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Chapter 8
The Civil War
• Louisiana and the World Timeline (pp.
• The Issue of Slavery; 1860 Election (pp.
• Secession; Republic of Louisiana;
Preparing for War (pp. 188-191)
• The Civil War Begins (pp. 192-196)
• The Capture of New Orleans; “Beast”
Butler (pp. 196-199)
• The Battle of Baton Rouge; The Vicksburg
Campaign (pp. 200-203)
• The Capture of Port Hudson (pp. 204-205)
• African Americans and the Civil War (pp.
• The Home Front (pp. 208-209)
• The Red River Campaign (pp. 210-213)
• The End of the Civil War; Effects of the
War (p. 214)
• Review (p. 215)
Political Cartoon
I. The Issue of Slavery
● The North and South had different
political, economic, and social goals.
● The southern economy depended on
slave labor to raise cotton and
● The northern economy depended on
wage labor (paid workers) to run
small family farms, private
businesses, and industry.
GLEs: 65, 67, 68, 73, 77,
79, 80
A. Politics
● Northerners grew concerned about
the number of representatives each
state had in the House of
● Southern states were allowed to
count 3/5th of their slaves as part of
their population
B. Economics
● Should slavery be allowed in the
western territories?
● Southerners saw great economic
opportunities in the West.
● Northerners feared small farmers
who settled in the West would not
be able to compete with the large
plantations and their many slaves.
C. States’ Rights
● Most southerners never owned
● Southerners did not like the central
government interference in each
state’s right to control laws related to
property ownership, society, and its
D. Abolition
● People began to question the
morality of human bondage.
● Groups formed for the express
purpose of ending slavery.
● They wanted to ABOLISH slavery.
II. The Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln:
● did not get a single vote in Louisiana.
● did not appear on the election ballot.
● was not trusted to leave slavery alone.
● promised not to outlaw slavery in the
● said he would prevent slavery from
spreading to the West.
● was hated by southerners, who did not
believe his claims
III. Secession
● Southerners believed secession was
the only way they could protect their
● Secession was a political process
through which a state declared
independence and left the Union.
● Southern states began seceding
shortly after Lincoln was elected.
GLEs: 65, 66, 67, 70, 73,
76, 79
A. Governor Thomas O. Moore
• Used the militia to seize two federal
forts on the Mississippi River without
consulting the state legislature.
• Called a Secession Convention in
Baton Rouge.
B. Louisiana Secedes
1. Although the vote was not unanimous,
Louisiana became the 6th state to leave
the Union.
2. Northern LA delegates, who owned very
few slaves, voted not to secede.
3. Several South LA delegates had
valuable trading ties to the North.
4. Some South LA delegates did not want
to secede because it would cause
economic problems.
5. The delegates voted 113-17 for
IV. The Republic of Louisiana
The Flag of the Louisiana Republic
A. LA Seceded!
● Louisiana declared itself an
independent nation: The Republic of
● Thomas O. Moore was president.
B. The Confederate States of America
● Louisiana’s independent nation
status lasted about six weeks.
● Louisiana joined with other southern
states to form a new nation, the
Confederate States of America
● Jefferson Davis, a Mississippi
politician, became president of the
The Nation Divides
The Confederate Battle Flag
The Vicksburg Campaign
V. Preparing for War
• P.G.T Beauregard and Braxton Bragg were two
full generals from Louisiana who served the
• Judah P. Benjamin served in Jefferson Davis’s
cabinet as attorney general, as secretary of war,
and as secretary of state.
• John Slidell became a Confederate diplomat.
• More than 24,000 blacks from LA served in the
Union Army.
• Several white Union infantry regiments came out
of New Orleans and fought for the Union.
• William T. Sherman left the state and became a
major general in the Union army.
**Pierre Gustave Toutant (P.G.T) Beauregard
(Read more about it on page 191)
Spelling of
toussaint?, image
of PGT?
VI. The Civil War Begins
• The Confederacy quickly seized all federal
property within its borders.
• Troops commanded by LA General
Beauregard opened fire on Fort Sumter in
South Carolina and took control of the
facility after a 33-hour siege.
• Lincoln declared the South in rebellion and
called for 75,000 volunteers to crush it.
• Lincoln’s request compelled 4 four more
states into recession.
