Explain.
In Class Today:
1. Intro Lincoln book
2. Notes: War begins
3. Clip: Gods and Generals
AP U.S. History
Chapter 15
End of Union Begins
 Deep South Secedes
-S. Carolina seceded first (Dec. 1860)
-Six more deep south states followed
-Confederate States of America
 Last Effort at Compromise
-Crittenden Compromise
-Lincoln rejected it
-Let them “go in peace”?
Failed Solution
Presidential Responses
 Pres. Buchanan (lame duck)
-No attempt to bring south back
-Most Northerners wanted action
 Lincoln’s First Moves
-Fort Sumter decision
-April 12, 1861: war begins
-State militias called out
-Upper south secedes (Virginia)
-Is Union indissoluble?
Fort Sumter Under Attack
Total War
 Northern Advantages
-Men and materials
-Navy (blockade)
 Southern Advantages
-Familiar terrain
-Military leadership (Lee, Jackson)
-Defending home, way of life
Opener: Friday, 11/15
Why did Robert E. Lee turn down the opportunity to
lead the Union’s armies during the Civil War?
In Class Today:
1. Notes: Early war
2. Reading: Soldiers at war
3. Clip: Gods and Generals
 Confederate Issues
-Lack of adequate transportation
-Jefferson Davis
 Lincoln’s Leadership
-Expanded wartime powers
-Martial law
Jefferson Davis, CSA President
Early Battles
 Northern Successes
-Naval supremacy
-Kentucky & Tennessee victories
-Goal: control Mississippi
 Southern Successes
-Bull Run, defense of Richmond
-Lee goes on offense
 Battle of Antietam (Sept. 1862)
-Bloodiest day in U.S. history
-Lee’s invasion of Maryland stalled
Opener: Monday, 11/18
What do you think was the prime motivating factor
for soldiers on both sides of the Civil War?
In Class Today:
1. Notes: Emancipation Proclamation
2. Reading: E. P.
Battles Away from the Field
 Diplomatic Struggle
-England, France waiting
-South counts on “King Cotton”
 Emancipation Proclamation (effective 1/1/1863)
-Freedom to slaves in rebelling areas
-Gave north moral cause
-Slaves encouraged to flee
-Southern states must decide
-Border state slaves not freed
-War must be won for this to matter
African-Americans in War
 Union Army
-200,000 served
- “Contraband” = ex-slaves
-First used only for labor
-54th Massachusetts regiment
 War effort
-Many worked in factories
-Lincoln encouraged
-Fresh influx of labor
First Black Regiment in U.S. Army
Opener: Tuesday, 11/19
In what ways was the Emancipation Proclamation a
“game changer” for the North and the war?
In Class Today:
1. Assignment: Battles/Leaders
2. Clip: Gods and Generals
 Research the following battles and generals online.
For each one, write a description in your own
words of what role he/it played in the war and why
he/it was significant during the war.
Robert E. Lee
2. “Stonewall” Jackson
3. William T. Sherman
4. Ulysses S. Grant
5. Antietam
6. Chancellorsville
7. Gettysburg
8. The Wilderness
Opener: Wednesday, 11/20
How was the Battle of Chancellorsville both a win
and a loss for the Confederates?
In Class Today:
1. Notes: Battle of Gettysburg
2. Speech: Gettysburg Address
3. Clip: Gettysburg
1863: Tide Turns
 Early 1863: Union in peril
-Both sides war-weary
-New York riots (draft)
-Defeat at Chancellorsville
 Battle of Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863)
-Lee invaded Pennsylvania
-Biggest battle of war (turning point)
-Pickett’s Charge = mistake
-Lee retreats; heads south
-July 4: Grant takes Vicksburg
Pickett’s Charge (July 3, 1863)
Opener: Thursday, 11/21
Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy. What
do you know about this event and why do you think
it is still meaningful today?
In Class Today:
1. Readings: War diary
2. Clip: Gettysburg (Pickett’s Charge)
Diary/Letter Readings
Diary entries:
-Summarize each of the three entries
(paragraph for each)
-Answer the Doc. Analysis question
-Answer these:
1. How were black soldiers treated differently
by the U.S. government?
2. Why would they be ordered to destroy an
entire town?
Opener: Friday, 11/22
Do you believe we would view Presidents Lincoln
and Kennedy differently if they had lived to serve a
second term? Why or why not?
In Class Today:
1. Notes: War in 1864
2. Clip: Story of Us/Gettysburg
Grant Takes Charge
 Grant given command of Union army
-Attack on all fronts
-Casualties mounted
-Lee’s army survives
-Backlash in north
 Election of 1864
-Sherman’s March to the Sea
-Lincoln defeats McClellan
-Nation reaffirms commitment
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Opener: Monday, 11/25
How did the telegraph give the Union another
advantage in the Civil War?
In Class Today:
1. Notes: The End
2. Assassination re-enactment
3. Clip: Lincoln
*Ch. 15 essays due today
Union Victorious
 Union victories mount
-Lee badly outnumbered
-Richmond falls
-Surrender at Appomattox (April 1865)
 Lincoln assassinated
-Ford’s Theatre
-John Wilkes Booth
- “Sic semper tyrannis”
- Andrew Johnson
Lee Surrenders to Grant (April, 1865)
Booth Shoots Lincoln
Effects of Civil War
 618,000 dead
-Largest war in U.S. history
-Women’s roles change
 4,000,000 slaves freed
-13th Amendment
 Federal government power
-Predominant over states
-Active in economy
-Organization of the people
Opener: Tuesday, 11/26
Why was Lincoln so determined to get the 13th
Amendment passed before the end of the war?
In Class Today:
1. DBQ: Slavery as a Cause of War
Opener: Wednesday, 11/27
Who or what are you most thankful for and why?
In Class Today:
1. Reading: Lincoln Assassination
2. Video: Booth’s last day
Assassination Article
What did Booth shout when he was on stage and
why do you think he chose that phrase?
What role did Dr. Mudd play in this episode?
What did Booth expect when he reached
Confederate territory and what was the reality?
How did the cavalry ascertain where Booth and
his friend were hiding out?
Summarize the final encounter between Booth
and the cavalry men in one paragraph.
Opener: Monday, 12/2
Summarize your thoughts about President Lincoln
as a leader in one paragraph.
In Class Today:
1. Roundtable discussion: Lincoln book
2. Reading: Why the South Lost
Opener: Tuesday, 12/3
Fast food workers across the nation are planning a
one day strike in order to gain more pay ($15 per
hour). What are your thoughts on this issue?
In Class Today:
1. Finish article and q’s
2. Review for test
Opener: Thursday, 12/5
What would you say was the single biggest
factor in determining the outcome of the Civil
War? Explain.
In Class Today:
1. Intro project
2. Choose topics/find sources
Opener: Wednesday, 12/11
Current events day. Choose one national news
story to summarize and comment on.
In Class Today:
1. Work time for project
Opener: Thursday, 12/12
Summarize the significance of your presentation
topic in a short paragraph.
In Class Today:
1. Presentations!
*Summary essays due.
Opener: Friday, 12/13
Discuss one thing you learned from a presentation
that you watched yesterday.
In Class Today:
1. Presentations!
Opener: Monday, 12/16
No opener today. Turn in all openers from the last
couple of weeks.
In Class Today:
1. Finish presentations
2. Review for final exam
Final Exam Topics
New England vs. Chesapeake Colonies
Revolution (Causes, events)
Formation of government (Articles/Constitution)
Early republic (challenges/events)
Manifest Destiny
Sectional conflict (events/compromises)
Civil War (advantages, motivation, tactics)
Emancipation Proclamation/13th Amendment