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Civil War
North vs. South in 1861
Rating the North & the South
Slave/Free States
Population, 1861
Railroad Lines, 1860
Resources: North vs. South
The Union & Confederacy in 1861
Men Present for Duty
in the Civil War
Ohio Military Service
Soldiers’ Occupations:
North/South Combined
as a %
of a State’s
Leaders of the Union
V.P Hannibal Hamlin 18611865
The Leaders of the Confederacy
Pres. Jefferson Davis
VP Alexander Stevens
Father was an officer in the Continental
Older brothers fought in the War of 1812 –
decorated by Andrew Jackson
Jefferson Davis:
Educated at West Point
Served in the Blackhawk Wars
Elected to the House of Representatives
Rejoined the Army to fight in Mexican War
- Rose to the rank of Colonel – decorated
for bravery
Served in the US Senate
Appointed as Secretary of War by
Franklin Pierce
Re-elected to the Senate
Resigned when Mississippi seceded
The Confederate “White House”
Confederate Capital established in Richmond
Richmond Became the Union Army’s Primary Objective
The Confederate Seal
MOTTO  “With God As Our Vindicator”
the North’s
Civil War
The “Anaconda” Plan
Lincoln’s Generals
Winfield Scott
Irwin McDowell
George McClellan
Joseph Hooker
Ambrose Burnside
George Meade
Ulysses S. Grant
McClellan: I Can Do It All!
The Confederate Generals
“Stonewall” Jackson
Nathan Bedford
George Pickett
Jeb Stuart
James Longstreet
Robert E. Lee
War in the East: 1861-1862
Battle of Bull Run
(1st Manassas)
July, 1861
The Hero of Bull Run: Thomas
“Stonewall” Jackson
Peninsula Campaign:
McClellan out-Generaled by Lee
The Peninsular Campaign: The Seven Days
Battles – Bluffing on a Grand Scale
Union Casualties: 15,849
Confederate Casualties:
The Battle of the Ironclads,
March, 1862
The Monitor vs.
the Merrimac
Damage on the Deck of the Monitor
Buy Your Way Out of
Military Service
War in the East: 1861-1862
Battle of Antietam
“Bloodiest Single Day of the War”
September 17, 1862
23,000 casualties
Jan. 1, 1863
Emancipation in 1863
The Southern View of Emancipation
African-American Recruiting Poster
The Famous 54th Massachusetts
August Saint-Gaudens Memorial
to Col. Robert Gould Shaw
in Civil War Battles
Black Troops Freeing Slaves
War in the East: Battle of Fredericksburg
December 11-15, 1862
disaster for
the Union:
The War in
the West
The War in
the West,
The Road to Gettysburg: 1863
Gettysburg Casualties
The North
Initiates the
Draft, 1863
Recruiting Irish Immigrants in NYC
Recruiting Blacks in NYC
NYC Draft Riots, (July 13-16, 1863)
NYC Draft Riots, (July 13-16, 1863)
A “Pogrom” Against Blacks
Inflation in the South
Grant Takes
A new strategy:
War of Attrition:
Bleed the South
Always advance
Never fall back or
Use the North’s resources of
troops and supplies.
The Progress of War: 1861-1865
Atlanta Falls to
Sherman’s Army
– Sept. 1864
The fall of Atlanta
assures Lincoln’s
1864 Election
Pres. Lincoln (R)
George McClellan (D)
The Peace Movement: Copperheads
Clement Vallandigham
1864 Copperhead
Campaign Poster
Cartoon Lampoons Democratic
Copperheads in 1864
to the
Sherman’s Christmas Present to
President Lincoln
The Capture of Savannah, GA
Sherman takes revenge on the “Hotbed of Secession”
His army burns Columbia, South Carolina
The Final Virginia Campaign:
Surrender at Appomattox
April 9, 1865
Grant now had 120,000+
men in his army.
Lee was down to fewer than
Army of Northern Virginia Surrenders its Battle Flags
Army of the Potomac Presents Arms
in Salute to an Honored Enemy
Casualties on Both Sides
Civil War Casualties
in Comparison to Other Wars
Prisoners and Prison Camps
Each side took thousands of prisoners during the four
years of the war.
At first, prisoners were exchanged – but exchanged
prisoners often rejoined the ranks.
The Union stopped exchanging in order to deprive the
South of this manpower.
As a result, the number of prisoners that had to be kept
in the camps increased – far beyond the capacity of
either side to house them.
The Confederate Prison at Andersonville, Georgia
One small stream served as water supply and sewer.
Prisoners lived in unheated tents. Food was scarce,
if available at all
35,000 Union prisoners of war died. The commandant was
convicted of war crimes after the war – and executed.
An Andersonville Survivor
Another view of Andersonville
Some Union Prison Camps Were
Not Much Better
In the Union prison in Elmira NY, confederate
prisoners lived in tents, without heat, even
during the upstate NY winters. Death from
freezing and disease was common.
Ford’s Theater (April 14, 1865)
The Assassin
John Wilkes Booth
The Assassination
Now He Belongs to the Ages!
The Execution
“With malice toward none,
with charity for all, with
firmness in the right as God
gives us to see the right, let us
strive on to finish the work we
are in, to bind up the nation's
wounds, to care for him who
shall have borne the battle
and for his widow and his
orphan, to do all which may
achieve and cherish a just and
lasting peace among ourselves
and with all nations.”
Abraham Lincoln – March 4, 1865
Two-thirds of the South’s shipping had been destroyed
9,000 miles of Railroad were destroyed
Property values in the south were down by 70%
Thousands of acres of cotton fields had been burned
In terms of manpower, the South lost 260,000 men killed
One out of every five white southern males had been killed
Hundreds of thousands had been wounded – many were
permanently disabled.
In 1866, 20% of the Mississippi budget was spent on artificial limbs
Four Issues of Reconstruction:
How should the Southern states re-enter the Union?
Should the South, especially the former Rebels, be
punished? If so, how badly?
What to do with the 4,000,000 newly freed slaves ?
Which branch of government has the authority to make these
decisions – the Executive or the Legislative?