GLEs: 64, 65, 66, 68, 75, 81
A. Signing Up
1. A company was a group of about
100 men fro the same town or
2. Brothers, cousins, neighbors, and
friends served in the same
3. Many men from the same family or
area could be killed in just on
B. Free Men of Color
1. Offered services to the Confederacy
2. Many were slave owners themselves
and wanted to protect their assets
3. If they didn’t offer some type of help,
their neighbors might become
suspicious that they were actually for
the North.
4. Confederacy did not want African
Americans fighting for them and
refused their help
C. Training
1. Largest training camp was Camp
Moore in St. Helena Parish
**A Romantic War? (Read more
about it on page 193)
Edwin F.
D. The Louisiana Tigers
1. Many gave LA a bad name
because of their savage dress and
rude conduct
2. The Zouave company called the
Tiger Rifles from New Orleans
were one of the worst groups
3. They were important to the Battles
of Bull Run and were admired
soldiers despite their conduct
**Zouave Companies (Read more
about it on page 194)
• Mostly French-speaking Catholic
Creoles along with other immigrants
who spoke various foreign languages
• They dressed in colorful uniforms and
used French drill commands
• The Tiger Rifles were excellent
fighters, but wild and unsavory
characters who brawled, stole, drank,
and generally misbehaved.
E. The Anaconda Plan
1. Lincoln initiated the Plan
2. The U.S. Navy was to prevent
trade by blocking the Confederate
3. The next step was to gain control
of the Mississippi River and split
the Confederacy
VII. The Capture of New Orleans
• A large Union fleet arrived in the Gulf of Mexico
• Commanded by Captain David Farragut
• Forts Jackson and St. Philip were the only two
forts preventing Farragut from sailing up the
river to New Orleans
• Union ships headed upstream and were spotted
by the Confederacy
• The battle started
• Several Confederate ships had been destroyed
• All but 3 of Farragut’s ships had passed the forts
GLEs: 65, 66, 67, 68, 72,
76, 77, 78
A. Chaos in New Orleans
1. to prevent the Yankees from
capturing valuable supplies, the
Confederates set fire to ships,
docks, cotton bales, and
warehouse along the riverfront
2. Canal Street was awash in sticky
pungent molasses that had been
dumped in the gutter
3. Drunken men placed cocked
pistols against sailors’ head and
threatened to pull the trigger
B. The U.S. Flag Flies over New
1. New Orleans Mayor John T. Monroe
refused to surrender officially
2. Confederate General Mansfield Lovell
agreed to withdraw soldiers from the city
3. Union sailors raised the U.S. flag over the
mint building
4. Forts Jackson and St. Philip surrendered
to Union forces
5. General Benjamin F. Butler—and
thousands of Union reinforcements—
arrived in New Orleans
C. Taking Baton Rouge
1. the navy captured Baton Rouge
and forced Governor Moore and
the state government to flee
2. Capital moved to Opelousas and
then to Shreveport
VIII. Benjamin F. “Beast Butler”
Butler became military governor of
New Orleans
Large arrogant man who became
He arrested William Mumford for
removing the US flag from the mint
building and ripping it into pieces
Mumford was handed
General Benjamin Butler
**Raging Bull (Read more about it
on page 198)
A. “Spoons”
1. Butler was accused of corruption
2. Accused of stealing people’s
3. nickname “Spoons” Butler
4. He put people in jail if they spoke
out against the Union
5. He confiscated the property of
Confederate supporters and
censored or closed newspapers that
were pro-Confederate
B. Butler’s Woman’s Order
1. Most hated for how he treated women
2. Women cursed and spat at Yankees
3. They filled sidewalks, forcing soldiers to walk
in the mud
4. They emptied chamber pots onto the heads of
soldiers from windows above
5. They applauded loudly when the casket of a
fallen Union solder passed by
6. Butler issued Order No. 28—Women’s Order
7. If a women insulted a soldier, she would no
longer be treated as a lady
8. He became the “Beast”
C. Butler Leaves
He gave people food
He put people to work cleaning up the
city to make it healthier
Ships were quarantined to curb yellow
He transformed New Orleans into one
of the cleanest cities in the country
The people still despised him
Lincoln removed him and replaced
him with General Nathaniel P. Banks
Political cartoon about Butler
IX. Battle of Baton Rouge
• Farragut was furious that Confederates hid
in the town’s buildings and fired at Union
• He bombed Baton Rouge, destroying
much of the city
• General Thomas Williams then landed
2,600 soldiers, occupied the city, and
successfully defeated Confederates who
tried to recapture Baton Rouge
• The Union soldiers looted, burned, and
destroyed even more of the former capital
GLEs: 65, 66, 77, 78
**Burning Baton Rouge (Read
more about it on page 200)
Burning Capitol in Baton Rouge
X. The Vicksburg Campaign of 1863
• As long as Confederate forces held
