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US History EOC Review
Civil War and Reconstruction
Which statement is best supports the table data?
a) the Confederate troops lost the Civil War as a
result of their higher numbers of injuries and
b) the Union army had better generals during the
Civil War
c) the Civil War had more casualties than any
other war
d) more soldiers died from disease than wounds
2) One way that “Bleeding Kansas,” the Dred
Scott decision, and John Brown’s raid on
Harper’s Ferry had a similar effect on the
United States was that these events
a) ended conflict over slavery in the
b) eased tensions between the North and
the South
c) contributed to the formation of the Whig
d) made sectional compromise more
3) The Civil War affected the northern
economy by
a) causing a severe depression
b) increasing unemployment rates
c) decreasing demand for agricultural
d) stimulating industrialization
4) As the Civil War began, President Lincoln
stated that his primary goal was to
end slavery
set new national boundaries
increase congressional powers
preserve the Union
5) The Missouri Compromise (1820), the
Compromise of 1850, and the KansasNebraska Act (1854) were all efforts to
a) end fighting between Midwestern
farmers and Native American Indians
b) encourage manufacturing in the West
c) increase the number of people who
voted in presidential elections
d) settle disputes over the spread of slavery
to the western territories
6) Many Southern states tried to limit the
effects of Radical Reconstruction by
a) adopting federal laws mandating
b) enacting Jim Crow laws
c) abolishing the Southern sharecropping
d) securing passage of new amendments
to the US Constitution
7) Which term refers to the idea that
settlers had the right to decide whether
slavery would be legal in their territory?
popular sovereignty
southern secession
8) In the 1850s, why did many runaway slaves
go to Canada?
a) they feared being drafted into the
Northern army
b) the Fugitive Slave Act kept them at risk
in the US
c) more factory jobs were available in
d) Northern abolitionists refused to help
fugitive slaves
9) What was a common purpose of the three
amendments added to the United States
Constitution between 1865 and 1870?
a) extending suffrage to Southern
b) reforming the sharecropping system
c) granting rights to African Americans
d) protecting rights of Southerners
accused of treason
10) The Radical Republicans in Congress
opposed President Abraham Lincoln’s
plan for Reconstruction because Lincoln
a) called for the imprisonment of most
Confederate leaders
b) rejected the idea of harsh punishments
for the South
c) planned to keep Northern troops in the
South after the war
d) demanded immediate civil and political
rights for formerly enslaved persons
11) Which action marked the end of
Reconstruction in the United States?
a) ratification of the 14th amendment
b) 1877 compromise to withdrawal of
federal troops from the South
c) creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau
d) impeachment of President Andrew
12) Constitutional amendments adopted
during Reconstruction were intended to
a) provide legal and political rights for
African Americans
b) end property and religious qualifications
for voting
c) correct problems with the electoral
college system
d) limit the number of terms of the
13) In the ten years following the Civil War,
a large number of former slaves earned
a living by becoming
a) conductors on the Underground
b) workers in Northern factories
c) sharecroppers on Southern farms
d) gold miners in California
14) Which situation was the most immediate
result of Abraham Lincoln’s election of
the presidency in 1860?
a) Kansas and Nebraska joined the
Union as free states
b) a constitutional amendment was
adopted to end slavery
c) Missouri entered the Union as a
slave state
d) several southern states seceded
from the Union
15) What was the primary goal of President
Lincoln’s post-Civil policy?
a) establishing military districts in the
b) extending land ownership to African
American men
c) restoring Southern representation
in Congress
d) arresting military leaders of the
16) The data shown in the graphs best support the
conclusion that the North
a) was better prepared economically to fight the
Civil War
b) lagged behind the South in bank deposits
c) produced more agricultural products than the
d) lacked several important resources to fight the war
17) Which statement most accurately
describes President Abraham Lincoln’s
plan for Reconstruction after the Civil War?
a) war damages should be collected
through military occupation
b) the Union should be restored as quickly
as possible and lenient
c) Southerners should be made to pay
for their rebellion
d) African Americans should be given
free land
18) What is the main idea of
this cartoon from the
Reconstruction era?
a) Southern oppressed by
carpet bagger Radical
Republican policies
b) military force was
necessary to stop Southern
c) United States soldiers
forced women in the South
to work in factories
d) sharecropping was an
economic burden for
women after the Civil War
19) Which event led directly to the
secession of several Southern states
from the Union?
a) violence in Kansas over the spread
of slavery
b) election of Abraham Lincoln as
c) publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
d) raid by John Brown at Harpers Ferry
20) Leading up to the Civil War, the South
had an economy based on agriculture
and slave labor while the North had an
economy based on
agriculture and corporations
plantations and indentured labor
industry and wage labor
much more trade with other nations
21) The Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott
v. Sanford (1857) helped to increase
sectional conflict because the decision
a) denied Congress the power to regulate
slavery in the territories
b) allowed for the importation of
enslaved persons for ten years
c) prohibited slavery in lands west of the
Mississippi River
d) gave full citizenship to all enslaved
22) The Reconstruction plans of President
Lincoln and President Johnson included
a provision for the
a) resumption of full participation in
Congress by southern states
b) long-term military occupation of the
c) payment of war reparations by
Southern states
d) harsh punishment of former
Confederate officials
23) The most direct effect of poll taxes and
literacy tests on African Americans was
prevent them from voting
limit their access to public facilities
block their educational opportunities
deny them economic advancements
24) Following Reconstruction, the passage
of Jim Crow laws in the South limited the
effectiveness of
the 14th and 15th amendments
the Freedmen’s Bureau
Black Codes
tenant farming and sharecropping
25) Literacy tests and poll taxes were often
used to
a) enforce constitutional amendments
added after the Civil War
b) limit voter participation by African
c) promote equal educational
opportunities for minority persons
d) provide job training for freedmen
26) During the Reconstruction Era (18651877), the 15th amendment was adopted
to grant African Americans
educational opportunities
economic equality
freedom of speech
voting rights
27) Abolitionists in the pre-Civil War period
were most likely to support the
a) removal of the Cherokee Indians from
b) passage of the Fugitive Slave Act
c) activities of the Underground Railroad
d) use of popular sovereignty in the
28) The institution of slavery was formally
abolished in the United States by the
a) Compromise of 1850
b) Emancipation Proclamation of 1863
c) creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau
in 1865
d) ratification of the 13th Amendment
in 1865
29 ) After the Civil War, the purpose of
adding the 13th, 14th, and 15th
amendments to the Constitution was to
a) grant civil and political rights to Native
American Indians
b) allow women to become full citizens
c) guarantee African Americans equal
treatment under the law
d) extend constitutional rights to new
30) Which of the following best explains
the Emancipation Proclamation?
a) it stated that slavery should be
abolished at the end of the Civil War
b) it stated that all slaves in the Union
and Confederacy were free
c) it stated that slavery would not be
allowed in newly acquired territories
d) it stated that all slaves in the
Confederate states should be freed