the river between Vicksburg and Port
Hudson, the eastern and western
Confederacy remained connected
and troops and supplies could be
shifted across the river
A. General Grant Arrives
1. Vicksburg was defended by 30,000
soldiers under the command of
Confederate General John C. Pemberton
2. Its position on high bluffs overlooking the
Mississippi River offered great protection
3. General Grant came down the river with
a huge army and dozens of ships
B. Grant’s Canal
was supposed to give the
Mississippi River a new channel that
would bypass Vicksburg
Other canals would allow Grant’s
army to move through inland rivers
and eventually to the Mississippi
None of the canals worked as
Thick cypress swamps blocked
some, while others were left dry
when floodwaters receded
Grant’s Canal
C. More Canals
1. Union army built canals hoping to
make its way to the Red River
2. None of the canals worked and
many died digging them
D. Grant Changes Strategies
1. He marched his men south and
ordered ships to sail past the deadly
Vicksburg bluffs
2. Admiral Porter was able to sail past
and ferry Grant’s army across
Union attack at night in Vicksburg
E. Grant defeated the Confederates
1. After 47 days, the Rebels ran out of
food and surrendered on July 4,
1863 and refused to celebrate
Independence Day for 82 years.
F. Destruction in the Northeast
Grant’s stay destroyed the entire
Lake Providence was flooded
Yankee soldiers often robbed,
looted, and burned the homes of
planters and slaves
Invaders burned the town of
Firefights broke out
**General Richard Taylor (Read
more about it on page 203)
General Richard
XI. The Capture of Port Hudson
Union General Nathaniel P. Banks
prepared to move against Port
After the Bayou Teche
CampaignBanks moved his 30,000
men to Port Hudson
Port Hudson was defended by 7500
men under General Franklin Gardner
With the help of David Farraguts
ships Port Hudson soon surrendered
GLEs: 65, 70, 77
A. The Bayou Teche Campaign
1. General Richard Taylor
commanded a 5,000-man
Confederate army in the Bayou
Teche region
2. he engaged Taylor in small battles
3. Banks succeeded in clearing the
4. Cost him 500 casualties and
Taylor escaped
5. Much of the region was destroyed
B. Attach on Port Hudson
Banks led his 30,000 men to Port
It was defended by 7,500
Confederates under General
Franklin Gardner
Port Hudson was surrounded
Confederates were well protected
by forts and trenches and
maintained their position
**General Franklin Gardner (Read
more about it on page 204)
C. Surrender
1. the Confederates were starving to death
2. They then learned Vicksburg had
3. It was pointless to fight any longer,
Gardner surrendered on July 9
4. Banks lost about 10,000 Union troops to
battle and disease
5. 1,000 Confederates were killed and 6,500
were captured
6. the Union had accomplished the first part
of the Anaconda Plan
XII. African Americans and the Civil
• At first neither the North or South
wanted African Americans fighting
• Leaders thought blacks were
intellectually inferior
• Confederacy could not used slaves
as soldiers because it was one of the
things they were fighting for
• Union became desperate for soldiers
so Congress authorized the
recruitment of African Americans
GLEs: 65, 73, 75, 77, 81
A. The Emancipation Proclamation
1. Issued by Abraham Lincoln on
January 1, 1863
2. stated that all slaves held in Rebelcontrolled territories were free
3. More symbolic than effective
4. Encouraged slaves to escape to
Union-controlled regions
B. The Louisiana Native Guards
1. Free men of color began offering
their military services to the Union
2. Butler recruited the first African
Americans accepted into the Union
army, the Louisiana Native Guards
3. Many of the officers were black
1st Louisiana Native Guard
C. Discrimination in the Ranks
They suffered great discrimination
White soldiers refused to obey orders
Suffered from harassment
General Banks was planning a large
attack against the Rebels, and he
needed every man available
5. He put Native Guards into the line and
told them to attack
6. First use of black troops in combat on a
regimental level
Black Union
D. Milliken’s Bend
1. African American soldiers involved
2. 900 of these soldiers were stationed at
Milliken’s Bend
3. General Richard Taylor led 1,200 Texas
Confederates in an attack on Milliken’s Bend
4. Many of the black soldiers did not even know
how to load and fire their riffles
5. White troops broke and ran, leaving the African
Brigade to face the Rebels alone
6. Hand-to-hand combat erupted
7. African Brigade finally won the battle
E. Black Soldiers and Officers
1. More and more African Americans
were used in combat as the war
2. 180,000 blacks had served in the
Union army
3. 24,000 were Louisianians
XIII. The Home Front
GLEs: 65, 73
A. The Conscription Act
1. Forced men between the ages of 17
and 50 to fight for the Confederacy
2. Wealthy men were exempt or could
pay someone to serve in their place.
3. This placed a tremendous burden
on the wives, children, and servants
left behind to operate farms and
B. Other Confederate Acts
1. The Tax-in-Kind Act forced farmers to
give a percentage of their produce and
meat to government agents to help the
war effort
2. Sometimes the agents took more than
was required or legal
3. Some agents didn’t pay for what they
4. This made survival even harder for
citizens, many of whom lost their
enthusiasm for the war
5. Led to many deserting the army
C. Jayhawkers
1. included deserters from both armies
2. robbed and plundered blacks and whites
alike and were often a greater threat to
civilians than Yankees
3. Active around Catahoula Lake and in
Union, Winn, and Jackson Parishes
4. The Confederate army had to send
soldiers to drive them out
XIV. The Red River Campaign of
GLEs: 65, 72, 77, 78
A. The Objectives
1. To capture as much Confederate
cotton as possible
2. To capture Shreveport where the
Trans-Mississippi Department was
housed and they produced warrelated goods, including iron-clad
gunboats and submarines
3. To invade Texas because it supplied
Confederacy with men, horses, and
Edmund Kirby
Admiral David
B. The Strategy
1. Two parts
2. Part 1: General Banks was to
make the major thrust up the Red
3. Part 2: A second Union army was
to leave Little Rock, Arkansas, and
move south toward Shreveport
C. It Begins
In March, Banks sent 20,000 men
up Bayou Teche
Union Admiral David Porter left
Vicksburg with large fleet of ships
and 10,000 soldiers
Porter reached Alexandria before
Union sailors stripped the
countryside of cotton
Fort De Russy.
D. The Battle of Mansfield
Confederate General Taylor
launched attack just outside
One of the largest Civil War
battles west of the Mississippi
One of the last Confederate
victories in the war
It saved Shreveport
General Banks’ army on the way
to Natchitoches
Battles of
the Red
E. The Battle of Pleasant Hill
1. General Banks retreated back to
Pleasant Hill but was attacked
2. Battle occurred in thick woods as
the Rebels tried time and time to
break through Banks’s defenses
3. the Yankees won the battle
F. Union Troops Retreat
1. Admiral Porter reached the mouth of
Loggy Bayou and found the river blocked
by a steamboat the Rebels had sunk in the
2. Large letters on the side of the ship was a
Rebel invitation for the Yankees to attend
a dance in Shreveport—if they could get
3. Porter was forced to retreat and began
burning and looting
4. Bank’s men set fire to Natchitoches, but
Confederates rushed in to save the city
G. Bailey’s Dam
Union forces reached Alexandria, but
Porter’s ships could not get across
the rapids because of low water
he prepared to destroy the fleet
rather then leave it for the Rebels
Union officer Joseph Bailey believed
he could dam the Red River and
rescue the stranded ships
He built a series of wing dams, dams
that did not completely close off the
Dam on the Red River
H. Burning Alexandria
1. Bank’s army left Alexandria,
soldiers burned the city to the
2. Single greatest act of destruction
of the war in La.
3. 22 city blocks destroyed
I. The Campaign Fails
It was a complete disaster because
none of the goals were achieved
Numerous ships were lost and
thousands of soldiers were dead,
wounded, or captured.
It was the most destructive
campaign of the entire war
It furthered the hardships and
suffering of the people in LA
XV. The End of the Civil War in
• Red River Campaign was the last
major military operation in La. During
the Civil War
• 1865, the Confederacy was on its last
• April, Confederate General Robert E.
Lee surrendered his army in Virginia
at Appomattox Courthouse
GLEs: 65, 73, 77
**Juneteenth (Read more about it
on page 214)
XVI. The Effects of War
• Solider were ill or disabled at the war’s
• The death toll among LA citizens was
• Homes, communities, farms, and
businesses were destroyed
• Personal possessions were damaged or
• Fields were untended and overgrown
• Livestock had been taken or killed
• Railroads and levees were destroyed
• The state was in economic ruin
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